Meinders Stock Farms 2023 Spring Sale

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35 Bulls & 15 Heifers

2023 Spring
Saturday, April 29, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Meinders Calving Barn • Buffalo Center, IA Angus • Simmental • Red Angus • Charolais


Welcome to the second annual Meinders Stock Farms Spring Sale! We are excited about our offering of Angus, SimAngus, Red Angus and Charolais bulls and yearling heifers! We aim to be a one-stop-shop for your bull and female needs, by offering multiple breeds that can meet any herd’s needs. We are very focused on building cattle who have balanced EPDs with an emphasis on moderate cow size, feed efficiency, and marbling.

For the past ten years, we have been marketing our bulls through Leachman Cattle of Colorado. We are still sending our Stabilizer bulls to Colorado, but have decided to market our registered cattle here in Iowa! With Leachman, we were introduced to their $Profit, $Ranch, and $Feeder indexes which have helped us improve our herd at a rapid pace. $Profit is the best index in the industry and all our cattle will sell with this index. We encourage you to read more about $Profit later in the catalog and we believe that it will greatly help you with your selections.

All cattle in the sale have been feed efficiency tested, which is unique data that most seedstock producers do not offer. Feed consumption is the #1 driver of cost in the cow herd and must be taken into consideration, especially with today’s feed prices. We try to collect as much data as possible to help you make the best decisions for your herd on sale day. Every animal in the sale will also sell with genomically enhanced EPDs.

We are also excited to offer a calf buy-back program on all calves sired by bulls bought in our sale! We have great confidence in our genetics and will gladly pay premiums for those calves. Those premiums will be paid based on the $Feeder indexes of the bulls, so the better bulls you buy, the higher the premium we will pay! Contact us for more information on that opportunity!

We hope to see you on sale day!

Zach Meinders

Zach, Macie, Tenley and Dirk Jake, Brittany, Ellis, Hadley & Mason Cousins

Meinders Stock Farms Spring Sale

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Meinders Calving

Barn • Buffalo Center, Iowa Sale starts at 5:00 p.m. (CST)

Schedule of Events

Saturday, April 29

1:00 p.m. Cattle available for viewing.

3:30 p.m. Presentation “How $Profit Works” – Lee Leachman

4:00 p.m. Social Hour – Drinks & Appetizers

5:00 p.m. SALE BEGINS!

6:30 p.m. Brisket Supper

Sale Day Phones

Zach Meinders • 515-320-3835

Jake Meinders • 515-320-3738

Lee Leachman • 970-219-8519

Craig Hays • 660-373-1897


Al Conover • 515-491-8078


Adam Conover, American Angus Association • 816-676-8560

Mike Sorenson, Livestock Plus • 641-745-7949

Austin Brandt, Midwest Marketer • 712-621-1829

Sale Location and Directions

The sale will be held at the Meinders Calving Barn, which is located at 2304 380th St Buffalo Center, IA 50424. From Wesley, IA (HWY 18), drive North and proceed 15 miles, then take a left (West), and proceed ¾ mile on 380th St. From Buffalo Center, IA (HWY 9), drive 2 miles West, take a left (South), proceed 5 miles then take a right (West) on 380th St. and proceed ¾ mile.

Suggested Lodging

Brookstone Lodge & Suites, Algona, IA • 515-200-0030

AmericInn, Blue Earth, MN • 507-800-1542

Herd Health

Bulls have been vaccinated against IBR, BVD Types l & ll, PI3, BRSV and 5 strains of Lepto. They also received Clean-Up

Pour-On and Multimin on March 1st. They sell with a complete breeding soundness evaluation.

Retained Semen Interest

Meinders Stock Farms will retain 50% semen interest in all bulls selling. If the buyer would like exclusive semen marketing rights, they may choose to double the final bid price. In that case, Meinders Stock Farms still retains the right to collect the bull for in-herd use.

Sale Order

A supplement sheet and Updated Sale Order will be available April, 28th. For the most up-to-date information, go to or


We will offer free delivery within 200 miles of Buffalo Center, IA. Beyond 200 miles, we will deliver to other locations for $0.50/mile.


We will board bulls for free until June 25th. For bulls that do not sell locally, we may ask buyers to take possession sooner, so we can schedule trucking as affordably as possible.

Online Bidding

Online viewing and bidding will be available at Find more information on that later in the catalog.

Hwy 9 R14 380th St A42 Mienders Stock Farm Sale Location Buffalo Center, IA 2 miles 5 miles 1 mile Never Miss an Auction Again! Watch & Bid Online for FREE! Visit and register today! For general questions, please contact our office 402-316-5460 or (515) 320-3835 Page 1

Meinders Stock Farms

Calf Buy-Back Program

We will pay you a premium for your Meinders Stock Farms sired feeder calves!

• Premiums will be paid above a beyond the “top” of our regional feeder calf sales.

• Premiums will be determined by the $Feeder index of the bulls you buy!

• Benchmark your herd by DNA testing your replacement heifers with Inherit Select.

• Vaccinate your calves with our recommended herd health protocol.

• Drop off your calves on one of our designated delivery days.

• Receive data on your calves after they are harvested and sold on the grid.

Calf Buy-Back Example

John has just begun buying Meinders Stock Farms bulls. We are going to assume he has been using bulls at industry average for $Feeder, which is $62. The new MSF bulls he has bought average $262 $Feeder (about the average Angus bull in the sale). We expect those bulls to add about $200/head ($262-$62) of genetic value to John’s calves. MSF will pay out 50% of that added genetic value as a premium which would be $100/head on this set! If John has 100 calves to sell, that’s $10,000 in Premiums!

If John’s bulls averaged $312 $Feeder, the math would be $312-$62=$250. 50% of that would be a $125/head premium MSF would pay.

As John buys more and more MSF bulls over the years, we will give more credit to his herd’s $Feeder which will result in higher future premiums. Better yet, if John DNA tests his herd with Zoetis Inherit genomic test to get EPDs on his females, we can learn exactly where his cow herd is genetically!

Contact Zach Meinders
more information –515-320-3835
Page 2

Updated Breeding Season Guarantee!

Effective Sept 1st, 2021

Meinders Stock Farms is offering a 90 day breeding season guarantee, starting the first day of turnout, on all bulls that we sell. This guarantee will cover your purchased bull(s) against death, injury, infertility, and loss of use. If, during the first season, you lose the use of your Meinders bull for whatever reason, we will give you a credit towards the purchase of a new bull. We only ask that your herd veterinarian provide a written statement describing the death, injury, or infertility. If the bull in question can be salvaged, we would like you to keep the salvage value, and a credit will be issued, less the salvage amount you receive for the bull. If the bull is turned out for breeding, then the credit will be given at 75% of the original purchase value (less any salvage value). All claims must be made within 1 year from the date of purchase and cannot exceed the greater of 2 bulls per invoice or 15% of the total invoice.

Example 1: Your $5,000 bull dies before you turn him out to breed. You receive a full credit of $5,000. (Purchase Price - $0 Salvage - $0 Use).

Example 2: Your $5,000 bull injures his scrotum after you pull him from the cows. You sell him for $1000 in salvage. You receive a credit of $2,750 ($5000 purchase - $1000 salvage - $1250 usage).

Requirements for claims:

1. All claims must be made within 365 days of purchase.

2. A veterinary statement regarding the circumstances is required.

3. A verbal agreement from Meinders Stock Farms is required prior to a bull being sold for salvage. Documentation of the salvage value of the bull, including identification of the bull on the sale barn ticket, that corresponds to the bulls Meinders identifications (ear tag or metal clip) is also required.

This credit can be used for the purchase of bulls, females, semen, and/or embryos from Meinders Stock Farms. If the credit is not used within 24 months of the date of issuance, then it will expire.

Note: Guarantee will be revoked on all bulls that are not paid for within 30 days of invoice date.

(515) 320-3835 Page 3


There seems to be a big disconnect in today’s beef industry. On sale day we want heavy, high quality steers to pay the bills. The rest of the time we want efficient cows to keep our costs as low as possible. Simply selecting for smaller cows with no regard for feed efficiency is not the answer. Likewise, selecting for shear growth with disregard for cost is just as poor of a strategy. The best way to make your cowherd truly efficient, and your calf crop earn more, is to use Leachman $Profit®. This is the only index in the industry that works on both sides of the ledger (production AND cost). Cows that work! Steers that pay!

Are all small cows really efficient?

How $Profit ® Works

$Profit assumes that the average commercial bull will have 100 progeny over its lifetime. The model assumes that you keep 30% of your heifers as replacements and that you retain ownership on the remainder of the calves through finishing and sell on a grid. We realize that many don’t retain ownership, but doesn’t it make the most sense to select from birth all the way to slaughter? Feedlots have already proven their willingness to pay premiums for superior Leachman sired calves.

Our simulation model then factors in all of the effects on both income and expense to come up with a net profit figure for each bull. $Profit allows you to compare any two bulls and calculate the difference in profit that they are expected to generate in your herd. Let’s compare a $10,000 $Profit bull to $6,000 $Profit bull (the average 2008 born Angus bull). The predicted difference between the bulls is $4,000 or about $40 per calf. $Profit works for us and it will work for you too.

What Traits are Included in $Profit ®

$Profit includes nearly every trait that impacts profitability. The effect of most traits on profit is fairly simple to understand. Here is the list of what is included and its effect:

Revenue Traits

▪ Calving ease = more calves

▪ Weaning and yearling EPD = more weight

▪ Cow Fertility = more calves at weaning

▪ Carcass weight = worth more up to 1050 lbs.

▪ Marbling = valued based on grid premiums

▪ Ribeye area = value as impacts yield grade

▪ % Retail Product = more yield is more meat

Cost Traits

▪ Cow mature size = in general bigger eats more

▪ Cow intake = more intake costs more

▪ Feedlot feed efficiency = cost of gain

Some traits are not so easily characterized for $Profit. Milk, for example, is a good thing until you get too much. When over +25, milk EPD has a more negative effect on fertility than it has a positive effect on weaning weight. There are a few traits not yet included in $Profit: udder, structure, and disposition. These traits are important but difficult to express in dollars.

