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33rd Annual ATA Conference

The Arkansas Turfgrass Association annual conference will take place virtually during the week of January 25–29, 2021. The ATA Board of Directors voted unanimously over the summer to make this change for the 2021 event in order to protect the health and safety of all members. There will be numerous opportunities for learning during the week and pesticide recertification credits and GCSAA PDI points will be available. We will also be recognizing our outstanding members with our annual ATA awards for lawn, golf, and sports!

Education sessions will occur throughout the week via a virtual platform and will be recorded for your convenience. We recognize that it is challenging to sit in front of a screen for extended amounts of time and we are making every effort to provide a variety of learning opportunities at convenient times so that everyone can gain new knowledge while also getting the necessary credits for recertification or professional development.


Three or four courses will be offered each day and each class will be about 50 minutes in length, including time for question and answers at the end. Each course will be recorded and made available to all registered attendees later in the day. All classes will be available through Friday, February 5, giving everyone at least a full week to view as many courses as they would like.

THE VIRTUAL FORMAT has given us the opportunity to include more speakers than in previous years and the lineup this year includes:

SHAWN ASKEW, Virginia Tech

• PoaCure ® (methiozolin)

• Goosegrass Control


• Multi-purpose, water efficient landscape design

MIKE GOATLEY, Virginia Tech

• Cultural practices for turfgrasses

LISA GOATLEY, The Cascade Group

• Work-Life balance in uncertain times


• Summer stress on turfgrass

LEE MILLER, University of Missouri

• Turfgrass disease ID and treatment

THOM NIKOLAI, Michigan State University

• Lightweight rolling


• Sedge and Kyllinga control

• Annual bluegrass control in warm-season turfgrass


• Equipment calibration

• Turfgrass selection, including new cultivars


The conference cost will be $90 per person this year, which includes access to all sessions (live and recorded) as well as annual ATA dues. There will also be a special corporate rate for businesses with more than three attendees. Registration information will be sent no later than December 1, 2020 and will also be available on the ATA website after that date.

For more information about REGISTRATION for the 33rd Annual ATA Conference, visit our website www.arkansasturf.net and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We hope to see you there!

HELP SUPPORT ATA by Becoming a Sponsor

Our sponsors help us produce this event while keeping our prices as low as possible.

If you are interested in learning more about AVAILABLE SPONSORSHIPS, please contact Karen Cooper at ataturfgrass@gmail.com

There’s still time to submit ATA AWARD APPLICATIONS

The following awards will be presented:

ATA FIELD OF THE YEAR Football / Soccer or Baseball / Softball

ATA GOLF COURSE OF THE YEAR Private / Resort or Public / Municipal

ATA TURF SITE OF THE YEAR Commercial or Residential Site

For more information about AWARD SUBMISSIONS, visit our website www.arkansasturf.net

All submissions are due by December 15, 2020.

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