3 minute read
Renewed Enthusiasm
I am writing to you in the midst of what has to be the busiest spring I have ever experienced. It appears that the postponements of virtually everything from last spring, through the summer and fall, and then this past winter, have all come due this spring. As events and lifestyles gently progress toward some kind of normalcy, all of us in the green industry have managed to take on even more work, and somehow, we have found ways to get it done. For me personally, I have worked as hard as I ever have this spring, trying to manage the delayed events with the increasing number of current events. Believe me when I tell you, I understand. As we manage this daunting pace, we need to be cognizant of our own personal health and wellbeing. Please take care of yourself; take time to do the things you enjoy outside your work and take advantage of the breaks you get when you can. It is so important to your quality of life to take time to experience the joy of your family and friends, your hobbies and interests, or your quiet time. Unwind a little and come back to your professional life with renewed enthusiasm. We will all be better at our tasks with fresh minds.
Speaking of refreshing the mind, the ATA held an outstanding educational event in Gardendale in March at the Lawn and Landscape Workshop. Attendance at these inperson events will gradually increase as more members are able to venture away to gatherings. Those who did attend the Workshop experienced a slate of speakers who came with excellent and timely information. I feel confident each attendee learned something they didn’t know before they arrived, and it will help them moving forward. An investment of a single morning listening to learned professionals pays tangible dividends and helps us to get better at our chosen careers. This is what membership in the ATA is all about, providing access to information specifically designed to make your work easier and help us produce a better product. We all benefit when we collectively raise the bar of our industry. Professionalism and knowledge pays in many ways.
The ATA has some forthcoming events designed for education and for fun. Be on the lookout for information about the upcoming Auburn Turf Unit Field Day and the Poa Annua Classic in July. I encourage all members and others who can benefit from hearing about the latest in turfgrass research to attend. Ask questions, learn something new, and enjoy a great lunch at the turf research unit, where you can welcome the new Director, Alan Hill. Attend the Poa Annua Golf Tournament the day before to network with your peers and have some fun as well as support turfgrass research. Proceeds from the Poa are used to fund turfgrass research through the Alabama Turfgrass Research Foundation.
In this edition of the Turf Times, Dr. Scott McElroy is an advocate for turfgrass and presents us with some fascinating photography! Dr. Dave Han shares some great information in his article on building an all season turfgrass management plan. I have to say that we in Alabama are lucky to have an outstanding collection of University educators that have dedicated their careers to providing us with the latest in scientific data and know-how. Everything they do in a professional capacity is aimed at helping us in this industry to make better decisions when it comes to managing our turf. I expect many members will agree that this resource is invaluable and we can’t thank them enough for the work they do.
Keep the Deep South Turf Expo on your personal radar. It will be held November 1–4th this year in Biloxi. Our association, allied with other organizations within and around Alabama come together each year for great education and fellowship centered on Turfgrass management. The accompanying trade show will showcase the latest in equipment, supplies, and services. Above all that, in many respects, is that the Show is just a good time. Make plans now to attend, it will be worth your time.
Joe Collins, CSFM
ATA President