3 minute read
Renewed Focus
As we go further into these uncertain times, there is consolation that our Turfgrass Industry for the most part is considered essential by our local and state governmental officials. Though many aspects of normal life are tough on all of us at this moment, it has been nice to hear that so many of our members are still able to work and earn a living. I hope all of you have taken advantage of these times to improve your facilities and maintain good mental and physical health.
While many of us who maintain athletic fields miss the sporting events that showcase our venues, the reduction in litter on properties has been nice. However, we’ve all seen an up-tick in masks and gloves left on the ground. Hopefully, when we get on the other side of this Pandemic, there will be greater understanding among the public for not only improved cleanliness and personal hygiene but for our environment as well. For now, I am appreciative of the renewed focus on landscapes by homeowners. Many of my colleagues have seen an increase in sales, and most garden centers still operating are slammed.
The agricultural community as a whole has received much needed respect during this time. In my high school ag classes, I asked the students to tell me how their perception of agriculture has changed. The answers were amazing! The importance of our turfgrass industry suddenly clicked with them as they understood how many of us are considered essential. I have a few students interested in careers working in golf, and it has only encouraged them to see what the golf industry has been able to do.
As an association, ATA will continue to work towards developing events and educational opportunities for our membership. Even before this summer issue of Alabama Turf Times reaches you, the board members will have taken part in an interview to discuss how different segments of our industry have been coping with COVID 19. So, stay in touch because more podcasts will be planned going forward providing much needed information that you can share with your coworkers and family. Thanks to Eddie Coutras and Julie Holt from Leading Edge Communications for helping to spearhead this venture and providing the platform for these videos and podcasts.
We know that we may see more tough days ahead before this is over, but we thank our members for being supportive through our Road Shows and Sports Turf Field Day. The Sports Turf Field Day in March was an awesome event. I have to tell you that Kevin Tingle and his crew in Florence do an amazing job. If you are ever up that way, go check out their facility. And by the way, ATA is always looking for ways to showcase our members and their “worksites,” so if you have a facility and would like to host the Sports Turf Field Day, or the Lawn and Landscape Field Day which will rotate next year, please let us know. There are so many hidden gems in this state because of the hard work each of you put into your passion.
In closing, I want to thank everyone who has reached out to local and state elected officials to let them know where we stand. As an association we have been active in sending information to those officials as well. At this time, we are not sure about our summer schedule, but please keep up with us, and we will keep you posted. Keep your head up and press forward!
Deven Peek
ATA 2020 President