3 minute read
“As People Change so do the Markets”
By James Horton
Apart from growing up on a 4th generation family farm that included cotton, soybeans, cattle, horses and later catfish farming, Steve Sanderson’s first real involvement in our industry was a couple of summers interning with manufacturers scouting cotton through the North Alabama area. After two years at University of North Alabama, he transferred to Athens State College where he graduated in 1981 with a B. S. in Business Administration — Marketing, while still farming full time with his father. It was at that time Steve realized that he needed a different degree to stay connected with the Ag Industry.
Steve’s great uncle, Will Sanderson introduced him to Dr. Lowell Wilson in the Ag Economics Department at Auburn University. During their first meeting, Dr. Wilson offered Steve a research assistant position with two options. Steve was given the chance to study and conduct research in either poultry production or Christmas tree production. It took Steve only 5 seconds to answer that Christmas trees would be great. Completing his second B. S. in Ag Economics in 1985, Steve thought the manufacturing side of agriculture would be wide open. However, he remembers prices along with production being down and hiring on that side of the business was also down. By this time Steve’s father had retired from farming and started a real estate and construction business. So, Steve returned home and for the next 10 years worked again for the family business. Reminiscing, Steve said it was another good learning experience being involved with a different industry and developing new relationships.

ProProducts group at Pinehurst #2
Then another mentor stepped back into Steve’s life. Johnny LeCroix, who was known to Steve from his farming and scouting days and as a former sales rep for Helena Chemical, was now the Director of Crop Protection Products at Alabama Farmers Co-op. With LeCroix’s encouragement, Steve was hired as a sales rep for local co-op stores. This proved to be a very good move for Steve, because this position evolved into Steve being hired as Assistant Director of Crop Protection. He was now involved with the manufacturing and procurement side of the industry and started relationships with the turfgrass and ornamental markets. In 2001–2003 Alabama Farmers Co-op became involved with Agriliance (now Winfield) and that brought Steve and the Co-op into the professional products market with active sales reps and locations throughout Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and the Atlanta markets.
As the Sales Manager of Professional Products for Agri-AFC, Steve enjoys working in the Turf Industry. The flexibility of sales and working with his sales reps, manufacturing sales reps, retail and end-users is very satisfying for Steve. However, his days are very busy and as Steve stated “Time management is always a challenge in this business, but I treasure the friendships formed after working with the same company and this industry for over 27 years. I have learned that change is constant in this business and as people change, so do the markets.”
Presently, Steve lives on the family farm in Harvest, Alabama with his wife, Rhonda. He has a daughter, Reid Erin, and a grandson, Carson Ray, who are just a few minutes away. In his free time, Steve enjoys woodworking and usually has an automotive project underway. In 1988, he helped start a chapter of the National Council of Corvette Clubs in Huntsville, which remains of great interest to him.

Steve with his wife Rhonda, daughter Reid Erin, and grandson Carson Ray
As a staunch supporter of the Alabama Turfgrass Association, Steve said “I felt privileged to serve a term as a Board member. It’s a pleasure and very fulfilling to be involved in an industry that I grew up in, that is related to agriculture and having ties that go back generations.” Steve, the ATA membership thanks you for your years of dedicated service. You and those like you, have made this organization what it is today. We’re privileged to have you as a member and a friend!