Leadership NZ Yearbook 2014

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VISION Enriching New Zealand through active leadership in a connected community. MISSION Growing, celebrating and weaving together New Zealand’s leaders through conversation. VALUES Courageous Generous of spirit Inclusive Acting with integrity Innovative Apolitical Celebrating diversity LEADERSHIP NEW ZEALAND TRUST P O Box 5061 Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141 T: +64 9 309 3749 E: info@leadershipnz.co.nz W: www.leadershipnz.co.nz LEADERSHIP NEW ZEALAND STAFF Sina Wendt-Moore – Chief Executive Louise Marra – Programme Director Annette Bartlett – Programme Leader Judy Whiteman – SkillsBank Director DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Leadership New Zealand, its members or the publishers. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, no responsibility can be accepted by the publisher for omissions, typographical or printer’s errors, inaccuracies or changes that may have taken place after publication. All rights reserved.



We thank the following people for their generous support of Leadership New Zealand

LEADERSHIP NEW ZEALAND TRUSTEES Peter Garnett - Chair, Leadership New Zealand; Company Director Nick Astwick – Deputy Chair, Leadership New Zealand; Chief Operating Officer, Kiwibank; Alumnus 2010 Carol Bellette – Group General Manager Shared Services, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu; Alumnus 2012 Martin Fenwick – Chair, Altris Ltd Tara Pradhan – Head of Vision Partners, World Vision; Alumnus 2007 Neville Pulman – Managing Director NZ, Creative Action; Alumnus 2006 George Riley – Alumnus 2009 Samuelu Sefuiva – Public and Social Policy Consultant Hilary Sumpter – CEO, Auckland Communities Foundation; Alumnus 2010 Sarah Trotman – Director Business Relations, AUT Universtity Christien Winter – Executive Director, Sheffield

LEADERSHIP NEW ZEALAND ADVISORY TRUSTEES Sir Bob Harvey – Chair, Advisory Trustees; Chair, Waterfront Auckland David McGregor – Deputy Chair, Advisory Trustees; General Counsel, Envirocounsel Reg Birchfield – Publisher, RJMedia; Chair, Abilities Inc, Auckland Jo Brosnahan – Founder, Leadership New Zealand; Company Director Tony Carter – Co-Chair, The New Zealand Initiative; Chair, F & P Healthcare; Corporate Director Maureen Crombie – Chair, ECPAT International; Alumnus 2006 John Hinchcliff – Emeritus Vice Chancellor, AUT University; President, Peace Foundation Peter Kerridge – Director, Kerridge and Partners Ltd Chris Laidlaw – Wellington Regional Councillor; Writer Louise Marra – Director NZ Government Auckland Policy Office, Director MBIE; Leadership New Zealand Programme Director Tim Miles – CEO, Spark Digital Tony Nowell – Director, Valadenz; Corporate Director Suzanne Snively – Executive Chair, Transparency International; MD, More Media Enterprises; Corporate Director Dr Morgan Williams – Chair, WWF New Zealand

EDITORIAL TEAM AND CONTRIBUTORS Reg Birchfield, Sina Wendt-Moore, Judy Whiteman, Kimberly Rees, Annette Bartlett, Louise Marra, Curative Ltd



CHAIR’S FOREWORD Well another year has passed and Leadership NZ has forged its way into its second decade. As I sit writing this, the class of 2014 are nearing the end of their journey. It has been a privilege to be able to join them at intervals during the year; to see how the experience of the programme has changed the lives of these talented individuals, given them focus and the tools for their ongoing leadership journey and moulded them into a cohesive, though still diverse, group.

On behalf of the Trustees, a big thank you goes to our generous funders and volunteers for your ongoing support. It is appreciated and very important for this small not-for-profit organisation to continue to deliver its valued Leadership Programme. We invite others, who would like to support scholarships to enable continued participation by a full diversity of New Zealanders, to make a donation to our Sir Paul Reeves Scholarship Fund (information is available on our website).

In last year’s editorial, our founder, Jo Brosnahan, talked about the success of the programme and the influence and significant effect our alumni are having on the community around them. She talked about looking forward into the next decade and how “Leadership NZ is evolving to meet a new world”. What she didn’t talk about was that Leadership NZ was also embracing a significant change. For after 10 years our Kuia Jo stepped down from the role of Chair, and Tony Newell as Deputy Chair. The two of them have been influential in leading a wonderful group who believed in Jo’s dream of “changing the face of leadership in New Zealand; of creating an opportunity to grow and celebrate New Zealand leaders within the context of diversity and conversation”. From that dream has grown this organisation, our Leadership Programme, and the wonderful Leadership NZ Whanau.

So we commenced this second decade with a new Chair and Deputy Chair and a relatively new Board of Trustees. We are a diverse group of Trustees who are focused on ensuring Leadership NZ and its programme continue to achieve our Vision of “Enriching New Zealand through active leadership in a connected community” while nurturing our wonderful Leadership NZ Whanau.

Leadership NZ is deeply indebted to them both for their dedication and work over the decade and we are delighted that we will continue to have the benefit of Jo’s thoughtful input and guidance through her new role as an Advisory Trustee. However, they didn’t do it on their own and through the decade they have been ably supported by 25 Trustees; many of whom are Alumni of our programme. While I accept it is not always wise to single out some individuals, I feel it is important to acknowledge the long standing and valued contribution that five of the original board members have made – Reg Birchfield, Peter Kerridge, Louise Marra, David McGregor and Morgan Williams – all of whom continue to support us as Advisory Trustees. I also acknowledge four of the original Advisory Trustees – Sir Bob Harvey, Jennifer Gill, John Hinchcliff and Tim Miles – for their leadership and ongoing contribution throughout the decade.


Peter Garnett

POEMS BY LOUISE MARRA 2 DAIRY, DIGITAL & DRONES 3 Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture 2014 by Dr Mary P Quin, CEO Callaghan Innovation



by Hon Tariana Turia



by Elizabeth McNaughton and John Skurr



a photo essay Our congratulations go to the Graduands of 2014. We look forward to watching you as you continue on your leadership journey.



GRADUAND BIOGRAPHIES 14 from the Class of 2014 Peter Garnett Chair



DINNER WITH A DIFFERENCE 2014 a photo essay




by KimberlyRees



by Kimberly Rees







Poems by Louise Marra Louise Marra has been involved with Leadership NZ since its inception, was an original Trustee and later became an Advisory Trustee. She has been the Leadership Programme Director since 2012. Louise works closely with participants to encourage them to tap into their creative spirit and find “the poet within”!

Finding your song


A song offered this morning offered to me, offered to others. It is just that I am the one awake and listening-

I am part mountain and part sea. More water than earth in truth.

to its warp and weft, colours and taste and beat and heat.

My life has been spent near water – its restless wandering and shape-shifting ways. Never staying in one place or one form.

Oh yes! The mamaku koru unfurls without orders the pohutukawa breaks into its red without sweat the nikau spine whirls like the dervishes without choreography.

There is much to be learnt from a mountain. It is within its solid maunga bones to be grounded and still.

Our country is a cadence of the two. A spine of dense rock conversing with the surrounding blue sea, sometimes green. Perhaps this is why we battle ourselves and each other, vacillating between peace and discontent, split left and right in any one weather pressure. We are an evergreen nation. Deciduousness does not come easy to us.

And that’s what it takes – a letting go, a trusting, a silence, and then a gentle release, that builds and flows and dances until it is you, there is no you. You are like the small riroriro, or tui. Pure song. You are home. You are your offering to the world.



Yet the mountain learns at her edges, reforms. Shifting often and always from within, at times violently. Shifting sand mountains can move like water. And the sea can be so still, that it reflects all around it. It can freeze, harder than rock.

I am part mountain and part sea More water than earth in truth. And the longing of one for the other, being fully each Is the korero and karakia of my life.

Dairy, Digital and Drones – Innovations Creating our Future Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture 2014 by Dr Mary P Quin, CEO Callaghan Innovation “Creative leadership is not afraid of dissenting views or unconventional perspectives. In fact, creative leaders actively seek out diversity of thought,” Dr Mary P Quin said when delivering Leadership NZ’s annual Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture in Auckland in August. Creative leadership means “having a diverse workforce around you – people who have experience from different cultures or come from different industries”, she said. “It means encouraging and listening to both intuitive and analytical thought processes. In my own career I’ve had my share of good ideas but even my best ideas have always been improved upon by the input of my team or colleagues.” Dr Quin’s lecture, entitled Dairy, Digital and Drones – Innovations Creating our Future focussed on Leadership NZ’s 2014 programme of exploring and teaching the meaning of creative leadership. “Creative leadership is not about leaders coming up with creative ideas themselves, it is about creating environments that unleash the creativity of the entire organisation,” she said quoting international educationalist and TED presenter, Sir Ken Robinson. “If we [New Zealanders] are to become a more creative and innovative nation we must tap the creativity of all New Zealand citizens and residents whether their family origins in New Zealand extend back hundreds of years or they arrived here as immigrants or students just a

few months ago. Whether they live in New Zealand or offshore.” “Creative leadership sometimes means recognising sooner than others do that the world is changing and that it’s time to abandon strategies that are no longer relevant,” Dr Quin said. New Zealand’s future should now be based on “dairy, digital and drones – an economy equally balanced between our natural resources sector, our digital and data driven industries, and the companies producing technically sophisticated manufactured goods,” she added. “To grow the economy and provide the standard of living we want, we need to make New Zealand a place where talent wants to live - a place where entrepreneurs choose to build great companies,” said Dr Quin. “To do this, how should we position this country in the eyes of the world? The clean, green image is certainly positive and important but it is not enough. If we wish to be taken seriously in the business world we need to be seen as an entrepreneurial country with a highly skilled workforce producing technically advanced products. It’s time to move on from 100% Pure to Pure Genius,” she added. “Making the most of our people means having a superb education system producing a wide variety of highly skilled graduates. Ours is among the best in the world, but technology advances are creating new possibilities.” “New Zealand needs to develop a holistic view of lifelong learning, rather than the

traditional model of primary, secondary and tertiary chunks of education,” Dr Quin said. “We should see education as something we do throughout our lives.” “We (now) all have access to the world’s greatest teachers. We can now use technology to experience the best instructors on any topic, with students hearing and seeing subjects explained from wherever in the world the expert may be located and regardless of what decile school the student attends. We have a fantastic opportunity to invent the education system of the future and use these breakthroughs to increase the export of education as a service sold to other countries,” said Dr Quin. “As the first Chancellor of Auckland University of Technology, Sir Paul Reeves was certainly committed to leadership in education, and particularly education that teaches and advances technology. I am sure he would be encouraging us to embrace technologies which make world class learning available to all New Zealanders and which link our businesses to the skills they need anywhere in the world.” “We can take our ideas to the world – a world that sees us as a centre of innovation uniquely blending dairy, digital and drones. We can lead creatively and we can inspire creativity in the people around us.”

To read the full transcript of Dr Quin’s speech go to www.leadershipnz.co.nz LNZ YEARBOOK 2014



Leadership NZ Graduation Guest Speaker Pumanawa Kaiarahi o Aotearoa 22nd November, Q Theatre, Auckland Hon Tariana Turia Your Patron, Lady Beverley Reeves, Chief Executive, Sina Wendt-Moore; Trustees, Advisory Trustees; Past graduants, and most important of all – the 2014 graduands, and your family and friends. I was delighted to be invited to be part of this special graduation tonight; which is also a celebration of the concept that runs through Leadership NZ – and that is creative leadership.

That attitude was not just about the hospitality we provided – it extended further to the values and practices by which we lived. We were taught to do what is right; groomed on the principle that when your values are clear, making decisions is so much easier.

Over the years, various philosophies of leadership have been presented to me. I have had the privilege of learning from leaders of this land and across the globe – kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers, diplomats and bureaucrats, specialists, experts, entrepreneurs.

Leadership, then, was never about muscles or might, the power of the dollar or the tyranny of the majority. Leadership was collective; it was premised on the understanding that if what we do inspires others to be more, to dream more, to learn more, to do more, than we will have done well.

I have learnt about the seven habits of highly effective people; tribal leadership; transactional leadership; political leadership, and a vast menu of leadership styles along the way. But if you were to ask me where I gained my strongest insights into leadership that transforms, I’d have to say in the dining room at Putiki Pa.

It is that same spirit of mobilisation that I see in screeds amongst the 2014 graduands. For some, your example is leading change in a health setting – either at Lakes District and Waitemata DHB, Wellington Free Ambulance, Red Cross or the Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum.

During my childhood my aunts took me under their wing, demonstrating how to host guests, to care and cater for our visitors, while at the same time distinguishing ourselves with our behaviour. “Making do” was never part of our vocabulary; the only standard we adhered to was one of excellence. It was all about establishing a basis that nothing but the best would do. The aunts set in place a yardstick


of quality that I have returned to in any environment I find myself in. They believed entirely in us, and in turn we were determined to live up to their expectations.


Some of you are in executive roles in local facilities – Jason and Jane from Auckland Airport; John from Auckland Council; Darren from Northpower Fibre in Whangarei. And I have to say it’s great to see PGG Wrightson from Christchurch bringing new flair to agricultural enterprise. A few of you are expressing your leadership in serving the public in departments of the state,

ACC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. It is great to see what we might call creative agencies represented here – organisations with ideas about making a big difference: Curative; KPMG; Jasmax architects, New Clarity and the Last Saint. What I love about the diverse experience displayed amongst the 2014 graduands is that it tells us that no entity, no organisational role, no individual has the monopoly on knowing how to create high expectations and nurture a culture for change. I have always liked the challenge set out by the late Nelson Mandela: “It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” In many ways it is another way of illustrating the message in one of our whakatauki: Ko te amorangi ki mua, ko te hapai o ki muri. In essence this means that leadership at the front of the marae must be matched by comparable standards of leadership at the back. My Aunty Wai would remind me that if our table were messy, our kai unpalatable, or our waiata lacking a certain style, then we were letting our paepae down; and letting ourselves down.

It is about coordination, collaboration, consistency. Your focus for 2014 has been around creative leadership. If I was to share some of the strategies passed down to me from Putiki Pa, the creative touch would come from focusing on how to encourage and inspire the best out of the people. My aunt was a very strong believer in the faith – whether that be the Church of England or the Maramatanga – it was about knowing the importance of having something to believe in. Her approach to life was don’t look for faults; focus on solutions. I see that philosophy coming through, loud and strong, in Leadership NZ. Over the last decade your mission has been boldly, bravely, blazing a path forward to enable the leaders of future generations to have the confidence to walk into the unknown. I loved a comment I read from Sina Wendt-Moore who revealed that leadership really is a mindset to lead, positively influence, serve, call others to action and create change from anywhere. We see the stories on Good Sorts on TV; we may read about their personal journeys in a woman’s magazine; an anecdote might be shared on facebook. We know that leaders of different ilks are all around us, but how do we make leadership at the core of all we do? When our grandchildren come to us with a problem, what do we do to help them face their fears, and come up with their own remedy?

When clients walk in our doors with knitted brows and frowns on their faces, how do we ensure we fix any faults that we may find along the way while at the same time enabling them to believe in their own capacity to turn the situation around? Often it is with the most entrenched situations that the need for creative leadership is even more apparent. Indeed, that was what we found with Whanau Ora. When we started talking with families around what did they need to make their lives better, we found that often the support they were receiving was fragmented, and aligned with funder expectations rather than actual whanau needs. Moreover, the focus was often on crisis management, support and care, with relatively less emphasis on positive development. Providers would do their best in targeting a single problem area but the greater needs of the whanau were often outside their scope. And so we came up with a vision on focusing on what we could to do to build the capability of whanau to do for themselves. But having a vision is only part of the equation – we needed to plan for success; to help whanau to set outcomes that they wanted to achieve, and then to invest in their capacity to achieve those results. Four years down the track I have great confidence in the ability of our whanau to lead their own success story. We have established

If I was to share some of the strategies passed down to me from Putiki Pa, the creative touch would come from focusing on how to encourage and inspire the best out of the people.

a new commissioning approach to strengthen the focus on whanau; and we have also invested in navigators - champions of change. They are creating their own change, by leading from within. Whanau Ora is just one example of the excitement that transformation can make in our communities. I have to say I have the greatest respect for the foundations of the progamme – and indeed the graduates of Leadership NZ for growing, developing and transplanting the skills you have acquired right across our nation. The initiative of SkillsBank is particularly inspiring in the way it encourages leaders to apply your skills and abilities in the wider community. I really believe that with Whanau Ora and Leadership NZ in our lives, there should be no stopping us now. Tonight then, you graduate from your programme, equipped, enthused and enabled to change the world. The most wonderful opportunity provided by this organisation is that you will never be alone. There is a huge network of passionate and principled leaders, weaving magic right across our nation. In the words of your founder, Jo Brosnahan, “They understand the opportunities facing New Zealand, care about our nation, and are prepared to give back; this can only build a better society.” I wish you all great courage in initiating the conversations that we know can lead to change. In this room we have catalysts, champions and crusaders from all walks of life. Together you are change makers, focused on transformation; creating a culture of leadership in your world and ours. All I can say, is go out there, make the very best use of the skills and strategies you have learnt along the way, and our nation will be all the better for the difference you will make.

Tena tatou katoa.



GRADUATION SPEECH Elizabeth McNaughton John Skurr

Our Only Line of Defence and Our Only Hope of Progress Two representatives of this year’s Leadership NZ 2014 cohort, Elizabeth McNaughton and John Skurr provide their thoughts as the year comes to an end. Elizabeth: I am sitting in an antique-styled hotel room in Boulder, Colorado. The walls are papered in delicate roses that seem to grow out of the carpet. As my eye follows them they are cut by the ceiling, boxed in; contained, they can climb no further. The curtains are a covered with big bombastic blooms that frame the window. I sit here nestled in the middle of a strange bouquet contemplating writing a leadership speech. I have the book ‘Confucius -Three Keys to Successful Leadership’ sitting on the replica 1800s night stand as a handy crutch should I get stuck. As I lift it I hesitate, an uneasy truth rises, that to be a replica or to borrow Confucius is an easy out. The raw reality is that the only unique thing I can offer this speech and in fact the world is me. Self-knowledge is a hallmark of great leadership, and yet it would seem that the hardest person to really know is me. Two mirrors hang amongst the flowers on the wall - one small ornate wooden one beautifully carved and another full length plain sheet of reflective glass. I start to think…. what do I let others see? Do I reflect from the small, well presented, beautifully carved mirror or from the bare, full length, reality – me in my imperfect wholeness? The Leadership NZ year has been a good long look in the full length mirror. My conclusion is that inside and out we are all made up of ‘superpowers and kryptonite’ and it is incredible how blind we can be to both. I sense this is where we really need each other. There are some wonderful people in our class and in my life who are unaware of their ‘superpowers’ - oh, how I wish they could see themselves through my eyes! 6


So, a question I have been asking this year is why is it so hard to ‘see and be our whole selves?’ Do we worry like Superman that if people know about our kryptonite they will use it to cause us harm? Perhaps, because unlike this room, life is not all roses? Dignity is the idea that a being has an innate right to be valued and to receive ethical treatment, and yet, as we have seen this year, we have social constructs, norms and bias [from the individual to the societal level] that impede our ability to create a life of dignity for all New Zealanders. In order to survive we construct our own reality, coping mechanisms, and we filter the world into a carefully crafted box of values, judgements, experiences, comfort and security – like this room we can become small, decorative and functional - an imitation of who we really are. We can see the roses but we can’t smell them, delight in them nor watch them grow. It is only when we know ourselves that we can start to leave the safety of this room. We venture outside, no longer so burdened by fear, self-doubt, ego or constraint. We find ourselves amongst the diversity of a huge garden where we can let our superpowers loose and can be truthful about the kryptonite we carry. We begin to understand that every type of plant, bug and flower is important, that they all have a role and place and that they are connected. It is a great responsibility knowing that we lead others to the place where we ourselves reside – is it to be the little room or the garden? We have learnt that we must shift from the ‘me generation’ to the ‘us generation’ because social responsibility has morphed into social

and environmental necessity. It is a strange paradox that as a leader to get to a collaborative ‘us’ paradigm we first need to understand and get over the ‘me.’ Our vision of what leadership looks like is also changing – the ‘super man’ vision of leadership is our past and the ‘diverse super team’ is our future. The Leadership NZ experience has been a ‘warp speed’ journey to destination ‘me and us’ – me as an individual and us as a group and as a nation. At times I have wanted to close my eyes (especially at the ‘kryptonite bits’), at times I have wanted to jump off but I have felt myself moving from the room to the garden - alive and aware. We have grown in our humanity, the very condition of being human, our stories have made us cry, laugh and gasp – each of us has a narrative of triumph and disaster – none of us arrive to the place we are today unscathed. We very rarely tell our backstory, but each of us drops clues like breadcrumbs and as leaders we can pick up these insights as a guide to understand a perspective outside our own. To conclude, I offer the world both super powers and kryptonite – there is no ‘perfect leader,’ but as Leadership NZ has taught us, together we can create the ‘perfect leadership storm,’ a confluence of talents, diversity and characteristics to form a wave of change of unusual strength and magnitude. In our increasingly complex and risk prone world this is our superpower - our only line of defence and our only hope of progress. Leadership NZ and the class of 2014 – I applaud and thank you!

