34 minute read
Racial Substitution Levels
in this form, you gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison. Your natural armor bonus becomes +4 (replacing any natural armor bonus you normally have, though you retain any enhancement bonus to natural armor). You also gain a slam attack that deals bludgeoning damage equal to a morningstar appropriate to your size (2d6 points for Large characters, 1d8 points for Medium characters, 1d6 points for Small characters).
Normal: Without this feat, a druid can only use wild shape to assume the form of an animal, plant, or elemental.
You have been trained to fi ght larger creatures, and you are adept at dodging their attacks. Prerequisites: Dodge, racial dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Benefi t: When you designate a creature at least one size category larger than you as the target of your Dodge feat, you apply your racial dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type against attacks from that opponent (regardless of its creature type) instead of the +1 bonus granted by the Dodge feat.
Special: A fi ghter may select Titan Fighting as one of his fi ghter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Player’s Handbook).
You have the ability to dredge up obscure knowledge in appropriate situations.
Prerequisites: Gnome, Int 13. Benefi t: Whenever you make a Knowledge check or a bardic knowledge check, roll twice and use the better of the two results.
You are adept at maneuvering and fi ghting in tight spaces and underground passages. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1. Benefi t: You do not take a penalty on your attack rolls or to Armor Class when squeezing into or through a tight space.
Normal: Each movement into or through a narrow space counts as if it were 2 squares, and while squeezed in a narrow space a character takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to AC. See page 148 of the Player’ s Handbook for more information on squeezing through tight spaces.
Special: A fi ghter may select Tunnel Fighting as one of his fi ghter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Player’s Handbook).
You are particularly adept at maneuvering mounts through tight spaces and underground passages. Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Tunnel Fighting. Benefit: You and your mount do not take penalties on attack rolls or to Armor Class when squeezing into or through tight spaces. You can fight in any space large enough for the mount to squeeze through. See page 148 of the Player’s Handbook for more information on squeezing through tight spaces. Your having this feat does not allow a mount to squeeze through a space it would not normally be able to pass through.
You have mastered the style of fi ghting with a short sword while wearing extremely heavy armor and carrying a large shield.
Prerequisites: Exotic Armor Profi ciency (battle plate or mountain plate), Exotic Shield Profi ciency (extreme shield) or Tower Shield Profi ciency, Weapon Focus (short sword).
Benefit: To gain the benefit of this feat, you must be wearing exotic heavy armor and carrying an extreme shield or tower shield. When using this style, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving away from any creature that you attack with your short sword in the same round.
A fi ghter is a fi ghter is a fi ghter, right? Not if your campaign uses the racial substitution levels presented here, which allow you to fl avor your class levels based on your character’s race. A substitution level is a level of a given class that you take instead of the level described for the standard class. Selecting a substitution level is not the same as multiclassing— you remain within the class for which the substitution level is taken. The class features of the substitution level simply replace those of the standard level. To qualify for a racial substitution level, you must be of the proper race. For instance, to select a racial substitution level of dwarf fi ghter, you must be a dwarf (or be considered a dwarf; see the stoneblessed prestige class in Chapter 5 for an example of what this means). The three races featured in this book—dwarf, gnome, and goliath—each have racial substitution levels for three classes. Essentially, each set of substitution levels presents a racially fl avored variant base class for your game. The DM can add more racial substitution level options (such as for dwarf paladins or gnome barbarians) as he desires, using the ones presented here as guidelines. For each class with racial substitution levels, you can select each substitution level only at a specified class level. When you take a substitution level for your class at a given level, you give up the benefits gained at that level for the standard class, and you get the substitution level benefits instead. You can’t go back and gain the benefits for the level you swapped out—when you take your next level in the standard class, you gain the next higher level as if you had gained the previous level normally. For instance, if you are a 7th-level fighter and take the dwarf fighter substitution level for 8th level, you forever lose the benefits normally provided to a standard 8th-level fi ghter (gaining instead the racial substitution benefi ts for an 8th-level dwarf fi ghter). When you gain another level in fi ghter, you gain the 9th-level benefi ts of the standard fi ghter class.

