HIA 2015 Australian Housing Awards Overall winner media release

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22 May 2015 2

W WA build der Gran nsden Co onstructtion wins s 2015 H HIA-CSR R A Australian Home e of the Y Year Th he 2015 HIA A-CSR Aus stralian Hou sing Award ds were unveiled tonighht at the res sidential building industry’s pre estigious Aw wards cerem mony at the e Gold Coas st Conventioon & Exhibition Centre. Th he HIA-CSR R Australian n Housing A Awards are the ultimate e platform too showcase e the talentss of th he nation’s top t builders and design ners. Winne ers are selected from sstate-based finalists, wiith aw wards in 21 separate categories c (ssee full list below). HIA-CSR Au ustralian Ho ome of the Year is the e top accola ade, and thiss year it has been prresented to Western Australian bu uilder Grans sden Cons struction. T The project also a won th he aw ward for Au ustralian Cu ustom Buillt Home of the Year, partnered p byy Stramit Building Prroducts. Th he judges were w impres ssed with th e execution n of the build and the m material com mbination, and a de escribed this home as an exempla ary masterp piece. Other award winners are e wide spre ead around Australia an nd include: Giorgi Exclu usive Home es from We estern Austrralia won Au ustralian A Apartment of o the Yearr, pa artnered by HIA Financ ce. The judg ges were im mpressed by y the open--plan layout with unique e do ouble heigh ht ceilings to o create an immense sense of spa ace. on Australian Apartm M Mirvac Dock klands from m Victoria wo ment Comp lex of the Year, Y partne ered byy Toyota Fle eet. The jud dges apprecciated the fa acilities ava ailable to ressidents inclu uding a re esident’s lou unge, business centre, herb and vegetable v ga arden, and gymnasium m. BCG Constrructions fro om Victoria won Austra alian Town nhouse/Villaa of the Ye ear, partnere ed byy NewHome esGuide.com.au. The ttownhouse boasts luxu urious appoointments with meticulo ous metal cladd atttention to detail. d The eye-catching e g façade inc cludes ruste ed coreten m ding and iro onbark boarrd. Sttrongbuild from NSW won Austrralian Town nhouse/Villa Develop pment of the Year, pa artnered by Rheem Australia, for N Norwest Ce entral - a mu ulti-residenttial project. The wellap ppointed ho omes boast quality fittin ngs and fixtures. Sttrongbuild also won Australian A S Special Purpose Housing Projeect of the Year, partnered byy HIA Vehiccles for the Arbour A Retiirement Villa age in Berry y. Describeed as a uniq que countryy exxperience fo or all reside ents, each h home reflectts the attenttion to deta il of a one-o off, bespoke e bu uild. Sttonehaven Homes fro om Victoria won Austra alian Spec Home of th he Year, pa artnered by Sttratco Austrralia. The ho ome appea ars single-storey from th he street, sttepping dow wn to two le evels att the rear. The T judges said s the ste eep site requ uired an inn novative dessign.

M Metricon Ho omes from South S Austrralia won Australian Display D Hom me of the Year, Y partne ered byy NewHome esGuide.com.au. Desccribed as mo odern living g at its best,, ‘The Chica ago’ provide es a se ense of style e, comfort and a high qu uality craftsm manship. Sp pacemakerr Home Exttensions frrom Victoria a won Austrralian Reno ovation/Ad ddition Projject off the Year, partnered by b HIA Insu rance Services. The ju udges applaauded the spacious gro ound flo oor living arrea, which opens o up to a north-fac cing alfresco o - making ffor stylish year-round en ntertaining. Crown Grou up from NSW W won Aus stralian Outtdoor Proje ect of the Y Year, partne ered by HIA A In nsurance Se ervices. The e natural ma aterials and d elements of o water weere commen nded, tra ansporting visitors v from m the busy ccity location n to a peace eful Balinesee-style reso ort. Pllanbuild Ho omes from Queenslan nd won Australian Pro oject Home of the Yea ar, partnered d by OneSteel Re einforcing. Boasting B qua ality finishes and attention to detaail, Planbuild d Homes ha as prroduced a striking ome at a ve s five--bedroom ho ery reasona able cost. Brindabella Bathrooms s from NSW W won Austtralian Bath hroom Dessign of the Year, pa artnered by GWA Bath hrooms & Kiitchens. The e reclaimed d timber mossaic tiles arre the key fe eature of thiss renovated d bathroom,, adding sub btle warmth h and pairingg well with other tile ch hoices. Bubbles Batthrooms fro om Victoria won Austrralian Bathroom of th e Year, parrtnered by GWA G Ba athrooms & Kitchens. The T judges commente ed that the re enovated baathroom is glamourouss, we ell designed d and beautifully execu uted. JA AG Kitchen ns from Sou uth Australia a won Austtralian Kitc chen Desig gn of the Ye ear, partnerred byy Laminex Australia. A Th he same kittchen by JA AG Kitchens s also won A Australian Kitchen off the Ye ear, partnerred by Laminex Austra alia. The wo orkmanship in this kitchhen is faultle ess. Bold arrchitectural details and clever cab inet design add to the ambience aand sophisttication. Adam Cocks s from Soutth Australia won the Jim Brookes s Australian n Apprentice of the Year, Y pa artnered by Stratco Australia. Ada am has a cle ear vision fo or his careeer goals, which the judg ges fe elt certain he e will achiev ve due to hiis dedication to the industry and pproblem solv ving skills. He enley Prop perties Group from Vicctoria won Australian A Profession nal Major Builder B of th he Ye ear, partnerred by Reec ce. Henley Properties Group is a leading Ausstralian hom me builder; op perating for more than 25 years. H Henley has established d themselvees as a lead der in new home h de esign and in nnovation. La atitude 37 Group G from m Victoria w won Australian Profess sional Med dium Builde er / Renova ator off the Year, partnered by b Reece. L Latitude 37 Group’s core operatingg principles are ou utstanding client c servic ce, innovativve high qua ality housing g solutions aand rigorous business m managementt. Ronald Youn ng & Co Bu uilders from m Tasmania a won Australian Proffessional Small S Builder /R Renovator of o the Yearr, partnered d by Reece. Ronald Young & Co B Builders are e one of Ta asmania’s most m experienced resid dential build ding companies, with a profession nal and innovative bu usiness plan n.