Elizabeth McNaughton

“You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there’s no such thing as the unknown only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood”. - Captain James T. Kirk

John: “Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life-forms and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before”. 2014 for me has very much felt like we have all been crew on the USS Enterprise. Leadership NZ have brought together a group of travellers from different backgrounds, cultures and with different ideals. Each month it has felt like we have been beamed by Starfleet command to a new universe, unfamiliar and alien-like. As in Star Trek, these missions have exposed us to new cultures and ethnic groups and given us the opportunity to challenge our own beliefs. Each individual on this mission had various reasons for committing to it, but the theme is the same. We are all looking for something, be it new thought, confidence, skills or reaffirmation. This experience has challenged us, created turmoil emotionally, but primarily it has given us time to consider ourselves, where we came from, where we created our world view, the environment we live in, our health and wellbeing and the society that we live in. On our journey we have considered the structure of the communities we now live in, the inequalities and the cultural diversity within our society. I now appreciate how naive I was in my understanding of a lot of the major issues facing New Zealand, and the personal challenges that individuals face. It is clear to me that those who have succeeded despite adversity never considered that there were barriers in front of them. They clearly defined the issue, took personal responsibility, gathered the little resources they had and succeeded through sheer determination.

We have a heightened awareness of the issues surrounding the environment. In many cases our current practices are unsustainable and unless society as a whole takes responsibility then there will be no solutions. The world’s priorities have become clouded and distorted. We must be better guardians and leave this world in a better place for our children and grandchildren. The Leadership NZ 2014 crew are as diverse as that on the Enterprise. We have our own blend of Uhura, Sulu and Spock who simply think, act or look differently than the norm. The diversity of our backgrounds and beliefs have driven a rich and fruitful set of discussions, leading to a far greater understanding and sharing of knowledge. We have learnt to remove the boxes we built around people different than ourselves and to see the real gems within them. We have had the privilege to spend time with some wonderful speakers who have overcome

It is clear to me those who have succeeded despite adversity never considered that there were barriers in front of them.

their own challenges. Much like James T. Kirk, all our speakers have been strong individuals; they understand their strengths and weaknesses, are vulnerable, compassionate, know what they want to achieve and are comfortable in themselves. All attributes that we have been challenged to consider personally. We were introduced to the concept that art and the media reflect society of the time. Star Trek is a great example of this. It dealt with many social issues relevant in the 1960s such as the Vietnam War, the position of minorities in society and civil rights movement. Daring to cross social boundaries and accepted societal norms for that time. We have been able to consider many of these social issues with our 2014 lenses on. Unfortunately, 50 years on, many of these issues continue to persevere. Captain James T. Kirk once said “You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there’s no such thing as the unknown - only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.” I think this year things have become much clearer, many of us have taken that fear head on and if we haven’t conquered it yet, then are well on our way. Thank you to our wonderful Starfleet command Sina, Louise, Annette and Peter. You have made this year such a wonderful journey. To the year of 2014, I will miss your friendship, your guidance, the excitement of the unknown, the safe haven we have shared and the fun that we have had together. Live, long and prosper fellow travellers!

John Skurr LNZ YEARBOOK 2014


















THE CLASS OF 2014 1. 2014 group at Caluzzi 2. Darrin Brinsden & Nick Ruane 3. Dena Kennedy & Sara Jones 4. Dr Aroha Harris & Shem Tatupu 5. Hamish Campbell 6. Eddy Helm, Dena Kennedy, Sir Bob Harvey, Elizabeth McNaughton, Cheryl Ingram-Clark 7. Elizabeth McNaughton 8. 2014 group at Sudbury 9. 2014 group at Waitangi 10. Jamie Munro 11. Nicola Brehaut 12. Julian Hughes, Andy Long, Tom Dibley 13. Repeka Lelaulu, Naida Glavish, Sina Wendt-Moore, Jerome Partington 14. Polar snap - John Mauro 15. Seren Wilson, Dena Kennedy, Repeka Lelaulu



16. Seren Wilson











THE CLASS OF 2014 17. Andy Long 18. Cheryl Ingram-Clark 19. Clare Fearnley 20. Darren Mason, Repeka Lelaulu, John Skurr 21. Eddy Helm 22. Grace Ryu 23. Jane Carruthers, Jerome Partington & Maria Henry 24. Jason Gray 25. Jerome Partington, Justice Joseph Williams & Travis McGrath













THE CLASS OF 2014 26. Jeanie Robinson 27. John Skurr 28. Julian Hughes 29. Kaye-Maree Dunn & Sir Bob Harvey 30. Kaye-Maree Dunn 31. Louise Marra, Leadership NZ Programme Director 32. Lisa Ward & Christian Penny 33. Tom Dibley 34. Maria Henry, Jerome Partington, Rt Hon Jim Bolger & Repeka Lelaulu 35. Darren Mason, Brooke Weatherall, Mina Mathieson, Jason Gray and Clare Fearnley 3510



The 2014 Programme Overview February: The Journey – Exploring Leadership – Parnells on the Rose Gardens, Auckland Team-building day; tools, inspiration and connecting; exploring leadership models Louise Marra

Programme Director, Leadership NZ; Director, Spirited Leadership

Peter Garnett

Chair, Leadership NZ

Sina Wendt-Moore

Chief Executive, Leadership NZ

Sir Bob Harvey

Chair, Auckland Waterfront Development; Chair Advisory Trustees, Leadership NZ

Jo Brosnahan

Founder, Leadership NZ

Naida Glavish

Chief Advisor Tikanga, GM Maori Health, Waitemata & Auckland District Health Boards

March: Our People – A Civil Society – Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple, Flat Bush, Auckland

Elements of a civil society; ethics; values; communities; community engagement; social entrepreneurism; deprivation; human rights; diversity; migration; refugee resettlement; the long tail of underachievement Dr John Hinchcliff

Emeritus Vice Chancellor, AUT University; President of The Peace Foundation; Leadership NZ Advisory Trustee

Pat Snedden

Business Advisor

Deirdre Otene

Project Development Manager, Manurewa Marae; Leadership NZ Alumnus

Monique Faleafa

Chief Executive, Le Va and Pacific Inc. Ltd

Agnes Granada

Migrant Action Trust

Professor Manying Ip

University of Auckland

May: Our Roots - Our History – Whangarei; Moerewa; Kohewhata Marae, Kaikohe; Waitangi Treaty Grounds Our history; Maori perspectives; the Treaty of Waitangi; health; community and community leadership Chris Farrelly

Chief Executive Officer, Manaia Health PHO

Debbie & Ngahau Davis

Joint General Managers, He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust

Dr Aroha Harris

University of Auckland

Justice Joseph Williams

Judge, NZ High Court

June: Our Economic Backbones – Wharerata, Palmerston North Rural New Zealand; agribusiness, science and research; food technology and natural resources; focussing on the place of the primary sector in the overall economy and its contribution to New Zealand’s success in a globalised future Steve Maharey

Vice Chancellor, Massey University

Mavis Mullins

Director, Paewai Mullins Shearing Ltd

Sam Robinson

Chair, AgResearch; Farming Leader

Robin Hapi

Chair, BERL Economics; Te Wananga o Raukawa; Maori Statistics Advisory Committee

Richard Kibblewhite

Director, Splashzone Ltd

Professor Claire Massey

Director, Agrifood Business, Massey University

Janine Sudbury


July: Sustaining our Wellbeing and Values – Kimihia Research Station, Lincoln; Hanmer Springs Sustainability – the outer world of environmental sustainability and the inner world of resilient leadership needed to sustain this; our environmental scorecard; green growth – merging the economy and the environment; how Maori view and balance the environment and economy; our own relationship with the environment Sir Tipene O’Regan

Founding Chair, Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corporation

Professor Susan Krumdieck

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury

Paddy Pawson

Adventure Therapist, St John of God Waipuna

Peter Townsend

Chief Executive, Canterbury Employer’s Chamber of Commerce

Dr Morgan Williams

Principal, FutureSteps; Chair, WWF NZ; Leadership NZ Advisory Trustee

Josie Ogden Schroeder

Chief Executive Officer, YMCA, Christchurch

Brook Weatherwell

Sustainable You

August: Forces that Shape Our Thinking – Lot23, Eden Terrace; AUT University, Auckland

The influence of the arts, media and culture, and how each determines the way we think and shape our national identity; introduction of design thinking


Jay Williams

Writer & Producer, Phoenix Performing Arts; National Suicide Prevention Coordinator, Le Va; Leadership NZ Alumnus

Jennifer Ward-Lealand


Philippa Campbell


Qiujing Wong

Founder and Chief Executive, BORDERLESS

Sam Sefuiva

Policy and Social Policy Consultant; Leadership NZ Trustee

Philip Patston

Social Commentator

Dave Wild

Better by Design (NZTE)


September: Governance in the 21st Century – ACC and Toi Whakaari, Wellington The forces that determine how we lead and govern ourselves; our economic base (central, local, corporate, financial investments etc.); the changing role of the state and societal expectations, and our future potential; introduction of DISC profiles Jo Cribb

Chief Executive, Ministry of Women’s Affairs

Marisa Fong

Co-founder, Madison Recruitment

Michelle Hippolite

Chief Executive, Te Puni Kokiri

Sina Wendt-Moore

Chief Executive, Leadership NZ

Angela Sopp

Principal Advisor, The Office of Ethnic Affairs

Phil O’Reilly

Chief Executive, BusinessNZ

Murray Hickman

Artistic Director & General Manager, Strike Percussion; Leadership NZ Alumnus

Graeme Wheeler

Governor, Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Iain Rennie

State Services Commissioner and Head of State Services

The Rt Hon Jim Bolger, ONZ

Former Prime Minister; Former Ambassador to The United States; Chancellor, University of Waikato

Christian Penny

Director, Toi Whakaari; Leadership NZ Alumnus

Martin Fenwick

Director, Altris; Leadership NZ Trustee

Douglas Lang

Director, Altris

October: Creative Leadership and Emergent Thinking – Onetangi Community Hall, Waiheke Island

Exploring creative leadership and essence; the conscious self; emergent thinking; how we express and create in the wider world with others Professor Welby Ings

Professor of Graphic Design, AUT University

Grace Taylor

Poet; Teaching Artist; Producer; Director; Creative Entrepreneur; Co-Director of Niu Navigations Ltd.

Billy Matheson

Principal Advisor – Social Entrepreneurship, Auckland Council

Dr Michelle Dickinson

Senior Lecturer, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Auckland

Valli Waugh


Rosie Walford

Innovator for Creative and Ethical Leadership

Dr Selina Marsh

Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland, Leadership NZ Alumnus

Steven Hollins

Living Theatre

November: Closing Retreat – Drawing the Threads, Waitakere Estate, Waiatarua, West Auckland

Visions for New Zealand - group visions and visions from the speakers; what that means for New Zealand Leadership; gathering the learnings and the journey ahead. The Rt Hon Dame Jenny Shipley

Former Prime Minister of New Zealand

Professor Brad Jackson

Head of School of Government, Victoria University

Dr Huhana Hickey

Lecturer/Research Fellow, AUT University

Rod Oram

Journalist, Sunday Star-Times; Broadcaster

Tim Miles

CEO, Spark Digital; Leadership NZ Advisory Trustee

Peter Kerridge

Director, Kerridge & Partners; Leadership NZ Advisory Trustee

Leadership NZ Events 2014 FEBRUARY 20 Programme Launch Cocktail Evening KPMG, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland


Dinner with a Difference: Creative Leadership Leadership Week Dinner Sir Paul Reeves Building, AUT University, Auckland


Mihi Whakatau: Jay Williams, Leadership NZ Alumnus MC: Ben Smith, Leadership NZ Alumnus Speakers: Ross Buckley, Chair KPMG; Peter Fenton, General Manager, Customers, NZTE, Leadership NZ Alumnus Mihi Whakatau: Julian Hughes, 2014 Participant MC: Kaye-Maree Dunn, 2014 Participant Speakers: Andy Ballard, Senior Lecturer AUT University; Emeritus Professor Albert Wendt (ONZ); Rod Drury, CEO Xero; Adriana Avendano Christie, Elisabeth Vaneveld, Executive Director, The Big Ideas Trust; Welby Ings, Professor of Graphic Design, AUT University Performers: The Roots & Meghan Geliza; Phoenix

US and NZ Leadership in the Pacific Region and Beyond Northern Club, Auckland

Speaker: Jim Donegan, United States Consul General


Welcome: Mihi Whakatau: George Riley, Leadership NZ Trustee & Alumnus MC: David Slack, Author and Radio & TV Commentator Speakers: Dr Mary Quin, CEO Callaghan Innovation; Peter Garnett, Chair Leadership NZ; Derek McCormack, Vice Chancellor AUT University, Sina WendtMoore, CEO Leadership NZ


Welcome: Mihi Whakatau: George Riley, Leadership NZ Trustee & Alumnus MC: Steve Ferguson, Leadership NZ Alumnus Speakers: The Honourable Tariana Turia; John Skurr and Elizabeth McNaughton, Graduand Representatives

The Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture Dr Mary Quin Dairy, Digital and Drones – Innovations Creating Our Future Sir Paul Reeves Building, AUT University, Auckland 2014 Graduation Event Q Theatre, Auckland



Graduand Biographies From the Class of 2014

Background: I have spent 29 years working as a medical professional, of which the last 22 have been in the ambulance service, both in the United Kingdom and here in New Zealand. My early leadership roles were in both operational management and clinical education. From there I have progressed to a number of leadership roles focusing on service and strategic development, change management, clinical quality and more latterly back into the management of operations at a senior level. More recently I moved to New Zealand with my family to work for the Wellington Free Ambulance Service, where I am now the executive lead for service delivery and responsible for leading the development and implementation of a new model of care.

Andy Long Executive Manager Service Delivery, Wellington Free Ambulance

Reflection: As a relative new comer to this country, Leadership NZ has given me a comprehensive understanding of the issues facing New Zealand and its communities. It has also given me a real perspective on my part as a leader in addressing some of those issues we face today. Not only has the programme given me an understanding of national issues but it has also taken me on a very personal journey to better understand myself as a leader and take me to the real edge of my comfort zone. Being on the Leadership NZ programme has been an amazing experience and what really makes it are the diverse group of individuals on the programme and the relationships forged with them. I have really enjoyed the format of the programme, the facilitation and organization provided by the Leadership NZ team. What I have found of real value is listening to and questioning some of New Zealand’s established and well renowned leaders and hearing their stories and the trials and tribulations of their leadership journeys. I have also really valued a number of the key underlying themes of the programme such as empathy and how you project yourself as a leader, the importance of talking through issues, problems and solutions. As the year has progressed I have been able to take my learnings back to my own work environment and the team that I work with, for us all to benefit from. The programme has completely challenged my perception of leadership and I believe myself and those around me are better for it. Skills Offered: Change management, organisational development, strategic planning, mentoring, governance. Current community involvement: Rotary. Location: Wellington

Cheryl Ingram-Clark Associate Director of Nursing, Lakes District Health Board

Background: I currently reside in Taupo and commute to Rotorua for my role where I have the privilege of supporting the local nursing workforce with the acquisition of pertinent knowledge and skills so they can make an individual difference in the positive health journey of the geographical population we serve. My role leads the continuing education of nurses and involves the assessment, planning, development and implementation of local education which is delivered by a team of in-house senior clinical nurses. We establish structures, processes and systems to support this education through to allocation of government funding for postgraduate study. This also includes a nationally recognised first year programme to assist nurses in the transition from undergraduate student to the registered nurse practice reality. This involves working alongside nurses who deliver care for the entire life span continuum from infants to the elderly in both the District Health Board and community contexts. Reflection: Participation in the Leadership NZ programme has been a personal journey of deep reflection on my current leadership attributes with a deliberate focus on expansion. This has been accomplished by expertly facilitated sessions by the Leadership NZ team and achieved by the inclusion of diverse political, environmental and significant NZ leaders. The point of difference with the Leadership NZ programme is the deliberate unification of a diverse cohort of existing leaders from different backgrounds and work place environments. This is for the purpose of recognising and celebrating diversity which broadens our existing individual world view while bringing forth awareness of the broader issues impacting on New Zealand with examination of our part in this. The Leadership NZ team have taken me to my “learning edge” and the resulting and enriching conversations have developed my leadership knowledge and ability. I exit the programme with a sense of clarity of my behavioural style, values, leadership attributes, areas for growth expansion and a vision for the future. Skills Offered: Professional supervision, nursing education, academic mentoring, professional development, new graduate support and development Current community involvement: Local Advisory Committee, Waiariki Polytechnic; Honorary Teaching Fellow at University of Auckland, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, School of Nursing; New Zealand College of Primary Health Care Nurses; New Zealand Nurses Organisation; Associate member of Nurse Executives New Zealand; New Zealand Nurses Organisation Nurse Managers section. Location: Taupo

Background: Most of my working life so far has had an international angle – whether on-shore or off-shore. I initially trained as a lawyer, and after living and working in Asia for the first five years after graduation, joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. There’s been a strong Asia theme to my work: a combination of trade policy, trade law, regional security and multilateral (UN-related human rights and environmental) matters. I’m a Mandarin speaker and have spent more than ten years living in and around China. I currently head the Ministry’s North Asia branch. A common work theme for me has been helping grow New Zealand’s international connections – people to people links, institution to institution, and government to government. New Zealand and New Zealanders stand to benefit from being better connected to the world – and I think the world benefits, too, from hearing a New Zealand perspective!

Clare Fearnley Divisional Manager, North Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Reflection: I’ve learnt so much from my fellow course-mates, the Leadership NZ team and to the great external exemplars we’ve been exposed to this year with widely disparate world views. I’ve been touched at both an emotional and intellectual level. The programme is such a rich mix of interaction, information and reflection. I’m guessing that a fair bit of the lasting impact – and personal change – will come from the opportunity for self-reflection provided by the programme. Skills Offered: Facilitation, governance, mentoring, international relations, trade policy/market access, public speaking. Current community involvement: Board Member, Kia Maia International Student Hostel; Public sector mentoring. Location: Wellington until early 2015, then Seoul (to become Ambassador to South Korea)



Background: Raised in Whangarei for over 30 years and educated locally before moving away to the University of Waikato where I graduated with a Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours. I am an alumni of the Institute for Strategic Leadership and graduand of Leadership NZ. My current role for the past three years has been Chief Executive of Northpower Fibre Limited which owns and manages the Fibre Optic Telecommunication Network in Whangarei, completing the Ultrafast Broadband rollout under the New Zealand Governments $1.3 billion initiative. I’m married to Joanne and have two handsome boys; and am proud to call Northland home.

Darren Mason CEO, Northpower Fibre

Reflection: The Leadership NZ programme for me has been a journey of self-discovery. It has been about sharing and learning from a fantastic and exceptional group of individual leaders. It is the diversity that makes the programme distinct and has given me a strong appreciation of the unique contributions each person makes. We all share a special bond as we develop through a series of conversations that challenges some of our very own core values and beliefs. We embark into some of New Zealand’s most intriguing topics, which are both enlightening as well as inspiring to be able to hear from people making a real difference in their communities. It has challenged my world view and delivered a set of valuable tools to enable me to confidently move forward in my next phase of personal growth. I am excited with what I have learned and experienced throughout the year. It has given me a passion to continue to develop in the area of leadership and to help inspire and encourage others to make a difference. I feel privileged to have had an opportunity to experience all that Leadership NZ offers, and would like to thank all the people who help make this programme such a success. Skills Offered: Governance, strategic planning, marketing & sales, relationship management, project & risk management, community engagement. Current community involvement: Coach and junior referee to Northland Soccer; Member of the Whangarei Economic Development Group, Northland Digital Leadership Forum, and Te Puawai Education Trust. Location: Whangarei

Background: I was born in Christchurch, raised in Manukau and shaped in Auckland. This diversity of place and people has informed my life. I bring my childhood learning into my career and community work – where I explore what is possible. I have been lucky to travel to places both in New Zealand and overseas where I am an outsider, coming in. To have experienced these challenges of fitting in, whilst not fitting in is a tension that drives me to do things differently: finding new paths and setting the foundations for new communities. My family is the centre of my world – my wife, Elisabeth and my two enquiring daughters keep me grounded.

