Arkansas Turfgrass Association P.O. Box 185 • Bryant, AR 72089 Tel: 501-860-0187
HEAT STRESS Richard Covert ATA President
has a Quick Card called Protecting Workers from Heat Stress (OSHA 3154). It discusses heat illness, risk factors, symptoms of heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and prevention, as well as how protect your workers and what to do if a worker is ill from the heat. This card should practically be required reading for turfgrass managers in the summer and early fall. Be careful, stay safe, and watch for signs of heat stress in your co-workers. Just as people can become heat stressed, so can your lawn. If you know what signs to watch for in your lawn, you can prevent turfgrass loss or long-lasting damage. When you see gaps or cracks in the soil across your yard, it is time for some water. Gaps in the perimeter of your lawn along the driveway or sidewalk are also signs that you need to turn on the sprinklers. If you have flower beds that have grass edges, you can see down a few inches to see how deep the dryness goes. Footprints are another easy way to know if your grass is dehydrated. If simply walking across your yard leaves imprints of your foot, it is because the grass is too dry. When it is time to water your lawn, be sure to be smart and use best practices. The best time to water is in the early morning, between 5 am and 8 am. This allows your lawn to soak up that water without losing it to evaporation from heat and sun. Giving your lawn at least 1" of water per week will sustain it. The “cycle and soak” method works well, especially in a commercial setting. Running the sprinklers for approximately 10 minutes per zone and letting the system cycle through all zones twice reduces runoff. It is always important to be a good steward of water. The ATA Board of Directors recently voted to move the 2021 Conference and Trade Show to an all-virtual event, scheduled for January 28–29, 2021. This decision was made in response to the continued threats of COVID-19 and by making the decision now, we were able to avoid financial penalties with the Hot Springs Convention Center. The online event will include a variety of education offerings and will provide opportunities to get points for pesticide recertification with the Arkansas Plant Board as well as professional development points for GCSAA members. More information will be published on the ATA website soon! Richard Covert 2020 ATA President
4 • A R K A N S A S T U R F G R A S S • Fall 2020
Published by: Leading Edge Communications, LLC 206 Bridge Street Franklin, TN 37064 Tel: 615-790-3718 Email: info@leadingedge communications.com ATA OFFICERS Richard Covert, President Baptist Health Systems Richard.covert@baptist-health.org Kyle Sanders, Immediate Past President Sanders Ground Essentials 501-315-9395 kylesanders@sandersground.com Jeff Haskins, Treasurer Paragould Country Club 870-780-5883 Ja1116@earthlink.net Karen Cooper Executive Director 785-331-9225 arkturfgrassassn@att.net Doug Karcher, Ph.D., Education Chair University of Arkansas • 479-575-5723 karcher@uark.edu Pat Berger, Director Emeritus University of Arkansas • 479-575-6887 pberger@uark.edu Charlie Bowen, Director Emeritus Arkansas Hydroseed • 501-315-7333 charliebowen@yahoo.com Seth Dunlap Arkansas State Plant Board seth.dunlap@agriculture.arkansas.gov 501-225-1598 Mark Brown Nabholz • 501-749-7459 rmbrown2@ualr.edu Rodney Fisher Life Member, Founding Member Agra Turf, Inc. • 501-268-7036 agrarod@yahoo.com Ron Fisher Agra Turf, Inc. • 501-268-7036 agraron@yahoo.com Steve Ibbotson Conway Parks & Rec. • 501-328-4173 Steve.ibbotson@cityofconway.org Josh Landreth Ace of Blades • 479-530-7001 aceofblades@cox.net Mark Mowrey, Director Emeritus Oaklawn • 501-538-1600 bntgrns@yahoo.com Guy Oyler Jerry Pate Turf & Irrigation goyler@jerrypate.com • 501-317-5980 Rodger Pevehouse Life Member Michael Rush Rush Lawn Care • 501-279-8980 mrush@rushlawn.com Ricky Self Cypress Creek r.self@yahoo.com • 501-605-8000