Sustaining Song: A 1st-level virtuoso with at least 11 ranks in Perform can sustain her unconscious allies, negating their need for stabilization checks during her performance- Because they're not making stabilization checks, the affected allies are neither stabilizing nor losing hit points- A sustaining song lasts for 5 minutes or until the virtuoso stops performing, whichever comes first. Sustaining song is a supernatural abilityCalumny (Su): A 3rd-level virtuoso with at least 13 ranks in Perform has mastered the fine art ofslander and can deliver a performance that makes a specific character or group (class, race, nationality, or the like) appear in the worst light possible- Each member of the audience must make a Will save with a DC equal to the virtuoso's Perform check result- Success negates the calumny effect ; failure shifts that individual's attitude toward the target by one category-that is, from friendly to indifferent, from indifferent to unfriendly, or from unfriendly to hostile (see Table 5-4: Influencing NPC Attitude in the DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide). Furthermore, each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on all opposed social interaction checks against the targetCalumny lingers in the minds of affected audience members for 24 hours per daily use ofvirtuoso performance applied to the calumny attempt- For example, a 7th-level bard/3rd-level virtuoso could apply seven daily uses of virtuoso performance to a song of antiduergar sentiment- All who heard it and failed their Will saves would be affected for a week, and the virtuoso would have three virtuoso performance uses left that day. Calumny is a supernatural, mind-affecting, language-dependent ability. Jarring Song (Su): A 4th-level virtuoso with at least 14 ranks in Perform can inhibit spellcasting . Anyone attempting to cast a spell during a jarring song must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the spell level)Success allows normal completion of the spell; failure means it is lost- A jarring song requires three daily uses of virtuoso performance and is a supernatural, sonic ability. Sharp Note (Sp): A 5th-level virtuoso with at least 15 ranks in Perform can sharpen the blades of all piercing and slashing weapons within a 10-foot radius . The affected weapons function as if a 6th-level sorcerer had cast a keen edge spell on them, except that the effect lasts only 10 minutes- Sharp note requires three daily uses of virtuoso performance and is a spell-like, transmutation abilityMindbending Melody (Sp): A 6th-level virtuoso with at least 16 ranks in Perform can dominate a humanoid that she has already fascinated . This ability functions exactly like a dominate person spell cast by a 9th-level sorcerer. The target can make a Will save (DC 15 + the virtuoso's Charisma modifier) to negate the effect- A
mindbending melody requires two daily uses of virtuoso performance and is a spell-like, mind-affecting, language-dependent, charm ability. Greater Calumny (Su): A 7th-level virtuoso with at least 17 ranks in Perform can whip her audience into a frenzy of loathing- Greater calumny functions exactly like calumny, except that the audience's attitude is shifted two categories (indifferent to hostile, for example), and each affected audience member gains a +4 morale bonus on all opposed social interaction checks with the target- Greater calumny is a supernatural, mind-affecting, language dependent abilityMagical Melody(Su): An 8th-level virtuosowith at least 18 ranks in Perform can empower allied spellcasters, raising their effective caster levels by +1 each for the purposes of spell effects and spell resistance checks . This effect lasts as long as the performance does. Magical melody requires two daily uses of virtuoso performance per minute maintained- It is a supernatural ability. Song of Fury (Su): A 9th-level virtuoso with at least 19 ranks in Perform can enrage her allies- This ability functions exactly like barbarian rage on all willing allies within 20 feet, and it lasts as long as the virtuoso continues her performance . Song of fury requires three daily uses ofperformance per round maintained- It is a supernatural, mind-affecting abilityRevealing Melody (Sp): A 10th-level virtuoso with at least 20 ranks in Perform can reveal all things as they actually are . All those who hearthe revealing melody are affected as if by a true seeing spell cast by a 17th-level sorcerer- The effect lasts as long as the song does. Revealing melody requires two daily uses of virtuoso performance per round maintained and is a spell-like, divination ability-
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