Star System Explained

Calving Ease: The predicted calving ease if you use the bull on heifers.

The easiest calving bulls in the industry.

 Use on smaller heifers with minimal assistance needed.

 Use on larger heifers with some assistance expected.

(If no stars are shown, the animal is recommended for use on cows only.)

Good qqq

Better qqqq

Best qqqqq

Maternal: An estimate of the maternal efficiency of the daughters this bull will produce. It includes cow size, milk, udder quality, fertility/longevity, growth, feed efficiency/intake and calving ease.

 Keep these heifers! They will make the most profitable females in the business.

Cow Fert: An estimate of the amount of calves the daughters will have in their lifetime.

Will produce about 2 more calves in their life time than 1-Star fertility. This translates into a probable advantage in calf crop percentage of nearly 20%!

Udder: An estimate of the daughter’s udder quality.

Thumb size teats and tight bag suspension.

Growth: A formula combines WW and YW to predict how much performance the bull will pass on to their progeny.

Most growth.

Feed/Carc: A formula that combines: gain, conversion, carcass weight and carcass merit to predict post weaning performance.  Maximum overall value in your feeder calves.

Feet: An observation of the bull’s claw shape.

 Average, 4 & 5 star will improve you herd.

Disposition: An observation of the bull’s disposition.

 Average - respects flight zones and handles well, but is not a pet.

Pheno: An observation of the bull’s type and kind.

 Average - 4 and 5 star bulls will add phenotype.

Page 4

Leachman Financial Indexes

Allow You to HAVE IT ALL !

$Ranch ® – Profit from birth through weaning. Includes:

• Fertility, Milk, Growth

• Cow feed intake and mature size

$Feeder ® – Profit from weaning to harvest. Includes:

• Feed conversion

• Carcass value

• Carcass weight

$Profit ® – Puts it all together. $Ranch ® + $Feeder ®

• One number that predicts your bottom line !

Feed:Gain – Difference in the amount of feed a bull's progeny will consume to produce one pound of gain.

Example: A -0.50 F:G EPD means this animal's progeny will consume 1/2 pound less feed per pound of gain than would progeny of a 0.00 F:G EPD sire.

Feed Intake – Difference in feed consumption of each of a bull's progeny in a 112 day feeding period.

Example: A steer whose sire has a -100 Intake EPD will eat 100 pounds less feed in 112 days than one whose sire had a zero Intake EPD.

Across Breed Comparisons

Dare to compare! You cannot afford to make mistakes in your breeding program! Choosing to use sires with incomplete or low value data can unknowingly make your herd less profitable –same work, same cost, poor results - unacceptable. Leachman ABC’s are the most reliable and comprehensive EPDs in the industry. They are backed by a large (nearly a million), longstanding (over 30 years), multi-breed (over 15 breeds) database. Using this system assures you of making sound breeding decisions with minimal risk of failure.

$ Indexes Explained

Good Better Best % Rank Average Top 25% Top 1% BW 1.9 0.4 -3.3 WW 38 47 70 YW 65 82 124 MILK 22 26 36 SC 0.54 0.79 1.41 HT 0.53 0.73 1.22 MAT WT 27 13 -21 REA 0.51 0.70 1.17 IMF 0.31 0.51 1.02 CAR WT 42 46 58 BF -0.02 0.00 0.06 PAP 0.07 -0.8 -2.93
Efficiency Explained Good Better Best % Rank Average Top 25% Top 1% Feed:Gain 0.01 -0.07 -0.25 Intake 23 -6 -78 Good Better Best % Rank Average Top 25% Top 1% $Profit $8,000 $14,112 $29,065 $Ranch $30 $76 $189 $Feeder $60 $107 $221
(515) 320-3835 Page 5
On the Ranch, In the Feedlot, and On the Rail, $PROFIT ® simply works!
LARRY BREMER Buchan & Bremer Crop Insurance Fairmont, MN 507-238-1474 Thank you Larry Bremer, of Buchan & Bremer Crop Insurance, for your support of our 2022 and 2023 Bull Sales! Come Join us On Sale Day Page 6

Youth Heifer Giveaway!

ASA#: 4125334 · DOB: 4/6/22

CACA Leachman Luxury x EFBEEF BR Validated B413

All youth ages 8-18 will be eligible to win this beautiful red white face heifer on sale day! Attend the sale, put your name in the hat, and a winner will be drawn at the beginning of the sale! Winner will also have access to semen on any Meinders Stock Farms herd sire to get her bred. Must be present to win and must be accompanied by a parent or relative. We are excited to support the next generation in the cattle industry! Winner will be asked to report back from time-to-time on the status of the heifer and how she’s working in his or her herd.

MSF2 Dom KM021
3/8 SM, 1/2 HH, 1/8 AR
DOM KM021 4125334 4/6/22 Scores 3/8SM1/2HH1/8 AR RWF H BW 65 CE eeee IR Imperial D948 AWW 554 Growth eee CACA Leachman Luxury M478G AYW 787 Maternal eeee Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D F:G 0.24 Feed/Carc eee EFBEEF BR Validated B413 Intake -9 Phenotype eee MCR Validated Dominette 9112ET Disp eeee Feet MCR 10Y 408 Dominet 617 ET Fertility eeeee Udder eeee CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 16 -2.4 60 78 -0.1 -.066 0.11 8 20 49 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 6 0.30 0.63 -0.042 16 126 70 $114 $98 $18,042 (515) 320-3835 Page 7

Angus Bulls

More Marbling & Less Intake

Page 8

Meinders Stock Farms


Kickback is the only non-parent bull in the breed with his combination of negative Birth Weight, +0.2 (or shorter) Hip Height, +16 Heifer

Pregnancy, and +1.2 or better on Marbling & Ribeye! Elite Cow Fertility at 2.77! Herd Sire Prospect!

20435578 3/19/22 E Scores Angus BLK B BW 80 CE eee Mill Brae Identified 4031 AWW 709 Growth eeeee HCC Whitewater 9010 AYW 1243 Maternal eeee Rock Creek Sara 6066 F:G -0.17 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman Foundation G081D Intake 91 Phenotype eeeee MSF May GG022 Disp eee Feet eee MSF May CG091 Fertility eeeee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 10 -1.2 63 114 0.2 0.88 16.2 12 34 50 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 45 1.2 1.25 0.006 76 177 306 $114 $299 $32,142 #1 $Profit. #2 $Feeder. #4 Marbling. #1 Cow Fertility at 2.77! Gained 5.03/Day and converted 4.7:1 on test! Maternal brother Swagger! Lot
HCC Whitewater
MSF Swagger G072J
(515) 320-3835 Page 9



Lot 2 Lot 3
20435576 3/30/22 E Scores Angus BLK B BW 85 CE Mill Brae Identified 4031 AWW 628 Growth eeeee HCC Whitewater 9010 AYW 1183 Maternal eeee Rock Creek Sara 6066 F:G -0.26 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman Foundation G081D Intake 160 Phenotype eeeee MSF May GG022 Disp eee Feet eee MSF May CG091 Fertility eeee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 8 1.1 68 120 0.6 0.28 16.1 11 27 59 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 52 1.23 0.85 0.039 73 175 300 $62 $274 $25,138 #5 Yearling Weight. #5 Feed:Gain. # 5 Udder Quality. Converted 5:1 on Feed Test! Full brother to Lot 1, 2, and the Lot 36 heifer!
20435581 2/24/22 E Scores Angus BLK B BW 80 CE Mill Brae Identified 4031 AWW 755 Growth eeeee HCC Whitewater 9010 AYW 1336 Maternal eeee Rock Creek Sara 6066 F:G -0.28 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman Foundation G081D Intake 110 Phenotype eeeee MSF May GG022 Disp eeec Feet eee MSF May CG091 Fertility eeeee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 6 2.5 65 118 0.6 0.88 15.5 11 46 44 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 59 1.04 1.27 0.011 78 181 313 $114 $226 $27,029 #4 Cow Fertility. Great Ratios...114 WW, 115 YW, 107 IMF & 110 REA. Gained 5.08/Day and converted 5.1:1 on test! 1336 Adj. Yearling Weight! Full Sister - MSF May KG040 Page 10
Meinders Stock Farms

Meinders Stock Farms



20435558 3/9/22 N Scores Angus BLK B BW 78 CE eeeee T C A Visionary 158 AWW 645 Growth eeeee Leachman TL BottomLine G385E AYW 1238 Maternal eee Top Norel BG276 F:G -0.49 Feed/Carc eeeee K C F Bennett Absolute Intake 64 Phenotype eeeee MSF Cornelia CG029 Disp eeeee Feet ee LCoC Cornelia WG642 Fertility eeee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 15 -1.7 68 132 0.7 1.79 14.9 13 37 80 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 52 0.66 0.95 -0.029 67 163 278 $90 $318 $31,066 #3 $Profit. #1 $Feeder. #3 Yearling Weight. #1 Feed:Gain. Curve Bender who is very docile! 39 cm Scrotal. 1238 Adj. Yearling Weight!
20435563 3/17/22 N Scores Angus BLK B BW 90 CE T C A Visionary 158 AWW 710 Growth eeeee Leachman TL BottomLine G385E AYW 1139 Maternal eeee Top Norel BG276 F:G 0.09 Feed/Carc eeee Leachman Decided G105D Intake 51 Phenotype eee MSF Zuma GG017 Disp eeeec Feet eee MSF Zuma CG038 Fertility eeee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 7 2.2 72 129 0.9 0.76 9.7 8 37 61 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 51 0.39 1.3 -0.07 62 150 257 $82 $181 $20,630 Udder Improver! 710 Adjusted Weaning Weight. Full sister sold in our 2022 Sale to Jay Stowater.
20435557 3/26/22 N Scores Angus BLK B BW 85 CE eee T C A Visionary 158 AWW 620 Growth eee Leachman TL BottomLine G385E AYW 1082 Maternal eeee Top Norel BG276 F:G -0.39 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman Darkhorse G045X Intake -32 Phenotype eee MSF Susie AG044 Disp eeee Feet eeee LCoC Susie WG630 Fertility eeeee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 12 0.2 49 92 0.7 1.65 16.3 10 26 40 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 37 0.91 1.03 -0.032 74 167 291 $114 $243 $28,187 #5 Cow Fertiltiy. #2 Feed:Gain. #1 Low Intake. Build a low intake cow herd with excellent Fertility!
Lot 4
(515) 320-3835 Page 11
Leachman TL BottomLine G385E