Unless otherwise noted in the description of a racial substitution level benefi t, a character who takes a racial substitution level gains spellcasting ability (increases in spells per day and spells known, if applicable) as if he had taken this level in the standard class. A character need not take all the substitution levels provided for a class. For instance, a goliath barbarian might decide to take only the racial substitution level at 7th level, ignoring the previous substitution levels. The description of each substitution level benefi t explains what occurs to the standard class ability not gained, if that ability would normally increase at a specifi c rate (such as the gnome ranger’s favored enemy). When a substitution level changes the base class’s Hit Die or class skill list, the change applies only to the specifi c substitution level, not to any other class levels. A dwarf who takes the dwarf fi ghter substitution level as a beginning character gains 12 hit points (from the substitution level’s d12 Hit Die), and gains an additional 1d12 hit points for each additional dwarf fi ghter substitution level he takes later in his career, but he gains only the normal d10 Hit Die for all standard fi ghter levels.
The dwarf cleric dedicates herself to her clan and the forge. She takes an active role in defending her people, often serving on the front lines of a battle. In exchange for greater martial ability and power when casting spells of the earth, the cleric gives up her ability to turn or rebuke undead and some of her spellcasting prowess.
Hit Die: d10.
To take a dwarf cleric substitution level, a character must be a dwarf about to take her 1st, 4th, or 8th level of cleric.
Class Skills
Dwarf cleric substitution levels have the class skills of the standard cleric class plus Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifi er (or four times this number as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are features of the dwarf cleric’s racial substitution levels.
Smite Giants (Su): A dwarf cleric who takes the 1st-level racial substitution level can attempt to smite a giant with a melee attack, similar to the way a paladin smites an evil creature. She adds her Constitution bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals an extra 1 point of damage per cleric level. The cleric can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + her Con modifi er (minimum once per day).
If the cleric accidentally smites a creature that is not a giant, the smite has no effect but still counts as one of the cleric’s daily smite attempts. This substitution benefi t replaces the standard cleric’s ability to turn or rebuke undead.
Hammer Specialist (Ex): A dwarf cleric’s dedication to the forge-god results in exceptional skill with the warhammer. A dwarf cleric who takes the 4th-level racial substitution level gains the Martial Weapon Profi ciency (warhammer) feat (if she doesn’t already have it). She also gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls when wielding a warhammer in melee. This racial substitution level is only available to dwarf clerics who follow Moradin (or any other deity whose favored weapon is a warhammer). This benefi t replaces the 2nd-level spell slot gained by a standard cleric at 4th level. From now on, the cleric can prepare one fewer 2nd-level cleric spell than indicated on Table 3–6, page 31 of the Player’s Handbook.
Earthen Spell Power (Ex): A dwarf cleric who takes the 8th-level racial substitution level draws power from the earth when casting certain spells. When she is in contact with the ground, the cleric’s effective caster level when casting spells with the earth descriptor (or any spell from the Earth domain, such as stoneskin) increases by one. This increase applies when determining level-dependent spell variables and on caster level checks. This increase stacks with other spell power abilities, such as from the hierophant prestige class. This benefi t replaces the 4th-level spell slot gained by a standard cleric at 8th level. From now on, the cleric can prepare one fewer 4th-level cleric spell than indicated on Table 3–6, page 31 of the Player’s Handbook.
Table 6–1: Dwarf Cleric Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Smite giants 4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Hammer specialist 8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Earthen spell power
The prototypical image of dwarfhood is the heavily armored fi ghter. Many dwarves pursue this class, and most multiclass dwarves have at least a single level of fi ghter to augment their abilities. The dwarf fi ghter gives up versatility to specialize in the arts of war most needed in dwarf communities. He focuses on traditional fi ghting styles and takes advantage of the dwarf’s lack of mobility.