Darrin Brinsden Founder, New-Clarity

Reflection: I found the whenua and whanau that I was missing in Leadership NZ: a place for self-expression, a place for listening, a place for learning, a place for exploration, a place for connection and a place for reflection. The people who come together to make this programme such a rich, vibrant and fulfilling experience are gems. They helped me explore and reflect on what is really important for New Zealand. They also challenged me to consider that there is no single answer to this question. The power of entertaining these concepts has opened my head and my heart up to many possibilities and opportunities. The programme has taken me in directions I never thought possible. I have really met people and walked miles in their shoes. I have been places and stood. I have opened up internal growth that I never expected. I now know that I have a valid voice. Looking back at my time on the programme it would be easy to be overwhelmed, to sit back and say that there is too much to do. This is not my experience. This year’s creative leadership focus has taken the possibilities in my head and transitioned them into action. My real learning has come from my cohort who, through our shared journey, have become friends that are supportive and challenging. I look forward to more leadership adventures grounded in diversity, aroha and conversation – where my learning this year, and beyond, can assist in shaping an even more creative New Zealand. Skills Offered: Governance, organisational alignment, strategic planning, facilitation, transformation, mentoring. Current community involvement: Trustee, Achieve 2B; Vice Chair, The Rudolf Steiner Schools Trust. Location: Auckland

Background: I work in the creative sector across many different fields. I freelance as a director in theatre, an editor for moving image, an actor for theatre and television, and a line producer for feature films. The driving factor behind all my work is to capture and share the human experience, to make people laugh, to make them cry, to make them feel something. Imagination is the currency of the arts and exploration of the human condition. Creating a sense of community through the performing arts reflects society and humanity back at itself through the medium of story-telling. Leadership isn’t something that I have sought, but it seems to be seeking me.

Dena Kennedy Producer, Sugar Films

Reflection: ’The Leadership NZ programme has greatly influenced the direction of my life. It has encouraged me to challenge my perceptions about people and the world, to expand the horizons of what I believe is possible, to think about society as a whole and to connect to my internal wisdom. Being exposed to different ideas, concepts and ways of approaching problems is stimulating and exciting. Being surrounded by people who I wouldn’t normally come into contact with is also fantastic, and making new friends is a wonderful byproduct of the experience. The programme has helped me to find my true purpose and to live life to the fullest. I’ve gained a more distilled, well-rounded view of the issues facing New Zealand and possible solutions and am excited about the future. Skills Offered: Youth leadership development, mentoring, filming, editing, writing. Location: Melbourne



Graduand Biographies From the Class of 2014

Background: Before starting Curative, I worked for a number of advertising agencies managing everything from sponsorship, events, websites and consumer promotions to producing radio and television ads and developing PR campaigns. I have experience across a broad range of categories including FMCG, travel, electronics, fashion, retail, media and of course, not-for-profit. In January 2012, my best friend and business partner Jade Tang and I founded Curative; a creative agency that works exclusively on projects that make the world a little bit better. Our clients include community & not-for-profit organisations, philanthropists, government partnerships and social enterprise ventures.

Eddy Helm Co-founder & Director Planner, Believer, Doer, Curative NZ

Reflection: The Leadership NZ programme is a truly unique experience. I’ve been challenged to think deeply about my personal values and really assess how I invest my time and energy in relation to them. I’ve met a diverse range of inspiring individuals throughout the year; and been given a taste of walking in others shoes. Seeing the world through so many different view-points has helped me flex my empathy and explore my own personal power. For me, it’s been sharing these experiences with the others in my cohort that has created a truly rich and rounded whirlwind of learning, aroha, reflection and a new understanding of my place in the world. Thank you to everyone I’ve met along the way. Skills Offered: Social marketing & communication, strategic planning, design thinking & facilitation, project management, mentoring and public speaking. Current community involvement: Through Curative we can be working with anywhere from 20-50 community organisations at any given time. We are also the Auckland Chapter Hosts for CreativeMornings– a breakfast lecture series held monthly, and The Feast - an annual event that is part of Global Social Innovation Week. Location: Auckland

Elizabeth McNaughton General Manager of Strategy and Government Relations, New Zealand Red Cross

Background: I live in Island Bay in Wellington with my husband Jim and our son Gene. My career has been a series of disasters having worked on tsunami, typhoon, flood and earthquake recovery programmes. I am currently the General Manager of Strategy and Government Relations at New Zealand Red Cross; prior to this role I led the New Zealand Red Cross Christchurch recovery programme. I have worked with the New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, where I was seconded for six month to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Recovery Policy Team in the wake of the Christchurch earthquakes. I have also worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on the Pacific regional programme. My international experience includes working for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in South Asia. Reflection: My Leadership NZ year has been an incredible rollercoaster. From the top of the rollercoaster I have had moments of profound clarity showered with gifts of insight and an expanded view of possibilities for myself and my country. On the way down I have experienced confusion and the odd sensation that someone has opened my skull and tickled my brain. The down has been the realisation that New Zealand society is not a nurturing, encouraging or fair environment for all – we need to re-imagine the kind of New Zealand we want for our mokopuna. The Leadershp NZ team are exceptional in their skills, knowledge and compassion. They are wise and patient in shepherding a flock of leaders (a tough ask!) and have ‘guru like respect’ from the group. Every session has come like an oasis where we meet amazing New Zealanders who share of themselves and offer us renewal, nourishment and challenge after which we feel a little wiser and more ready for the responsibility and privilege of a life in leadership. I feel profoundly grateful to have experienced this magical ride – thank you. Skills Offered: Strategic planning, community engagement, leadership development, public speaking, disaster risk management. Current community involvement: Board member, YMCA Greater Wellington Location: Wellington

Background: I grew up in South Korea and arrived in New Zealand in 1997. I have been working with Asian / Ethnic community for the past 17 years and 10 years of professional career in District Health board. My vision and priority are diverse communities’ health and safety. Through my research on family violence (Massey University), I have gained wider insight and understanding about disadvantaged people in the community. Several governance and advisory experiences including local government, police and NGO community services have provided great opportunities to present the diverse community voices and needs. As a social worker, I believe that we have our own strengths to make a healthy difference for better future. And I believe that diversity is one of the key resources and a great asset for New Zealand.

Grace Ryu Team Leader, Asian Health (Waitemata District Health Board)

Reflection: It was a privilege to be with Leadership NZ this year. Sharing views on current issues in New Zealand was really valuable and priceless. Mirroring myself and learning about others were also very interesting processes throughout the programme. It was a little bit of an awkward environment in the beginning as I was the only Asian in the group. Honestly, I tried to get my head around it very hard! The thing that I loved much was Leadership NZ people were so warm and open-minded. We talked about Aroha first before we had serious discussion on Leadership NZ issues. We stayed at the Marae for 2 nights together and we shared food together. Being together and talking together with Aroha were inspiring moments for me. We had remarkable speakers each session. All participants also demonstrated their expertise throughout the sessions so I learnt a lot from them. Sina, Louise, Annette and Judy facilitated our journey excellently. They showed authentic leadership and were very inspiring. I do appreciate remarkable input from Peter (chair of Leadership NZ) too. Ka Pai Leadership NZ, Ka Pai 2014 Alumnus! Skills Offered: Facilitation, governance, community engagement, leadership development, coaching. Current community involvement: NZ Police: Waitemata District – Ethnic Reference Group; Ethnic Women’s Leadership Network; English Language Partners – Advisory board. Location: Auckland



Background: I’m a husband to a lovely wife and a dad to a beautiful daughter. I work for a cause - helping New Zealand companies realise their full potential on the global stage. Right now I do that in a job at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (New Zealand’s business growth and trade development agency). I manage a portfolio of services focused on building capability in New Zealand companies to help them grow their businesses bigger, better and faster. Prior to joining NZTE I worked in a range of roles in science and innovation sector. Along the way I’ve spent time at MIT and have a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Technology from Massey University.

Hamish Campbell Director Business Capability, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Reflection: He tangata, he tangata, he tangata. It is the people, it is the people, it is the people. The core value of the programme was the people, the friendships, the debate, the insight and the challenge. It was a personal journey of discovery. The Leadership NZ programme was a chance to step away from the treadmill of life and reflect. In my day job one of the key pieces of advice I give to businesses is the need to spend more time working on their business, rather than in their business. This programme gave me a chance to do this for me. It was a chance to revisit my motivations, my strengths and weaknesses, and also confirm my aspirations. It opened my eyes to a number of alternative world views. It was a tonic that was challenging, energising, sometimes a bit uncomfortable, but always fun. There was a core set of leadership tools, some of them new, some of them familiar. The programme had one thing that I have not had on other leadership programmes - it had space and time to think, reflect, as well as apply and discuss. I have learnt as much from my peers as I have from the leadership material that was a key part of the programme. It’s a great opportunity to go on a personal growth journey. Skills Offered: I speak the languages of both business and government, I can develop and executing strategy, I can build and lead teams; and I have experience in service design, development and deployment Current community involvement: Involved in the shadow a leader programme; member of the New Zealand Work Research Institute advisory board. Location: Auckland

Background: I am a partner at KPMG, specialising in the audit of financial services companies. I joined KPMG in 2002, after graduating from the University of Auckland. In my career so far, I have had a number of client-facing and leadership roles, working both here in New Zealand and in the United Kingdom. My current audit clients include a number of New Zealand’s largest financial institutions, including general insurance, banks and finance companies. I’m passionate about the professional development of KPMG’s people: building better business leaders through training and effective mentoring.

Jamie Munro

Reflection: My Leadership NZ experience has been incredibly rewarding and has had a huge impact on my personal growth. This year has provided a unique opportunity to hear the stories of exceptional Kiwi leaders and learn different perspectives from my wonderful cohort of programme participants. The programme has provided insight and conversation on leadership and societal issues that have broadened my world view. This experience has inspired and energised me as a leader, both at work and in the wider community.

Partner, KPMG

Skills Offered: Financial, commercial, project management, strategic planning, mentoring. Current community involvement: Local sporting groups and organisations. Location: Auckland

Background: I grew up in Pahiatua in the Manawatu before moving to Wellington. After university I spent four years exploring the world based in London and the USA and worked in a variety of sectors and in a variety of roles: Tourism, Telecommunications, IT, Exxon Mobile and Diageo, before relocating to Auckland in 2003. Since then I have spent the best part of my career in the tourism industry, working for both New Zealand tourism operators and regional tourism organisations. I now work for Auckland Airport in the Aero Commercial Team which combines my knowledge of tourism with business development focused on growing aviation, and trade and tourism in New Zealand. I enjoy being at the forefront of the tourism industry, shaping travel trends for the whole country.

Jane Carruthers Marketing Manager, Auckland International Airport

Reflection: The best part of Leadership NZ is turning up each month and not truly really knowing what to expect. I’ve loved how Leadership NZ brings such a diverse range of participants to the forum, each with a wealth of experience and knowledge all so different from one another, to really challenge each other’s thinking. I have been lucky enough to have had this opportunity to expand my mind learning from this amazing group of people, and being exposed to speakers and topics that have such a huge impact on our country’s future. I appreciate having the opportunity to understand the deeper issues and reflect on what is important in the 21st century. This in turn has helped us formulate our own ideas about what it means to be an effective leader, both on a deeper personal level, as well as gaining greater understanding of what it means to be a leader in New Zealand’s society today. Skills Offered: Marketing, sales, communications, PR, event planning, project management, relationship management, mentoring. Current community involvement: YWCA Mentor Location: Auckland



Graduand Biographies From the Class of 2014

Background: Stepping into the real unknown and being accepted into the Leadership NZ family has been such an exciting and eye opening experience it has captivated me from the first day. I started working as an electrical apprentice moving through to foreman and onto project management for our local Power Board. I then moved to Auckland Airport where I have had a number of differing roles from leading people to asset maintenance planning and project management and through these roles I have been thoroughly challenged which I have enjoyed immensely and continue to do so. My real passions outside of work are my wonderful wife and two kids, footy – I am still waiting on my long overdue All Black call up – and fishing.

Jason Gray Airfield & Terminal Services Manager, Auckland Airport

Reflection: The Leadership NZ Programme has continued to highlight the big issues impacting New Zealand and the world, and challenged me to think more critically about how I can best contribute. The learnings through our varied speakers and presenters have really assisted me with my personal change in roles inside our business this year. The speakers have been amazing throughout the year but the two that have really stood out for me have been Sir Tipene O’Regan and Jim Bolger. I have to say Jim’s speech the day before the election was outstanding and really opened the group for some crunchy discussions for the first time this year. The Leadership NZ 2014 group are an excellent mix of diverse leaders with a common goal. The tools I have gained from this year in addition to the friends and experiences are going to allow me to move forward and make a real contribution in both my community and business life. A huge thank you to the Leadership NZ team for allowing us on this journey and guiding us through the new experiences we have faced. Skills Offered: Governance, project management, training, coaching. Location: Auckland

Jeanie Robinson Branch Manager, ACC

Background: When I first came to New Zealand, I worked as a nurse. I decided to try something new and joined ACC. In my time at ACC I have had many great opportunities and had the pleasure to work with some amazing people. I have worked in areas of case management, advisory and leadership. I have been in a leadership role for 5 years now focused on improving our services, growing capability, culture and change leadership. I love the challenges and rewards of leadership; I’m particularly interested in coaching, staff development, engagement and culture. I’m currently leading a national claims function and I am also working closely with a project designed to improve the service delivery to our clients and improve quality outcomes. I am lucky to work with a great team, all dedicated to making a difference for our clients. Outside of work I’m married and we have two beautiful children who keep us both very busy. Reflection: The opportunity to participate on the Leadership NZ programme couldn’t have come at a better time for me. When reflecting on the year my first thoughts are the great friendships and connections I’ve made, I look forward to every session and catching up with the group. I love talking with, listening to and learning from the other participants; they have such diverse backgrounds and different areas of expertise. I know I will miss this next year. The speakers have all been amazing and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to meet with such diverse, wonderful leaders and to have been part of the quality conversations. I have been humbled by their honesty and willingness to share. The sessions facilitated by the Leadership NZ team make such a meaningful difference to my work. Overall, I feel quite different to the person who started the programme at the beginning of the year. I have renewed energy for learning, reading, and most of all, courage to be uniquely me and face challenges. Thank you Leadership NZ, it’s been a lot of fun and I’m really grateful for the things I have learnt, great places we’ve visited and the valuable friendships. Skills Offered: Change management, people development, leadership and coaching. Location: Wellington

Jerome Partington Sustainability Manager at Jasmax and transformational change agent

Background: As a sustainability leader in the construction industry, my passion is healthy environments and a just society. Starting with physics, then construction, I settled on architecture as a vehicle for my passion – rebuilding a positive relationship with nature and transforming our communities to empower people. Studies and teaching were completed at South Bank University London. I worked for Constructive Individuals, cutting edge eco designers, training volunteers to build eco-homes and London’s first solar building, Homerton Grove Playground. In 2002 I emigrated to NZ, have one kiwi daughter and married to Janette. I am Sustainability Manager at Jasmax offering sustainable design innovation, training for staff, clients and the industry and of course ’housekeeping’ our green office. I am Chair of Living Future NZ, a NFP aimed at accelerating the transition towards restorative communities and environments using the Living Building Challenge (LBC), a tool for transformational change. I was awarded the LBC ‘Hero’ award at Living Futures 13 conference in Seattle, for facilitating Tuhoe Te Uru Taumatua, the first Living Building in NZ and Pegasus School, NZ’s first Net Zero Energy School. Reflection: The year has been one of a new journey and growing in my skin. I was keen to meet open minded and diverse people, offering different values and experience, good debate and make new friends. The high quality of the programme delivered, the friendly support to reflect deeply on ourselves and experience our world and its people, the richness and range of the Leaders who spoke to us and the many effective tools proffered for self-growth and leadership, are all testament to the top Leadership NZ team; Sina, Annette, Louise, Judy and Peter. Many thanks for demonstrating excellent leadership. Reflection is at the core of Leadership NZ. Reflecting on ourselves, our values, our communications, our behaviors and others reception of us. The program asks us to reflect and step out of our preconceptions and self judgement in order to effectively lead diverse people to help solve the challenges of NZ. It is a great journey. Skills Offered: Strategic planning, facilitation, public speaking, restorative design, sustainability advocate. Current community involvement: Senior Advisor and board member of The Natural Step NZ; Chair of Living Futures Collaborative NZ; Board member for Living Future Institute Australia; Trustee and school coach for Envirochallenge; Trustee of Environmental Choice NZ; Mentoring and supporting young people engaged in design and built environment. Location: Auckland



John Mauro Principal Transport Advisor, Auckland Council

Background: I’m passionate about creating more equitable, thriving and sustainable communities and I’ve come at this from a number of angles and experiences over the past few decades. Early on, my independent streak shone through, taking me from Alaska to Africa to Asia on independent research projects relating to climate change, ecology and human geography. I lectured in environmental science at a university for a stint, did some environmental education and guiding work in the Himalaya and the Rockies, then worked as a director of two NGOs that focused on land use policy and habitat protection. I subsequently took a role working for the Seattle mayor, organising hundreds of mayors across the USA to sign the Kyoto Protocol and developing Seattle’s Climate Action Plan. After a year volunteering in Bolivia for the US Peace Corps, I jumped back into the NGO world as Policy, Planning and Government Affairs Director for an advocacy/policy organization focused on active transport. My wife’s academic career took us to NZ in 2013 for her job at the University of Auckland and I landed at Auckland Council in their Strategy and Research Department where I provide strategic advice to elected officials. Reflection: While we’ve all been on our personal leadership journeys, Leadership NZ does the magical work of weaving us together into our dynamic and interactive kete. We’re stronger together. We learn together. We challenge each other and ourselves together. We lead together. Leadership NZ is giving me new tools, connections and grounding in how to better serve my organisation, its vision and the larger New Zealand community. With its combination of speakers, facilitated learning, group-led discussion, self-driven discovery and reflection, fusion of professional development and personal betterment—and the space, support and care to truly assimilate our journey into our own selves— Leadership NZ is unique, creative, valuable and powerful. Creating community and positive change can be a long game, and it’s critically needed yet significantly complex. Leadership NZ takes the long-game approach to this task and to each of us. The outcome is nothing short of transformational. Skills Offered: Strategic planning, policy development, change management, organizational development, relationship management. Current community involvement: Working with NGOs on strategic direction setting; volunteer work in my neighbourhood. My first child is due in early 2015, but I’m actively seeking ways to deepen my community involvement and impact. Location: Auckland Background: In 2008 I joined PGG Wrightson after 20 years within the brewing industry, having held Sales management and Key Account Management roles at both DB Breweries and Lion Nathan. PGG Wrightson brought me back to my roots, with my family having farmed in Oxford, North Canterbury for just under 150 years. At PGG Wrightson I work within the Retail Management team running the Technical team, Ag Consulting business and the CRM/BI team. Much of my role involves enabling change and the development of technology within the Retail business. I am very proud of how my team is contributing to the growth within rural NZ due to the improved level of technical advice that our customers now receive.

John Skurr National Sales Support Manager, PGG Wrightson

Reflection: The Leadership NZ experience has given me a real chance to refocus on myself. To consider my values and what has formed my world view. I have spent a lot of time in self contemplation, considering and challenging my own thoughts. In a number of cases I have found that I had a very naïve understanding of the real issues. The quality of speakers has been astounding. Each of them is some way has added to the experience by either challenging my thinking or sharing their personal experiences that resonate with me. I have come away from each session inspired by their wisdom and passion. One concept that really resonated with me is how we are constantly putting people in boxes. Having thought about this more, I am now challenging myself to look past the preconceptions to see the real person within and to take time to understand issues from their perspective. I feel very privileged to have spent this journey with such a wonderful group of individuals who have all grown in some way throughout this experience. To my class mates, thank you for allowing me to share this wonderful experience with you. You have all given me a gift in some way that has added to my personal growth. Skills Offered: Change management, project management, sales, strategic planning, people development. Location: Christchurch Background: I am from the Hokianga in Northland and I spent my formative years at high school and university in central Auckland. I now live in Wellington with my family including four young children. I am passionate about New Zealand and what we stand for as a county and a people. I have real hope for what we can achieve and I see our potential as a leader on the issues that matter most. My interest in people has shaped my personal and professional life. I have worked and studied in the fields of health, safety and rehabilitation. I see good work, paid or otherwise, as a being a cornerstone of a good life, where people can grow, learn and succeed. Most recently I have had the privilege to lead a not-for-profit movement of New Zealand-based Chief Executives who are committed to improving workplace safety for all New Zealanders.