Meinders Stock Farms




20435572 2/18/22 A Scores Angus BLK B BW 77 CE eee G A R Ashland AWW 665 Growth eeee HPCA Vercingetorix AYW 1113 Maternal eeee H P C A Sure Fire P245 F:G 0.03 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman Foundation G081D Intake 69 Phenotype eeeee MSF Susie GG020 Disp eeec Feet eeee MSF Susie CG028 Fertility eeee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 10 -0.8 56 99 0.1 0.76 13.3 8 33 23 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 38 1.59 1.13 0.034 79 184 318 $109 $285 $30,717 #4 $Profit. #3 $Feeder. #3 Marbling. #2 Udder Quality. 122 IMF & 106 REA Ratios! We will collect & use this bull!
20435573 2/21/22 A Scores Angus BLK B BW 48 CE eeeee G A R Ashland AWW 603 Growth eeee HPCA Vercingetorix AYW 1091 Maternal eeec H P C A Sure Fire P245 F:G -0.28 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman Absolute Red G108D Intake 30 Phenotype eeee MSF Peach GG047 Disp eeec Feet ee Bridges Prophet 406 Fertility eee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 22 -3.6 58 104 0.2 -0.83 10.5 15 34 8 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 39 0.89 0.59 0.011 79 151 275 $70 $243 $23,772 #4 Feed:Gain. #3 Udder Quality. Converted 4.7:1 on Feed Test. Sleep all night calving ease! 8 MSF VERC G024K 20435574 2/4/22 A Scores Angus BLK B BW 76 CE G A R Ashland AWW 683 Growth eeeee HPCA Vercingetorix AYW 1170 Maternal eeec H P C A Sure Fire P245 F:G -0.08 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman Paradigm G289U Intake 107 Phenotype eee LCoC Blackcap XG522 Disp eee Feet eee LCoC Blackcap TG075 Fertility eee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 6 1.2 71 125 0.5 0.66 11.9 9 16 67 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 54 0.86 0.94 0.028 60 166 275 $60 $256 $23,699 #1 Yearling Weight. #1 Udder Quality. 111 WW Ratio. 16.4 inch Ribeye! Bruiser of a bull who will sire excellent daughters and fast growing steers! Lot 7 HPCA Vercingetorix Page 12

Meinders Stock Farms



Lot 10

have been worth up to an extra


Lot 11


We specialize in sales and transportation of various agriculture commodities primarily in Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota (local Midwest) using hopper bottom and live bottom trailers.

· Feed ingredients (DDGS, Corn screenings, Etc.) ·

20435583 9/16/21 A Scores Angus BLK B BW CE eeee G A R Ashland AWW 499 Growth eee HPCA Vercingetorix AYW Maternal eeec H P C A Sure Fire P245 F:G 0.08 Feed/Carc eeee G A R Further Progress Intake 81 Phenotype eeee LCoC Queen ZG029 Disp eee Feet eec LCoC Queen WG039 Fertility eee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 13 -1 59 106 0.3 -0.12 14.4 12 29 23 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 33 1.08 0.81 0.036 82 153 280 $82 $218 $23,222 #4 Udder Quality. Sons of the very popular HPCA Vercingetorix! Age advantaged Fall bull who can cover more cows right away! 11
20435585 1/9/22 A Scores Angus BLK B BW 55 CE eeeee G A R Momentum AWW 635 Growth eeee G A R Transcendent AYW 1131 Maternal eee G A R Prophet 2685 F:G 0.00 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Intake 161 Phenotype eeee MSF Susie HG073 Disp eeeec Feet eec MSF Susie AG044 Fertility eee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 18 -2.3 57 108 0.4 0.24 15.7 15 40 60 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 37 1.57 0.92 0.031 72 168 290 $49 $286 $24,638 #4 $Feeder. #1 Marbling. 113 IMF Ratio. Top 1% Calving Ease. Primes
$700/head in the past year!
20435567 2/22/22 A Scores Angus BLK B BW 73 CE eeee G A R Sure Fire AWW 704 Growth eeeee Woodland Centerfire AYW 1192 Maternal eee Basin Blackcap Lady 0172 F:G 0.01 Feed/Carc eeeee Byergo Black Magic 3348 Intake 113 Phenotype eeee MSF Magic GG014 Disp eeec Feet ee LAF 100X 1536 Fertility eee Udder eeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 13 -1.4 63 119 0.6 0.42 10.4 11 28 56 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 52 1.29 0.74 0.041 56 180 289 $42 $252 $21,580 #4 Yearling Weight. Udder Improver! Top 10% Calving Ease. Maternal Brother sold in our 2022 Sale to Jason Grant. 13
Nt Reg 2/15/22 N Scores 98% Angus BLK B BW 59 CE SydGen Exceed 3223 AWW 633 Growth eeee Ankonian Ernest 8149 AYW 1075 Maternal eeec Green Garden Effie QB80 F:G -0.24 Feed/Carc eeeee PA Fortitude 5495 Intake 51 Phenotype eee MSF Hybrid HJ003 Disp eee Feet eee MSF Hybrid FS736 Fertility eee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 0.5 50 97 0.3 0.59 36 55 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 40 1.58 0.8 0.020 $68 $284 $26,492 #5 $Feeder. #2 Marbling. Udder Improver! Full sister sold in our 2022 Sale to Jay Stowater.
Grains Curt Thilges (641) 430-2303 · Brandon Thilges (641) 430-5101 (515) 320-3835 Page 13

SimAngus Bulls

More Fertility & Added Muscle

Page 14

Meinders Stock Farms



Kraken puts together an elite combination of Yearling Weight, Marbling, Ribeye, Cow Fertility, Udder Quality and Foot Structure we have not found anywhere else! His dam is now in our embryo program. We will collect and use him in our herd.


Lot 15

4096837 1/17/22 A Scores 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BWF B BW 74 CE Hook's Eagle 6E AWW 656 Growth eeeee KSU Bald Eagle 53G AYW 1169 Maternal eeee KSU Miss Shear Force 9Z F:G 0.03 Feed/Carc eeeee Hook's Capitalist 37C Intake 9 Phenotype eeee MSF2 Glory GM400 Disp eeee Feet eeee K M J MS Prophet D303 (DL055) Fertility eeee Udder eeee CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 13.1 0.2 86 136 0.4 0.66 0.31 8.2 24 67 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 50 0.74 1.22 -0.064 13.7 157.3 95.9 $118 $257 $29,600 #5 $Profit. #2 Yearling Weight. #3 Low Intake. Udder Improver! Converted 4.9:1 on Feed Test! Huge 17.2 inch Ribeye! 15
4096851 1/3/22 A Scores 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BBK B BW 64 CE eeee EGL Firesteel 103F AWW 663 Growth eeee LCDR Fireproof 206H AYW 1127 Maternal eee WS Miss Sugar C4 F:G 0.11 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman Decree X936D Intake 84 Phenotype eee MSF Cornelia GM003 Disp eeee Feet eeeee MSF Cornelia CG029 Fertility eee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 16.1 -1.6 74 116 0.9 0.50 0.26 7.5 27 64 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 39 0.97 0.75 -0.042 18.4 180.3 96.2 $76 $254 $25,202 Excellent Feet. 112 IMF Ratio & and 16.6 Ribeye! Gained 4.43#/day and converted 5.1:1 on Feed Test!
Lot 14
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Meinders Stock Farms

4175135 4/2/22 E Scores 1/2 AN 1/2 HH BWF B BW 89 CE eeee G A R Ashland AWW 801 Growth eeee G A R Home Town AYW 1354 Maternal eee Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 F:G 0.23 Feed/Carc eeee EFBEEF BR Validated B413 Intake 60 Phenotype eeeee MCR Validated Dominette 9112ET Disp eeeec Feet eeeee MCR 10Y 408 Dominet 617 ET Fertility ee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 16 -0.7 76 113 0.6 -0.27 0.24 8.4 17 55 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 37 0.79 0.74 -0.003 9.5 171.9 104.4 $39 $195 $17,315 Excellent Feet. #1 Adjusted Yearling Weight at 1354! F1 Hereford x Angus. Sells Registered with the Simmental Association. 17 MSF2
4096839 1/13/22 A Scores 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BRC B BW 61 CE eeee CDI Secret Agent 407C AWW 714 Growth eeeee Redhill Double Agent 139H AYW 1237 Maternal eec Redhill Allabrd 34Z 21E F:G -0.18 Feed/Carc eeee G A R Sure Fire Intake 67 Phenotype eeee M C C Supermama 9367G Disp eeee Feet eee M C C Supermama 6215 SA Fertility ee Udder eee CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 20.1 -2.4 90 147 0.8 1.25 0.36 10.9 28 73 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 50 0.61 0.74 0.004 12.5 162 97.7 $38 $188 $16,665 1237 Adjusted Yearling Weight! Huge 17 inch Ribeye! Big and rugged bull who will make an excellent terminal sire!
17 Page 16