Hit Die: d12.
To take a dwarf fi ghter substitution level, a character must be a dwarf about to take his 1st, 2nd, or 8th level of fi ghter.
Class Skills
Dwarf fi ghter substitution levels have the class skills of the standard fi ghter class plus Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifi er (or four times this number as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are features of the dwarf fi ghter’s racial substitution levels.
Axe Focus (Ex): A dwarf fi ghter who takes the 1st-level racial substitution level focuses his combat talents on axefi ghting. He gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls with the following weapons: battleaxe, dwarven waraxe, greataxe, handaxe, throwing axe, and the axe head of a dwarven urgrosh. (At the DM’s option, this bonus might also apply to the new axe-related weapons featured in Chapter 7.) This bonus does not stack with the bonus from Weapon
Focus, but it is treated as the equivalent of Weapon Focus for the purpose of qualifying for feats, prestige classes, and anything else that requires that feat. For example, a dwarf fi ghter with this ability could take Weapon Specialization (battleaxe) without selecting Weapon Focus (battleaxe) as a separate feat. This benefi t replaces the bonus feat gained by a standard 1st-level fi ghter.
Racial Foes (Ex): A dwarf fi ghter who takes the 2nd-level racial substitution level specializes in battling his race’s common enemies. He gains a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against orcs, goblinoids, and giants. This benefi t replaces the bonus feat gained by a standard 2nd-level fi ghter.
Heavy Armor Expertise (Ex): A dwarf fi ghter who takes the 8th-level racial substitution level becomes as one with his heavy armor. When wearing heavy armor, he gains a +1 bonus to his AC. This benefi t replaces the bonus feat gained by a standard 8th-level fi ghter.

Table 6–2: Dwarf Fighter Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Axe focus 2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Racial foes 8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Heavy armor expertise
In most dwarf communities, sorcerers are relatively rare. Dwarves don’t tend to have the force of personality required for top-notch sorcerers; thus they often prefer wizardry instead. However, a dwarf sorcerer can tap into other reservoirs of power—including the very earth itself—to enhance his arcane aptitude. To do this, he gives up some of his versatility, but the power gained is substantial.
Hit Die: d6.
To take a dwarf sorcerer substitution level, a character must be a dwarf about to take his 1st, 5th, or 9th level of sorcerer.
Class Skills
Dwarf sorcerer substitution levels have the class skills of the standard sorcerer class plus Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifi er (or four times this number as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are features of the dwarf sorcerer’s racial substitution levels.
Arcane Earthbond (Su): A dwarf sorcerer who takes the 1st-level racial substitution level can draw power and support from an arcane bond he forges with the earth.
Doing so takes 24 hours and uses up magic materials that cost 100 gp. The arcane earthbond ability grants a dwarf sorcerer the
Alertness feat whenever he is in contact with the ground.
He also enjoys damage reduction 1/adamantine when in contact with the ground. This benefi t replaces the standard sorcerer’s ability to gain a familiar. If the dwarf gains a familiar from another class (such as wizard), his sorcerer levels don’t stack to determine the familiar’s abilities.
Power of Stone (Su): A dwarf sorcerer who takes the 5th-level racial substitution level learns to channel his spell power through the earth. As long as both he and his target are touching the ground, the range of any spell he casts that targets or affects that creature or object is increased by 50%, and the save DC for the spell increases by 1. If the spell targets multiple creatures or objects, all the targets must be touching the ground for the sorcerer to gain the benefi ts of this ability. This benefi t replaces the standard sorcerer’s ability to learn a new 2nd-level spell at 5th level. From now on, the dwarf sorcerer’s number of 2nd-level spells known is one fewer than the value shown on Table 3–17, page 54 of the
Player’s Handbook.