Julian Hughes Executive Director, Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum

Reflection: We are all impacted by leaders in one way or another and we all have a leadership role, whether we like it or not. But leadership is a complex idea – not easily reduced to a definition or set of principles. It changes based on the context, the cause, the identity and the culture. It is both a personal and public expression and we see and feel it in different ways. We respond and project, lead and follow and engage and disengage based on who we are, how we feel and what we know and understand. I believe that the Leadership NZ programme is about all of this. It looks at some of the big issues we face, both personally and as a society. It provides time and space to understand who we are as leaders, what are we leading and what is our purpose. The programme has touched me personally. Making me realise that leadership starts with insight into who you are and what drives you. While some of us will find or be placed in leadership roles we are not defined by these as we all have a personal leadership story. The Leadership NZ programme helps to uncover this. It places us all in a much stronger position to make a positive contribution to the issues and the people that matter most. Skills Offered: Leadership development, facilitation, strategic planning, mentoring, relationship management. Current community involvement: Member, Board of Trustees, Mahinawa Specialist School and Resource Centre. Location: Wellington



Graduand Biographies From the Class of 2014

Kaye-Maree Dunn Director, Making Everything Achievable

Background: I grew up in Friendly Feilding, with a freezing worker unionist step-father and a dedicated stay at home mother. After leaving Feilding Agriculural High School I attended Victoria University and after a long course of study received my degree in Maori Resource Management. I have wide interests, training as a Meta Coach with the Institute of Neuro-Semantics. I am passionate about our role as Kaitiaki and have co-designed a Kaitiakitanga and Permaculture Design Certificate. I work in the realm of Whanau Ora, supporting whanau to design plans for their future. Recently I helped to facilitate conversations around NZ’s Constitution and I am supporting the development of Hei Manaaki Nga Kaumatua Charitable Trust, a peak body for supporting Maori providers who work with and for Kuia and Kaumatua (elders) nationally. Reflection: The Leadership NZ journey surpassed my expectation tenfold! The first lesson learned is that leadership is an inner journey, it’s not about what you do, it’s about being comfortable with vulnerability, to feel ok with brutal honesty, to provide and receive feedback in order to grow and to see the world though another’s eyes by walking in their shoes….even for a moment. I have been exposed to people, world views and experiences I would never have had the opportunity to without the awesome guidance and support from Leadership NZ. Te Tiriti, Diversity, The Economy, Wellbeing, our impact on the Environment, Creativity, Design Thinking & Governance are all gargantuan topics which forced us to realise the boxes we have contained ourselves within as well as urge us on to step outside the confines of those boxes. I was also challenged to confront how I operate in teams and how well I am prepared to look beyond my own bias and truly grow my potential, firstly as a Human, a Mother and as a Leader. The greatest challenge now is to decide how we might lead powerfully into the 21st century and potentially utilise the Athena principles to guide how we might continue to lead out into the future. Skills Offered: Facilitation, end to end project and event management, programme and organisation audit, strategy development, master of ceremonies (MCing), funding and sponsorship acquisition. Current community involvement: Co-Chair, Wellington Maori Komiti; Secretary, Wellington District Maori Council; Wellington Representative on the NZ Maori Council; Trustee, Te Paepae Arahi (Maori Mental Health Organisation); Advisor, Grow Aotearoa; Member, Enspiral. Location: Wainuiomata & Te Whanganui a Tara - Wellington Background: I was born and raised in Australia and moved to New Zealand seven years ago. Here I fell in love with this country, met a wonderful man and have since had our son. I began my career after university by joining a graduate programme with the Federal Government in Australia. Through this I got the opportunity to work on the Sydney Olympics and then remained in the major events industry for 10 years working in Melbourne, Doha and then for Rugby World Cup here in New Zealand. I recently had a career change and now work for Central Government where I am currently the Manager Youth Engagement at the Ministry of Youth Development which is part of the Ministry of Social Development.

Lisa Ward Manager Youth Engagement, Ministry of Youth Development, Ministry of Social Development

Reflection: I was excited to join the Leadership NZ programme. The opportunity came at the perfect time for me and has set me on a journey of self-reflection and growth as a person and leader. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the programme and have met amazing people, expanded and challenged my knowledge of New Zealand issues and learnt from extraordinary leaders from all parts of our communities. It has been extraordinary to be part of a group of participants who are genuine, inspiring and from so many different sectors, each bringing their own experiences and opinions and openly sharing these to nourish us all. I look forward to continuing these relationships as we all move forward on our leadership journeys. Thank you Leadership NZ, it has been a privilege to be part of this wonderful programme. Skills Offered: Relationship management, community engagement, strategic planning, project management, people development. Current community involvement: A member of the Governance Group for the Wellington Mothers Network. Location: Wellington Background: After working in the corporate world my eyes were opened to ‘community’ through having children. I viewed the world in a completely different way – through a lens that asked “what sort of world do I want my children to grow up in?” So I started my humanitarian focus in 2008 with Oxfam and by taking part in an Oxfam Adventure Challenge, raising money for Oxfam by walking the Inca trail in Peru. From this experience, I knew I wanted to be involved at the grass roots with a more ‘hands on’ approach. I now fundraise and travel with Habitat for Humanity to build homes where they are needed throughout the world. When not supporting Habitat I focus my energies on being the best Mum and partner I can be, as well as actively volunteering in my local community by teaching English to refugees and migrants.

Maria Henry Volunteer, Habitat for Humanity (HFH), mClass and Porirua Language Project (PLP)

Reflection: There is still an internal processing taking place from my time at Leadership NZ – the self-transformation is ongoing and I’m incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to take time out from the machinations of day-to-day life to get to know myself better. The amazing team at Leadership NZ have given me valuable life tools to help my journey – to grow as a person and therefore as a leader, partner, parent and friend. To look inwards and truly understand how I could identify and achieve the vision I wanted to create for myself, my family and my community. Whilst on the Leadership NZ journey I enjoyed the many and varied speakers – they proved to be engaged and engaging. ‘Crunchy’ conversations took place with the melting pot of speakers, many who were happy to share personal stories and insights with us. The passionate and often charismatic speakers Leadership NZ were able to bring to our sessions have indeed provided much food for thought. Leadership NZ is a journey - it’s been a real and rare opportunity to be authentic in a safe and caring environment. Creating real connections that are fundamental to living a wholehearted life – being vulnerable to new and challenging situations – whilst guided safely by the hugely competent and caring facilitators at Leadership NZ. My heartfelt thanks and much aroha to Louise, Sina, Judy, Annette and Peter. If you get the chance to be a part of the Leadership NZ programme grab it with both hands and embark on a journey they can change your life forever. Skills Offered: Project management, research, training, community engagement and I’m pretty handy building houses too!! Current community involvement: Teaching English to refugees / migrants; heading to Zambia as volunteer with Habitat for Humanity in November. Location: Kapiti and Wellington and wherever Habitat takes me.



Background: A proud Kiwi, I grew up Hawkes Bay with a strong affinity to the rural lifestyle. This influenced my early career choices through until I entered the financial services industry over 20 years ago through the Rural Bank. I’ve been fortunate that my career since has enabled me to experience a wide range of sales and subsequent leadership roles across a number of sectors within the industry. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the personal and professional challenge that comes with taking on new and different opportunities, and in recent years this has included leading transformation type change across large businesses. Outside of work I’m fortunate that my wife and two teenage daughters are able to keep me grounded, and as often as possible I head for the hills on bike or foot to recharge body and mind.

Mark Stephen Group Manager – Sales & Service, Kiwibank

Reflection: The Leadership NZ programme has provided me with the opportunity to benefit from the diversity of thought and perspective from colleagues on the programme and from the excellent range of speakers and facilitators that we’ve interacted with. I’ve gained a wider appreciation of the society in which we live and the opportunities & challenges we have in New Zealand, and the experience has caused me to become more curious about myself, my family history, and this fantastic country. I value the insight and learnings I’ve gained from the speakers we’ve engaged with, from our facilitators who have challenged and encouraged us, and through spending time with the talented, motivated, passionate and caring people I’ve had the privilege of sharing this journey with. The trust and honesty in the conversations we’ve had has created an environment that’s been inspiring, rewarding, humbling, and fun. It’s been a privilege to be involved in 2014 and I’m confident that the experience and the relationships built during the year will positively shape the decisions I make in the future. Skills Offered: Governance, change management, financial, sales, mentoring, relationship management. Location: Wellington

Background: I have been working as a freelance hyphenate in the creative sector since I graduated with my Bachelor of Broadcasting Communications degree in 1998. I started in broadcast production in new media, collaborating with online developers to deliver multi media projects. The primary focus was in education with te reo Maori medium narratives. I expanded into drama production (both feature film and short) then expanding to include prime time television production. I continue to work across all the above and in varying roles from Producer to Director to Editor to Key Creative … and sometimes all of the above.

Mina Mathieson Producer, Director, Editor, Key Creative, m3media

Reflection: In recent years I have refocused my business to better reflect my vision – that of conscious and creative communication. This doesn’t necessarily mean my approach or work ethic differs vastly from what I have done in the past, but instead the time invested in this process has helped me better develop and strategize my professional goals, aiding me to clarify then target opportunities that I feel best represent me and my world view. Leadership NZ was the perfectly timed reflection I needed at this stage of my life – both personal and professional. Everything I have done before has lead me to the here and now of 2014 and a convergence of my skills, expertise, knowledge, opportunities and traction. Through the Leadership NZ sessions I have been reminded to continue to seek and consider different frameworks and perspectives for different scenarios. There are so many ways and platforms to connect with groups and individuals and finding a way through layered issues in an entertaining, informative and non-confrontational way is one way I’d like to continue addressing these issues. Enabling voices (and stories) to be heard may just be one drop in a pond of many possibilities, however the ripple effect is powerful. Creating more efficient and effective ways of making a real difference and positive changes in communities – whether local or global – is my continued focus through creative and conscious communication. My journey of learning this is one that amazes and excites me. Skills Offered: Strategic management, broadcasting, publishing, multimedia, transmedia, creative conceptualisation and development, marketing, event planning, community engagement, mentorship, people development across varied sectors, te reo Maori language revitalisation. Current community involvement: Te Reo o Taranaki Trust (Taranaki Reo revitalisation); volunteer, WOMAD and Splore; industry consultant, Nga Aho Whaakari (Maori in Film and Television). Location: Central Auckland

Background: I am currently working for the Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA) doing political and online strategy. I have been leading on an online political campaign within the 2014 election focused upon the need for creating greater awareness of diversity when making hiring choices. Prior to that I worked in Parliament for MPs Mojo Mathers and Catherine Delahunty.

Nicholas Ruane Issues Assistant, Parliamentary Services – Green Party of Aoteaora New Zealand

Reflection: What I have gained from Leadership NZ 2014: In three words… confidence and self- belief. I was offered the opportunity to do another leadership course, a course that was recommended to me, that would have set me up for success within my field. I turned it down. I was also recommended to do the Leadership NZ programme by someone whom I trusted who had done also done the Leadership NZ programme. I took up that offer. I knew that as the only person on the Leadership NZ 2014 programme with a disability I would be putting myself into an uncomfortable situation. I always have put myself into uncomfortable situations and succeeded; my sporting life is testament to that. Leadership NZ has given me the confidence to speak up, strange as this seems, I check myself constantly in group situations and this experience has awoken within me the ability to speak on things that are important to me. I viewed the Leadership NZ 2014 programme as an opportunity to really test myself in a potentially very unfamiliar and also possibly uncomfortable environment. I think that the fact that I have developed self-belief and self-confidence as a result of this experience is a real sign that I have succeeded. Skills Offered: Governance, strategic planning, change management, planning and goal realisation. Current community involvement: Board deputy chair, Hutt Valley Disabled Resources Trust. Location: Wellington



Graduand Biographies From the Class of 2014

Background: With leadership experience across three sectors - State, Public and Private, my background includes: human resource management; operational service management; strategic planning; securing tenders; leading service expansion and innovation; change management; stakeholder engagement and collaboration. I’ve worked in multi-cultural, geographically dispersed, fast paced, complex organisations in New Zealand, Australia, UK and Europe. I’m proud to call Auckland home and hold a BMS from Waikato University and an MBA from Warwick University.

Nicola Brehaut Northern Manager, Community Operations, Department of Internal Affairs

Reflection: Leadership NZ 2014 has been a journey to more authentic leadership. I’ve been richly fed by: engaging interaction with a diverse group of participants; hearing from a wide range of thought provoking speakers; exposure to practical tools and approaches; new experiences outside my usual comfort zone; and facilitation taking me to my learning edge. I am now more in tune with my values ; more conscious of the languaging I use; more connected to and proud of my cultural heritage; clearer on my personal vision of sustainability; and more committed than ever to to leading change to benefit New Zealanders and their communities. Skills Offered: Strategic planning, change management, HR, organisational development, community development. Current community involvement: Trustee, Nga Tangata Microfinance. Location: Auckland

Background: The most important lessons my parents taught me were to serve my community, respect my elders and to stay true to my values and culture. These lessons have helped mould the person I am today and has encouraged me to play an active part in my community through The Pacific Business Trust, The Grey Lynn Business Association, St Joseph’s School Board, P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Women’s Organization and the Samoan Sports Association. Over the past twenty three years, I have been blessed with a successful and rewarding career in real estate. I’m passionate about helping people setting and achieving their goals with home ownership and property investments being a couple of them.

Repeka Lelaulu Real Estate Agent, Barfoot & Thompson

Reflection: Not often in our busy lives do we get the opportunity to step back and really examine what’s important to us, Leadership NZ has provided that environment. I have a greater understanding of issues found in other parts of NZ. I have learned new ways to have conversations, discuss issues and find pathways to help create a future that builds trust and pride in each other. I have become aware of my own leadership style, my strengths and my weaknesses. I have reconnected with my own passion and I’m eager to make changes to enable me to be in the best position to make a difference. Leadership NZ is about helping others, not just yourself. I liked the analogy that was given to us by one of our speakers about when birds travel in V-formation, the lead bird’s job is not simply to guide the other birds as to which direction to fly. Rather, the lead bird’s primary role is to help reduce air drag so that the flock can fly for greater distances without expending more energy. As with so many other examples in nature, this behaviour can also serve as a valuable reminder for businesses on how to approach leadership and team collaboration. I am honoured to be connected to such diverse, talented people that make up the expansive Leadership NZ family and to have been part of a wonderful and enlightening experience. Skills Offered: Community engagement, mentoring, people development, coaching, property investments. Current community involvement: Board of Trustees of the Pacific Business Trust; P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A – President of the Auckland Central Branch; Trustee, St Joseph’s School, Grey Lynn; Board Member, Grey Lynn Business Association. Location: Auckland

Background: As the National Design Manager for ACC I manage a team that develops services that meet the needs of our customers. This means deeply understanding our customers’ experiences by asking, listening and observing. Initially I trained as a social worker and worked in a range of different environments from child protection, neonatal intensive care, prison, special education, not-for-profit organisations and community funding. In 2012 I joined ACC originally to manage the National Serious Injury Service. My role leading service design brings together some key threads in my career – the importance of both working with people and thinking creatively. Understanding what really matters to our customers means we have the opportunity to jointly create a better experience.

Sally Babington National Design Manager, ACC

Reflection: Leadership NZ has exposed me to a huge amount of different thinking. It has challenged me to really value the richness that diversity brings us both personally and professionally. Even though my values may differ from others I find I want to understand those differences, so I continue to expand my world view. Through hearing people’s inspiring stories - both our speakers and others in our group I have been reminded (again!) of the power of stories, the importance of understanding and valuing the unique experiences we all bring and the different ways we make sense of our experiences. Leadership NZ has challenged me to know who I am as a leader – warts and all, to go to the edge and be courageous, to have enabling conversations that create new possibilities, to get out of my mental valley and onto a hill when I can see some different valleys. This year has been a rare gift. We have been cared for, given the opportunity to push ourselves out of our comfort zones, had some incredible experiences from horse whispering to drumming, and been able to engage with a whole range of deeply committed New Zealand leaders. As a group we have found and shared our individual strengths. We have built some special relationships. Who knows where this will take us? I do know that thanks to Leadership NZ the future is full of possibilities for all of us. Skills Offered: Service design/customer experience design, leading change, setting up new teams, governance, relationship management, project delivery. Current community involvement: Director, Victoria University bookshop; Gamelan community music group. Location: Wellington



Background: I trained in art and design prior to obtaining a business and marketing fashion degree. For the last 20 years I have worked in corporate business in Europe and more recently (2 years) in New Zealand. My career spans sales, marketing, transition and operations and I have been fortunate to lead some significant strategic and tactical projects for global blue chip organisations. I currently work with teams responsible for pre-sales assessment, solution development and transition in New Zealand.

Sara Jones National Transition and Transformation Manager, Fuji Xerox

Reflection: Leadership NZ has broadened my depth of understanding from a cultural and social perspective of the issues facing modern day New Zealand. On a personal level, the programme has prompted me to explore my own style of leadership and think about how I authentically contribute to society, to my work and how I engage with others. As a group we have been encouraged to recognise the diversity of our life experiences (our worldview) to challenge ourselves and to question how we operate within our organisations, communities and within our circles of influence. The Leadership NZ programme has opened up the realms of possibility as premise for moving forward. Skills Offered: Change management & governance, marketing & PR, Organisational review and development,strategic planning, people development. Current community involvement: I am currently looking for creative arts or visual based opportunities. Location: Auckland

Seren Wilson Director – Recruitment, Alumni and Leadership, Teach First NZ

Background: My professional career has been focused in the field of Human Resources, and in particular the attraction and development of talent in organisations. Upon completion of my degree in Auckland, I spent two years in generalist HR roles with Firth Industries (Fletcher Building) and Starship Children’s Hospital, before travelling to the United Kingdom. I joined the L’Oreal group in London where I spent 10 years in a range of roles spanning Sales and Human Resources in the UK and Australia. My husband and I returned to New Zealand after the birth of our first child and I took the opportunity to explore roles in the not-for-profit sector, joining Teach First NZ in 2011. Teach First NZ has been established to tackle educational inequality in New Zealand. My current role as Recruitment Director is due to extend to incorporate the oversight of our Alumni and Leadership Development Programmes in 2015. Reflection: It is a challenging task to capture succinctly the extent of the learning and development opportunities offered by the Leadership NZ programme. I joined the programme to re-connect with current critical New Zealand issues and my own identity as a New Zealander after 10 years abroad. I was hungry to be challenged, and learn from a range of leaders in diverse contexts. I was also attracted to the practical focus of the programme and the opportunity to learn from applied leadership practice. One powerful aspect of the programme I didn’t fully appreciate before commencing, was the opportunity to undertake this journey with such an incredibly diverse and talented cohort. The small and large group formats enabled us to attempt to translate leadership theory and practice into action and offered a safe environment through which we could support each other’s development and self-reflection. I feel I have learnt as much from the different perspectives and insights of my cohort as I have from the incredible wealth of leadership wisdom bestowed on us throughout the year. My sincere thanks to the Leadership NZ team who has made this experience possible. While the year-long programme is over far too quickly, the foundations are laid for us to remain connected for a lifetime. I look forward to engaging with the wider Alumni network in the future. Skills Offered: HR – particularly recruitment and talent development, project management, strategic planning, mentoring and governance. Current community involvement: Board Member, New Zealand Association of Graduate Employers (NZAGE). Location: Auckland

Background: I am a Graduate of Best Pacific Leadership and member of the Leadership New Zealand 2014 cohort. I resided in France and the UK for over 15 years as a professional sportsman and owner/practitioner of a health and wellness clinic. This exposed me to international nuances and enabled me to develop leadership and communication skills within many diverse cultures. Since returning to New Zealand in 2008, I have been involved in a range of community groups and service providers. I also completed a Diploma in Adult Education and held an educator role at Te Wānanga O Aotearoa. In my down time, I enjoy travelling and spending time with family and friends.

Shem Tatupu Educator, Consultant, Director

Reflection: My passion is in bridging the cultural stigmas and divides within corporate and community organisations. I am currently part of a focus group that is developing programs for government, corporate and sporting organisations in order to create positive workplace cultures, thereby empowering and transforming individuals within their professional environment. The Leadership NZ programme has led me to a greater understanding of the issues facing Aotearoa New Zealand. I now have a healthier and deeper knowledge and appreciation of the issues that need to be addressed in different cities and am able to navigate the varying dynamics of disparate aspects of our society. Being involved in a diverse group such as ours has enabled me to develop my leadership skills in ways that have changed the direction of my future. Skills Offered: Training, mentoring, youth leadership development, community engagement, leadership development. Current community involvement: Hospice; Cancer Society. Location: Auckland



Graduand Biographies From the Class of 2014

Tania Pene Hapu Development Coordinator – Natural Resource Management, Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi

Background: My Planning background stems from years working with and alongside of both local and rural Māori communities dealing with local planning processes and systems. My earlier roles included managing surveyor teams and data analysis including leading both research and community projects. Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi was established to lead the spiritual, cultural, social and economic growth of Ngapuhi. Working with our people to build empowering initiatives for our future is a very humbling and rewarding environment to work within. My current role builds upon those years of experience through supporting marae and hapu-based groups to undertake the management of resources in their area, and provide advice and services on regional and national matters that are important to Ngapuhi. Capacity and capability building at every level is integral to hapu development and for iwi advancement. Reflection: The Leadership NZ Programme has provided me with a much deeper appreciation of reflective learning and leadership styles and approaches. I valued the many learnings through the varied challenges that will add towards improving my effectiveness in the leadership roles I hold and to have a much greater sense of inquiry. A unique programme that brings together diversity in all respects. One does not merely attend the Leadership NZ programme, participation is essential to enable growth in your leadership journey. The programme has been both life changing as I engage and apply the shared valuable set of tools that enables me to be confident in moving forward in a more collaborative, diverse and exciting future for New Zealand. Skills Offered: Community engagement, information brokerage, mentoring, governance, facilitation, planning and strategic planning, policy development. Current community involvement: Elected member, Board of Trustees for my local marae; Co-chair, Mangere Catchment Group, leading portfolios governance and management including environmental management, river restoration and water quality projects. Location: Kaikohe, Northland

Background: I live in Wellington with my partner and our 20 month old son and we love every aspect of showing the city and the country off to him. Most of my career has been spent in the public service developing policy and strategy on issues where I feel a real difference can be made for New Zealand. This year is one of transition and new opportunity on the work front for me moving from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to the Earthquake Commission which presents an exciting new challenge. I am a big cricket fan, looking forward to the World Cup in 2015, but (still) lack any actual talent for playing the game.