Meinders Stock Farms

Lot 18



Leachman First Class W306G

Lot 19

4096846 1/3/22 A Scores 3/8 SM 1/2 AN RED B BW 64 CE eee Redhill Allabrd 5A 25E AWW 647 Growth eee Leachman First Class W306G AYW 1117 Maternal eeeec SLK Hybrid D5141 F:G 0.12 Feed/Carc eeee Leachman Foundation G081D Intake 18 Phenotype eeeee MSF2 Sonya GM005 Disp eeeec Feet eeee Hooks Sonya 20S (SL146) Fertility eeeee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 14.9 -4.8 52 83 -0.1 -0.09 0.19 8.6 24 50 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 14 0.86 0.65 -0.037 18.3 165.8 82.4 $146 $183 $27,168 #1 $Ranch. #2 Cow Fertility. Gained 5#/day and converted 4.4:1 on test! Rarely do you find a bull with a 5 frame and an 18.4 inch Ribeye!
4096850 1/7/22 A Scores 5/8 SM 5/16 AN RED B BW 61 CE eeee Redhill Allabrd 5A 25E AWW 634 Growth eee Leachman First Class W306G AYW 1042 Maternal eeee SLK Hybrid D5141 F:G 0.03 Feed/Carc eeee Leachman Decree X936D Intake 5 Phenotype eee MSF2 3000A GL005 Disp eeeec Feet eee CCR MS Singletary 3000A Fertility eeee Udder eeee CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 16.4 -4.1 57 85 0.2 0.20 0.18 9.5 26 54 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 1 0.77 0.75 -0.032 18.5 167 83.7 $125 $200 $26,243 #5 Low Intake. Excellent Feet. Udder Improver! 108 IMF Ratio and a 16 inch Ribeye!
(515) 320-3835 Page 17

Lot 20



4118371 2/2/22 A Scores 1/2 SM 1/2 AN RED B BW 77 CE eee Hooks Augustine 73A AWW 731 Growth eeee Leachman Augustine U927E AYW 1160 Maternal eeeec GRU Stabilizer BL025 F:G 0.13 Feed/Carc eeee Hook's Yukon 80Y Intake -4 Phenotype eeeee LSF SRR Cover Girl C5950 Disp eeee Feet eee LSF Cover Girl T7157 X0219 Fertility eeeee Udder eeeee CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 14.8 -1.7 68 98 0.4 0.63 0.19 9.8 28 62 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 25 0.49 1.32 -0.049 24.5 162 81.3 $135 $197 $27,089 #5 $Ranch. #1 Ribeye SimAngus. #2 Low Intake. Udder Improver! #2 Ribeye scan on the sale at 18.2! He will fix udders!
4096848 1/15/22 A Scores 1/2 SM 1/2 AN RED B BW 62 CE eeeee CDI Secret Agent 407C AWW 629 Growth eee Leachman Hoss S602H AYW 1097 Maternal eeee Rempe Stabilizer 7172 F:G -0.08 Feed/Carc eeeee G A R Progress Intake 47 Phenotype eeeee MSF2 Sonya DJ032 Disp eeeec Feet eee Hooks Sonya 20S (SL146) Fertility eeeee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 19.3 -6.3 61 97 0.3 0.35 0.23 11.2 27 57 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 21 1.09 0.44 0.004 19.4 195.8 96.7 $134 $271 $32,100 #2 $Profit. #2 $Ranch. #5 Marbling. Twin. DDC. Elite calving ease, marbling & cow fertility! We will collect & use this bull!
Page 18
Lot 21 Leachman
Meinders Stock Farms

Meinders Stock Farms

Lot 22






4141879 1/6/22 E Scores 3/8 SM 5/8 AN RED B BW 80 CE eee Brown Premier X7876 AWW 658 Growth eee LSF SRR Commander 5906C AYW 1199 Maternal eeec LSF Crystal X0414 Z2105 F:G -0.24 Feed/Carc eee Hook`s Delegate 64D Intake 12 Phenotype eeee M4 MS Desire 911G Disp eeeec Feet eec M4 MS Impulse E6Z Fertility eeeee Udder ee CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 13.6 -3.5 70 108 0.5 0.59 0.23 8.6 29 64 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 34 0.69 0.07 -0.005 15.6 151.8 85.9 $120 $121 $20,253 #3 Cow
Maternal brother to CLRS
at ABS Global.
Fertility. 37 Adjusted Scrotal. Excellent Feed Efficiency.
4096856 3/26/22 E Scores 3/4 SM 1/4 AN RED B BW 80 CE eeeee IR Imperial D948 AWW 728 Growth eeeee CACA Leachman Luxury M478G AYW 1270 Maternal eeee Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D F:G -0.04 Feed/Carc eee Hook`s Delegate 64D Intake 74 Phenotype eeee M4 MS Desire 911G Disp eeec Feet eeeee M4 MS Impulse E6Z Fertility eeee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 18.1 -1 81 125 0.9 -0.09 0.27 10.5 27 68 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 45 0.74 0.77 -0.025 20.5 175.5 94 $104 $172 $22,140 Top 3% API. Top 5% CE & Stay. Top 10% MCE, Marb. & TI! Maternal brother to CLRS Jefferson at ABS Global.
4096857 3/30/22 E Scores 3/4 SM 1/4 AN RED B BW 73 CE eeeee IR Imperial D948 AWW 731 Growth eeee CACA Leachman Luxury M478G AYW 1221 Maternal eeee Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D F:G -0.17 Feed/Carc eeee Hook`s Delegate 64D Intake 5 Phenotype eeee M4 MS Desire 911G Disp eeec Feet eee M4 MS Impulse E6Z Fertility eeee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 17.5 -3.1 75 114 0.7 -0.44 0.24 10.2 27 65 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 27 0.75 0.55 -0.054 19.1 174 93.1 $130 $193 $26,242 #3 $Ranch. #4 Low Intake. Top 4% API. Top 10% CE, BW, Marb. & TI! Maternal brother to CLRS Jefferson at ABS Global.
4096849 1/18/22 A Scores 5/8 SM 3/8 AN RED B BW 50 CE eeeee IR Imperial D948 AWW 644 Growth eee CACA Leachman Luxury M478G AYW 997 Maternal eeee Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D F:G 0.20 Feed/Carc eee Leachman Decree X936D Intake 6 Phenotype eee MSF2 Sonya HS577 Disp eeec Feet eee MSF2 Sonya DJ032 Fertility eeee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 20.4 -6.8 52 70 0.3 -1.17 0.11 12 25 51 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 15 0.88 0.42 -0.029 22.6 187.3 86.2 $139 $177 $26,099 #4 $Ranch. Top 1% CE, BW & API. Top 2% MCE & Stay. Top 3% Marb. Sleep all night calving ease!
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Page 20
Charolais More Growth & Feed Efficient

Meinders Stock Farms



EM979666 4/1/22 E Scores Charolais WHT B BW 98 CE eee Broberg's Rsource D20 AWW 637 Growth eeeee LT Countdown 9712 PLD AYW 1259 Maternal eec LT Madeline 6113 PLD F:G 0.16 Feed/Carc eee BJR Leachman PhD 738 P092T Intake 169 Phenotype eeeee LCoC Ms America CP051 Disp eeee Feet eeeee LCoC Ms America UP045 Fertility eee Udder ee CE BW WW YW YH SC MTL MCE MILK MW 13 -5.3 64 131 1.3 1.3 66 5 34 52 CW MARB REA FAT TSI $Feeder 33 0.30 0.94 0.028 285 $131 #1 Ribeye. Gained 4.9#/day and converted 4.8:1 on feed test! 38 cm SC. Top 25% or better for 10 EPDs/Indexes! Het Polled. Herd Sire!
EM979667 3/28/22 E Scores Charolais WHT B BW 83 CE Broberg's Rsource D20 AWW 648 Growth eeeee LT Countdown 9712 PLD AYW 1210 Maternal eec LT Madeline 6113 PLD F:G 0.15 Feed/Carc eee BJR Leachman PhD 738 P092T Intake 124 Phenotype eeeee LCoC Ms America CP051 Disp eeec Feet eeee LCoC Ms America UP045 Fertility eee Udder ee CE BW WW YW YH SC MTL MCE MILK MW 12 -3.5 63 129 1.4 1.6 63 5 31 52 CW MARB REA FAT TSI $Feeder 31 0.20 0.9 0.046 278 $128 #2 Ribeye. 16.6 inch Ribeye. Extra frame and muscle! Full borther to Lot 26. Top 10% or better for 5 EPDs/Indexes. Scurred.
Lot 26
LT Countdown 9712 PLD (515) 320-3835 Page 21
Lot 27