Earth Meditation (Ex): A dwarf sorcerer who takes the 9th-level racial substitution level learns to focus his meditations on the quiet power of the earth beneath him.
If the dwarf sorcerer spends his 8 hours of rest and 15 minutes of concentration to prepare spells while in contact with the ground, he can add his Constitution bonus (if any) to his Charisma score to determine his bonus sorcerer spell slots. This benefit replaces the standard sorcerer’s ability to learn a new 4th-level spell at 9th level. From now on, the dwarf sorcerer’s number of 4th-level spells known is one fewer than the value shown on Table 3–17, page 54 of the
Player’s Handbook.
Table 6–3: Dwarf Sorcerer Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Arcane earthbond 5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Power of stone 9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Earth meditation
Weavers of illusion and subtle masters of the sentient mind, gnome bards focus their talents toward abilities related to

Table 6–4: Gnome Bard Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Bardic music, bardic knowledge, gnome Same as bard cantrips, counter fear, fascinate, inspire courage +1 3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Inspire defi ance Same as bard 6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Phantasmal song Same as bard 11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Secrets of bardic trickery Same as bard
their racial strengths. Their magic includes access to more illusions than other bards can master, and their bardic music is able to inspire or negate fear, as well as bolster allies’ minds against outside infl uence.
Hit Die: d6.
To take a gnome bard substitution level, a character must be a gnome about to take his 1st, 3rd, 6th, or 11th level of bard.
Class Skills
Gnome bard substitution levels have the class skills of the standard bard class.
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifi er (or four times this number as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are features of the gnome bard’s racial substitution levels.
Gnome Cantrips: A gnome bard who takes the 1stlevel racial substitution level adds the following 0-level spells to his bard spells known: dancing lights, ghost sound, and prestidigitation. This benefi t replaces two of the cantrips a bard normally knows at 1st level. Thus, a 1st-level gnome bard with this substitution level knows two cantrips of his choice plus the three mentioned here.
Counter Fear (Su): A gnome bard who takes the 1st-level racial substitution level and has 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to counter magical effects that cause fear. In each round when the bard uses his counter fear ability, he makes a Perform check. Any ally within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a fear effect can use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the counter fear effect is already under the infl uence of a fear effect, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the bard perform, but it must use the bard’s Perform check result for the save. Counter fear has no effect against effects that don’t allow saves. The bard can keep up the counter fear ability for 10 rounds. This substitution feature replaces the base bard’s countersong bardic music ability.
Inspire Defi ance (Su): A gnome bard who takes the 3rdlevel racial substitution level and has 6 or more ranks in a
Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help his allies (including himself) resist outside control and discern truth from illusion. To be affected, an ally must be within 30 feet and able to hear the bard perform. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard perform and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against illusions and mind-affecting spells and effects. This benefi t replaces the standard bard’s inspire competence bardic music ability.
Phantasmal Song (Su): A gnome bard who takes the 6th-level racial substitution level and has 9 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to create an eerie melody with phantasmal echoes in the minds of those who hear it. While the music itself is unsettling, the phantasmal component is downright terrifying, with effects that build as the bard continues to play. Enemy creatures within 30 feet of the bard who can hear the music become shaken (Will negates; DC 10 + 1/2 bard’s level + bard’s Cha modifi er). Any creature affected by phantasmal song (that is, who failed the initial Will save) that remains within range and hears the song for at least 3 consecutive rounds becomes frightened instead of shaken. The effect lasts as long as the bard performs and for 1 round after he stops, or until the affected creature moves more than 30 feet from the gnome bard. The effects of multiple phantasmal songs do not stack with one another. Thus, a creature within the area of two phantasmal songs must save against both, but can still only become shaken on the fi rst round even if it fails both saves. However, a phantasmal song’s effect can stack with other fear effects (such as from the cause fear spell). See page 294 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information on fear effects. Phantasmal song is an illusion (phantasm), mindaffecting fear effect. This benefi t replaces the standard bard’s suggestion bardic music ability.
