Research Update >>>
Auburn University Turfgrass Low-Input Field Day
A Morning of Turfgrass Research By James Horton
oals of current AU turfgrass research projects were clearly presented at the Auburn University Turfgrass Low-Input Field Day held July 16, 2019. Those attending this free event heard from Dr. Beth Guertal, Dr. Scott McElroy and Mr. Jim Harris, along with several graduate students and one industry representative as they described the projects they were involved with at the AU Turfgrass Research Unit. Below is a listing of the research presented that morning with a few take-away points.
Pylex use in Bermuda –
Bermuda Wear Study – Dr. Beth Guertal
Pre-emergent Control in Bermuda – Mr. Jim Harris This project compares three pre-emergents for smooth crabgrass control in Bermuda. Specticle, Crew and Freehand are being tested. Crew at high rate and repeat applications gets good crabgrass control. As a side observation, a point was made that without repeat applications researchers did not see good sedge control. Also, Dr. McElroy made an interesting comment about cockscomb kyllinga. He stated that even though this species is listed as an annual, he thinks some populations have become perennial in nature.
This study is still ongoing with final results later this year or early 2020. The test plots have been grown-in and are receiving 4 lbs. N per year. Comments: TifTuf was drought resistant. Celebration had low input requirements during establishment.
Pylex Use in Bentgrass –
Al ab ama Tu rf Tim e s > >> Fall 201 9
Dr. Scott McElroy with Dr. Clebson Gonçalves Pylex (Topramezone) injury increases with any of the following conditions: higher temperatures, higher rates and wet soils. This research is trying to mitigate the Pylex injury effects on bentgrass to control crabgrass during summer months. Pylex causes whitening of crabgrass chlorophyll and is very good in controlling crabgrass in bentgrass. Research shows higher injury with higher rates of Pylex, but by incorporating Iron and Plant Growth Regulators (PGR’s), less injury results.
Dr. Scott McElroy with Dr. Clebson Gonçalves Pylex (Topramezone) will injure Bermuda grass when controlling crabgrass. To reduce injury, different PGR’s are added to the tank mix and this research has shown that certain PGR’s offer different results: highest to lowest injury are as follows: Trimmit > Primo Maxx > Cutless. Dr. Clebson Gonçalves reported that Trimmit can cause injury, especially when Bermuda is coming out of dormancy and can also thin stands of Bermuda grass.
Effects of Timing Using Manuscript (Pinoxaden) to Control Crabgrass – John Peppers
Timing the use of Manuscript is very important because past the 4–5 tiller stage of young crabgrass, Manuscript does not offer any control. Drive is better for late applications. This research tried some three way type combinations. A combination tank mix that worked was Metsulfuron (Manor), Manuscript and Adigor (a methylated rapeseed oil based adjuvant). Manuscript tanked with Halosulfuron (SledgeHammer) and Adigor showed an antagonistic effect.