Meinders Stock Farms



EM979668 3/26/22 E Scores Charolais WHT B BW 90 CE LT Long Distance 9001 PLD AWW 744 Growth eeeee M&M Outsider 4003 PLD AYW 1201 Maternal eec M&M Ms Carbine 1567 PLD F:G 0.01 Feed/Carc ee BJR Leachman PhD 738 P092T Intake 59 Phenotype eeeee LCoC Ms America CP051 Disp eeee Feet eeeee LCoC Ms America UP045 Fertility eee Udder ee CE BW WW YW YH SC MTL MCE MILK MW 9 -2.4 78 126 1.1 0.4 74 1 35 58 CW MARB REA FAT TSI $Feeder 32 0.16 0.8 0.007 265 $100 #4 Ribeye. #1 F:G Charolais. Excellent Feet. Big BW to YW spread. Possibly the best looking bull on the sale! PA Carrier. Het Polled.
M974735 3/25/22 A Scores Charolais WHT B BW 68 CE eee Broberg's Rsource D20 AWW 600 Growth eeeee LT Countdown 9712 PLD AYW 1047 Maternal eee LT Madeline 6113 PLD F:G 0.27 Feed/Carc eee VPI Free Lunch 708T Intake 66 Phenotype eeee MSF Fire FP030 Disp eeee Feet eeeee MSF Fire DP006 Fertility eee Udder eee CE BW WW YW YH SC MTL MCE MILK MW 14 -5.4 61 109 1.0 1.7 49 5 19 45 CW MARB REA FAT TSI $Feeder 25 0.39 0.54 0.059 259 $141 #1 $Profit Charolais. #1 Marbling Charolais. 39 cm Adjusted Scrotal. Excellent calving ease option with elite marbling! Homo Polled.
29 LCoC Ms America CP051 Page 22
30 MSF COUNTDOWN P036K M974734 3/20/22 A Scores Charolais WHT B BW 75 CE Broberg's Rsource D20 AWW 553 Growth eeeee LT Countdown 9712 PLD AYW 1047 Maternal eee LT Madeline 6113 PLD F:G 0.39 Feed/Carc eee Plucker's Beyond Belief P Intake 39 Phenotype eeeee MSF Golden FP043 Disp eeeec Feet eeee MSF Golden BP016 Fertility eee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC MTL MCE MILK MW 12 -4 69 131 1.7 1.2 62 4 27 73 CW MARB REA FAT TSI $Feeder 29 0.17 0.86 0.015 279 $148 #3 Ribeye. #1 $Feeder Charolais. 103 IMF % 106 IMF Ratios. Huge -3.9 BW to 130 YW spread! Top 5% TSI. Homo Polled. Lot 30 Stockman’s Advantage Big Gain Feed Dealer NUTRITION SOLUTIONS FOR: Beef Feedlot • Cow-Calf • Calf Starters • Milk Replacer Sheep • Swine • Horse • Poultry Kyle Hurley, Independent Feed Dealer 4485 470th St. Curlew, IA 50527 | Cell: (712) 480-5953 Email: | (515) 320-3835 Page 23
Meinders Stock Farms

Red Angus Bulls

Calving Ease & Great Udders Page 24

Meinders Stock Farms




Lot 31



4693559 3/27/22 E Scores Red Angus RED B BW 73 CE eeeee HXC Authority 7794E AWW 777 Growth eeee LSF SRR Control 9191G AYW 1389 Maternal eee LSF SRR Covr Grl T7157 D6430 F:G -0.10 Feed/Carc eeee Brown Oracle B112 Intake 60 Phenotype eeee LCoC Abigrace GD045 Disp eeee Feet eee Brown Ms Paramount Z7872 Fertility eee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK ME 17 -4.0 70 118 0.8 0.37 11 10 28 8 CW MARB REA FAT HB GM ProS $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 38 0.86 0.23 0.020 47 89 136 $56 $201 $19,443 Udder Improver! #1 $Profit Red Angus. #1 $Feeder Red Angus. Full borther to Lot 32 & 33. #1 Ribeye Red Angus. 777 Adj. Weaning Wt.
4693563 3/27/22 E Scores Red Angus RED B BW 58 CE eeeee HXC Authority 7794E AWW 666 Growth eee LSF SRR Control 9191G AYW 1165 Maternal eee LSF SRR Covr Grl T7157 D6430 F:G -0.05 Feed/Carc eeee Brown Oracle B112 Intake 30 Phenotype eeee LCoC Abigrace GD045 Disp eee Feet ee Brown Ms Paramount Z7872 Fertility ee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK ME 17 -4.8 61 103 0.4 0.59 11 10 28 8 CW MARB REA FAT HB GM ProS $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 32 1.17 -0.03 0.030 57 94 151 $48 $188 $17,692 Udder Improver! #1 $Ranch Red Angus. Full borther to Lot 31 & 33. Sleep all night calving ease!
4693557 3/26/22 E Scores Red Angus RED B BW 78 CE eeee HXC Authority 7794E AWW 736 Growth eeee LSF SRR Control 9191G AYW 1300 Maternal eee LSF SRR Covr Grl T7157 D6430 F:G -0.26 Feed/Carc eee Brown Oracle B112 Intake 62 Phenotype eeee LCoC Abigrace GD045 Disp eeee Feet ee Brown Ms Paramount Z7872 Fertility eee Udder eeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK ME 16 -4.8 67 111 0.6 0.44 11 9 28 8 CW MARB REA FAT HB GM ProS $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 32 1.06 0.21 0.000 35 95 130 $30 $174 $14,968 Udder Improver! #1 F:G Red Angus. Full borther to Lot 31 & 32. 736 Adjusted Weaning Weight.
4693569 9/14/21 A Scores Red Angus RED B BW CE eeeee HXC Authority 7794E AWW 496 Growth eee LSF SRR Control 9191G AYW Maternal eee LSF SRR Covr Grl T7157 D6430 F:G 0.11 Feed/Carc eee Beckton Nebula P P707 Intake 65 Phenotype eeee LCoC Oh Princess YA003 Disp eeec Feet ee LCoC Oh Princess SA056 Fertility eee Udder eeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK ME 18 -4.1 55 91 0.4 0.86 12 10 29 3 CW MARB REA FAT HB GM ProS $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 25 0.74 0.30 0.010 74 73 147 $61 $171 $17,879 Udder Improver! #1 Cow Fertility Red Angus. Age advantaged Fall bull who can cover more cows right away!
Lot 32 Lot
(515) 320-3835 Page 25
LSF SRR Control 9191G

“Our cows check all the boxes!

Half of our calf crop is sold as breeding bulls or retained as replacement heifers. In 2021, the remaining steers and heifers graded 23.5% Prime, 39% CAB, 34% Choice, and only 3.5% Select. They did that with a 3 Yield Grade and a 860 carcass weight average.”

for Birth Weight, Yearling Weight, Ribeye, Feed:Gain, Udder Quality, $Feeder and $Profit!

Gary, Jake and Zach Meinders Perfect uddered first calf heifer with a bull calf that weaned off at 650 pounds! He’s also top 1% for Weaning Weight, Ribeye, Marbling, Feed:Gain and $Profit! Leachman TL BottomLine G385E out breeding cows at Meinders Stock Farms. At $27,949 $Profit and $109 $Ranch, he is one of the most unique Angus bulls in the breed. He’s top 10% or better
Page 26

“We feed efficiency test 100% of our bull calves and replacement heifers.

Feed consumption is the #1 driver of cost in the cow herd and by improving the feed efficiency in our herd, we can run more cows on less acres.”

In our SmartFeed Bunks, we can measure individual feed intake, feed:gain, and average daily gain so we can identify the most efficient cattle.

Leachman MSF Game Time P046H sold for $20,000 to ABS Global and Ankony Farms in the 2021 Leachman Fall Harvest Sale. Game Time was special from day one! Huge birth weight to yearling weight spread and a big 271 Terminal Sire Index!

Line was the best Angus bull raised at Meinders Stock Farms in 2020 and boasts a $29,581 $Profit!

Leachman MSF Finish Line G030H sold for $12,000 to Chris Grotegut in the 2021 Leachman Fall Harvest Sale. Finish
(515) 320-3835 Page 27
Tenley Meinders, the next generation, learning the ropes!
Open Yearling Heifers Angus • SimAngus • Red Angus • Charolais Page 28

Meinders Stock Farms

Lot 35




MSF Swagger G072J


20435569 3/26/22 E Scores Angus BLK H BW 65 CE eee Mill Brae Identified 4031 AWW 571 Growth eeeee HCC Whitewater 9010 AYW 946 Maternal eeee Rock Creek Sara 6066 F:G -0.06 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman Foundation G081D Intake 99 Phenotype eeeee MSF May GG022 Disp eee Feet eee MSF May CG091 Fertility eeee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 11 -0.1 56 109 0.4 0.57 13.1 16 28 37 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 38 1.07 1.04 0.012 69 162 279 $94 $271 $28,149 #1 $Profit. #2 $Feeder. #3 YW. #3 Cow Fertiltiy. #1 Marbling. Full sister to Lots 1-3. Maternal sister to MSF Swagger G072J! DONOR!
20469102 2/12/22 A Scores Angus BLK H BW CE Spur Franchise 7070 AWW 538 Growth eeee LCoC ANK Franchise G241F AYW 938 Maternal eeec Ankony Miss Rita 6040 F:G 0.01 Feed/Carc eeeee GAR-EGL Protege Intake 47 Phenotype eee LCoC Lady XG513 Disp eeec Feet ee LCoC Lady SG257 Fertility eee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 4 0 56 99 0.7 0.71 6.4 3 34 46 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 48 1.11 0.79 0.038 35 166 250 $67 $245 $23,615 #5 $Profit. #4 #Feeder. #4 Marbling. Excellent Udder. Dam is 13 years old! Longevity built in! NHC.
20439187 4/1/22 E Scores Angus BLK H BW 76 CE eee T C A Visionary 158 AWW 654 Growth eeeee Leachman KCC Force G547F AYW 1075 Maternal eee H P C A Sure Fire P245 F:G -0.29 Feed/Carc eeeee Byergo Black Magic 3348 Intake 128 Phenotype eeee MSF Magic GG014 Disp eee Feet ee LAF 100X 1536 Fertility eee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 12 0.9 66 131 0.9 1.56 8.4 13 32 96 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 64 1.17 0.95 -0.008 32 193 282 $42 $280 $23,521 #1 $Feeder. #1 YW. #2 Marbling. #3 F:G. 1075 Adjusted Yearling Weight! 12 inch Ribeye. Force x Black Magic ET hefer.
(515) 320-3835 Page 29