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Re ebecca Ro ossi from Western W Austtralia won Australian A Business P Partner of the t Year, pa artnered by BUPA HIA A Health Pla an. Rebecca a is describe ed as self-m motivated an nd dedicate ed to en nsuring her business operates o at tthe very hig ghest of standards.

HIA Managin ng Director Shane S Goo odwin said th he HIA-CSR R Australiann Housing Awards A are the pinnacle of housing awa ards and refflect the increasingly diverse and ccompetitive e Australian ho ousing industry. “H HIA is comm mitted to rec cognising th he outstandiing achievements of ouur members s. Each yea ar a high calibre of o entries is presented,, reflecting the t exceptio onal standaard HIA mem mbers place e on wo orkmanship p, innovation n and desig gn.” “T This year, we w have see en outstandiing projects s. HIA members have eexceeded th hemselves in i qu uality workm manship and d design. It is my pleas sure to cong gratulate eaach winner for f the hard d wo ork and ded dication they continue tto display. From F sustainable initiaatives to incredible wo orkmanship p, these hom mes are rem markable an nd we are proud to calll these winn ners HIA m members.” HIA is Austra alia’s peak building b indu ustry body representing more thann 40,000 bu uilders, su uppliers and d contractorrs involved in residentia al constructtion. Ju udged by industry profe essionals, tthe awards acknowledg ge the talennt of builders, designerss an nd building companies who plan a and construct quality ne ew housingg, apartmentts, renovatio ons, kittchens and bathrooms s. Fo or images of the winn ning projec ct visit: me edia.hia.com m.au Fo or further information n please co ontact: atherine Lyynch Ca Group Manag ger, Marketting Commu unications M M: 0411 622 535

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2015 HIA-CSR Australiaan Housing Award ds winneers 2015 HIA-CSR H Australian Home oof the Year 2015 HIA H Apartmentt of the Year Partnered by HIA Finnance 2015 HIA H Townhousse/Villa of the Y Year Partnered by NewHoomesGuide.coom.au 2015 HIA H Custom Built Home Partnered by Stramiit Building Pro ducts 2015 HIA H Display Hoome Partnered by NewHoomesGuide.coom.au 2015 HIA H Outdoor Project P Partnered by HIA Inssurance Serviices 2015 HIA H Project Hoome Partnered by OneSteeel Reinforcinng 2015 HIA H Renovation/Addition Prooject Partnered by HIA Inssurance Serviices 2015 HIA H Spec Hom me of the Yearr Partnered by Stratcoo Australia 2015 HIA H Special Puurpose Housinng Project Partnered by HIA Veehicles 2015 HIA H Apartmentt Complex Partnered by Toyotaa Fleet 2015 HIA H Townhousse/Villa Develoopment Partnered by Rheem m Australia 2015 HIA H Bathroom of the Year Partnered by GWA Bathrooms B &K Kitchens 2015 HIA H Bathroom Design Partnered by GWA Bathrooms B &K Kitchens 2015 HIA H Kitchen off the Year Partnered by Lamineex Australia 2015 HIA H Kitchen Deesign Partnered by Lamineex Australia 2015 HIA H Professionnal Major Buildder Partnered by Reece 2015 HIA H Professionaal Medium Buillder/ Renovatoor Partnered by Reece 2015 HIA H Professionnal Small Buildder/Renovatorr Partnered by Reece 2015 HIA H Jim Brookes Australian Apprentice Partnered by Stratcoo Australia 2015 HIA H Business Partner P Partnered by BUPA HIA Health Pllan

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Grans sden Consttruction Western Australia

Giorgi Exclusivee Homes Western Australia

BCG Constructio C ons Victoria a

Grans sden Consttruction Western Australia

Metric con Homess South Australia

Crown n Group New South Wales

Planb build Homees Queen nsland

Space emaker Ho me Extens sions Victoria a

Stone ehaven Hom mes Victoria a

Strongbuild New South Wales

Mirvac Dockland ds Victoria a

Strongbuild New South Wales

Bubbles Bathroo oms Victoria a

Brindabella Bath hrooms New South Wales

JAG Kitchens K South Australia

JAG Kitchens K South Australia

Henle ey Propertiees Group Victoria a

Latitude 37 Grou up Victoria a

Ronalld Young & Co Builde ers Tasma ania

Adam m Cocks South Australia

Rebec cca Rossi, Ultimo Consttructions W Western Austtralia

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