2 minute read
From the President’s Pen
Fall and Football
Hello fellow ATA Members, I hope you have survived the summer’s heat, rains, and more heat. As we turn our attention from the growing season to football season, we will all soon be gathered at our favorite stadiums, with our favorite tailgate menus in full force. The fall is truly special in the southeast.
With this issue we have just completed a wonderful education program at the Sports Turf Field Day. I thank the folks over at the Hoover Met Complex for hosting us. We appreciate all of our fellow sports turf managers. They face unique circumstances in managing their facilities. I can attest to the difficulties of caring for soccer fields, as both my girls have spent many hours on the pitch growing up. I hope you all gained insights from the day.
In this issue, we welcome incoming President Patrick Pierce. Patrick will do a fantastic job of leading our association. I am grateful for his willingness to serve. Personally, it has been a pleasure to serve you all this year. I will repeat my earlier comment: our industry is strong in the great state of Alabama, and it will remain so in the coming years. In this issue, we have articles from Dr. Scott McElroy, information about the upcoming Deep South Turf Expo, a labor article from constituents in Texas, and Dr. Han updates the goings-on in Auburn.
I hope you all can attend the Deep South Turf Expo. There is so much great information to gain from being there. Many of our vendors will be there for product showcase and a good conversation with customers. I have always said the greatest attribute of our association is the networking. So much to be gained from conversations with those who keep us going.
Finally, we say it a lot, but it is as true as it can be: Thank you to those who sponsor our great association!! We rely on you so much for advice and guidance in the good times and bad. I think we all realize the struggles you have faced in the Covid era, but your loyalty to us, your customers, remains steadfast. Thank you so much!
I hope you all enjoy this football and fall season, and may God bless you!! Thank you for your support as our membership.
David White
ATA President