Meinders Stock Farms



20439185 4/5/22 E Scores Angus BLK H BW 83 CE eee T C A Visionary 158 AWW 604 Growth eeeee Leachman TL BottomLine G385E AYW 887 Maternal eeec Top Norel BG276 F:G -0.37 Feed/Carc eeeee G A R Sure Fire Intake 54 Phenotype eee G A R Sure Fire N1508 Disp eeec Feet ee G A R Momentum F296 Fertility eee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 11 0.8 76 132 0.9 1.12 9.5 9 32 53 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 58 0.82 0.96 0.016 75 164 288 $68 $249 $24,076 #4 $Profit. #3 #Feeder. #4 YW.
Cow Fertiltiy.
F:G. Maternal
Leachman MSF Journeyman
sister to the $25000
20435562 3/17/22 N Scores Angus BLK H BW 64 CE eeeee T C A Visionary 158 AWW 630 Growth eeee Leachman TL BottomLine G385E AYW 924 Maternal eeee Top Norel BG276 F:G -0.22 Feed/Carc eeeee K C F Bennett Automatic A348 Intake 56 Phenotype eeeee MSF Fiona FG071 Disp eeec Feet ee Eagle Pass Protege 0335 Fertility eeee Udder eeeee CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK MW 15 -2.5 55 99 0.5 -0.05 11.3 13 31 41 CW MARB REA FAT $M $B $C $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 37 0.91 0.93 0.017 60 149 253 $94 $227 $25,030 #2 $Profit. #4 Cow Fertility. #4 F:G. Excellent Udder. 13.8 inch Ribeye! These Bottomline daughters will be around forever! DDC.
39 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Page 30

Meinders Stock Farms




4096855 4/7/22 E Scores 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BLK H BW 77 CE eeeee Hook's Beacon 56B AWW 598 Growth eeeee KBHR High Road E283 AYW 916 Maternal eeec WS Miss Sugar C4 F:G -0.12 Feed/Carc eeeee G A R Prophet Intake 118 Phenotype eeee K M J MS Prophet D303 (DL055) Disp eeee Feet eeee CCR MS Singletary 3000A Fertility eee Udder eeeee CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 17.1 -0.9 93 145 0.5 0.45 0.33 10.1 26 73 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 35 0.92 0.85 0.001 16.6 181.2 105.4 $63 $245 $23,198 #5 $Feeder. #2 YW. #5 Ribeye. Eliet Udder. Great Feet. Top 1% TI at 105.4! Top 2% API at 181.2! Donor prospect.
4096847 1/12/22 A Scores 3/8 SM 7/16 AR RED H BW 50 CE eeeee IR Imperial D948 AWW 546 Growth eeee CACA Leachman Luxury M478G AYW 866 Maternal eee Bar CK Ms Mika 6132D F:G 0.16 Feed/Carc eee Leachman Decree X936D Intake 78 Phenotype eeee MSF2 Sonya HS638 Disp eeec Feet eeee MSF2 Sonya FS685 Fertility eee Udder eeee CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 20.5 -5.6 68 98 0.7 0.48 0.19 11.5 25 58 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 22 0.8 0.67 -0.083 21.2 186.1 93.3 $96 $168 $21,057 Excellent Foot Structure. Good footed heifer who will have a nice udder. Top 1% CE, BW, & API! Top 10% or better MCE, Stay, Marb & TI!
4118376 1/25/22 A Scores 5/8 SM 3/8 AR RED H BW 84 CE Redhill Allabrd 5A 25E AWW 601 Growth eeeee Leachman First Class W306G AYW 977 Maternal eee SLK Hybrid D5141 F:G -0.33 Feed/Carc eeee LSF SRR Conquest 3013A Intake 22 Phenotype eeee LSF SRR Raindanc B4075 D6904 Disp eeec Feet eeee LSF Raindance U8025 B4075 Fertility eeee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC ADG MCE MILK MWW 12 -0.1 85 135 0.6 -0.20 0.31 8.1 27 69 CW MARB REA FAT STAY API TI $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 42 0.43 1.04 -0.041 14.4 135.6 85.6 $88 $208 $23,132 #2 Cow Fertility. #1 Ribeye. #2 F:G. Excellent Foot Structure. First Class is one of my favorite bulls we used in 2022! Soggy heifer here! Lot 40 Lot 41 Lot 42 (515) 320-3835 Page 31

Meinders Stock Farms



Top 15% or better for CE, BW, Milk, Marb. & TSI. Super attractive, moderate, and easy fleshing heifer!



F1328187 3/9/22 A Scores Charolais WHT H BW 68 CE eee OW Lead Time 6294 PLD AWW 523 Growth eeeee Leachman Advantage P045G AYW 908 Maternal eee LCoC Miss Mark CP042 F:G -0.13 Feed/Carc eee Leachman Liberty P041E Intake 8 Phenotype eeee MSF Heiress Of Trojan HP037 Disp eeee Feet eee Heiress Of Trojan 602 Fertility eee Udder eee CE BW WW YW YH SC MTL MCE MILK MW 11 -5.4 52 113 0.0 1 59 7 33 23 CW MARB REA FAT TSI $Feeder 17 0.21 0.63 0.03 267 $124 #1 $Ranch. #4 Ribeye.
F1328188 3/11/22 A Scores Charolais WHT H BW 78 CE eee OW Lead Time 6294 PLD AWW 533 Growth eeeee Leachman Advantage P045G AYW 948 Maternal eee LCoC Miss Mark CP042 F:G 0.49 Feed/Carc eee NWMSU Doc Silver 362 PLD Intake 87 Phenotype ee MSF Goldy HP034 Disp eeee Feet eee MSF Goldy FP042 Fertility eee Udder eee CE BW WW YW YH SC MTL MCE MILK MW 15 -5.3 56 119 0.8 1 63 12 35 35 CW MARB REA FAT TSI $Feeder 18 0.14 0.72 0.027 271 $121 #5 #Ranch. #5
Ratios. Low
YW. #3 Ribeye. 108 Ribeye & 103 IMF
birth weight heifer with added frame. Super
F1328189 4/17/22 A Scores Charolais WHT H BW 99 CE WCR Commisioner 593 P AWW 571 Growth eeeee JWX Hugo 593H AYW 885 Maternal eee JWX Adalyn 933A F:G -0.18 Feed/Carc eee LT Ledger 0332 P Intake -18 Phenotype eeee Dusty of Trojan 614 Disp eee Feet eee Dusty of Trojan 309 Fertility eee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC MTL MCE MILK MW 0 1.7 61 105 0.9 1 44 2 13 34 CW MARB REA FAT TSI $Feeder 14 0.36 0.72 -0.007 251 $144 #2 Ribeye. #5 F:G. Outcross pedigree out of a Canadian Sire. Scanned a crazy 5% IMF at 10.5 months but she was too young to adjust! 46
RF715509 3/27/22 N Scores 1/2 CH GRY H BW 59 CE eee Leachman Docs Remedy U683E AWW 569 Growth eee Leachman Hawkins S935H AYW 810 Maternal eee LAM Stabilizer FS267 F:G 0.08 Feed/Carc ee OW Lead Time 6294 PLD Intake 11 Phenotype eee MSF Silver HP040 Disp eec Feet eee MSF Silver FP033 TW Fertility eee Udder eeec CE BW WW YW YH SC MTL MCE MILK MW -0.6 3 CW MARB REA FAT TSI $Feeder $87 #3 $Ranch.
intake. F1 Charolais x Stabilizer. Sells registered with Charolais. Lot 43 Lot 45 Lot 46 Leachman Advantage P045G Page 32
Moderate framed and low

Meinders Stock Farms





4693567 9/3/21 A Scores Red Angus RED H BW CE eee HXC Authority 7794E AWW 487 Growth eee LSF SRR Control 9191G AYW Maternal eee LSF SRR Covr Grl T7157 D6430 F:G -0.12 Feed/Carc eeee Brown Oracle B112 Intake 72 Phenotype eeeee LCoC Abigrace GD045 Disp eeee Feet eee Brown Ms Paramount Z7872 Fertility eee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK ME 14 -6.0 54 88 0.3 0.49 11 8 28 8 CW MARB REA FAT HB GM ProS $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 21 1.00 0.01 0.030 65 89 140 $44 $183 $16,962 #5 Marbling. Natural calf out of our DG045 donor. Fall born open heifer. Full sister to Lots 31-33 and 50. 48
4693571 9/8/21 A Scores Red Angus BLK H BW CE eeeee HXC Authority 7794E AWW 457 Growth eee LSF SRR Control 9191G AYW Maternal eeee LSF SRR Covr Grl T7157 D6430 F:G -0.18 Feed/Carc eeee Leachman Paradigm G289U Intake 49 Phenotype eeee LCoC Zara YG019 Disp eeee Feet eec LCoC Zara TG004 Fertility eeee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK ME 17 -6.0 56 95 0.8 0.51 12 9 25 4 CW MARB REA FAT HB GM ProS $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 26 0.92 0.06 0.050 66 94 140 $103 $199 $24,033 #3 $Profit. #2 $Ranch. #1 Cow Fertility.
Red Carrier.
4693565 3/6/22 A Scores Red Angus RED H BW 61 CE eeeee 5L Genuine 99-85Y AWW 485 Growth eee 5L Genuine 1603-195C AYW 789 Maternal eee 5L Ruby 21-1603 F:G -0.09 Feed/Carc eeee Basin EXT 7455 Intake -47 Phenotype eeee SRR Lakota 0175-701 Disp eeee Feet eec SRR Lakota 701-210 Fertility eee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK ME 17 -3.6 59 93 -0.5 0.69 7 12 32 2 CW MARB REA FAT HB GM ProS $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 21 0.98 0.13 0.030 51 95 122 $95 $192 $22,685 #4 $Ranch. #1 $Profit Red Angus heifer on the sale! 6.17 actual IMF scan! Moderate and easy fleshing!
Fall born open heifer. Black
4693561 3/27/22 E Scores Red Angus RED H BW 88 CE eeee HXC Authority 7794E AWW 625 Growth eee LSF SRR Control 9191G AYW 984 Maternal eee LSF SRR Covr Grl T7157 D6430 F:G -0.14 Feed/Carc eee Brown Oracle B112 Intake 85 Phenotype eeee LCoC Abigrace GD045 Disp eeee Feet ee Brown Ms Paramount Z7872 Fertility eee Udder eeec CED BW WW YW YH SC HP CEM MILK ME 15 -6.0 57 91 0.3 0.51 11 9 28 8 CW MARB REA FAT HB GM ProS $Ranch $Feeder $Profit 26 0.89 0.11 0.020 56 73 128 $31 $166 $14,506 Excellent Marbling. 984 Adjuested Yearling Weight! Full sister to Lots 31-33 and 48.
50 (515) 320-3835 Page 33

$Profit now re-focused for 2023 and beyond!

