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Bar T Bar Ranch Annual Bull Sale • April 8, 2023

1 pm PDT • Bar T Bar Crater Ranch Headquarters • Winslow, AZ

Sale Staff:

Eric Duarte, Auctioneer ..............................................

(541) 891-7863

Dean Fish, Independant. ............................................ (520) 988-8009

Matt Macfarlane, California Cattleman ...................... (916) 803-3113

Jarod Patterson, Western Livestock Journal (208) 312-2386

Sale Day Phones:

Bob Prosser .............................. (928) 380-5149

Judy Prosser.............................. (928) 699-8587

Kristin Hovey (970) 485-0974

Devin Hovey (970) 485-5360

Phil George (620) 255-7124

Lee Leachman ........................... (970) 219-8519

Craig Hays ................................. (660) 373-1897

Jerrod Watson .......................... (303) 827-1156

Wade Woodbury ...................... (505) 290-5642

Sam Garcia (520) 456-7804

Spencer Prosser (928) 856-0186

Sale Vet Dr Colin Durham (719) 339-0326

Superior Livestock .................... (800) 422-2117

FRIDAY, April 7th:

• Bull viewing all day

• Lunch at the Bunkhouse

• 2:00 PM Ken Griffin with Ranchbot will have display and explain their Satellite water monitoring and generator control systems.

• 5:30 PM See the Crater

Heavy Hors d’oeuvres and Refreshment

• 6:30 PM Evening Program with Lee Leachman - “Make sure your herd is not losing out on the #1 trait ---Fertility“

SATURDAY, April 8th:

• 11:30 AM Diablo Burger Pre-sale lunch provided by AgWest Farm Credit

• 1:00 PM Sale


Please note that we need a list of your prospective bulls that need a PAP test by April 1st!


Twin Arrows Casino, 928-856-7200

La Posada Motel in Winslow, 928-289-4366

Best Western Motel in Winslow, 928-289-2960

There are numerous motels on the East side of Flagstaff ~ 45 miles.


Free Delivery on bulls to adjoining states at central locations or to your ranch in Arizona. A $75 Discount will be given if your bull is picked up sale day.

Please check the website for a sortable spreadsheet with updated Gelbvieh EPDs and $Profit indexes


The Supplement Sheet will be available on April 4th, at www.bartbar.com, with ultrasound, frame scores, scrotals and PAP.

For information contact:

Bob & Judy Prosser

PO Box 190

Winslow, AZ 86047

(928) 380-5149 - Bob cell

Dear valued customers and friends, Opportunity is how we look at 2023! A near record monsoon last summer and a near record Winter and snowpack now. The Southwest is blessed in most areas. Cow numbers declined to levels of 2014, providing good markets for the next couple of years ahead. There is no more opportune time to invest in genetics that will sire females for replacements. Our alliance with Leachman Cattle and their genetic evaluation provides the single best method to identify genetics that will make the “best mama cows in the business”.

The $Profit, $Ranch, and $Feeder indexes identify the cattle that make a difference in the real-world profitability of our ranches. $Ranch using the Fertility, Udder, and Efficiency EPDs to identify the females that work in a more predictable way than any other system. You can feel confident that by using these Indexes, your cattle are more efficient, have moderate mature size, are more fertile, and will command a premium in the marketplace. The entire bull offering averages in the top 14% for $Ranch and Top 8% for $Profit. These bulls will make “Cows

That Work and Steers that Pay”!