Tom Dibley Manager, Office of the Chief Executive, Earthquake Commission

Reflection: I feel blessed to have spent the year with the talented and inspiring group of people that are the 2014 Leadership NZ cohort. The journey I have taken with these leaders, the tools and opportunity for reflection and the stimulating set of speakers, presenters and activities has broadened my perspective and world view far beyond what I expected. I really appreciate the wisdom and openness that has been shared with us on the programme from those New Zealand leaders who have donated their time to disclose their experiences, thoughts and feelings on their leadership journey and the issues that face New Zealand as they see them. The skills and approaches learnt on the programme allow me to continually reflect on and challenge myself as a leader and as a person. These reflections are helping me to change my world view and put what I do, both professionally and personally, into a greater context. My challenge will be to continue the journey, to persistently find new and better ways in which I can offer myself to new experiences and to the improvement of New Zealand. I know with the Leadership NZ whanau on the journey with me in spirit it will be a success. Skills Offered: Governance, strategic planning, policy development Current community involvement: Chair of the Kid’s Environment ECE Centre governance committee. Location: Wellington

Background: I was born in Hamilton, started school in Penang, lived in London and call New Zealand home. I have over 20 years’ experience in senior finance roles. I have worked for some very large and complex organisations across all 3 economic sectors. I am an extremely proud and patriotic Kiwi who is ready at this time in my life to do more. I am married to Melanie and we have two lovely sons who we are guiding through their young lives whilst we all grow together – and have a great deal of fun and laughter at the same time.

Travis McGrath General Manager – Finance, Downer NZ Ltd

Reflection: Whilst I am an accountant and I do have a natural affinity for numbers, I also recognise that the most important part of any leadership role are the fundamental relationships with people. People are indeed the greatest thing in the world. To be in a position to lead others through conversations with energy, vision and love is something truly special and a skill that we need to all strive towards – all the while maintaining our authenticity. I came into the programme with an open mind ready to be challenged and I have been. The speakers we have been privileged to have conversations with are world class. The diversity amongst us has been a unique feature of the Leadership NZ programme. We have forged some strong networks and friendships during this journey that will last well after this year is over. I have noticed changes in myself and how I lead. I am looking at myself through different lenses all the time now. I am enjoying the view of a new and exciting perspective of myself! I know that the lessons I have been fortunate to learn this year will stay with me and make me that better man I wanted to become. Skills Offered: Financial, mentoring, process improvement, governance, communications, change management and risk management. Location: Auckland




Andy Ballard’s welcome to Dinner With a Difference The following is an excerpt of Andy Ballard’s welcome speech, on behalf of AUT University, for Dinner with a Difference 2014. Ko Bredon Hill te maunga, ko River Avon te awa, ko ngati Pakeha te iwi, ko Andy Ballard aho. Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa. Welcome all of you to this beautiful Sir Paul Reeves building on behalf of AUT University. It’s been open now for 1 ½ years and it’s hard to imagine what it was like before this wonderful space was here for us to enjoy. It is in itself a creative solution and is such a wonderful place for our students and my colleagues to meet, to collaborate, to be creative. It’s a privilege to be able to welcome you here tonight. When I was thinking about creative leadership I almost felt my heart stop. Often people get labelled very early on as “Creative” or “Not Creative”. And I felt I was very much one of the “Nots”. I looked for evidence because, after all, I am in a university, and found a school report from when I was 13. I read my comment for Art and learned that I “worked rather slowly and lacked flair”. That sounds to me like a lack of creativity and it’s certainly how I felt for many years. I became, remarkably perhaps, a marketing manager. I worked for many years in that sphere before I became an academic. Once I became a marketing manager suddenly everyone assumed I was “Creative”. And yet I hadn’t changed. It was just this label; this false sense that certain industries are inher-

ently creative, that if you work in marketing you’re a creative person. I still didn’t believe it myself and a lot of the work I did was very quantitative – performing brand steal analyses and developing pricing models. I guess that was creative but not in the way that everyone meant. I now believe quite sincerely that all leadership is creative. Leadership is an inherently creative process. When you create, people often think you’re mad. But I would challenge you as leaders; if people say that then you are doing what you are supposed to do. If people don’t challenge you, then maybe you’re not creative enough yet. I read an article in the Dominion Post this morning which spoke to creativity and concerned dyslexia. They reported the findings of some research which supports what many of you perhaps have suspected for some time — that many dyslexics are particularly creative. I know for a fact that one of your speakers tonight, one of my former students, is indeed both dyslexic and highly creative. So there is my sample of one. Thinking about my students’ creativity, I ran a first year business class where students were introduced to the concept of social business and then had to then create their own social business. I was blown away by their creativity. They are going to be significant leaders.

I also thought about my experience mentoring students in the student-run organisation Think.e, students creating social change through entrepreneurial activity. It’s my absolute pleasure to work with such talented, creative, inspirational people. When I was a student, if I’d done only half of the things that they manage to do balancing study, paid work, and social enterprise I would have felt I was doing something quite amazing. They really are extraordinary. Successful leaders surround themselves with people who are better than they are. There’s no point recruiting people who are not as good as you. I take the same approach with students. So surround yourselves with fantastic people. Remember that creative is not a label to give to any student or to an employee. We are all creative and as creative leaders one of our biggest jobs is to create a space, a culture where creativity is valued. If you are very fortunate, over the last six minutes you may have been distracted enough from your everyday lives and from the problems, the pressure you are facing in your business to allow your subconscious mind to work. It might just be that this welcome speech has been of creative value to you. Maybe I’ve distracted you long enough that when you return to a problem you may find that you have solved it. Kia ora and welcome again.




Dinner with a Difference 2014: Creative Leadership 1





DWD 2014 REFLECTIONS: “...highly informative and interesting, each speaker came from a different background and organisation, with each contributing their own inspirational stories and experiences, providing me with a greater understanding of the meaning and impacts of creative leadership.” - Ashleigh Mincher



“This year’s dinner had a delightful mix that satisfied the gamut of creative preferences.” - Jennie Vickers


“Those who’d been last year knew there was a special feature to the night... a night that was enjoyable, engaging and definitely different.” - Hilary Sumpter







1. DWD 2014 at AUT’s Sir Paul Reeves Building 2. DWD 2014 Lovenotes Notebooks, front cover poetry by LNZ Alumni Karlo Mila 3. Albert Wendt, ONZ 4. Kaye-Maree Dunn, MC 5. Rod Drury from Xero 6. Phoenix performing arts 7. Welby Ing 8. Pre-dinner drinks and conversations 9. Tree of Dreams installation by Martin Leung-Wai & Meghan Geliza 10. LNZ’s Judy Whiteman with 2014 Leaders Mag 11. LNZ CEO Sina Wendt-Moore with dinner guests 12. Dinner guests’ folded origami dreams


by Kimberly Rees, Leadership NZ Alumnus

An interview with Michelle van Gaalen Michelle van Gaalen attended the Leadership NZ Programme in 2008 which was at a pivotal point in her long and successful executive management career. Michelle van Gaalen attended the Leadership NZ Programme in 2008 which was at a pivotal point in her long and successful executive management career. At the time, she was Group Manager Retail at New Zealand (NZ) Post Group Ltd with full accountability across the retail business, as well as being a member of the NZ Post Group Executive Team. ‘Without doubt, it was a volatile and challenging time of my career – the Leadership NZ Programme gave me fresh perspectives throughout this period’ Michelle says. On reflection, she clarifies ‘The Leadership NZ Programme took me out of the corporate world I was in at the time, and gave me a broader perspective in terms of the social and community issues facing New Zealand. Plus, it was wonderful to have a couple of days away from the work demands each month that year, where I could reflect on the work I was doing and recalibrate myself amongst professional peers!’ She refers to the popular quote by Albert Einstein ‘We cannot solve our problems with

Never stop learning and challenging yourself, and always strive to get diverse perspectives in order to help with your thinking.

the same thinking we used when we created them’. Michelle says that Leadership NZ provided her with access to a range of different perspectives from a cross spectrum of New Zealand society, and that the programme came at a critical point in her career. She says that what was most beneficial was the fresh external perspective when assessing the impact of proposed business changes in her daily work environment. Her efforts were recognised, even on a global scale through the NZ Post Group winning the 2010 World Mail People Management Award for its workforce management strategy. Michelle states that ‘the value of diversity in strategic planning and corporate business analysis / problem solving, was the key learning for me from the Leadership NZ Programme. It gave me that ‘big picture’ focus, built my confidence, and pointed me in the right direction in developing my career path’. It has been an onward and upward career for Michelle. In 2011 she left the NZ Post Group Ltd to re-develop her own consulting business (originally established in 2005) providing specialist strategy and business change support to CEOs and Executive Teams, collaborating on a number of high profile corporate projects both in New Zealand and overseas. In 2013 Michelle joined the executive team at Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) as Director of Strategy and Business Performance. In this role she’s been the business sponsor of a pilot community finance scheme aiming to improve access to mainstream credit for those previously excluded.

Most recently, Michelle will be making another career move in November, leaving BNZ to be the CEO of Pinnacle Life. This will be a big change for her, going from a large corporation to a small family owned business but says she is looking forward to working with the company to ‘disrupt the life insurance industry in New Zealand’. Michelle states; ‘Building on what I learned in the Leadership NZ programme, I now understand that business growth in New Zealand is inclusive (of all or the majority of people) and not exclusive (at the expense of others) like it is in some other countries. Yes, you could say I am a capitalist, but a ‘capitalist with heart’ which is a quote I heard once that, I think, defines those leaders looking to help transform New Zealand through business.’ When asked of her opinion on New Zealand’s future, she reflects on her recent trip to Vietnam and her feelings when she arrived back in the country; saying ‘New Zealand is a small country but with a high level of sophistication, and has heaps of potential to make our impact more powerful on, and for, the rest of the world.’ Michelle’s practical advice to a future leader is; ‘Never stop learning and challenging yourself, and always strive to get diverse perspectives in order to help with your thinking. I am fortunate to have learned this from Leadership NZ and benefit from this every day in my career as well as in my personal life.’ For Michelle, listening to other perspectives and having a strong community ‘heart’ within the corporate sector seems to have served her well. LNZ YEARBOOK 2014



A conversation with Quentin McCarthy Quentin McCarthy attended the Leadership NZ Programme in 2013 and he was inspired to put into action some initiatives that are getting rave reviews. Before coming on the Leadership NZ programme in 2013, Quentin had been on dozens of leadership / senior professional development courses over his 42 year career with Downer and as a senior manager for the past 25 years (currently responsible for 620 staff) has personally facilitated numerous professional development seminars which included leadership components. It is safe to say that Quentin considered himself a ‘leadership guru’ before attending the Leadership NZ programme. ‘I was confident in what I was doing and how I was working before, but the Leadership NZ Programme challenged my previously constructed views and knowledge about leadership. It opened my eyes and took it up to a much higher professional level’ Quentin says. When asked what makes the Leadership NZ Programme different? Quentin responds with; ‘It’s having those courageous, authentic conversations not only with your cohort group but with a range of diverse and inspirational guest speakers. These conversations are done in a meaningful, safe and comfortable environment which builds this foundation of professional support and knowledge you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else’. Quentin makes the point that anyone can learn the core principles of leadership (through books, seminars, etc) but learning how to put it all into practice both for yourself and for the environment / business you are 28


It’s all about encouraging people to really listen, support one another and to find your own ‘true-north’ so you are proud of what you do working in, is the difficult part and what the Leadership NZ Programme offers as its point of difference. Just a couple of months after completing the Leadership NZ Programme, Quentin has put into action a number of unique management initiatives at Downer that are getting rave reviews. These include: an organisation-wide Maori Leadership Group designed to develop initiatives for improved Maori representation at top management levels (currently co-funded with Te Puni Kokori); a restructured format for the area management meetings which incorporates some of the exercises learned through the Leadership NZ Programme; and even taking staff on horse-whispering sessions to exemplify critical leadership aspects! Quentin is now a firm believer of ‘disruptive leadership’ a theme that was galvanised for him last year in the Leadership NZ Programme. He is encouraging others to break out of the ‘comfort zone conundrum’ and to think outside the traditional corporate sphere for planning and problem solving and is seeing impressive and innovative results within his management teams already – people are more

empathetic, collaborative and making more strategic, wide-level decisions with greater confidence than before. Quentin points out; ‘After all, organisational issues are people issues. We are living in an era of constant change and need to support people in responding to the environment. It’s all about encouraging people to really listen, support one another and to find your own ‘true-north’ so you are proud of what you do and what you contribute to others (and the organisation).’ In regards to his own personal leadership journey, Quentin wants to credit Leadership NZ for making him redefine his values, and providing a supportive group of diverse professionals – people who have different backgrounds and perspectives from his own, that he can call upon and benchmark himself against. The Programme has re-sparked his energy for truthful, lifelong learning – as he says ‘even for an old dog like me’. Quentin’s final comment; ‘Last year’s (Leadership NZ 2013) Programme has provided me with an unbelievable opportunity to view first-hand the people and industry that make up the heart of New Zealand’s success. I have a new respect for the diversity within this country and a better understanding of my own leadership role in New Zealand’s future. The Leadership NZ Programme is an absolute gem!’ by Kimberly Rees, Leadership NZ Alumnus

ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Lynette Adams Chief Executive, Sport Waitakere

Matt Anderson Director, The Sleep Store

Skills offered: Sport and recreation; not for profit governance; general management; organisational development and strategy; community development; leadership and collaboration. Current community involvement: Waitakere Regional Hockey Turf Trust; BEST Pasifika Leadership Foundation mentor; junior hockey coach. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Advice on building online retail business, sourcing products from suppliers in NZ & overseas, exporting to Australia. Current community involvement: Participating memberTitirangi Playcentre; board member Sustainable Business Network. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Max Adler

Paul Argar

Owner and Director, Imminent

Head of Taxation, Westpac New Zealand Limited

Skills offered: Social and business innovation applying user-experience design principles, and including insight research, innovation gaming, and other forms of creative participation. Current community involvement: Helping the young ones out at church. Volunteering for New Zealand-based fundraising agencies for overseas aid and development. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Financial & tax advice; business case development; strategy development; facilitation; mentoring. Current community involvement: Member, NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants; Bay of Plenty Committees and National Tax Committee. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Dean Astill Tui Ah Loo Director Tamaki Operations, Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi Tamaki Makaurau Skills offered: Providing Maori responsiveness and effectiveness advice to senior management to enable them to actively engage with the Maori community with confidence. Current community involvement: Trustee of Te Taurahere o Ngati Porou ki Tamaki Charitable Trust; inaugural member of Porou Ariki kapa haka group; member of the Auckland District Police Maori Advisory board; member of Unitec’s Runanga. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Jane Aickin Manager Local and Sports Parks Central, Auckland Council Skills offered: Strategic planning; project management; workshop/meeting facilitation. Current community involvement: Chair, NZ Recreation Association Auckland/Northland Region. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

Andrew Aitken Independent Director Skills offered: Governance; business excellence; value-based leadership. Current community involvement: Auckland Rotary. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Export Manager, RD8 Fresh Produce Skills offered: Governance; marketing; project planning. Current community involvement: Board member, EIT Horticulture Advisory Board. Programme year: 2006 Location: Hastings

Nick Astwick Chief Operating Officer, Kiwibank Skills offered: Strategy development; marketing; financial governance; connecting networks; possible investment and partnering; leadership. Current community involvement: Micro Lending Scheme; Nga Tangata Trust (through Kiwibank); Financial literacy Programmes in community (through Kiwibank); Trustee, Leadership NZ. Programme year: 2010 Location: Wellington

Janine Attwood General Manager Business, SimplHealth Skills offered: Consulting - business strategy and transformation planning; HR and communication strategy and execution; coaching and leadership development; organisational engagement; brand development. Current community involvement: Business and skills mentoring. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Mark Baker Independent Contractor

Fiona Allan Chief Executive, Paralympics New Zealand Skills offered: Strategic planning in the not for profit sector; leading teams; partnership collaboration. Current community involvement: Board member and secretary general of Oceania Paralympic Committee. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Ewen Anderson Executive Director, Netlogix Skills offered: Broad commercial experience including skills in: strategy; financial analysis; general commercial analysis/ problem solving; diverse stakeholder communication and relationship building; negotiation; project management. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Operations management; strategic planning; commercial management; retail and manufacturing process design; technology solutions design; project management. Current community involvement: Various Leadership NZ SkillsBank projects. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Claire Balfour Training Manager, McIsaac Caregiving Agency Skills offered: Speech-Language therapy assessment for communication and swallowing disorders; communication confidence coaching for presentation skills and public speaking; NLP master practitioner. Current community involvement: Mentor for YWCA Future Leaders programme; Forgotten Felines volunteer. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland




Adam Bennett

Managing Director, Forgotten World Adventures

Trade Commissioner - West Coast USA, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Skills offered: Interests in tourism. Current community involvement: Chairman Taumarunui Tourism. Programme year: 2006 Location: Waikato

Skills offered: Facilitation; strategy. Current community involvement: School; community sports; New Zealanders in the US; homeless charities. Programme year: 2013 Location: San Francisco, LA

Minnie Baragwanath Chief Executive, Be. Institute Skills offered: Social innovation; strategy; communications; social change. Current community involvement: Accessibility movement. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Megan Barclay Programme Director, Be. Institute Skills offered: Organisational development; programme/ project development/delivery; change management; business/ organisational planning. Current community involvement: Foster caregiver, Barnados Fostering Service. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

Glen Bennett Mission Team Leader, Incedo Community Development Advisor, New Plymouth District Council Skills offered: Participatory action; research facilitation; events coordination; youth engagement consultation. Current community involvement: Youth social enterprise research; Board member, Mahia Mai A Whai-Tara Trust; restorative justice facilitator. Programme year: 2010 Location: Taranaki

Tom Bennett

Josephine Bartley

Partner, Bell Gully

Advisor, Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment Local board member – Auckland Council, Maungakiekie Tamaki Ward

Skills offered: Legal advice – corporate/commercial, construction, and local government law. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Communication and engagement with disengaged youth; plain english language skills; social media; connecting with communities. Current community involvement: Board member - Glen Innes Family Centre; founding member of Pacifica Tamaki branch; chair, Tamaki Community Safety Forum, Tamaki Community Patrols Charitable Trust; member Glen Innes Business Association; support local youth to get off the streets and back on track. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Michael Berry Chaplain, Royal New Zealand Navy Skills offered: Chaplaincy; celebrant; pastoral care; Christian ministry. Current community involvement: Church ministry and leadership; member of Auckland East Rotary Club. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Marija Batistich Senior Associate, Bell Gully Skills offered: Governance; legal advice (particularly on environmental and local government matters). Current community involvement: Environment & Resource Management Committee of Auckland District Law Society; Auckland Committee of Resource Management Law Association; Croatian Cultural Society; involvement in Dare to Dream initiative by Sir Peter Blake Trust during leadership week in June 2012. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Moi Becroft Manager, Maori and Pacific Education Initiative, ASB Community Trust Skills offered: Not for profit funding advice; community development. Current community involvement: Volunteer at local Pihia preschool. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Carol Bellette Group General Manager Shared Services, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu Skills offered: Governance; financial and commercial expertise; strategic planning; risk management and mentoring. Current community involvement: Chair, Christchurch Early Intervention Trust; board member Cathedral Grammar School; trustee, Leadership NZ. Programme year: 2012 Location: Christchurch



Dion Blundell Vicar, Papakura Parish, Anglican Diocese of Auckland Skills offered: Grass-roots connections; spiritual direction; community overview. Current community involvement: Board member, Papakura Normal Programme year: 2012 Location: Papakura, Auckland

Matt Bolland Corporate Affairs, 2 Degrees Skills offered: Communications strategy development; media relations; government relations and marketing. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Cheryl Bowie Executive Manager, Auckland Tourism Events & Economic Development Skills offered: Management consulting; portfolio, programme & project management; due diligence & organisational performance assessments; change management. Current community involvement: Director, GymSports NZ; various awareness & fundraising for NZ Breast Cancer Foundation and Cancer Society. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland


Grant Bunting

Branch Manager, Accident Compensation Corporation

Chief Executive Officer, Seedlands Ltd, Grainstore Ltd, Farmers Mill Ltd

Skills offered: Culture change; performance enhancement. Programme year: 2007 Location: Waikato & Bay of Plenty

Skills offered: Executive management; strategy; market development; change management. Current community involvement: Trustee Jumpstart Charitable Trust. Programme year: 2009 Location: Timaru

