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Mississippi Turfgrass Association Annual Meeting Recap
Thankfully we were able to hold the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Turfgrass Association live! There was good representation at the meeting held in Biloxi during the Deep South Turf Expo on November 3rd. All regular business was held, scholarships were presented, new officers and board directors were elected, and awards given.
As the MTA By-laws state, the Vice-President/President Elect automatically moves up to President. Therefore, Alan Sullivan, Superintendent at Grand Bear GC in Saucier, MS, is the new President. Will Arnett, CGCS, from East Mississippi Community College’s Lion Hills Center in Columbus, MS was elected Vice President/President Elect. Dr. Barry Stewart (MSU) was re-elected as Secretary/Treasurer, New Directors are Elvin Ulmer, City of Laurel, MS; Todd McCullough, City of Louisville, MS; and Chris Hussey, Tupelo, MS. Continuing to serve the second year of their term as Director are Seth King, Ben Nelson Golf; Jimmy McPherson, MSU Golf Course; and Corey Garrison, Country Club of Jackson, MS.
The recipient of the MTA Outstanding Turf Professional Award for 2021 is Danny Smith. Danny is an instructor in the Turf Management Program at EMCC. The recipient of the Bud Thigpen Distinguish Serve Award is Steve Kuyrkendall, Harrell’s, Inc.
Pictured are the 2021 MTA Scholarship Winners. Each student was awarded a $1,000 scholarship.
EMCC Scholarship winner Damien Carlisle with Danny Smith (left) and Will Arnett (right)
President Keair Edwards with Doug Crews, MSU Scholarship winner.
President Keair Edwards with Will Pace, MSU Scholarship winner