Secrets of Bardic Trickery: A gnome bard who takes the 11th-level racial substitution level adds the following spells to his spells known: 1st—color spray; 2nd—touch of idiocy; 4th—phantasmal killer. This benefi t replaces the standard bard’s ability to learn a new 4th-level spell at 11th level and his ability to exchange a spell he knows for a new spell of the same level. From now on, the gnome bard’s number of 4th-level spells known is one fewer than the value shown on Table 3–5, page 28 of the Player’s Handbook.
Gnomes are inherently drawn to the magic of illusion, and most gnome wizards choose to specialize in that school. As
Table 6–5: Gnome Illusionist Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Gnome illusion spells Same as illusionist 5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Extended illusions Same as illusionist 10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Insidious illusions Same as illusionist
a gnome illusionist advances in level, her intimate familiarity with illusions allows her to cast certain illusion spells more easily than other wizards, to cast illusions that last longer than normal, and to make her spells harder to detect and dispel. These abilities make gnome illusionists the subtlest of all their kind and—some would argue—the most effective.
Hit Die: d4.
To take a gnome illusionist substitution level, a character must be a gnome about to take her 1st, 5th, or 10th level of illusionist.

Class Skills
Gnome illusionist substitution levels have the class skills of the standard wizard class.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier (or four times this number as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are features of the gnome illusionist’s racial substitution levels.
Gnome Illusion Spells: A gnome illusionist who takes the 1st-level racial substitution level uses her wizard level as the caster level for her racial spell-like abilities. In addition, she can prepare and cast the following illusion spells at the indicated spell level, rather than at their normal spell level: 0 level: silent image, ventriloquism 1st level: Leomund’s trap, minor image 2nd level: illusory script, major image 3rd level: illusory wall 4th level: persistent image 5th level: programmed image In exchange for this benefi t, a gnome illusionist must choose one of the following schools of magic from which she can cast spells (in other words, one that she has not given up access to as the price for specializing in illusion): evocation, transmutation, or conjuration. The gnome illusionist’s effective caster level for spells of this school is equal to her actual caster level minus one. At 1st level, she cannot cast any spells from the selected school.
Extended Illusions (Su): A gnome illusionist who takes the 5th-level racial substitution level gains the ability to create illusions that last longer than normal. When she casts any illusion spell that has a duration other than instantaneous, the duration of the spell is doubled. A spell with a duration of concentration lasts for the duration of the illusionist’s concentration plus 1d4 rounds. A spell with a duration of concentration plus a certain increment of time lasts for the duration of the illusionist’s concentration plus double that increment of time. Thus, a mirror image spell cast by a 10th-level gnome illusionist lasts for 20 minutes, a silent image spell lasts for the duration of the caster’s concentration plus 1d4 rounds, a minor image spell lasts for the duration of the caster’s concentration plus 4 rounds, and a mirage arcana lasts for the duration of her concentration plus 20 hours. This benefi t replaces the bonus feat gained by a standard wizard at 5th level, as well as the two spells a standard 5thlevel wizard learns for free. Insidious Illusions (Su): A gnome illusionist who takes the 10th-level racial substitution level can cast illusion spells that are harder for other creatures to detect or pierce. When any creature employs a divination spell, spell-like ability, or magic item (such as detect magic or true seeing) that would detect or pierce an illusion spell cast by the gnome illusionist, that creature must make a caster level check (DC 11 + the gnome illusionist’s caster level) to successfully detect or pierce the illusion. The detecting creature can check only once for each divination spell or effect used, no matter how many of the gnome illusionist’s illusion spells are operating in an area. This benefi t replaces the bonus feat gained by a standard wizard at 10th level, as well as the two spells a standard 10thlevel wizard learns for free.