Mike Brooker Group Solicitor, Foodstuffs (Auckland)

Jeanette Burns

Skills offered: Legal; negotiation; governance. Current community involvement: Have been involved in numerous fund raising initiatives for CanTeen, local schools and the like. Provided pro-bono legal services for Starship, Fred Hollows Foundation and other charitable organisations while at the law firm. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Regional Manager Central Region Prisons, Department of Corrections

Rourina Brown Community Advisor, Auckland Council Skills offered: Project management; facilitation; policy and planning. Current community involvement: Co-Founder and member, Cook Islands Research Association; National Pacific Disability Leadership Group. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: General and operational management; project management; change management. Current community involvement: Involved in local school activities and a number of community groups associated with the prisons. Programme year: 2007 Location: Waikato

Phil Burt Finance Director Headquarters, New Zealand Defence Force Skills offered: Financial advice; leadership mentoring. Current community involvement: Sports coaching; church group involvement. Programme year: 2005 Location: Wellington

Graham Cameron Devin Brown Sales Manager – New Zealand & Pacific Islands, Northpower Skills offered: Strategic direction setting; opportunity for growth criteria. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Gordon Brown Network Outcomes Contracts Manager, Leighton Contractors, New Zealand Skills offered: People mentoring; planning and programming skills; relationship development; negotiating skills. I am an internationally qualified soccer coach. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Olive Brown ]Retrofit Manager, He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust Skills offered: Leadership; governance; organisational management; process & systems development; troubleshooting Current community involvement: Board member, He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust (staff representative); Te Kia Ora Marae (Kaipara); Healthy Homes Tai Tokerau Steering Group; Northland Housing Forum Working Party. Programme year: 2010 Location: Moerewa, Northland

Studying for a Master of Theology, University of Otago in 2014 Skills offered: Community development; youth work; fundraising; strategic planning; Tikanga Maori; Te reo Maori. Current community involvement: Board member, Ngati Ranginui Iwi Inc; chair, Poututerangi Marae; whanau member, Te Kura Kokiri; wh nau member, Te Kohanga Reo o Te Akau. Programme year: 2012 Location: Tauranga

Janette Campbell Partner, Cowper & Campbell Skills offered: Environmental and resource management law; negotiation and mediation; project management; broad strategic planning and implementation. Current community involvement: Pro bono legal advice to the Tree Council (Auckland) Inc. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Leanne Campbell Manager Regional Services, Department of Internal Affairs Skills offered: Youth leadership development; governance; fundraising; facilitation; event management. Current community involvement: Recently retired board member, Wellington City Mission. Programme year: 2008 Location: Wellington

Tony Catton Angela Bull

Property Development Executive, Foodstuffs

General Manager Property Development, Foodstuffs North Island

Skills offered: Property development; asset management; strategic analysis; planning and implementation. Current community involvement: Coach of junior rugby and cricket. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Property; environmental law; governance. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland




Jacqui Cleland

Director, KPMG

GM Human Resources, Meridian Energy

Skills offered: Technology planning/advice; sales; marketing; governance. Current community involvement: School committee; YES coaching; ICT coaching. Programme year: 2013 Location: Wellington

Skills offered: human resource management; organisational development; leadership development; coaching. Current community involvement: Manager (and supporter) for son’s sports teams. Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington

Karen Chan

Edward Cook

Business Development Manager, Bell Gully Skills offered: Media relations; professional services marketing. Current community involvement: School committee; YES coaching; ICT coaching. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Head of Sales, The Challenge Network Skills offered: Organisational management; facilitation; public speaking, sales, marketing, growing an organisation, not-forprofit leadership. Current community involvement: Encouraging various social action projects for 25,000 teenagers across England. Programme year: 2009 Location: London, United Kingdom

Debbie Chin Interim Chief Executive, Capital and Coast District Health Board Skills offered: Public policy; financial; private sector. Current community involvement: Rotary. Programme year: 2005 Location: Wellington

Shane Chisholm

Adam Cooper Executive Director, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Skills offered: Strategy development; facilitation; coaching. Current community involvement: Coaching and mentoring of young professionals in the public and social profit sectors. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

Public Relations Director, The Salvation Army NZ Skills offered: Strategic planning; operational management; change management; project management; brand management; fund development. Current community involvement: Board member, Te Aro Health, Salvation Army, Johnsonville; advisory group member, Social Housing The Salvation Army. Programme year: 2008 Location: Wellington

Richard Copeland Human Resources Manager – Tait Communications Skills offered: Generalist human resources with experience in international HR activities. Current community involvement: Chairman of Elders for Spreydon Baptist Church. Programme year: 2007 Location: Christchurch

Bernie Chote General Manager Developments, Fletcher Construction Company Skills offered: Resource and operational based strategic advice generally in the primary sector; resource management strategic advice and delivery. Current community involvement: Advisor, Treaty of Waitangi Claims South Auckland Iwi. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Craig Churchill General Manager Southern & Central NZ, New Zealand Post Skills offered: Governance; leadership; strategic planning; business development; logistics, supply chain and operational management; change management and organisation structure optimisation. Current community involvement: Co-Chair,DARE Canterbury Inc (youth development, empowerment & life skills programme). Programme year: 2010 Location: Canterbury

National Marketing & Sales Manager, Department of Conservation Skills offered: Marketing and communications; tourism product development; marketing research; online marketing; public-private sector partnerships. Current community involvement: Director, i-SITE New Zealand. Programme year: 2007 Location: Wellington

Megan Courtney Neighbourhoods Team Lead, Inspiring Communities Skills offered: Community-led development; strategic planning; partnering and collaboration; community engagement and empowerment. Current community involvement: Nelson Community-Led Development Network; Clifton Terrace School, Board of Trustees; Management committee, Tahunanui Community Centre. Programme year: 2011 Location: Nelson

Henare Clarke

Carlene Creighton

Regional Manager, Downer NZ

Hospice North Shore

Skills offered: Governance; HR management. Current community involvement: Board member, Genesis Youth Trust. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland


Robyn Cormack


Skills offered: Capacity building; strategy; general management; project management; communications; marketing;. Current community involvement: Hospice North Shore Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Maureen Crombie Chair, ECPAT International Skills offered: Relationship management; project management; governance. Current community involvement: Manager (and supporter) for son’s sports teams. Programme year: 2006 Location: Whangamata

Mark Crosbie

Barbara Delaney Solicitor, Schnauer and Co Skills offered: Governance; legal counsel. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Angela Derecourt

Director, Prolex Advisory

Coach, Blue Ocean Coaching

Skills offered: Property advice; construction/development advice. Current community involvement: Trustee, Keystone NZ Property Education Trust. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: coaching & business mentoring; sales leadership; facilitation workshops; training. Programme year: 2013 Location: South Auckland

Bruce Cullen

Quentin Doig

Executive General Manager, Downer New Zealand Skills offered: Governance; board; project management general management; engineering. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Licensed Sales and Marketing Consultant, Harcourts Picton Skills offered: General management; PR; governance; HR; change management; facilitation; coaching. Programme year: 2006 Location: Marlborough

Fiona Davies

Alistair Drake

Regional Manager, Northpower

Business Accountant Northern North Island Region, Department of Conservation

Skills offered: People management; facilitation; education Current community involvement: Executive committee for sports club. Programme year: 2012 Location: Whangarei

Skills offered: Business, financial & management accounting; business analysis & advice; strategic thinking; leadership. Current community involvement: Trustee, Northable Disability Trust. Programme year: 2008 Location: Whangarei

Mike Davies Head of Services, NZ and Pacific Islands, Alcatel Lucent New Zealand

Gillian Dudgeon

Skills offered: Facilitation to determine vision, mission, strategy and values; programme and project management; assistance with technology introduction; dealing with organisational change. Current community involvement: Youth development; charitable board/trust. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Chief Risk Officer, Earthquake Commission (EQC)

Margaret Davison

Mark Dunlop

Skills offered: Change management; strategic planning; governance; project management; facilitation. Current community involvement: Sports management. Programme year: 2008 Location: Wellington

Director Policy & Research, Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs

Principal Consultant, M V Consultants

Skills offered: Extensive background in Scotland working with not-for-profit organisations to support their growth and development; extensive governance experience; involvement in a number of community boards supporting community regeneration; extensive experience on rugby committees. Current community involvement: Junior rugby committee and civil defence. Programme year: 2011 Location: Wellington

Skills offered: Governance advice and board roles; business strategy; organisational alignment; performance coaching; senior executive coaching. Current community involvement: Chairman Huntington’s Disease Association (Auckland); mentor First Foundation; advisory trustee Workchoice Trust. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Juanita de Senna Senior Maori Business Partner: Governance - Maori Strategy & Relations Dept, Auckland Council Skills offered: Governance and board experience; cultural competency; change management and policy; project management group facilitation (focus groups); bicultural training. Current community involvement: RWC volunteer – VIP Host; board member Programme Waitakere Trauma and Abuse Counselling Services (WATCS); chair Nga Mahi Kia Tupato o Tamaki-makaurau (Auckland Maori Injury Prevention Coalition). Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Irene Durham Trustee, North Power Electric Power Trust Skills offered: Business coach; business owner; New Zealand Business Woman Award 1998-1999; property and trust advice; clarity on issues for small to medium New Zealand businesses and trusts; investment strategy; financial planning. Current community involvement: On boards for NorthHaven Hospice Endowment Trust; NorthAble (Disability Services); Enterprise Northland and Destination Northland; NRC Community Trust; Northland Business Development Trust; Trustee NorthPower Electric Power Trust. Programme year: 2005 Location: Northland




Duncan Fletcher

General Manager Regions/Otaga Regional Manager PGG Wrightson

Regional Manger & National Insurance Manager, PGG Wrightson

Skills offered: People management; coaching; financial management; agricultural systems; strategic planning. Current community involvement: Kids sports- refereeing & coaching. Programme year: 2013 Location: Dunedin

Skills offered: Strategic and business planning; change management; people management; agricultural systems; and strategy development. Current community involvement: Board member, Pukaha Mount Bruce. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wairarapa

Justin Ensor Partner, KPMG Skills offered: Governance. Current community involvement: Board Trustee, Murrays Bay School. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Chris Fogarty Director of Corporate Affairs, Allens Arthur Robinson Skills offered: Communications and media advice; Programme year: 2005 Location: Sydney

Dickie Farrar General Manager, Whakatohea Maori Trust Board Skills offered: Strategy; planning; organising; and change management; working with and developing teams; building organisational culture and ensuring we all achieve results. The tools I look for to enable this to happen are baseline evidential information backed up by clear strategy, great people, ability to execute and the cash to achieve results. Programme year: 2011 Location: Opotiki

Peter Fenton

Johnnie Freeland Pae Arahi Matua, Auckland Council Skills offered: Facilitation & mediation;strategic and whole of system thinking;community, whanau, hapu & iwi development. Current community involvement: Growing community leadership capability at an Iwi level. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

General Manager, Customers, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise Skills offered: Governance; business management; human resources and operations leadership. Current community involvement: Junior coaching; sports administration. Programme year: 2006 Location: Wellington

Cheryl Gall

Steve Ferguson

Skills offered: Rehabilitation and case management expertise; leadership development; mentoring and project management. Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington

General Manager Transformation Kiwibank Skills offered: Change management; leadership and people management; strategic planning; governance. Current community involvement: Mentoring SMEs; providing mentoring and guidance to mid-level managers; school board. Programme year: 2013 Location: Wellington and Kapiti Coast

Penny Fitt Head of Design/Head of Curriculum, Te Kura Toi Whakaari o Aotearoa (New Zealand Drama School) Skills offered: Group work facilitation; creative games; teaching, language (German, French, Spanish). Current community involvement: Eko Theatre collaborator; conversation group member (Forum for Personal and Social Enquiry, Wellington); visioning for Manutuke School’s application for special school status. Programme year: 2011 Location: Wellington

Richard Fitzgerald Mixed cropping farm owner, Greenacres Farms Primary Industry Capability Consultant, Kedron Consulting Skills offered: Working knowledge of a broad range of agricultural systems; sponsorship negotiation; strategy development; managing a large volunteer workforce; revenue building; brand management and television relationship management; change management processes. ‘Turn Around’ strategy; business development; industry collaboration; contract negotiation; change management for staff and volunteers; organisational culture development. Current community involvement: National steering committee member, International Year of the family farm; team referee for son’s soccer team; sponsorship advice to help community projects structure their funding. Programme year: 2011 Location: Upper Canterbury Plains



National Manager, Operational Capability Development, Accident Compensation Corporation

Tony Gerritsen Principal, St John’s Theological College Skills offered: Facilitating reviews of organisations primarily using the Appreciative Inquiry model; assisting with conflict resolution. Current community involvement: Primarily through church and para-church organisations. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Rod Gibson CEO, Liquorland New Zealand Skills offered: Project management; organisational change management; governance. Current community involvement: School Board of Trustees; Treasurer for a Baptist Church; operational care for at-risk youth. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Karen Giles Business Services Manager, Manaia Health PHO Skills offered: Advice for NFP groups and small business, including HR, policies & procedures, accounting advice and support; project management; business cases and management support. Current community involvement: Voluntary Marae Committee role – Treasurer. Programme year: 2009 Location: Whangarei

ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Greg Glover Company Director, Drumlea Farm Current community involvement: Vice Chair, New Zealand Farm Environment Awards. Programme year: 2007 Location: Waikato

Deb Godinet

Carey Griffiths National Manager Road Policing, New Zealand Police Skills offered: Project governance; community engagement; strategic leadership; crime prevention/road safety advice; leadership. Programme year: 2011 Location: Wellington

Arthur Grooby

Group General Manager Property & Planning, Auckland Transport

Director, Ministry of Youth Development Ministry of Social Development

Skills offered: Governance; property; planning; local government; legal. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Relationship management; strategic planning; people management; community engagement. Current community involvement: Mentoring; volunteering LGBT community. Programme year: 2013 Location: Wellington

Carl Graham Director/Shareholder, Builders Quality Systems Skills offered: Building industry advice. Current community involvement: Justice of the Peace. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Stephen Guerin General Manager – Retail, PGG Wrightson Skills offered: Finance; corporate governance; HR strategic planning. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Bernie Grant Principal Staff Officer, Army, New Zealand Defence Force

Nick Hadley

Skills offered: Mentoring; initial network contact within New Zealand Defence Force; people management; strategy to cope with those tough conversations that need to be had. Current community involvement: Hutt City Women’s Refuge; Upper Hutt Time Bank. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

Director, Safetyware International Ltd Skills offered: IT web marketing; management marketing strategies; music. Current community involvement: Leadership New Zealand; Rotary BNI. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Fenella Gray Operations Manager-Grants, Callaghan Innovation Skills offered: Mentoring; planning; financial management; governance. Current community involvement: Mentoring young professionals. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

Tim Hamilton Chief Executive Officer, Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty Skills offered: Strategic planning; project management; facilitation; fundraising; governance; change management; event management; governance;sponsorship;funding. Current community involvement: Volunteer coach. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland, Hamilton & Tauranga

Angela Green Executive Producer, Q Theatre Skills offered: Creative thinking and problem solving; matching business/corporates with creative thinkers; matching business/corporates with entertainers; event management and production. Current community involvement: Volunteer as a mentor for emerging arts companies. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Jason Greene Assistant Grower – Status Produce Ltd, Turners & Growers Skills offered: Marketing; leadership; a youth’s perspective. Current community involvement: Encouraging the younger generation into our primary horticultural business, with a focus on the nursery and garden industry sector. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Liz Hampton Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs Manager, IBM New Zealand Skills offered: Business and community partnerships; communications planning; strategic planning. Current community involvement: Manager of various community projects; Board member, Literacy Aotearoa Wellington. Programme year: 2011 Location: Wellington

Michelle Hancock Manager, Auckland International Airport Skills offered: Commercial management; financial and economic analysis; regulatory advice; relationship management; strategic planning; governance. Programme year: 2013 Location: Auckland




Murray Hickman

Chief Executive Officer, Foodstuffs NZ Liquor

Artistic Director/General Manager Strike Percussion

Skills offered: Strategic planning; operational and logistics management; business mentoring. Current community involvement: CanTeen; Waikato Hospice and True Colours;; active in schools rowing in the Waikato; President, St Paul’s Rowing Club. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland & Hamilton

Programme year: 2013

Location: Wellington

Kristy Hill Dave Harris Production Manager, Thirkettle Nurseries Skills offered: Horticultural advice; technical research skills, assisting in transition from family run businesses. Programme year: 2011 Location: Nelson

Strategy & Enterprise Manager Ngati Whatua Orakei Whai Maia Skills offered: Maori Community development. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Sarah Hipkiss Angela Hassan-Sharp Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Skills offered: Organisational skills; strategic planning; mentoring. Current community involvement: Activities related to the children’s schools. Programme year: 2013 Location: New York

Partner, KPMG Skills offered: Accounting; audit; risk management; mentoring. Current community involvement: “Women in business” mentoring of students at University of Auckland business school. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Brendan Hoare Glenn Hawkins Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant, Glenn Hawkins & Associates Skills offered: Financial management; governance; system reviews. Current community involvement: Director of Ngati Whakaua Tribal Lands – Iwi Authority; director of Eastside Training – PTE for at-risk youth; advisor to a range of Maori organisations including Hapu, Marae, Kura, Kohanga and community groups. Programme year: 2005 Location: Rotorua

Managing Director, Organic Systems Skills offered: Courage; determination; strategy; big picture thinking; acting. Current community involvement: Chair, Organics Aotearoa NZ; Founding Director BioGro Society; Journal of Organic Systems World Consultative Committee; 2014 UN’s International Year of Family Farming; Executive Director, Econation2020 Charitable Trust. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Stephen Hollands Milton Henry

Coach, Ministry Of Justice

Deputy Principal, Selwyn College

Skills offered: Leadership; operational management; individual mentoring programmes; injury claims management. Current community involvement: Volunteer with Refugee Services NZ; member New Zealand Forest & Bird Society. Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington

Skills offered: Programme development; mentoring – youth and adults; identifying and prioritising resources for diverse groups; thinking and literacy skills; promoting effective student/teacher relationships. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

Cheryl Holloway Stephen Henry Chief Operating Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Skills offered: Communication; facilitation; coaching; relationship strategy; organisational change; policy development; creative writing. Programme year: 2006 Location: London

Skills offered: Strategic planning; project management; sales; marketing; governance; organisational development/ review; change management; board development. Programme year: 2008 Location: Wellington

Beth Houston Simon Hepburn General Manager, Mackley Carriers Skills offered: Budgeting; financial reporting; operations management and general management. Programme year: 2009 Location: Christchurch



Full time Mum Skills offered: Fundraising; marketing; public relations; workshop facilitation. Current community involvement: Wellington Women’s Boarding House; New Zealand Labour Party Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington

ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Christina Howard Strategic Advisor – Family and Community Todd Foundation

Deborah Ingold

Skills offered: Community sector strategy; cross-sector relationship management; community engagement. Current community involvement: Hutt South Time Bank. Programme year: 2013 Location: Wellington

Skills offered: Project/organisation skills; an open mind; initiative; people management skills. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Cyril Howard Maori Strategy Manager, ASB Community Trust Skills offered: Funding advice across all sectors of community; Iwi/ Hapu/Whanau & general community leadership;, strategic development, planning, implementation & delivery; capacity & capability identification, development & support; strategic & stakeholder relationship development & maintenance; sporting club leadership, development & coaching. Current community involvement: Involved in Marae, Hapu & Whanau development & support; vice chair, Te Manawanui Charitable Trust. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Sarb Johal Associate Professor in Disaster Mental Health Massey University Skills offered: Coaching; public speaking; people development; facilitation; mentoring. Current community involvement: Work with national and local organisations and communities around disaster preparedness and recovery. Programme year: 2013 Location: Wellington

Hilda Johnson-Bogaerts General Manager Operations, The Selwyn Foundation

Lisa Howard-Smith Senior Regional Relationship Manager, Family and Community Services (MSD) Skills offered: Strategic planning; organisational and service development; change management; mentoring and supervision; project/event management; fundraising and promotions; funding and contracting. Current community involvement: Mentor, Arts Access Aotearoa. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Carole Hughes Archdeacon of Auckland, Anglican Diocese of Auckland Skills offered: Supervision; group facilitation; chaplaincy; celebrant, mentoring. Current community involvement: Chairperson, Women’s Studies Council; member, General Synod/Te Hinota Whanui; Lecturer in Liturgy at St John’s Theological College; member on client group for building project at Holy Trinity Cathedral. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

Penny Hulse Deputy Mayor, Auckland Council Skills offered: Community engagement and development; local government experience; political lobbying. Current community involvement: Patron of Waitakere Special Olympics; Community Waitakere Charitable Trust; Henderson Riding for the Disabled; The Trust Waitakere Brass Band; Northern Football Association; WALSH Trust; Trustee, Swanson Railway Station Trust; Waitakere Anti Violence Essential Services; chair of the Crime Prevention Reference Group; former director of EECA Board. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Elaine Hultzer Partner, Insurance Advisory and Leader of Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA), Deloitte Canada Programme year: 2011

