Barcelona deluxe Spring & Summer edition 2011

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SUMARIO SPRING & SUMMER © foto de portada Marc Baptiste

BARCELONA DELUXE Magazine Tallers 22, 3º 6ª 08001 Barcelona, España Tel. +34 93 481 43 42 Le BARCELONA deluxe is published twice a year Le BarceLona deluxe es una publicación Semestral ©Le BarceLona deluxe Le Deluxe™ + le BarceLona deluxe™ are registered trademarks of VIP MeDIa PreSS, S.L.U. Tallers 22, 3º 6ª, – 08001 Barcelona Tel +34 93 481 43 42 Publicación asociada a la a su vez miembro de:

CEO Directora Claudia Trimde International Head of Editorial Vikram Kashyap Art Director Director de arte Felipe Pfister


SHAKIRA Godess of Light / Diosa de la Luz


MIRKO The power of a thousand smiles / El poder de miles de sonrisa

Membership Coordinator Toni Delgado Responsable gestión de Contenidos Judith Castilla Contributors of this issue colaboradores Rosa Girona, Elena Cella, Pablo Manzanelli, Elizabeth Glazer, Carmen Mactley, Marga Vilanova, Isabel GarcíaAjofrín, Fernanda Toraño, Laia Serra Daví

VIP MEDIA PRESS S.L.U. Barcelona / Spain Tel. +34 93 481 43 42 Fax +34 93 550 71 09


EMILIO SANCHEZ VICARIO The Values of Sport /Los valores del deporte


SPECIAL GOLF Jose María olazabal & the best of Golf Litografia Rosés S.A b-18279-2007 1887-8717

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MIRKO w w w. m i r k o p a i n t e r. c o m

the power of a thousand smiles






new millennium with a veritable maelstrom of travels, cities and interesting work: Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, Mauritius, Reunion Island, Madagascar… and finally Barcelona… We are immensely lucky to have coincided with Mirko in space and time, in Barcelona 2011. We meet Mirko at his home, a true reflection of its dweller, a modern, serene space where some of the works that adorn his walls immediately capture our attention. Here we discover the faces, gazes and intentions of personages moving comfortably in an erotic atmosphere that Mirko himself describes as “Soft”. “Soft” eroticism?... Yes, my work consists of extracting a character’s erotic fantasies… without ever revealing anything gratuitously. I prefer to suggest... The eroticism is revealed at the specific point where imagination does the rest. All your models are contoured … Is that your pictorial stamp? (smiles) I like the characters to stand out from the background so as to make them the main object of the viewer’s focus. This technique is the direct result of my love of comic strips and graffiti… Is there something of Tamara de Lempicka in the way you portray your characters …? How true, the gaze is powerful in both cases. Major names from her era also posed for her in a ground-breaking manner, and we also share our bold and adventurous spirit. In the “Looks” series you remain faithful to the portrait while freely interpreting the body …


Exactly, I like to idealise it, dress it up, unclothe it and also use emblematic garments by creators who have made an impact on my trajectory as a stylist and director of collections. I like to pay tribute to the great stylists of the 21st century. The backdrops are a nod to Mondrian in those black lines that shape their architecture … This is a very topical concept for a commissioned portrait that is much appreciated by my clients. I work from photographs, so it can become the perfect surprise gift! In contrast to the rest of your series, such as “Tribute to Masters” or “Strictly Masculine”, “Smiles of my Life” focuses on faces, the body disappears, it must be something special… True, that is my own biography. They are “Macro-portraits” of personalities that I had the good fortune to meet in my professional path and who helped me to become the person I am today… Grace Jones, JP Gaultier, Bette Davis, Yves Saint Laurent, Lacroix, Madonna… you must have many stories to tell … (laughs) That’s what I’m aiming for in these portraits, to pay tribute to the good times I had with them, to the smiles that each one of them gave me and that I store in my memory like a personal treasure. And in the same way, through a smile, Mirko reveals himself as a rising value on the international artistic scene, a trendy and transgressive artist who still holds a candle for eternal values …love and the power of a thousand smiles


fter meeting him, we can confidently proclaim that Mirko is not just the oddball name of an excellent artist but that this very name acquires a significance that transforms it into an adjective. Such is its descriptive power that it is able to define a mood, a point of view or a philosophy of life. Applying the Mirko adjective is a symptom of generous optimism, of an enthusiastic world vision, of a glass half-full and of a realistic yet friendly look at the times in which we live. Mirko likes human beings and through his work has decided to join the ranks of those who would like to erase world suffering through a smile. A native of the island of Corsica and with Catalan and Slavic origins, Mirko has travelled the world through his own particular grand tour in the purest renaissance style. Ever since his beginnings in the legendary Paris of the ‘eighties, he has displayed a natural talent for the world of fashion. There he began to collaborate with some of the members of the catwalk Olympus, such as Christian Lacroix, Lecoanet Hemant or Yves Saint Laurent. He later travelled to Los Angeles while working for the firm Anastasia and even dressed Bette Davis herself. Back in Paris, in the ‘nineties he continued his unceasing run of collaborations with the most prestigious firms of the time such as de Beers, Vogue Paris or Lanvin. Later, and in keeping with his adventurous spirit, he travelled to Japan, where he spent several years as a teacher at the prestigious Esmod in Tokyo, combining this occupation with occasional collaborations as a speaker at international conferences. Far from relaxing, Mirko intensified his quest and brought in the


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