6 minute read
Magic is a strange and powerful force, obeying uncertain rules and obscure guidelines and as such is the realm of wizards, people with the patience, discipline and mental prowess necessary to twist the fundamental forces of the universe to do their bidding. Wizards must work hard for all their powers; unlike other spellcasters who receive their magic as intuition or inspiration, a wizard studies, toils and labours to find the correct formulae for the effects they want to achieve, experimenting and researching without rest so that they may pin down the exact requirements of their desired spell.
The path of a wizard is incredibly flexible, for while they lack the raw power of the sorcerer, their keen intellect can comprehend a much wider range of magic and their discipline is rewarded with additional abilities and options. A wizard is free to choose his own style of magic; he can become a master craftsman who can construct any magical item, specialise in a school of magic to increase his power in a certain area, or seek to qualify for one hundred and one prestige classes that deal with arcane acumen. A novice must realise that, to become a master, it is not necessary to reach the highest levels of magical practice, but instead learn to apply even the simplest spell with maximum effect. With spell choice being a wizard’s greatest weapon, apprentices and masters alike must show a great degree of foresight, as their collection of magic may be unlimited, but their daily spellcasting ability is constrained. Despite such limitations, the wizard remains the unparalleled master of magic, capable of wrenching the secrets of the universe from the firmament.
The Advanced Tactics series
The Advanced Tactics series takes an in depth look at the whole range of class and racial sourcebooks from Mongoose Publishing, all designed to greatly widen a player’s options for his character within the d20 games system. More than simple continuations, the second series of Quintessential books slot seamlessly into any fantasy-based campaign, giving advanced alternatives for characters of one class or race within the game, allowing both players and Games Masters the chance to give mid- and high-level characters new options without overpowering or unbalancing the game as a whole. The Advanced Tactics series will not necessarily allow players to make their characters even better, but they will be able to do a lot more than they ever thought possible before.
The Quintessential Wizard II: Advanced Tactics
With the help of this sourcebook, any character choosing the wizard class will find many alternatives and options expanding his range of abilities. With Career Paths, wizards can customise their advancement and gain special benefits from their chosen branch of training. Legendary Classes offer a subset and expansion of their magical prowess that may take them to epic levels and beyond. Multiclassing offers a wizard a complement to his abilities, while Superior Tools offer a range of new implements to enhance his performance. Tricks of the Trade expands the range of methods a wizard can employ with his magic, while Spell Research offers a complete system for wizard characters to create their own personalised spells.
The training of a wizard can start at a very early age and prodigies wield powers that older masters only dream of – but at a cost. Enlightened societies may offer these children, as well as other, less promising students, a chance to hone their abilities in magic schools, abodes of learning and research as well as established authorities on all things arcane.
Wizard characters are complicated to play, for they require comprehensive knowledge of every spell within their spellbooks and a knack for knowing which spell is right for every situation. Power does not come for free, although wizards can definitely make it seem very affordable. The Quintessential Wizard II: Advanced Tactics provides all the necessary tools for the wizard to become a legend.
‘Unadar usually lets me do this on my own.’ grumbled Selene, as she mixed the foul-smelling ingredients.
‘He was a great teacher and a great wizard!’ The teenager glared at her new master. Her old tutor, Unadar, had died in an explosion in the school’s laboratories. All that had remained were charred robes sticking to a smouldering skeleton. Selene had cried all night after hearing the news, for Unadar had been more than a master and mentor to her – he’d acted as a father figure and friend.
‘Watch what you’re doing, you daft girl!’ Ordan roared, startling the girl who was about to pour too much dragoncrown extract into her mix. She dropped the ornate vase in fright and it shattered on the stone floor, spilling its contents and making her workplace smell even worse. ‘Clean that up. And be grateful we did not have to rush you to the infirmary to get bloodsmoke out of your lungs.’
Selene wanted to cry again, but she was not about to give Ordan that satisfaction. She chanted a few words, accompanying them with a few gestures and a pint of salt from the ingredient table. The stain on the floor disappeared and the container’s shards nestled together, melded and reformed perfectly.
‘There.’ She set the recovered vase on the table with a thud.
‘What is the use of learning magic if you will not let me use it?!’ she shouted back, clenching her fists in tight little balls of accumulated frustration.
‘Because magic is not to be trusted!’ Ordan got up and walked decisively towards her. ‘You think I managed to live this long because I used magic for everything? You are too young to cast spells as if they were cuss words! Would you use them as you would shout at someone who bumped into you at the market?’
‘I am old enough! Master Unadar trusted me!’ Selene drew herself up, facing the glaring old man bearing down on her.
Selene was about to retort when the master’s words sank in. She gaped a couple of times, her temper cooling down. ‘You… you mean that?’
‘Then… then why do you treat me like an idiot all the time?’ The apprentice’s shoulders sagged.