On December 12th, 2022, the Leachman $Profit system made one of the most significant Genetic Advancements in our Company’s history!

This unprecedented change was driven by new technology, better data, and changing markets. The primary drivers of the changes were as follows:

1. Leachman incorporated the Zoetis Fertility EPD into $Ranch and $Profit. The EPD predicts large differences in the calf crop percentage expected from a bull’s daughters!

• The Zoetis Fertility EPD was launched in May of 2021.

• After extensive investigation, Leachman believes that this EPD is the single best predictor of a cow’s lifetime productivity.

• Model analysis demonstrates that the number of calves produced in a cow’s lifetime is DIRECTLY related to that female’s probable annual calf crop percentage weaned.

• Higher Fertility EPD bulls produce daughters that will wean a higher average annual calf crop percentage weaned.

• These calf crop percentage differences drive HUGE differences in profitability

• High Fertility EPD bulls will build cowherds with consistently better breed back, higher calf crop percentage weaned, less culling requirements, and reduced replacement rates.

Percent Calf Crop Weaned vs Fertility EPD

1-Star Fertility 2-Star Fertility 3-Star Fertility 4-Star Fertility 5-Star Fertility 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60%
Percent Weaned Fertility 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Page 34

2. Leachman raised the price of corn to $5.50 per bushel to reflect the new reality of future grain prices.

• This change increased the emphasis on feed intake and conversion. Cost of gain, not rate of gain, is the more important driver of feedlot profitability

• Selection for $Profit and $Feeder will place increased emphasis on feed conversion and reduced intake levels.

3. Zoetis and Leachman launch the industry’s most accurate, multi-breed carcass evaluation!

• The $Profit database combines thousands of carcass data records, tens of thousands of ultrasound records, and over 75,000 DNA records to produce the most accurate carcass data predictions.

4. 2022 markets showed a record Choice/Select spread and a record Choice/Prime spread that make marbling more valuable than ever!

These modifications have significantly changed the expected $Ranch, $Feeder, and $Profit for animals in the Leachman $Profit database.

• Selection for $RANCH will build the most fertile and efficient cows.

• Selection for $FEEDER will build steers that efficiently gain and reach Prime marbling.

• Selection for $PROFIT will create the industries leading cowherds for fertility, efficiency, marbling, and profitability.

“It’s all working… Our cows bred up 94% and our 2-year-olds bred up 90% – all in a year with 3" less than normal rain. Plus, our calves weaned 30 pounds heavier.

We’ve been using high $Ranch and high Fertility Leachman Stabilizer bulls – over 700 bulls since 2008. Our cows are getting better and our calves are improving in the feedlot.”

(515) 320-3835 Page 35

How to Read the Catalog

1. Breed Registration Number

2. Breed

3. Birthdate

4. Color: BLK=Black, BBK=Homozygous Black, BRC=Black Red Carrier, BWF=Black White Face, RED=Red, RWF=Red White Face, WHT=White, TAN=Tan, GRY=Gray.

5. Mating Type: A=Artificial Insemination, E=Embryo Transfer, N=Natural Breeding.

6. Sex: Bull, Heifer, or Cow.


7. Actual Birth Weight

8. Adjusted Weaning Weight

9. Adjusted Yearling Weight

10. F:G is the pedigree estimated feed to gain EPD that predicts the feedlot efficiency of the bulls offspring. A negative number means that the bull’s progeny will feed more efficiently. Example: -0.50 means that the bulls progeny will require ½ pound less feed per pound of gain.

11. Intake: is an estimate of the amount of feed that the bull’s progeny will consume over a 112 day feeding period. It is expressed in pounds. Animals with higher intake will consume more throughout their life. Animals with lower intake will consume less.

12. Disposition: Our traditional score of 1 – 5 on disposition. Score 5 bulls are bulls you can walk up to and touch. Score 3 is about average historically for Meinders bulls. However, we are making a concerted effort to improve disposition, so most bulls score 3 or higher. The bulls scored 2.5 or 2 are nervous.

13. Fertility: Predicts the number of calves that a bull’s daughters will have in the first 8 years of their life. This is an early release of information from Zoetis. Validation is still underway to confirm the efficacy of this EPD.

14. CE: Calving Ease is the predicted calving ease if you use the bull on heifers. If there is a number in the brown box, this indicates the breed calculated calving ease direct EPD. In addition, we provide our Leachman estimated calving star system. ***** The easiest calving bulls in the industry. **** Use on smaller heifers with minimal assistance needed *** Use on larger heifers with some assistance expected.

15. Growth: This is a score from one star to five stars, where five stars means maximum growth.

16. Maternal: This is an estimate of maternal efficiency, NOT milk. It includes $Ranch, Udder EPD and Fertility EPD as the basis for the Star system. The bulls are scored from one star to five stars. Five Star bulls will produce some of the most profitable, good uddered cows in the industry.

17. Feedlot: This looks at all of the post weaning traits including gain, conversion, carcass weight, and carcass merit. Scored from one star to five stars, where five stars would produce maximum overall value in your feeder calves.

18. Phenotype: A combination of eye appeal and overall kind. Scored from one star to five stars. Five star bulls are the best phenotypic bulls in the sale (in our opinion)! Two star bulls are less attractive visually than average.

ANGUS SIMMENTAL CHAROLAIS 21 11 1 2 12 13 3 14 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 20 19 18 17 16 22 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 31 32 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 21 11 1 2 12 13 3 14 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 20 19 18 17 16 22 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 31 32 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 21 11 1 2 12 13 3 14 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 20 19 18 17 16 22 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 31 32 39 35 34 33 Page 36

19. Feet: Is an estimate of the claw shape of an animal’s feet. The bulls are scored on a 1 to 5 scale. Bulls that are 5 and 4 Star for Feet should improve your herds feet and have a low incidence of claw issues himself. One star bulls should be used in a terminal breeding program.

20. Udder EPD: This EPD assesses the bag attachment and teat size of the bull’s daughters. Bulls with 5 & 4 stars will improve the udder quality in your herd!

Breed EPDs

21. Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.

22. Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

23. Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

24. Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

25. Yearling Height EPD (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to that of other sires.

26. Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.

27. Heifer Pregnancy (HP), is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first-calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is the more favorable direction and the EPD is reported in percentage units.

28. Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.

29. Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires

30. Mature Weight EPD (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires.

31. Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

32. Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

33. Ribeye Area EPD (REA), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

34. Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Angus Indexes

35. Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences from conception to weaning with the underlying breeding objective assuming individuals retain their own replacement females within herd and sell the rest of the cull female and all male progeny as feeder calves. The model assumes commercial producers will replace 25% of their breeding females in the first generation and 20% of their breeding females in each subsequent generation. Traits included are as follows: calving ease direct, calving ease maternal, weaning weight, milk, heifer pregnancy, docility, mature cow weight, claw set and foot angle.

36. Beef Value ($B), a terminal index, expressed in dollars per carcass, to predict profitability differences in progeny due to genetics for postweaning and carcass traits. This terminal index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot phase and market these animals on a carcass grid. Traits included in the index are as follows: yearling weight, dry-matter intake, marbling, carcass weight, ribeye area and fat.

37. Combined Value ($C), an index, expressed in dollars per head, which includes all traits that make up both Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) and Beef Value ($B) with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid.

Simmental Indexes

35. Stayability (STAY), percent of daughters remaining in the cow herd at 6 years of age.

36. All-Purpose Index (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield.

37. Terminal Index (TI): Evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield.

Charolais Index

35. Terminal Sire Index (TSI) is a formal method of combing EPD’s – BW, WW, YW, REA, CW, MARB and FAT – into one single value on which to base selection decisions. TSI uses estimates of the genetic relationships between traits with an economic default value based on three year rolling USDA data.

Leachman Indexes

38. $Ranch EPD: This Leachman profit index that predicts weaning profitability based on calving ease, weaning weight, maternal milk, cow cost, and FERTILITY. Based on producing 100 calves. This EPD assumes a slide on calf prices of $10 / cwt.

39. $Feeder: This number is expressed in terms of the bull’s added value to the sale price of your feeder calves. It is expressed in dollars per head. Thus when comparing a +100 bull vs. a +50 bull, we expect the first bull to sire calves worth $50 per head more at weaning (regardless of their weight).

40. $Profit™ EPD: One, simple, proven number that gives each trait a weight according to its impact on profit.

(515) 320-3835 Page 37


Get $Ranch & $Profit on Your Replacement Heifers

Generations of breeding decisions have laid the foundation for your herd. Now you can continue—and improve— that legacy with INHERIT Select,™ a genomic tool to help cow-calf producers with crossbred cattle make more informed selection and breeding decisions.


A replacement can take about 4 years to break even.1 Identifying females that produce more valuable calves can add value long term.

With GEPDs and indexes provided by INHERIT Select, you can make earlier and better selection decisions to identify future replacements. Selecting the right replacements is critical to the future of your herd, and has a direct impact on short-term profitability.

• Earlier marketing decisions can help reduce heifer-raising costs and generate revenue.

• Future herd productivity is accelerated by selecting females with more favorable predictions.


INHERIT Select identifies genomic approximations of breed composition to help harness hybrid vigor and optimize production efficiency by:

INHERIT Select provides the industry with Genomic Expected Progeny Differences (GEPDs) for 16 traits that inform three economic indexes which simplify complex information to make better management decisions easier. SELL

• Determining emphasis by breed contributing to crossbred GEPDs

– Incorporating parent information for improved accuracy

• Indicating potential maternal hybrid vigor that favorably impacts reproduction, fitness and survival traits

• Helping to inform breeding decisions in future calf crops


Commercial producers around the country are signing up to use Inherit Select to pick their replacement heifers. By doing so, they are accelerating their herd’s genetic improvement so that their future cows will be more productive a nd their future feeder calves will be more valuable. It’s just that simple. They are building a legacy of future profitability!