Hampered to some extent by her size, the gnome ranger learns to play off her other strengths. By embracing her connection to burrowing animals, the gnome ranger can attract an animal companion that can support her in combat. Against her favored enemies, she favors tactics of stealth more than interaction, and she truly shines when she chooses the traditional foes of her race as favored enemies. Her magic likewise draws on her racial abilities, allowing her to cast illusions unavailable to most rangers. The combination of these abilities makes the gnome ranger a fearsome ambusher who fi ghts with the ferocity of the badger.
Hit Die: d8.
Table 6–6: Gnome Ranger Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Gnome favored enemy, Same as ranger Track, wild empathy 4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Burrowing animal companion Same as ranger 8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 Gnome ranger spells Same as ranger

To take a gnome ranger substitution level, a character must be a gnome about to take her 1st, 4th, or 8th level of ranger.
Class Skills
Gnome ranger substitution levels have the class skills of the standard ranger class.
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifi er (or four times this number as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are features of the gnome ranger’s racial substitution levels.
Gnome Favored Enemy (Ex): A gnome ranger who takes the 1st-level racial substitution level may select a type of creature from among those given on Table 3–14:
Ranger Favored Enemies, page 47 of the Player’s Handbook. Due to her extensive study of her chosen type of foe and training in the proper techniques for combating such creatures, she gains a +2 bonus on Hide, Listen,
Move Silently, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, she gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. If the gnome ranger chooses humanoid (goblinoid), human oid (reptilian), or giant as her favored enemy, both bonuses rise to +3. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2. For example a 5th-level gnome ranger has two favored enemies; against one she gains a +4 bonus on
Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival checks and weapon damage rolls, and against the other she has a +2 bonus. At 10th level, she has three favored enemies, and she gains an additional +2 bonus, which she can allocate to the bonus against any one of her three favored enemies. Thus her bonuses could be either +4, +4, +2 or +6, +2, +2. If the gnome ranger selected humanoid (goblinoid), humanoid (reptilian), or giant as one of her favored enemies, the bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival checks and weapon damage rolls increases by 3 instead of 2. If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, she must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table on page 47 of the Player’ s
Handbook. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy (for instance, devils are both evil outsiders and lawful outsiders), the ranger’s bonuses do not stack; she simply uses whichever bonus is higher.
See the Monster Manual for more information on types of creatures. This benefit replaces the standard ranger’s 1st-level favored enemy class feature.
Burrowing Animal Companion (Ex): If a gnome ranger takes the 4th-level racial substitution level and chooses a badger, dire badger, or wolverine as her animal companion (or any other mammalian animal with a burrowing speed), her effective druid level equals 1/2 her ranger level +3, instead of 1/2 her ranger level. (If she chooses a dire badger or a wolverine, her effective druid level is still reduced by 3, per the Alternate Animal Companions table on page 36 of the Player’s Handbook.) In addition, she can use her racial speak with animals ability to speak with her animal companion at will. This benefi t replaces the standard ranger’s ability to share spells with her animal companion.
Gnome Ranger Spells: A gnome ranger who takes the 8th-level racial substitution level adds blur, invisibility, and misdirection to the list of 2nd-level ranger spells she can prepare and cast. These spells replace barkskin, snare, and wind wall on the ranger spell list. Although she cannot cast them yet, she also adds greater invisibility and phantasmal killer to her list of 4th-level ranger spells. These spells replace commune with nature and tree stride on the ranger spell list.
The wild, tribal lifestyle of the goliath lends itself naturally to life as a barbarian. Some goliath barbarians tap into the race’s natural connection to the power of the mountains to gain increased strength and durability, but at the cost of some of the barbarian’s traditional agility. The goliath barbarian can choose three racial substitution levels: one at 1st level, one at 5th level, and the last at 7th level.
Hit Die: d12.
To take a goliath barbarian substitution level, a character must be a goliath about to take his 1st, 5th, or 7th level of barbarian.
