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Member Directory
MEMBER DIRECTORY Entries submitted by coalition members. Readers are encouraged to contact organizations if you or anyone you know can benefit from any of the resources or services provided.
Beyond the Bell
Name: Karen Citizen-Wilcox Telephone number: (770) 285-6037 Email: beyondthebell@comcast.net Website: www.beyondthebellkids.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Life skills training.
BRIMI Foundation, Inc.
Name: Robin Barnes Telephone number: (404) 334-7144 Email: contact@mybrimiinc.org Website: www.mybrimiinc.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Youth development.
Center for Pan Asian Community Services
Name: Carina Nieto Email: cari.nietoramirez1@gmail.com Name: Megan Keaveney Email: megan.keaveney@cpacs.org Telephone number: (706) 847-4798 Website: www.cpacs.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Comprehensive health and social services to refugees and immigrants in the metro Atlanta area.
CKL Marketing Services
Name: Cynthia K. Loftin Telephone number: (404) 551-0451 Email: ckl@alumni.duke.edu Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Marketing and fund development.
Community Unification Initiatives
Name: Chinester Graves Telephone number: (770) 313-5848 Email: chinester.graves@yahoo.com Website: www.cuiatl.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Health and financial literacy workshops, domestic violence prevention.
Cosmic Energy Fitness Studio
Name: Patrice Peters Telephone number: (678) 948-5524 Email: info@cosmicenergyfitness.com Website: www.cosmicenergyfitness.com Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Health coaching, personal training, group fitness and senior fitness.
DeKalb County Police Athletic League Plus
Name: Sergeant J.M. Love Telephone number: (770) 724-7467 Email: jmlove@dekalbcountyga.gov Website: www.dekalbcountypalplus.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Youth intervention programs, youth sports and community outreach.
DeKalb County Public Library
Name: Alicia Brown Telephone number: (404) 508-7190, ext. 2224 Email: browna@dekalblibrary.org Name: Myguail Chappel Telephone number: (404) 508-7190 Email: chappelm@dekalblibrary.org Website: www.dekalblibrary.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Programs for all ages, 24/7 access to resource databases, books, e-books and extensive research collections.
Diabetes “You Can Win” Foundation
Name: Lisa Graham Telephone number: (404) 396-4417 Email: lisagraham@diabetesyoucanwin.org Website: www.diabetesyoucanwin.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Blood glucose and blood pressure screenings, diabetes and diabetes prevention education, diabetes support groups, diabetes caregiver support groups, walking club, dance exercise and nutrition program.
Emory University Urban Health Initiative
Name: Brittany Evans Telephone number: (404) 778-5481 Email: brittany.evans@emory.edu Website: www.urbanhealthinitiative.emory.edu Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Oral health care, health advocacy education, community garden, doula support for teens and tobacco cessation sessions.
Georgia Senior Medicare Patrol
Name: Nathan Coflin Telephone number: (877) 272-8729 Email: ncoflin@eqhs.org Website: www.stopmedicarefraud.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Resources for Medicare beneficiaries to prevent, detect and report health care scams.
Great Day Family Connections
Name: Dona Harris Telephone number: (770) 560-3142 Email: dona.greatdayconnections@gmail.com Website: www.greatdayconnections.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Family enrichment activities, workshops and American Sign Language classes.
Name: Kimberly Wilson Telephone number: (470) 345-9241 Email: kimberly@guideinc.org Website: www.guideinc.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Positive youth development and substance abuse prevention.
Honidu’s Caring Foundation & Empowerment Programs
Name: Honidu Marico Telephone number: (678) 437-9267 Email: training@hcfgps.org Website: www.hcfgps.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Advocacy, wellness, employment, and financial advisory and legal services.
My Girls
Name: Dunyell Dawson Telephone number: (470) 207-3374 Email: dunyelldawson@gmail.com Website: www.mygirlsinc.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Mentoring, support groups, self-development and life skills for middle and high school girls.
Natural Living Solutions
Name: Quanda Stroud Telephone number: (404) 509-0559 Email: iammsq@yahoo.com Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Organic community and home gardens, natural products and services.
Pea Pod Nutrition and Lactation Support
Name: Alicia Simpson Telephone number: (678) 607-6052 Email: info@peapodnutrition.org Website: www.peapodnutrition.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding education and counseling, and diabetes education.
RSA Deasil Advisors
Name: Randall Avery Telephone number: (770) 712-1102 Email: ravery@rsadeasiladvisors.com Website: www.rsadeasiladvisors.com Service(s) of resource(s) provided: Financial literacy workshops.
Ruby A. Neeson Diabetes Awareness Foundation
Name: Mutima Jackson-Anderson Telephone number: (404) 838-1620 Email: mutima.anderson@fightdiabetesnow.org Website: www.fightdiabetesnow.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Comprehensive diabetes education and social support to people affected by diabetes.
Sagittal Soul Health & Fitness
Name: Yovanna Madhere Telephone number: (786) 486-2789 Email: sagittalsoul@gmail.com Website: www.sagittalsoul.com Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Health coaching, personal training and group fitness.
Zaria’s Song
Name: Teresa Wright-Johnson Telephone number: (404) 662-0677 Email: zariassong@gmail.com Website: www.zariassong.org Service(s) or resource(s) provided: Special needs advocacy and education.