Upcoming Events >>>
WE’LL SEE YOU ON THE ROAD IN 2022! 2022 ROAD SHOW SCHEDULE AND SPEAKERS The ATA is looking forward to returning to our in-person Road Shows in 2022. Our education committee, Dr. David Han, Dr. Jim Jacobi and James Horton have a wonderful program lined up. We hope to see you at one of the six Road Shows in January and February! Registration for these events will begin online in November.
Please see our line-up of presentations and speakers below.
Does Your Turfgrass Have Hard Feelings? Dr. David Han This talk will discuss the issues of compaction, hardpan, rock, and/or no topsoil that exist from construction around new developments. Solving the compaction problems will be covered. Also, solutions will be offered for dealing with fertility, pH, pesticide application, etc. when dealing with these "hard" problem issues.
Combination Herbicides That Work Dr. Scott McElroy and Jim Harris Combination herbicide products "old and new" will be discussed. You'll get the latest information regarding the status of the ones coming on market. Plus, what does the future hold for glyphosate?
New and Emerging Insects Dr. David Held and Dr. Katelyn Kesheimer
ATA Auburn Road Show
ATA Loxley Road Show
CASIC Building, AU
Last year we saw invasions of armyworms, the most in several years! This year who knows! During this talk you'll hear about new insects attacking turfgrass and ornamentals such as Broad-Headed Bug, Crape Myrtle Scale, etc. Methods for detection and control will also be discussed.
Loxley Civic Center
Post-Emergent Herbicides
Al ab ama Tu rf Tim es > >> Wint er 2022
ATA Dothan Road Show Troy Dothan Campus
Montgomery Road Show
Birmingham Road Show
Arrowhead Country Club
Gardendale Civic Center
Peter Lange, PBI Gordon Post-emergent herbicides with multiple modes of action are becoming very important with resistance management and hard to control weeds. New formulations are creating a lower impact on the environment. Plus, how to properly use plant growth regulation to save time with labor shortages.
Can Turfgrass Diseases Be Prevented? Dr. Amanda Strayer-Scherer
Huntsville Road Show Jaycees Building
You will hear what turfgrass managers can do to initiate Preventative Disease Control Measures for Take-All Root-Rot, Large Patch, Dollar Spot, Brown Patch and Spring Dead Spot.