Consultant Support Manager, Hay Group

Location: Canada

Skills offered: Governance; mentoring; vision development; change management; care philosophy/ models of aged care. Current community involvement: Board member Eden Alternative Australia-New Zealand. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Clive Jones General Manager Business Development, Education New Zealand Skills offered: General management; business development; strategic planning. Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington

Murray Jordan Managing Director, Foodstuffs North Island Skills offered: Strategic advice. Current community involvement: Involved in a number of charities including CanTeen and The Blind Foundation. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Anahila Lose Kanongata’a-Suisuiki Site Manager, Child Youth & Family Skills offered: Community engagement; public speaking; sports management; project management. Current community involvement: Vice-Chair NZ Labour Party Women’s Council; chair Manurewa Labour Electorate Committee; committee member ‘Api Ko Hofoa Incorporated Society, Vaka Fanaua – Ongo Niua & Tafahi, New Zealand Tongan Rugby Football Association Inc, Tongan Language Week; event organiser, East Tamaki Tennis Club. Programme year: 2013 Location: Tamaki Makaurau

Erena Kara Julian Inch Business Development Consultant Skills offered: Business development; strategy; new business ventures; building performance culture; collective engagement and decision-making approaches; transformational change; purposeful change management; performance management and accountability; project and programme management; mentoring and coaching in running a SME in public sector; health and central government knowledge and experience. Current community involvement: Director, Action Indoor Sports; board member, Enviroschools Foundation; assisting local school and children’s sporting groups; interest in disability issues. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

Operations Manager Te Hau Ora O Kaikohe Skills offered: Iwi leadership; working in not for profit community; Iwi/Maori led research; building whanau capacity; youth development; health and social service sector. Current community involvement: Director, Ngapuhi Asset Holding Company; trainer/partner, 405 Fitness Training; volunteer, Kaikohe Te Kohanga Reo, Maori Women’s Welfare League; young women development. Programme year: 2013 Location: Kaikohe, Ngapuhi




Jackie Kruger

Dean, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Anglican Diocese of Auckland

Director Planning and Community Services, Tamworth Regional Council

Skills offered: Chaplaincy; celebrant; facilitation. Current community involvement: Member, Auckland Diocese Council; Auckland representative, General Synod. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Alistair Kwun

Lance Kennedy Lead Service Manager, Northland Region Corrections Facility, Department of Corrections Skills offered: High level of agency leadership in the Mid North area – examples are the high level attendance at the interagency sectorial forums in this area representing the department. I lead the relationship across the Department of Corrections in my area of responsibility including prisons, departmental agencies etc. Current community involvement: Manager, Kaikohe Seniors Rugby team Programme year: 2008 Location: Kaikohe, Northland

HR Business Projects, Waikato District Council Skills offered: Project management; event management; coaching; strategic business projects; HR; leadership; governance.;building team culture. Programme year: 2008 Location: Hamilton, but moving to Doha

Jean Kibblewhite Director of Splashzone Ltd, Trustee of C.B. McLean Trust, Treasurer McLean Polo, Self-Employed Location: Masterton/Wairarapa and Porangahau/Hawkes Bay

Richard Kibblewhite Director/Company Owner, Splashzone Ltd and ECF Ltd

Skills offered: Communications strategy; sponsorship; brand architecture; Asian consumer insights; event design; community relations; hospitality. Current community involvement: Communications and strategy advisor, New Zealand Chinese Association Auckland; Outreach consultant, Integration of Immigrants Programme, Massey University; Research Group, Asian Aucklanders and the Arts, Creative New Zealand. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

Senior Solicitor Mangere Community Law Centre Skills offered: Legal assistance and advice; mentoring of young lawyers and law students; not for profit assistance and governance. Current community involvement: Steering committee member, Auckland Disability Law; member, Labour Party; Tamaki LEC; honorary solicitor Nga Tangata Microfinance (Manurewa) Limited. Programme year: 2013 Location: Auckland

Theresa Le Bas Principal, Tompkins Wake Skills offered: Legal expertise in all areas of resource management law (environmental and planning law). Current community involvement: Resource Management Law Association (NZ); National Environmental Law Association (Aus). Programme year: 2006 Location: Hamilton

Iulia Leilua Director, Silk Associates

Skills offered: Business development. Current community involvement: Ship Wreck Relief Society. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wairarapa

Skills offered: Maori, Pacific and indigenous journalism; communications strategy development and implementation. Current community involvement: Ngati Haua iwi activities: Pacific Island Media Association. Programme year: 2009 Location: New Zealand and Pacific

Caroline Knight

Kevin Leith

Chief Operating Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

General Manager Strategic Programmes, ASB Bank

Skills offered: Project management; governance; mentoring and coaching. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Strategic planning; general management; marketing – brand, media management, public relations; ecommerce and innovation; sales and service. Current community involvement: Hoping to assist in providing school board support for lower decile schools within the greater Auckland region. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

John Kotoisuva


Events Specialist, SKYCITY Entertainment Group; Connections Navigator, Future Dragonz

Andrew Lawson

Manu Keung

Programme year: 2013

Skills offered: Strategic planning Current community involvement: Director, New England Medicare Local. Programme year: 2006 Location: Tamworth, NSW, Australia

Russell Little

Chief Executive Officer, C-Me Mentoring Foundation Trust

Programme Architect, Health Benefits

Skills offered: Teaching; mentoring; pastoral care. Current community involvement: Vice chairman for the board of trustees for the West Fono Health Trust; Pacific Community advisor – Manukau Institute of Technology. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Strategic planning; procurement; programme management; change management; global supply chain. Current community involvement: Coach of youth grade sports teams in soccer and cricket. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland


ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Richard Llewellyn Head of Corporate Communications, Telecom Skills offered: Media relations; communications strategy and planning; stakeholder engagement. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Wendy McGuinness Chief Executive, McGuiness Institute Skills offered: Strategic planning; risk management; scenario development. Current community involvement: Working to produce a national sustainable development strategy for New Zealand. Programme year: 2007 Location: Wellington

Helen Lomax Principal Advisor Maori The Tertiary Education Commission Skills offered: Organisational development; organisational review; relationship management; strategic planning; governance. Current community involvement: Trustee, School Continuance Fund, Capital Montessori School; team manager, Wellington East Girls’ College Junior Collegiate Netball; umpire, Motu Kairangi Netball. Programme year: 2013 Location: Wellington

Andrew McKenzie PAK’nSAVE Group Manager, Foodstuffs North Island Skills offered: Retail; operations management; strategic planning; leadership development. Current community involvement: Assisting with kids’ sports club and local school and kindy work. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Karyn McLeod Donations Manager, Canterbury Community Trust

Tracey Lonergan Executive Manager Claims, Asteron Life Skills offered: Customer focused leadership; uniting teams in a common direction; ability to see a job through to completion. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Puamiria Maaka Manukura – Chief Executive, Te Waipuna Puawai Mercy Oasis Skills offered: Community development; organisation management; relationship building with diverse communities; strategic thinking; project management. Current community involvement: Member of Hunga Tiaki roopu, Tamaki Alliance, Auckland Social Policy Forum, NZ Christian Council of Social Services (Auckland Services Group, Child & Family Policy Group). Te Kura Maori o Nga Tapuwae parent and supporter. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Scott McAlister

Skills offered: Funding proposals; team development; strategic planning; change management; governance. Current community involvement: Trustee, North Shore Women’s Centre; trustee, Massive Theatre Incorporated. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Claire McQuilken Head of Insurance Systems & Information, Accident Compensation Corporation Skills offered: Mentoring; management; leadership development. Programme year: 2010 Location: Wellington, Christchurch

Makerita Makapelu Makerita Makapelu, Team Leader, Wesley Community Action Skills offered: Governance; entrepreneurship; community engagement; strategic thinking. Current community involvement: Running a community social service. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

Group General Manager, Cleeve Transport Skills offered: Strategic planning; operations management; logistics planning. Current community involvement: Surf lifesaving; kayaking. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland & Christchurch

Dave McAteer General Manager, Foodstuffs Own Brands Skills offered: FMCG sales and marketing background; commercial/ general management; team leadership; business assistance. Current community involvement: Providing mentor and leadership support on both an individual and group basis. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Selina Tusitala Marsh Senior Lecturer, The University of Auckland Skills offered: Running creative workshops; editing self-published creative writing (poetry/short story). Current community involvement: Run workshops for YouthLine, Manukau; speak and perform throughout New Zealand for educational, NGO, and business organisations; designer and facilitator of Best Leadership’s Pasifika Mat programme, which focuses on the inward journey of leadership using pasifika metaphors and creative writing. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Anaru Marshall Chief Executive, WISE Better Homes

Quentin McCarthy General Manager, Downer NZ Skills offered: Leadership and coaching; leadership mentoring; change management; optimising organisational structures; strategic planning and risk management. Programme year: 2013 Location: Palmerston North

Skills offered: Leadership; developing relationships with new and existing stakeholders and partners; developing businesses and our people; delivering strategic vision; financial management.of our businesses. Current community involvement: Chair of a Maori land trust. Programme year: 2012 Location: New Plymouth, Taranaki, King Country, Whanganui.




Sina Wendt-Moore

Director, Xpanda Security

Chief Executive, Leadership New Zealand

Skills offered: Strategy planning and execution; financial performance management and measurement; operational efficiency; governance. Current community involvement: Member of three security associations. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Leadership and governance; strategic management; mentoring; stakeholder & community engagement; social enterprise. Current community involvement: YWCA Aotearoa New Zealand (Co-President); Pacific Music Awards Trust (Founding Trustee); Mentor for the Leadership Pacific Network (Auckland); Advisory board member of appointbetterboards and Mind Warriors – JOLT. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Steve Merchant Skills offered: Coaching and mentoring. Programme year: 2010 Location: Tauranga

Chris Morgan Group Manager, Strategic Development Auckland Transport Skills offered: Governance; commercial; strategy development; lean/six sigma; project management. Current community involvement: Trustee & Treasurer, Inspiring Communities. Programme year: 2013 Location: Auckland

Taane Mete Founder & Artistic Director, Okaraka Dance Company Skills offered: Mentoring (art, dance & choreography); art performance management. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Tracy Moyes Hub Manager- GridAKL, BizDojo Skills offered: Strategic planning; project planning; marketing and communications branding event management and leverage; stakeholder engagement. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Karam Meuli Programme Co-ordinator, Mahitahi Trust Skills offered: Innovation; personal development; group facilitation. Current community involvement: Shambhala Meditation Centre. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Karlo Mila

Jon Neal Regional Manager Leaf Projects, PMI Asia Leaf Skills offered: Strategy; planning; leadership; facilitating change management. I enjoy working with and developing high performing teams to deliver and maximise performance. Current community involvement: Coach for my son’s soccer team; active volunteer at my children’s school. Programme year: 2012 Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Auckland Skills offered: Writing; research; poetry; analysis; creativity; public speaking; policy development. Current community involvement: Public speaking; mentor academically; member of various advisory groups; perform/judge/teach poetry and write. Programme year: 2013 Location: Wellington

Dave Miller

Gia Nghi Phung Administrator & Mum, Truesight Ltd Skills offered: Grants applications. Current community engagement: FRENZ (French English Bilingual Education), Richmond Road Primary School. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Judy Nicholl

Consultant, AgFirst Waikato

GM Aeronautical Operations, Auckland Airport

Skills offered: Skills offered: Strategic planning; strong background in NZ agriculture in particular dairy. Current community involvement: Leadership and development committee, Potatoe NZ. Programme year: 2008 Location: Waikato

Skills offered: Strategy; human resource leadership; conflict resolution. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Rachel Noble Chief Executive, Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA)

Jodi Mitchell CEO, Simpl Skills offered: General management; IT strategy. Current community involvement: Chair, NZ Health IT Cluster. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland



Skills offered: Deaf/disability lens; cultural facilitation; strategic development promoting attitudinal and environmental inclusive practices. Current community involvement: Deaf community; disability community. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Sue North Head of Business & Programme Management, Accident Compensation Corporation

Greg Orchard

Skills offered: People management and development; mentoring; planning;risk & quality management; training development & facilitation. Programme year: 2011 Location: Wellington

Skills offered: Strategy; planning; governance; finance; leadership; asset management; coaching; mentoring. Current community involvement: Chair, University of Canterbury Quake Centre; Director, Accessible Properties New Zealand Limited; Director, Australasian Institute of Housing. Programme year: 2007 Location: Wellington

Christopher Northmore Manager, James Henry Skills offered: Entrepreneurial and strategic thinking. Current community involvement: Life coach to my children. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

Yvonne O’Brien

Chief Operating Officer, Wellington City Council

Patrick O’Reilly General Manager - New Zealand, Brookfield Properties Skills offered: Funds management; commercial property investment. Current community involvement: Trustee, Inspiring Stories Trust; Property Institute of New Zealand. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Stuart Orme

Associate Director National Delivery, Te Wananga O Aotearoa

Self employed – Manager,Woodnet

Skills offered: Leadership development and mentoring; strategic planning; public speaking; Maori community engagement. Current community involvement: Extensive with iwi, tertiary education providers, government agencies and community organisations. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Governance experience both on start up and established boards; land-based perspective to New Zealand opportunity and challenges (strategy, planning, implementation… mentoring). ‘Camp fire’ relaxation to LNZ alumni. Current community involvement: Chair Wairarapa Farm Forest Association; trustee Reap House Community; trust member Castlepoint Game Fishing Club. Programme year: 2010 Location: Masterton, Wairarapa

Sacha O’Dea General Manager, Ageing, Disability &International , Ministry of Social Development Skills offered: People management; strategy; business planning; governance; communications. Programme year: 2008 Location: Wellington

Josie Ogden Schroeder

Deidre Otene General Manager, Taiohi Whai Oranga, Manurewa Marae Trust Skills offered: Collaboration; youth engagement; community development. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Philip Patston

Chief Executive Officer, Christchurch YMCA

Managing Director, Diversity New Zealand

Skills offered: Strategic planning; fundraising; staff management/ HR; governance; advocacy and risk management; crisis management; empowering others. Current community involvement: Board member Outdoors NZ; trustee / staff member YMCA Christchurch. Programme year: 2011 Location: Christchurch

Skills offered: Consulting in social innovation; strategic thinking; creative thinking; coaching and mentoring; organisational and people development; diversity leadership; leadership development; group facilitation; speaking, communications and social media. Current community involvement: Patron,Rainbow Youth; facilitating diversity conversations in schools; informal mentoring; arts access advocacy. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Graeme Olding

Malcolm Paul

Partner, Chapman Tripp

Managing Director, Fairfurth Consulting Ltd

Skills offered: Legal advice; structuring; tax. Current community involvement: Chair Leadership Team Mt Roskill Baptist Church; chair Trustees of Roskill Community Trust. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Strategic planning; team leadership; project management; technology consulting. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

John O’Neill

Director, Toi Whakaari New Zealand Drama School

Southland Regional Manager, PGG Wrightson

Skills offered: Direction; facilitation; group work. Current community involvement: Mentor and leader of development projects in the theatre and related arts. Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington

Christian Penny

Skills offered: Understanding of agricultural sector; finance; people management. Programme year: 2011 Location: Invercargill




Tama Potaka

Director, Deloitte

General Manager Corporate Services, Tainui Group Holdings

Skills offered: Actuarial advice; financial modelling and forecasting. Current community involvement: Still getting to know my new city... Sydney. Programme year: 2006 Location: Sydney

Skills offered: Strategic planning; project management; facilitation; governance; organisational development &/or review; board development; legal advice; event management. Current community involvement: Co-chair, Maori Law Society. Programme year: 2009 Location: Hamilton

Roslyn Pere

Tara Pradhan

Product and Service Manager, Air New Zealand Skills offered: Marketing; product and service development; project management. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

JR Pereira Chief Executive, Pacific Economic Development Agency Ltd Skills offered: Management; marketing; economic development – community development; village economic development; arts management; cultural performing arts (Samoa-Pacific); Samoan culture & protocols. Current community involvement: Developing a village/district farm for overseas exports through a public/private sector partnering. Programme year: 2007 Location: Apia, Samoa, Auckland

Shalini Pillai

Head of Vision Partners, World Vision New Zealand Skills offered: Facilitation; project management; event management; sponsorship; international relations, stakeholder engagement; strategy & policy development; operational management; international development; fundraising. Current community involvement: Trustee, Leadership NZ; Supporter, Massive Theatre Company; The Zenergy Trust, Be Accessible. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Rachel Prebble Senior Museum Programmer, Auckland War Memorial Museum Skills offered: Museum learning; volunteer involvement; community involvement. Current community involvement: Working with NZ Japan Society of Auckland Inc on the upcoming Taste of Japan event; working on The Expert Sessions programme at AWMM. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Senior Advisor – Catalysts for Change, ASB Community Trust Skills offered: Fundraising and grant making advice; youth sector advice; venture philanthropy. Current community involvement: Trustee, Women’s Centre Waitakere, Challenge 4 Charity. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Kirsty Pillay-Hansen Consultant (Owner), KPH Consulting Skills offered: Youth development; youth participation; training and facilitation; youth sector collaboration; project management; mentoring; capacity development & support; governance; community development; research & development. Current community involvement: Parent project support at Avondale Community Preschool & Golden Grove Primary School; community based research, training programmes & projects; mentor training & support throughout NZ. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Mike Playle

Bridgette Pretty Director, BDC Financial Services Skills offered: Financial, management and commercial accounting services and support. Making people’s life easier by identification and implementation of correct systems including vast experience with SAP, MYOB, QuickBooks, APS, Banklink, Xero and Accredo. Current community involvement: Working with and mentoring teenagers after growing up in an extended family with many foster children. I focus on building confidence and life skills for our youth. Programme year: 2011 Location: Sunny Nelson

Michael Price National Consumer and Claims Manager, Earthquake Commission Skills offered: Governance; operations management; process improvement; project management Current community engagement: Contributor to Sumner community. Programme year: 2007 Location: Christchurch

Policy Manager, Accident Compensation Corporation Skills offered: Policy development; coaching & mentoring. Current community involvement: Group fitness instructor at community gym. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

Rangimarie Price Director, Naturally Right Skills offered: Strategic leadership; governance. Current community involvement: Trustee, NZ Day Trust. Programme year: 2006 Location: Whangarei

Damon Plimmer Parish Priest, Anglican Diocese of Dunedin Skills offered: Group facilitation; mentoring; spiritual direction; celebrant; pastoral care. Current community involvement: Church ministry; scout leader; school trustee and chaplain. Programme year: 2011 Location: Wanaka



Neville Pulman Managing Director New Zealand, Creative Activation Skills offered: Change management; facilitation/strategic workshops; marketing; community engagement. Current community involvement: Trustee, Leadership NZ Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Michelle Quirk General Manager, New Zealand Gynaecological Cancer Foundation Skills offered: Corporate; professional services; not-for-profit strategy (including strategic review); business transformation; board/ CEO advisory. Current community involvement: Leading development & activities of a growing NGO. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

George Riley Manager Maori Economic Development, Northland Inc Skills offered: Facilitation; planning; advocacy; compliance; financial literacy; project management. Current community involvement: Trustee and Tupuna Whanau Rep Te Tii B3 Ahu Whenua Trust ; trustee Leadership NZ. Programme year: 2009 Location: Whangarei, Kaitaia

Phil Riley Chief Transformation Officer, Accident Compensation Corporation

Jo Randerson Artistic Director, Barbarian Productions Skills offered: Facilitation, Communication Coaching; clown and performance work; public speaking; public engagement; creative process; social innovation; entrepreneurial thinking. Current community involvement: Leader of community collaborations - public and community theatre and arts projects; mentor & advocate for arts community. Programme year: 2011 Location: Wellington

Skills offered: General management; project management; communication management; negotiation. Programme year: 2005 Location: Christchurch

Jamie Robinson Performance Manager, Accident Compensation Corporation Skills offered: Performance management; customer-focussed leadership; project leadership; staff development and mentoring. Programme year: 2013 Location: Wellington

Dianna Rattray Vicar, All Saints Ponsonby, Anglican Diocese of Auckland Skills offered: Community project management; chaplaincy; celebrant; pastoral care; group facilitation; mentoring. Current community involvement: Church ministry and leadership; Police Chaplain; New Zealand Police Nga Pirihimana O Aotearoa. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Kimberly Rees Skills offered: Change management; communications; fundraising; governance; project management; strategic planning; creative thinking; youth leadership development; community engagement; policy development and implementation. Current community involvement: Board member, McLaren Park Henderson South (MPHS) Inc, Titirangi Community House; member of the Kohimarama Yacht Club, run youth sailing programmes/regattas across Auckland. Programme year: 2013 Location: Auckland

Emily Redmond Head of Business Management, Insurance & Prevention Services, Accident Compensation Corporation Skills offered: Business planning; business writing; strategy development. Programme year: 2010 Location: Wellington

Ngaroimata Reid Business and Community Development Consultant Skills offered: Leadership; strategic planning; business and community development; Maori development; event and project management. Programme year: 2007 Location: Waitakere

