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Join us in Hot Springs for the 32nd Annual ATA Conference & Trade Show

The Arkansas Turfgrass Conference & Trade show will be held January 9–10, 2020 at the Hot Springs Convention Center in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn from industry experts, network with other turfgrass managers from across the state and celebrate those who demonstrate high skill level in their work.

Hot Springs Convention Center


Hot Springs Thermal Pool

2020 ATA Education Program

ATA Business Meeting: Thursday, January 9th

Our annual business meeting will be held at the beginning of the Recertification Session on Thursday, January 9th at the Hot Springs Convention Center. President Kyle Sanders has fulfilled his term and VP Richard Covert will be elected to the position of President. We will open the floor for nominations, so please think about serving your industry by supporting ATA with your service. We cover all aspects of turf management including sod production, lawncare, landscape, irrigation, sports turf, commercial maintenance, golf and industry suppliers. We need all facets of the industry represented, so please consider serving your association.

ATA Awards Lunch: 12:00 Thursday, January 9th

The lunch is free to ATA members and a great time to relax, network and recognize ATA Award winners.

Pesticide Re-certification: Thursday, January 9th

Pesticide Recertification through the Arkansas State Plant Board will be offered on THURSDAY only. We understand that there has been some confusion with turf members trying to attend the AGIA session on Friday. These sessions are not interchangeable. Your registration for ATA is not accepted for AGIA classes. If you need pesticide recertification please be sure to attend on Thursday.

CEU Opportunities

The ATA will make an application to the GCSA of America for external education points. GCSA of Arkansas members may receive PDI points for each session and workshop they attend. Members will be provided with instructions on how to post their points at the end of each session.

Education Tracks

Pesticide Recertification / Golf / Sports Turf / Lawncare plus a variety of workshops.

Several workshops will be offered. New this year — attendees can participate in more than one. Workshops include:

• Disease Identification and Control

• Weed Control

• Using Gadgets and Technology in Your Turf Maintenance Program

• Mowers and Irrigation Systems Need Maintenance Too

Speaker Line-Up

Beck Grubbs, Ph.D. (Texas A&M)

• What are we going to do about Poa?

• In the absence of glyphosate

• Best Management Practices for Turfgrass Systems

Maria Tomasso-Peterson (Mississippi State)

• Identification and Control of the Major Turf Disease in the mid-South

• 2019 Year in Review from the Mississippi Turf Disease Diagnostic Lab

Eric Reasor (Mississippi State/ PBI Gordon)

• Top 10 Weeds and Their Control

• Herbicide Resistance Management

• Weed Control During Turf Establishment

Bud White (former USGA/ Bud White Golf Solutions)

• Cultural Management Programs for Bentgrass or Ultradwarf Putting Greens in Arkansas

Pat Berger (Director of Sports Turf Operations, UofA Athletics)

• Converting Razorback Stadium to Tahoma 31 bermudagrass

Troy Fink (Director of Agronomy, Blessings Golf Club)

• Facility preparation for the 2019 back-to-back NCAA Women’s and Men’s Golf Championships

Help Support ATA by Becoming a Sponsor

Our sponsors help us produce this conference and keep our prices low. We will accept sponsorship until Dec. 15th. Vendors please see your Exhibitor package for details on available sponsorships.

There’s still time to submit ATA Award Applications!

ATA Awards are presented in three divisions: Lawn, Golf and Sports. The following awards will be presented

ATA Field of the Year (Football/Soccer or Baseball/Softball)

ATA Golf Course of the Year (Private/Resort or Public/Municipal)

ATA Turf Site of the Year (Commercial or Residential Site)

Visit our website at www.arkansasturf.org/ awards/submit-awards/ for more information on award submissions. All submissions are due by December 1st, 2019.

For more information about the 32nd Annual ATA Conference & Tradeshow, visit our website www.arkansasturf.org and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

We hope to see you there!

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