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Chapter Two: CLASSES Classes and Levels
Chapter Two 15
Character class represents a character’s main focus in life.It is a general description ofwhat characters can do. It can help define their vocation,their talents,their training,and their predilections.
However,character class is only a framework.Not all oathsworn,for example,are the same.Race,skills,feats, spells,and equipment,not to mention background,outlook,personality,allies,and enemies all serve to distinguish two different oathsworn from each other.And some characters have more than one class.Those characters are generally more flexible and self-sufficient,but less focused.
Classes and Levels
Way ofthe Sword offers these different character classes:
Champion: Seizing upon a cause they feel called to defend, champions are driven warriors who do whatever they must to further or defend their cause.
Mage Blade: While some follow the path ofthe sword and others the way ofthe staffand spell,the mage blade walks the thin line between.Mage blades not only dabble in spellcasting,but use rituals to enhance their weapons,which they wield with skill.
Oathsworn: These warriors are fidelity and devotion given life. When an oathsworn commits to a goal,this dedication grants the character unbelievable power to accomplish it.
Totem Warrior: Often more at home in the wilderness than in a city,totem warriors bond themselves to an animal spirit that grants them amazing abilities,physical qualities and even companions.
Unfettered: Wild yet skillful,the unfettered are masters of derring-do and a blur ofprecision in combat.Their allies are speed and prowess rather than heavy armor and brute force.
Warmain: The unfettered’s equal but opposite force,warmains gird themselves in the heaviest armor and wield massive weapons with a combination ofstrength and skill.Their might knows no bounds.
Class Descriptions
As you review the classes that follow,you will find references to other races or classes found in Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed.
The descriptions ofthe classes here include the following sections:
Adventurers: Why do members ofthis class seek out quests?
Background: How does one become a member ofthis class?
Races: Which races are most appropriate for the class?
View ofMagic: Ifthe class confers spellcasting powers (mage blade only),this section describes how characters would describe their magical abilities to others.
Other Classes: How do members ofthis class relate to others?
NPCs: What examples ofthis class might you see as nonplayer characters (NPCs) in the campaign?
Hit Die: The type ofHit Die used by characters ofthe class determines the number ofhit points gained per level.Upon gaining each new level,roll this die and add the number (along with any Constitution modifier) to the character’s hit point total.
Class Table: This table details how a character improves while gaining experience levels.Class tables typically include the following: • Level: The character’s level in that class. • Base Attack Bonus: The character’s base attack bonus and number ofattacks. • Fortitude Save: The base save bonus on Fortitude saving throws.The character’s Constitution modifier also applies. • Reflex Save: The base save bonus on Reflex saving throws. The character’s Dexterity modifier also applies. • Will Save: The base save bonus on Will saving throws.The character’s Wisdom modifier also applies. • Special: Level-dependent class abilities,each explained in the “Class Features” sections that follow the table.
Skill Points at 1st Level: The number ofskill points the character starts with to buy skills ifthis class is the character’s first level.
Skill Points at Higher Levels: The number ofskill points gained each level after the first.
Class Skills: The list ofskills considered class skills for the class.
Class Features: Special characteristics ofthe class.When applicable,this section also mentions restrictions and disadvantages ofthe class.Class features include some or all ofthe following items: • Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Which weapons and armor types is the character proficient with? • Other Features: What unique capabilities does the class enjoy? • Spells per Day (mage blade only): How many spells ofeach spell level can the character cast each day? Ifthe entry is “—” for a given level ofspells,the character may not cast any spells ofthat level.Ifthe entry is “0,” the character may cast spells ofthat level only ifhe or she has bonus spells due to high ability scores.Ifthe entry is a number, the character may cast that many spells plus any bonus spells.This bonus applies to both readied spells and spell slots.Bonus spells for mage blades are based on Charisma.