1 minute read
Table Discussion
Themes from Table Discussion Question #1
What lessons can the Church in America learn from the Vatican about financial reform and accountability?
Evidence of how change needs to be deeply cultural, not just organizational and structural This is trans-generational work for the Church; not only at Vatican level but at US and diocesan level too
It takes highly ethical and professional people to bring the Church forward in this regard Transparency to all constituents (clergy and laity) is crucial
Themes from Table Discussion Question #2
What best practices for financial transparency and accountability can the Church in America share with the Catholic Church in other countries?
Annual financial reports Transparency throughout decision-making process
Themes from Table Discussion Question #3
What best practices does the Catholic Church still need to implement, at the parish, diocesan, national and Vatican levels?
An understanding that the Church is NOT a business, but rather business-like. Mission always comes first.
From the Vatican to Washington, DC: a Commitment to Best Managerial Practices and Financial Accountability
The Francis Effect and Changing Church Culture: Advancing Best Managerial and Leadership Practices
June 29–30, 2016
Inn at Penn, Philadelphia, PA leadershiproundtable.org