Zechariah Reuelu Business Facilitator, Pacific Business Trust Skills offered: Ethnic communications; business development; youth development; community led development. Current community involvement: Pacific communities; local community initiatives. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

Carl Rogers Business Development Manager OSM, Downer NZ Skills offered: Company leadership and management, strategy, business development, change management, safety culture, lean and mean contracting. Current community involvement: Trustee, The New Zealand Notable Trees Trust. Programme year: 2013 Location: Auckland

Di Rump Board Secretary, Hearing Association NZ Skills offered: People and performance management of large nationwide teams; franchise strategy; sales & service excellence/ effectiveness; retail business cases & tendering: team building & facilitation; project & large programme management; product management; marketing; communications; customer centricity; governance; operational risk; financial services. Current community involvement: Hearing Association; Dress for Success; my iwi. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Sapna Samant Creative Head/ Company Director, Holy Cow Media; GP, Porirua Union Community and Health Service Skills offered: Creative writing; storytelling; filmmaking; radio production; medical skills. Current community involvement: Considerable community involvement through GP role. Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington

Carolyn Santiago Founder, CommunityWorks Skills offered: Governance; organisational development; coaching; finance; fundraising. Current community involvement: Rotorua Christmas Parade Trustee; Community Rotorua Executive Officer; Mangakino Community Agency Manager; Auckland Deaf Society Fundraising & Finance Coordinator; NZ Angling & Casting Association Secretary/ Treasurer; Hearing Dogs for Deaf People Recipient & Speaker. Programme year: 2013 Location: Based in Rotorua, working nationwide



ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Catherine Schache

Adrian Sole

Commercial Director, ARANZ Geo Ltd

Commercial Development , Taranaki Daily News

Skills offered: Governance and legal counsel. Programme year: 2011 Location: Christchurch

Skills offered: Negotiation; Business mentor with Business Mentors NZ. Current community involvement: Trustee Taranaki Health Foundation. Programme year: 2006 Location: Taranaki

Robyn Scott

Parul Sood

CEO, Age Concern New Zealand

Manager Waste Planning, Auckland Council

Skills offered: Governance; organisational development; fundraising. Current community involvement: Board member, Inspiring Communities. Programme year: 2006 Location: Wellington

Skills offered: Strategic planning; project management; resource planning; public and government body communication. Current community involvement: Board member, Community Trust working in area of sustainability. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

Lydia Sosene Andrew Sharp Skills offered: Sales; marketing. Current community involvement: Founder, Waterfall Foundation. Programme year: 2012 Location: Sydney

Manu Sione Northern Regional Manager, Relationships Aotearoa Skills offered: Management; advocacy; strategic planning and project management. Particular skills working with Pacific peoples. Current community involvement: Working with church groups to support health programmes in the community. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Chair, Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board, Auckland Council Out of Parliament Support, Parliamentary Services, Skills offered: Governance; operation and business management; mentoring and coaching; strategy and planning; organisational wellbeing; networking and relationship building; project management; policy analysis and review; advocacy; Samoan interpreter and translator; communication; event coordination and management; parent volunteer for various schools; community and sports fundraising projects. Current community involvement: Congregational Christian Church of Samoa EFKS Grey Lynn member; Sunday school teacher and youth volunteer; Rise Up Trust life member; board member (Pasifika) Mt Albert Grammar School; lifestyle learning centre Community Initiative project manager; chair Pasifika Sector Council (Auckland); A.M.E.N Women’s Ministry events coordinator; Mangere LEC executive member. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Chellie Spiller Leisa Siteine

Lecturer, University of Auckland Business School

Manager Event Production , Auckland Tourism Event & Economic Development

Skills offered: Change management; Immunity to Change; The Leadership Challenge; Indigenous business; Maori business; wisdom in business; authentic leadership; workshops, presentations and corporate training. Current community involvement: Community-based research initiatives; various spiritual growth communities. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: People & teams leadership; major events, arts & recreation management; project & contract management. Current community involvement: Church youth leader; Board member, Auckland Basketball Services Ltd. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Rewi Spraggon James Smallwood General Manager, ABS Australia Skills offered: Business management in primary industry. Current community involvement: Chairman, Wairarapa Arts Festival Trust; Member Waiohine River Management Committee; Member Wairarapa Shepherds. Programme year: 2007 Location: Melbourne, Australia

Executive Director, Whaotapu Skills offered: Televison, arts; entertainement; maori protocols; broadcasting; management. Current community engagement: Surf lifesaving coach; Project manager, Auckland Iwi Carvers. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Matt Stratton Investment Administrator, ASB Community Trust

Ben Smith National Technical Manager – Covered Crops Turners and Growers Skills offered: Strategic planning; project management; public speaking; process improvement. Current community involvement: Committee member, Tomatoes NZ, Pukekohe Vegetable Growers Association; member working group, Horticulture NZ Future Focus; Young Vegetable Grower of the Year. Programme year: 2013 Location: Pukekohe



Skills offered: Operations and process management; investment strategy and planning. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Karanina Sumeo Current community involvement: Samoan Congregational Christian Church – Grey Lynn Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland


Teresa Tepania-Ashton

CEO, Auckland Communities Foundation

Chief Executive Officer, Maori Women’s Development Inc

Skills offered: Strategy communications; marketing; change feasibility; project management. Current community involvement: Board Member, Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand, Akarana Rugby League Zone, Leadership NZ. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Governance; management; strategic planning; business planning; project planning. Current community involvement: Trustee Leadership NZ; Current directorships: Te Aupouri Fishing Company; Te Aupouri Commercial Development Company; Community: Hapu & Marae. Programme year: 2006 Location: Wellington

Melanie Swami President, Auckland Area Group, National Programme Convenor, Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association Inc (PPSEAWA) Skills offered: Communications; governance; community engagement; organisation development; public speaking. Current community involvement: Pacific Islands Presbyterian Church; Newton-Cook Islands Group Finance; Cook Islands Women’s group; PPSEAWA; National Council of Women-Auckland Branch. Programme year: 2013 Location: Auckland

Claire Teal Fulltime Mum Skills offered: Volunteerism & working with volunteers; leadership & governance in the community and voluntary sector; facilitation & public speaking; workshop design & delivery; strategic planning; mentoring. Current community involvement: Committee member, Fertility New Zealand Wellington: leadership team member, Women in Leadership Aotearoa (WILA). Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

Caine Thompson Che Tamahori

Managing Director, Pyramid Valley Wines

Managing Director, Digital Arts Network

Skills offered: Business strategy; business management; marketing; logistics; finance; budgeting; forecasting; innovation; production planning. Programme year: 2010 Location: North Canterbury

Skills offered: Online marketing and communication strategy; technology strategy, design consulting. Current community involvement: Chair of Wanganui School of Design Advisory Board. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Alison Taylor Head of Centre for Social Impact, Centre for Social Impact Skills offered: Capacity development for not for profits; philanthropic sector advice; evaluation, effective governance; youth sector advice; public health, facilitation. Current community involvement: Board member, Vodafone Foundation New Zealand. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Cate Thorn Vicar and Priest-in-Charge, Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia Skills offered: Mentor; community facilitator; strategic thinker; celebrant; wordsmith; enquirer. Current community involvement: Collaborate with various community projects; ministry from the church into the community. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Koroseta To’o Managing Director, Sustainable Pacific Development

Vicky Taylor General Manager Smartfoods Current community involvement: Founder of Springboard, a group dedicated to increasing young directors’ participation around the board table. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Mentoring; project management; stakeholder consultation; strategic management; policy analyst; business management. Current community involvement: Trustee, Royal Rd primary school; Massey community hub; Sir Peter Blake’s Trust; Pacific Sustainable Development network. Programme year: 2006 Location: Auckland

Aaron Topp Emma Taylor

Director Sales and Marketing, Hatuma Dicalcic Phosphate

Viticulture Project Manager, Villa Maria Estate

Skills offered: Communication; marketing; writing; strategic planning; collaborative or individual problem solving. Current community involvement: Takapau School BOT; Farming for the Future Research Steering Committee. Programme year: 2008 Location: Hawke’s Bay

Skills offered: Research; communication (scientific into common language). Current community involvement: NZ Winegrowers Research Committee; Member, Young Viticulturist of the Year National Coordinator; Board of Trustees Greenmeadows School. Programme year: 2008 Location: Hawke’s Bay

Essendon Tuitupou Manager, Temple Ministries

Tony Te Au Chief Executive Officer, In Zone Industries Skills offered: Strategy – commercial and financial. Current community involvement: Director, Te Waipuna Puawai Mercy Oasis Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Community development; project management; mentoring support; strategic development. Current community involvement: Leadership Factory (developing community leaders); leads a community-based health and fitness initiative in South Auckland; advisory board member for several not-for-profit organisations. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland



ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Michelle van Gaalen

Tracy Voice

Chief Executive-designate, Pinnacle Life

CIO/Director Business Technology and Information Services, Ministry Of Agriculture and Forestry

Skills offered: Customer and market strategy; operating model design; business strategy. Current community involvement: Trustee, Chamber Music New Zealand; Chamber Music Foundation. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland

Skills offered: Strategy; leadership development; information technology implementations; operations; project management; process management. Current community involvement: Board member of Wairarapa Trinity Schools; Cub Leader in Scouting NZ. Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington

Linda Vagana General Manager, Duffy Books in Homes Skills offered: Understanding of not-for-profit; management of youth initiatives; primary and ECE sector; sport sector; stakeholder relationship management. Current community involvement: Youth work – Auckland; NPC coach (Netball North Harbour); board of Sport Waitakere; Samoa sports. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Annie Wahl Business Representative, Waikato Accident Compensation Corporation Skills offered: Leadership; strategic planning; change management; operational management; staff engagement. Programme year: 2008 Location: Hamilton

Daniel Walker Anil Chandra Varma Engineering and Emergency Services Manager, Auckland Airport Skills offered: Mentoring; leadership; safety and risk management; negotiations; engineering; strategic planning; people development; facilitation. Current community involvement: Refugee Angel; trustee and member of Education of First Trust. Programme year: 2012 Location: Auckland

Commercial Manager, Samsung Electronics Skills offered: Leadership; governance; p&l management. Current community involvement: Trustee Tuia Te Here Tangata; Maori Youth Development ; mentor First Foundation; board member Ngati Ruanui; director, New Zealand Maori Toursim. Programme year: 2011 Location: Auckland

Serena Walker Counselling Pyschologist, Flourish Pyschology

Hans Verberne Northern Area Manager, Accident Compensation Corporation Skills offered: Organisational planning; quality assurance; mentoring; team building. Programme year: 2011 Location: Waikato

Skills offered: Group facilitation.; mediation. Current community involvement: Shine volunteer advocate; management committee, Institute of Counselling Pyschology. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Suzanne Weld Principal Strategic Planner, Auckland Council

Richard Vialoux Vicar, Anglican Parish of Mount Maunganui Skills offered: Conflict resolution pastoral care; project management; community building. Current community involvement: Chair of the St Mary’s Early Childhood Centre’s Management Team, Mt Maunganui. Programme year: 2009 Location: Mount Maunganui

Skills offered: Project management; community vision development; facilitation; council annual plan and resource consent process advice; landscape planning and design; leading strategic planning projects; research in environmental and local government law. Current community engagement: Member of Resource Management Law Association; Yachting New Zealand; RyderCheshire Foundation; Life Education Trust Rodney. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland and Northland

Jennie Vickers COE (Chief of Everything), Zeopard Skills offered: Speaker on following subjects: skills development for staff and stakeholders using web based learning; thought leadership to influence funders and attract supporters; respecting and protecting intellectual property rights; NFP governance – realistic practice and practicalities. Current community involvement: RNZFB guide dog foster home; LNZ alumni representative. Programme year: 2007 Location: Auckland

Michelle Wessing Acting Chief Executive, Standards New Zealand Skills offered: Mentoring; change management (transformation & step change). Current community involvement: Volunteer at a number of not for profits including Red Cross. Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington

Wane Wharerau Laura Vodanovich Director, Tairawhiti Museum Skills offered: Recruitment selection; risk management; strategic planning. Programme year: 2006 Location: Gisborne



Iwi Liaison Officer/Kaitakawaenga, New Zealand Police (Waitakere) Skills offered: Project management; strategy. Current community involvement: Police diversion programmes for Maori; Ngapuhi Iwi leadership. Programme year: 2008 Location: Auckland


Georgie Witehira

Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Auckland

Chairperson/Board member, Counties Manukau Basketball & Auckland Basketball Services

Skills offered: Community/group building; thinking; celebrating. Current community involvement: Restorative Justice facilitator/mediator. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Jay Junior Williams Creative Director, Phoenix Performing Arts NZ National Suicide Prevention Co-ordinator, LeVa Skills offered: Writing; film production; lighting; sound; life coaching; youth leadership & mentoring. Current community involvement: Suicide prevention. Programme year: 2013 Location: Waitakere, Auckland

Skills offered: Governance; coaching; people development; stakeholder engagement. Current community involvement: Chair, Counties Manukau Basketball; board member Auckland Basketball Services Ltd; coach, junior basketball. Programme year: 2013 Location: South Auckland

Elaine Wong Programme year: 2011

Location: Hong Kong

Sarah Williams Executive Director, Porter Novelli Skills offered: Public relations including overall reputation management, issues management, brand and marketing. Current community involvement: Board member, National Heart Foundation of New Zealand. Programme year: 2005 Location: Auckland

Robert Wikaira Head of Support Services Centre, Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi Skills offered: Team leadership; business change management; strategy; SLA management; project/programme management practitioner (Prince2); Six Sigma/Lean; IT management, IT governance; ITIL – service operation/ design/strategy/transition and continual service improvement. Programme year: 2012 Location: Far North (Kaikohe/Paihia)

Melanie Woodford Skills offered: Branding; marketing; sales planning; strategic planning. Current community involvement: Previously, as a mentor for Future Leaders within YWCA. Programme year: 2010 Location: Auckland

Rachel Wotten Sales Strategist/Visionary/Social Entrepreneur, HP/Sassy Sales/Wonderful Works Skills offered: Business development management; consultative selling; sales strategy; account management; customer relationship management; coaching teams; wellbeing coaching. Current community involvement: Wonderful Works, Wellbeing Coaching; presentations, workshops and individual sessions to various Community organisations and individuals. Programme year: 2009 Location: Auckland

James Wilson Chief Executive, Q Theatre Ltd Skills offered: Working in collaboration, creative thinking, community engagement, developing young and emerging practitioners, leading change, culture building, fundraising, stakeholder engagement. Programme year: 2013 Location: Auckland

Peter Wilson

Murray Wu General Manager Corporate Responsibility, Kiwibank Skills offered: Strategy formulation; strategy management; business model development; quality and process improvement; corporate responsibility. Current community involvement: Board member, Wesley Community Action. Programme year: 2012 Location: Wellington

President - Formica Asia,Fletcher Building Laminates & Panels Division Skills offered: Global portfolio management; management of medium and large scale enterprises in a complex environment; people management/development in a cross cultural context; leading diverse teams; strong safety leadership; project management; senior stakeholder relations. Programme year: 2011 Location: China

Meredith Youngson Co-Founder, Hearts in Healthcare Skills offered: Community development; appreciative inquiry; workshop facilitation. Current community involvement: Timebank, Raglan; volunteer, Whaingaroa Environment Centre, Trade Aid shop. Programme year: 2006 Location: Raglan

Adrian Wimmers Partner, KPMG Skills offered: Governance; interface between public/ private and NFP sectors; financial/commercial/financing skills; performance measurement and improvement; public private partnership specialist. Current community involvement: Trustee, Inspiring Stories Trust; member, Komiti Pasifika, Victoria University of Wellington; member, MBA Advisory Panel, Victoria University of Wellington; Pro bono board advisor, Leadership NZ. Programme year: 2009 Location: Wellington




SIR PAUL AND LADY REEVES SCHOLARSHIP FUND CALL FOR DONATIONS The Sir Paul and Lady Reeves Scholarship Fund was launched in 2012 in the loving memory of Sir Paul. This fund enables scholarships for those who would otherwise be unable to take part in Leadership NZ’s leadership programmes. We believe there should be no unreasonable economic barrier for an individual to participate, and so scholarships are an essential part of ensuring the diversity of participants in our programme. Leadership NZ and our scholarship recipients would greatly appreciate your support. You can make an on-line donation at our webstore at www.leadershipnz.co.nz or contact us on 09 309 3749.

If it had not been for a scholarship, Olive Brown may not have been able to participate in the Leadership NZ programme. Olive Brown completed the Leadership NZ programme in 2010. At that time she was the Project Manager of HIKTT Retrofit and the Administration Manager for Healthy Homes Tai Tokerau. Today she is now the Retrofit Manager and the Comanager for Healthy Homes. Since finishing the Leadership NZ programme Olive has become a Trustee of her family marae and sits on the board in an executive role. She decided to further her knowledge by enrolling at The University of Auckland and has graduated with a Postgraduate Diploma in Business. Currently she is with the University of Auckland Business faculty working towards a Masters in Commerce. When asked how Leadership NZ has influenced her and shaped her influence of others, Olive states that “it has brought

about awareness of our country on a global scale and how we as NZers can work together to make NZ a great country for future generations. Leadership NZ has helped me to participate in conversations with a lot more confidence”. “Leadership NZ gave me the push I needed to learn the skills required to make robust and rigorous decisions to assist in my field of work and to benefit my community. The value is what I have been able to give to the community – for example being part of an organisation that has been able to offer a service of high-end insulation products installed into family homes to help not only the home but the health and well-being of families for over 7000 recipients in the Te Tai Tokerau region is a great achievement not only for myself or the families but also for all of those people that have benefited by the project directly or indirectly” Olive remains connected to Leadership NZ and each year her organisation hosts the current programme year as they journey to Northland to explore NZ’s history.

Reflections from 2014 Granduands


“I have been exposed to people, world views and experiences I would never have had the opportunity to without the awesome guidance and support from Leadership NZ.”

“Not only has the programme given me an understanding of national issues but it has also taken me on a very personal journey to better understand myself as a leader.”

“What I have found of real value is listening to and questioning some of New Zealand’s established and well renowned leaders and hearing their stories and the trials and tribulations of their leadership journeys.”

“It has encouraged me to challenge my perceptions about people and the world, to expand the horizons of what I believe is possible, to think about society as a whole and to connect to my internal wisdom.”



OUR SINCERE THANKS TO... Creative Partner

Supporting Partners

Event Partners

The Bishop Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture Event Partners

Scholarship Partners Special thanks to the following who help ensure that diversity continues to be achieved across the Programme through the generous funding of scholarships: • The Tindall Foundation & Inspiring Communities • 2013 Year Kia Manawanui Scholarship • Leadership NZ Alumni Programme & Event Speakers We thank all speakers for their generosity in giving their time and themselves; they are the backbone of Leadership NZ. Speakers are listed in the Programme Overview and in the Event Overview. Event & Programme Hosts/Contributors Special thanks to the following who have assisted us in providing event venues, donated goods/catering or valuable time: • • • • •

Ross Buckley, KPMG Ben Smith, Alumnus Jay Williams, Alumnus Peter Fenton, Alumnus Travis McGrath (2014 participant), Downer • Repeka Lelaulu (2014 participant), Pacific Business Trust • Irene Durham, Alumnus

• Karen Giles, Alumnus, Manaia Health PHO • Olive Brown, Alumnus, He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust • George Riley, Alumnus • Erena Kara, Alumnus • Quentin McCarthy, Alumnus, Downer • Janine Sudbury, Talking Horses • John Skurr (2014 participant), PGG Wrightson • Caine Thompson, Alumnus, Pyramid Valley • Lot 23 • Sarah Trotman, AUT Business School • Hamish Campbell (2014 participant), NZTE • Sally Babington (2014 participant) & Jeanie Robinson (2014 participant), ACC Wellington • Christian Penny (Alumnus), Toi Whakaari • Murray Hickman (Alumnus), Strike Percussion

• Bell Gully – for legal advice • Canon – for providing printing supplies • Kudosweb – for valued IT and website support • Leadership NZ Alumni who gave their time, talents and energy at various events, ARG activities and SkillsBank projects • Leadership NZ Trustees, Advisory Trustees and Funding Partners - for their ongoing support and invaluable advice • Simon Telfer, Appoint – for support advertising SkillsBank board vacancies • KPMG – for annual audit support • Mark Herring – for updating the website with newsletter content • John Moore – for IT support • Auckland Council – for a funding contribution towards our lease costs

Special thanks to the following: • All invited authors, contributors and people who gave their time to be interviewed for this publication • The editorial team (listed on inside front cover) • The team at Curative – for editing, publishing and printing of this magazine



Creative Partner

Curative www.curative.co.nz

Supporting Partners

Accident Compensation Corporation www.acc.co.nz

Altris Ltd www.altris.co.nz

AUT University www.aut.ac.nz

Bell Gully www.bellgully.com

Canon New Zealand www.canon.co.nz

Kiwibank Limited www.kiwibank.co.nz

KPMG www.kpmg.co.nz

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