We are the largest producer of Southern Balancers in the country. In fact, 40 of the bulls offered this year carry a touch of ear. As you look to rebuild your cowherd, this will be the perfect time to give these bulls a look. The added hybrid vigor, longevity, rangeability, and heat tolerance will pay dividends. We will be using Superior Livestock Auction for the sale, videos, and off sight bidding. Make sure you sign up with Superior well ahead of Sale. If you have problems with the click to bid process while watching remotely, please use the Superior phone lines or call one of the Sale Day Phones listed in catalog. Please check out The Bull Warranty program in this catalog and remember we have a sight unseen guarantee for those of you bidding online or submitting orders. Let us know if you need any assistance in your selection. Even though we have PAP Epds we offer a PAP Test on any bulls if you get your list to us by April 1. Come early. Bulls are available for viewing all day Friday. Lunch will be available in bunkhouse. Join us at 2pm to hear Ken Griffin with Ranchbot. He will have a program explaining remote water monitoring and generator control using their satellite systems. At 5:30 pm Friday night we will host a pre-sale social at Meteor Crater. Browse the Crater at sunset with heavy hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. At 6:30 in the Crater Theater, Lee Leachman will speak about: “Make sure your herd is not losing out on the #1 trait-----Fertility “. An RSVP would be appreciated to help gauge attendance. All bulls are Trich tested and will be ready to ship Sale Day. There is also a $75 credit per bull if you haul him home. We provide Free Delivery to Arizona and surrounding States to central locations.

We want to thank the LCoC Crew for all they have done testing, developing, marketing, and helping us improve our product. A special thanks to AgWest Farm Credit for sponsoring Lunch on sale day.

Please let us know if there is any way we can be of assistance. Look forward to seeing you.


All of us at Bar T Bar Ranch

Bull Tags: Each bull is wearing a colored breed tag. Breed tags correspond to the tattoo numbers and are colored as follows:

Yellow= Angus

Yellow w/ underline= 75% Angus and/or Red Angus

Yellow w/ star= 69-74% Angus and/or Red Angus

Yellow w/ underline & + = 80-99% Angus and/or Red Angus or 50AN/50AR

Blue = Brangus X Balancer

Blue w/ underline= 25% Brangus X Balancer

Blue w/ underline & star= 13% Brangus X Balancer

Blue w/ underline & + = 25% Brangus X 13% Beefmaster X Balancer

Green= Balancer

Green w/ underline= 69-86% Gelbvieh

Orange= 87-100% Gelbvieh

Red = Red Angus

Red w/ underline = Hybrid (anything that is less than 25% GV and 25% AN/AR)

Purple= Beefmaster X Balancer

Purple w/ underline= 25% Beefmaster X Balancer

Purple w/ underline & star= 13% Beefmaster X Balancer

White = Simmental X Balancer

White w/ underline = 25% Simmental X Balancer

White w/ underline & star = 13% Simmental X Balancer

Pink = 50% Santa Gertrudis x Balancer

One Year Guarantee!

Bar T Bar is offering a one year guarantee on all bulls that we sell. This guarantee will cover your purchased bull(s) against death, injury, infertility, and loss of use. If, during the first year from purchase, you lose the use of your bull for whatever reason, we will give you a credit towards the purchase of a new bull. We only ask that your herd veterinarian provide a written statement describing the death, injury, or infertility. If the bull in question can be salvaged, we would like you to keep the salvage value, and a credit will be issued, less the salvage amount you receive for the bull. If the bull is turned out for breeding, then the credit will be given at 75% of the original purchase value (less any salvage value). All claims must be made within 1 year from the date of purchase and cannot exceed the greater of 2 bulls per invoice or 15% of the total invoice.

Example 1: Your $5,000 bull dies before you turn him out to breed. You receive a full credit of $5,000. (Purchase Price - $0 Salvage - $0 Use).

Example 2: Your $5,000 bull injures his scrotum after you pull him from the cows. You sell him for $1000 in salvage. You receive a credit of $2,750 ($5000 purchase - $1000 salvage - $1250 usage).

Requirements for claims:

1. All claims must be made within 365 days of purchase.

2. A veterinary statement regarding the circumstances is required.

3. A verbal agreement from Bar T Bar Ranch is required prior to a bull being sold for salvage. Documentation of the salvage value of the bull, including identification of the bull on the sale barn ticket, that corresponds to the bulls Bar T Bar identifications (ear tag or metal clip) is also required. This credit can be used for the purchase of bulls, females, semen, and/or embryos from Bar T Bar. If the credit is not used within 24 months of the date of issuance, then it will expire.

Note: Guarantee will be revoked on all bulls that are not paid for within 30 days of invoice date.

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