Class Skills
Goliath barbarian substitution levels have the class skills of the standard barbarian class plus Knowledge (nature) (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifi er (or four times this number as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are features of the goliath barbarian’s racial substitution levels.
Mountain Rage (Ex): A goliath barbarian who takes the 1st-level racial substitution level can tap into the mountain’s strength to increase his size and power during a rage. When he rages, his size category increases to Large. (Although his size category increases by one step, the goliath barbarian’s height only increases by a foot or so and his mass only increases by about 30–40%, so his equipment still fi ts normally.) This change increases the barbarian’s space and reach to 10 feet and applies a –1 penalty on attack rolls and to AC. However, he does not gain additional benefi ts on weapon size and grapple checks, since he already has them from his powerful build ability.

The goliath barbarian also gains an additional +2 bonus to his Strength when he enters his mountain rage. Mountain rage replaces the standard barbarian’s rage ability, and when a barbarian would normally gain extra uses of the rage ability per day, he instead gains extra uses of the mountain rage ability. However, the barbarian gains these benefi ts in addition to the normal benefi ts and penalties of his rage (+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 on Will saves, and –2 to AC). The barbarian is also still fatigued for the duration of the encounter when his rage ends. If the goliath barbarian’s rage bonuses improve from other effects (such as greater rage), the extra Strength bonus from mountain rage stacks.
Fortifi cation (Ex): A goliath barbarian who takes the 5th-level racial substitution level develops a tough hide that allows him extra protection against potentially devastating attacks. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a goliath barbarian with this substitution benefi t, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. This benefi t replaces the standard barbarian’s improved uncanny dodge ability.
Skin of Stone (Ex): A goliath barbartian who takes the 7th-level racial substitution level gains the ability to shrug off some amount of injury from most attacks. He gains damage reduction 2/adamantine. At 10th level, and every three barbarian levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th level), this damage reduction increases by 2 points. This benefi t replaces the standard barbarian’s 7th-level damage reduction ability, as well as the damage reduction gained at higher levels.

Table 6–7: Goliath Barbarian Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Mountain rage 1/day 5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Fortifi cation 7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Skin of stone
The goliath race venerates nature in its various forms, and druids are the most prominent spellcasters, divine or otherwise, among goliath tribes. Goliath druids forge particularly strong bonds with the earth and stone of their environment, granting them and their animal companions unusual powers related to elemental earth.
Hit Die: d8.
To take a goliath druid substitution level, a character must be a goliath about to take her 1st, 6th, or 12th level of druid.
Class Skills
Goliath druid substitution levels have the class skills of the standard druid class.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifi er (or four times this quantity as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are features of the goliath druid’s racial substitution levels.
Elemental Bond (Ex): A goliath druid who takes the 1st-level racial substitution level forges a bond with the Elemental Plane of Earth, allowing her to summon more or more powerful earth creatures than normal. When casting a summon nature’s ally spell to summon a creature with the earth subtype, the goliath druid may treat the spell as if it were the nexthigher-level version of that spell. This benefi t allows her to summon a single more powerful creature than she might otherwise be able to summon, or more of the same type of creature that she could normally summon. For example, a goliath druid who casts summon nature’ s ally I could summon a single Small earth elemental (as if she had cast summon nature’s ally II). When casting summon nature’s ally V, the druid could summon one Huge earth elemental, one average xorn, 1d3 Large earth elementals, or 1d4+1 Medium earth elementals or minor xorns (as if she had cast summon monster VI). A goliath druid with this ability who casts summon nature’s ally IX can summon two elder earth elementals (instead of one). A goliath druid who selects this substitution level permanently gives up her ability to summon creatures that have the air, fi re, or water subtype. Earth Companion (Ex): A goliath druid who takes the 6th-level racial substitution level can imbue her animal
Table 6–8: Goliath Druid Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Animal companion, same as druid elemental bond, nature sense, wild empathy 6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Earth companion, same as druid wild shape 2/day 12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Wild shape (earth) same as druid
Illus. by S. Roller

Illus. by W. Reynolds

companion with the power of elemental earth. The animal companion’s Strength increases by 2, and its Dexterity is reduced by 2. Its natural armor bonus increases by 3. It gains a burrow speed of 10 feet (or, if it has a burrow speed, that speed increases by 10 feet). The companion gains the earth mastery extraordinary ability (+1 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls if both it and its foe touch the ground; if an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the earth companion takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls and damage rolls). It also gains damage reduction 5/magic as an extraordinary ability.
