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$Profit now re-focused for 2023 and beyond!
On December 12th, 2022, the Leachman $Profit system made one of the most significant Genetic Advancements in our Company’s history!
This unprecedented change was driven by new technology, better data, and changing markets. The primary drivers of the changes were as follows:
1. Leachman incorporated the Zoetis Fertility EPD into $Ranch and $Profit. The EPD predicts large differences in the calf crop percentage expected from a bull’s daughters!
• The Zoetis Fertility EPD was launched in May of 2021.
• After extensive investigation, Leachman believes that this EPD is the single best predictor of a cow’s lifetime productivity.
• Model analysis demonstrates that the number of calves produced in a cow’s lifetime is DIRECTLY related to that female’s probable annual calf crop percentage weaned.
• Higher Fertility EPD bulls produce daughters that will wean a higher average annual calf crop percentage weaned.
• These calf crop percentage differences drive HUGE differences in profitability
• High Fertility EPD bulls will build cowherds with consistently better breed back, higher calf crop percentage weaned, less culling requirements, and reduced replacement rates.

2. Leachman raised the price of corn to $5.50 per bushel to reflect the new reality of future grain prices.
• This change increased the emphasis on feed intake and conversion. Cost of gain, not rate of gain, is the more important driver of feedlot profitability

• Selection for $Profit and $Feeder will place increased emphasis on feed conversion and reduced intake levels.
3. Zoetis and Leachman launch the industry’s most accurate, multi-breed carcass evaluation!
• The $Profit database combines thousands of carcass data records, tens of thousands of ultrasound records, and over 75,000 DNA records to produce the most accurate carcass data predictions.
4. 2022 markets showed a record Choice/Select spread and a record Choice/Prime spread that make marbling more valuable than ever!
These modifications have significantly changed the expected $Ranch, $Feeder, and $Profit for animals in the Leachman $Profit database.
• Selection for $RANCH will build the most fertile and efficient cows.

• Selection for $FEEDER will build steers that efficiently gain and reach Prime marbling.
• Selection for $PROFIT will create the industries leading cowherds for fertility, efficiency, marbling, and profitability.
Our cows bred up 94% and our 2-year-olds bred up 90% – all in a year with 3" less than normal rain. Plus, our calves weaned 30 pounds heavier.
We’ve been using high $Ranch and high Fertility Leachman Stabilizer bulls – over 700 bulls since 2008. Our cows are getting better and our calves are improving in the feedlot.”
Shane Cox, Seifert Division Manager IX Ranch, Big Sandy, MT