What you get: The following information will come back on every female you test.

• DNA matching to the sire and dam if they have DNA on file with Zoetis.

• BW, WW, YW, DMI (Dry Matter Intake), Feed:Gain, Yearling Height, Milk, Teat & Udder Composite Score, Docility, Scrotal, Carcass Weight, Fat, Ribeye Area, IMF (Marbling), and Tenderness. Plus, you will receive the new Zoetis Fertility EPD. All EPD’s are expressed in the same format and are scaled in a way to make them comparable to EPDs shown in all Leachman catalogs. Plus you get % rank on your animals compared to all other Inherit Select Animals.

• Indexes: Zoetis Total Return, Zoetis Cow Calf, and Zoetis Feedlot Carcass, $Profit, and $Ranch.

• Breed composition: %Angus, % other British, %Continental, and %Other (dairy or Indicus).

• Optional traits: Pulmonary Artery Pressure EPD, Color, Horned/ Polled status.


• Inherit Select costs $28 / head.

• To receive $Ranch & $Profit, the cost is $33 / head.

• PAP, Color, Polled, genetic defect testing, and BVD are all add on costs.

How to Order? Contact Any Leachman Representative

After contact, you will receive tissue sampling equipment via mail. This equipment is included in the cost of the tests. Then you will fill out an order form and mail the tests to Zoetis directly. Results will be returned to you electronically within 4 weeks of Zoetis receiving the tests.

What are herds seeing from the data?

• The test tells you WHERE YOU RANK within the industry on all of the key traits including $Profit and $Ranch.

About Zoetis

In the typical herd, we see a range of approximately $10,000 between the top 10% of the females and the bottom 10% of the females on $Profit.

On $Ranch, the top 10% of the females are typically $50 lower than the top 10% of the females.

• The test helps you identify females that you may NOT want to keep as replacements. For example, you might want to consider culling heifer calves for the following reasons:

• Too little growth rate.

• Too much or too little milk for your environment.

• Too much potential mature cow size.

• Poor future udder quality.

• Poor docility.

• Poor feedlot and carcass traits.

• Excessive feed requirements.

Seeing this information on replacement heifers that you have already chosen is particularly eye opening. Once they see the data, most ranchers want this information to help pick future heifers.

• Finally, and perhaps most importantly, by testing you can accelerate your herd’s rate of genetic improvement.

What you should do next?

• Take samples on 30 to 50 (or the entire group) of heifers that you plan to breed this Spring. This will tell you where you are and tell you what you could improve on the heifers you plan to breed.

• Plan to take samples on your 2021 Spring born heifer calves. Ideally, you should sample two heifers for every one you plan to keep – this will give you optimal selection pressure to eliminate heifers with undesirable traits AND improve your index values for $Ranch and $Profit.

Zoetis is the leading animal health company, dedicated to supporting its customers and their businesses. Building on more than 60 years of experience in animal health, Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and markets medicines, vaccines, and diagnostic products, which are complemented by biodevices, genetic tests and a range of services. Zoetis serves veterinarians, livestock producers and people who raise and care for farm and companion animals with sales of its products in more than 100 countries. In 2017, the company generated annual revenue of $5.3 billion with approximately 9,000 employees.

With the Zoetis and Leachman collaboration now in full swing, we have many exciting updates.
For more information, visit (515) 320-3835 Page 39

Herd Sires raised at Meinders Stock Farms. Semen available through Leachman Cattle of Colorado.

Leachman MSF Journeyman G076J

• Astute cattlemen are always looking for opportunities to capture extra value. With record high premiums paid for prime, Journeyman is the marbling outlier to consider

• Journeyman has one of the very highest $Feeder values in our database

• All this profit potential in a top 1% calving ease package

Owners: Leachman Cattle of Colorado, Meinders Stock Farms, O'Neil Cattle Co., TopLine Cattle and Scott Rittenhouse.

MSF Swagger G072J

• Angus breeders at altitude should strongly consider Swagger with a top 2%, -2 PAP EPD

• Swagger's donor dam MFS May GG022 has a perfect udder and impeccable feet

• Phenotypically, he is very deep, easy fleshing and thick made

Born: 4/19/2021 AAA#: 20106253 LCoC ID: G076J Cane Code: 704AN029 PRODUCTION MATERNAL MANAGEMENT CARCASS $VALUES CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Doc Claw Ang PAP CW Marb RE Fat $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 17 -2.7 55 101 0.25 0.36 0 0.58 10.9 10 37 19 -0.1 -5 31 0.55 0.39 0.79 44 2.09 0.87 0.003 81 71 95 125 220 366 Rank 1% 2% 70% 65% 50% 10% 95% 70% 65% 30% 3% 95% 90% 20% 4% 75% 10% 40% 60% 1% 15% 40% 10% 15% 30% 1% 1% 1% Angus Association EPDs as of 12/10/22 $30 Volume discounts available G A R Ashland Sire: G A R Home Town Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 G A R Sure Fire Dam: G A R Sure Fire N1508 G A R Momentum F296
$32,114 Top 0.2% (AN) $Ranch $88 11% (AN) $Feeder $336 <0.1% (AN)
Angus Association EPDs as of 12/10/22 $25 Volume discounts available PRODUCTION MATERNAL MANAGEMENT CARCASS $VALUES CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Doc Claw Ang PAP CW Marb RE Fat $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 7 2.5 71 128 0.28 1.02 0.6 1.58 14.5 7 22 76 0.6 -23 17 0.49 0.42 -1.98 49 1.6 0.67 0.03 68 59 95 97 192 317 Rank 45% 80% 25% 20% 25% 50% 45% 15% 20% 65% 80% 35% 30% 70% 60% 45% 20% 2% 50% 1% 45% 75% 35% 45% 30% 1% 4% 3% $26,591 Top 2% (AN) $Ranch $75 15% (AN) $Feeder $276 0.6% (AN) Owners: Leachman Cattle of Colorado, Meinders Stock Farm and R A Brown Ranch. G A R Ashland Sire: G A R Home Town Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Leachman Foundation G081D Dam: MSF May GG022 MSF May CG091 Born: 3/14/2021 AAA#: 20106243 LCoC ID: G072J ELITE SEMEN COOPERATIVE Scan to view the entire 2023 Leachman Semen Directory! Page 40

Leachman MSF FinishLine G030H

• Prime combination of: muscle definition, length of body – depth of rib and moderate frame – length of stride that we have come to expect from BottomLine progeny

• Great opportunity for large commercial breeding projects that require a good balance of calving ease and growth and marbling

• Top candidate to replace his proven sire.

Leachman Cattle of Colorado, Meinders Stock Farm and GO Foods, LP.

Leachman Dark Knight

with 5-star calving ease and better than Top 1% $Profit

• This Pedigree is absolutely loaded with breed greats (Paradigm, Protege, In Focus and New Design 878)

• Physically, Dark Knight is moderate, soft made and just looks like a cow maker

• The new Leachman/Zoetis fertility evaluations find Dark Knight to be one of the very highest Angus sires in our database

T C A Visionary 158 Sire: Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Top Norel BG276 V A R Discovery 2240 Dam: GA June 195 Exar June 81001 Born: 5/4/2020 AAA#: 19894081 LCoC ID: G030H Cane Code: 704AN016 PRODUCTION MATERNAL MANAGEMENT CARCASS $VALUES CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Doc Claw Ang PAP CW Marb RE Fat $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 19 -2.6 66 122 0.33 0.26 0.4 -0.09 17.9 16 30 65 0.2 -23 29 0.49 0.44 1.23 43 1.39 0.55 0.034 86 71 94 85 179 318 Rank 1% 2% 35% 30% 4% 10% 70% 95% 4% 1% 25% 50% 70% 70% 10% 45% 30% 50% 65% 2% 60% 80% 5% 15% 30% 3% 10% 2% Angus Association EPDs as of 12/10/22 $25 Volume discounts available Owners:
$29,642 Top 0.6% (AN) $Ranch $78 14% (AN) $Feeder $315 0.1% (AN) $22,942 Top 2%
G043B • Breed
leading PAP
Leachman Paradigm G289U Sire: Leachman Darkhorse G045X LCoC Ellen Erica TG082 LCoC Protege G263T Dam: LCoC Cornelia WG642 TOP Cornelia T622 Born: 3/11/2014 AAA#: 17815167 LCoC ID: G043B Cane Code: 272AN0943 PRODUCTION MATERNAL MANAGEMENT CARCASS $VALUES CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN Doc Claw Ang PAP CW Marb RE Fat $M $W $F $G $B $C EPD 15 -2.9 35 78 0.26 0.2 0.2 0.76 10.2 11 34 27 0 -7 12 0.54 0.53 -0.91 20 1.12 0.54 0.001 46 44 76 75 150 241 Rank 3% 2% 95% 90% 40% 15% 80% 55% 65% 25% 10% 85% 75% 30% 75% 70% 75% 10% 95% 10% 55% 35% 85% 80% 70% 10% 35% 45% Angus Association EPDs as of 12/10/22 $20 Volume discounts available Owners: Leachman Cattle of Colorado, Meinders Stock Farms and C C Mulloy Ltd. $30,696 Top 0.4% (AN) $Ranch $129 3% (AN) $Feeder $258 1% (AN) FERTILITY Herd Sires raised at Meinders Stock Farms. Semen available through Leachman Cattle of Colorado. ELITE SEMEN COOPERATIVE Contact Zach Meinders at 515-320-3835 to order semen on these sires, or any other AI Sire in the Leachman Semen Line-up! (515) 320-3835 Page 41
Meinders Stock Farms Zach Meinders 42645 20th Ave. Buffalo Center, IA 50424
like that will make us more money!

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.