The companion’s type doesn’t change, but it gains the earth subtype.
If a goliath druid replaces her animal companion with a new one, she can apply this effect to the new companion, but only if the reduction in her effective druid level reduction would not make the new companion unavailable to her. The previous companion loses the special abilities when it leaves the druid.
For the purpose of determining her animal companion’s bonus Hit Dice, special abilities, and so on, the effective level of the goliath druid who selects this substitution level is reduced by three, per the Alternate Animal Companions table on page 36 of the Player’s Handbook.
Wild Shape (Earth) (Su): A goliath druid who takes the 12th-level racial substitution level can use her wild shape ability to change into an earth elemental with the same size restriction as for animal forms. The druid’s maximum HD limit when taking earth elemental form (either with this ability or with her wild shape [elemental] ability gained at 16th level) is equal to her druid level +1.
This benefi t replaces the standard druid’s 12th-level wild shape (plant) ability.
Although the ponderous goliath might seem ill suited to the stealthy life of a rogue, tribes rely on rogue scouts to help them survive in their hostile environments. Goliath rogues embrace their people’s toughness and durability in exchange for some of the rogue’s traditional agility.
Hit Die: d8.
Requirements To take a goliath rogue substitution level, a character must be a goliath about to take her 2nd, 3rd, or 8th level of rogue. Class Skills
Goliath rogue substitution levels have the class skills of the standard rogue class plus Survival (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifi er.
Class Features
All the following are features of the goliath rogue’s racial substitution levels.
Mettle of Mountains (Ex): A goliath rogue who takes the 2nd-level racial substitution level has durability that allows her to shrug off magical effects that would otherwise harm her. She gains a +4 bonus on her
Fortitude saves. If the goliath rogue makes a successful Fortitude saving throw that would normally reduce a spell’s effect, she suffers no effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a
Saving Throw entry of “Fortitude partial,” “Fortitude half,” or similar entries can be negated through this ability.
If the goliath rogue later gains improved evasion as a rogue special ability, her mettle of mountains ability improves instead. Now, while she still suffers no effect on a successful Fortitude saving throw against a spell or ability as described above, a failed Fortitude save results in the effect that a successful Fortitude save would normally bring about. For instance, a goliath rogue would take no damage from a disintegrate spell if she succeeded on her
Fortitude save, and would only take 5d6 points of damage if she failed the save.
This benefi t replaces the standard rogue’s 2nd-level evasion ability.
Wild Sense (Ex): A goliath rogue who takes the 3rd-level racial substitution level becomes more in tune with her natural surroundings. She gains a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks and Survival checks in aboveground natural environments. This bonus increases to +2 when the goliath rogue reaches 6th level, to +3 when she reaches 9th level, to +4 when she reaches 12th level, to +5 at 15th level, and to +6 at 18th level.
This benefi t replaces the standard rogue’s 3rd-level trap sense ability, as well as the higher-level improvements of the ability.
Fortifi cation (Ex): A goliath rogue who takes the 8thlevel racial substitution level develops a tough hide that allows her extra protection against potentially devastating attacks. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a goliath rogue with this substitution benefi t, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
This benefi t replaces the standard rogue’s 8th-level improved uncanny dodge ability.
Table 6–9: Goliath Rogue Racial Substitution Levels Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Mettle of mountains 3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Sneak attack +2d6, wild sense +1 8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Fortification