Winter 2014
Plus, Special Inside —
Preregistration and Program for the MTC Turfgrass Conference January 5–6, 2015
Encroachment of Annual Grass into Turf — Basic Turf Management Is Still the Key
Winter 2014
contents • Winter 2014
10 Upcoming Event
14 Cover Story
18 Recent Event
Program and Registration Form for the 2015 MTC Turfgrass Conference, January 5–6
Encroachment of Annual Grass into Turf — Basic Turf Management Is Still the Key
MTC Angie Cammarota Golf Tournament for Turfgrass Research, October 1, 2014
06 President’s Message 07 MTC Membership Application 08 Director’s Corner 09 Note to Our Supporters 21 University of MD Turf Team 21 Index of Advertisers 22 Calendar of Events
MTC Turf News
President’s Message
The Times,
They Are a-Changin’ As
I leave office, it appears that MTC is moving into the next era. We have established an Endowment to keep turf research at the University of Maryland. A new professor will begin this next year with new ideas and new direction. The MTC board of directors has instituted a new format for Turfgrass 2015. It is our belief that we can continue to improve and expand our organization. As always, we are very interested in your thoughts and input. Our Council is only as dynamic as those of us who work toward that end. It is my personal hope that our organization can expand its goals to move forward with the many changes and demands on turf. Through research and development, we can all address these challenges. This past year, the turf program at the University started addressing some of the regulations of the EPA. I attended one of the seminars that looked at the value of good quality turf as a means of controlling runoff that might affect the Chesapeake Bay. This will be a primary concern for years to come. The “green revolution” should motivate all of us to be better stewards of the land. Our Council will need help from all of us to create better solutions. I will leave you with this parting thought. We are all individuals, but when we work together for the greater good of all humanity, we will have unlimited results. It has been a pleasure to have served as MTC’s president. I will try to continue to help where and when needed in the future.
Lester Dubs
2014 MTC President
MARYLAND TURFGRASS COUNCIL 12 Pressie Lane | Churchville, MD 21028 MTC Turf News is published quarterly for the MTC by: Leading Edge Communications, LLC 206 Bridge St. Franklin, TN 37064 615-790-3718 (phone) 615-794-4524 (fax) info@leadingedge
2014 Board of Directors PRESIDENT Lester Dubs Larchwood Landscape Co. Pasadena, MD Cell: 443-623-1745
VICE PRESIDENT Bill Warpinski Central Sod Farms Centreville, MD Office: 800-866-1387 Cell: 410-827-5000
SECRETARY/ TREASURER Cheryl A. Gaultney Churchville, MD Home: 410-836-2876 Cell: 410-322-8275
PAST PRESIDENT Vernon W. Cooper All States Turfgrass Consultants St. Michaels, MD Office: 410-745-9643 Cell: 443-742-6618
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Vernon W. Cooper P.O. Box 389 St. Michaels, MD Cell: 443-742-6618 Office: 410-745-8867 ExecDir@
ONE-YEAR DIRECTORS Rick LaNore MRW Lawns, Inc. LaPlata, MD Office: 301-870-3411 Cell: 301-609-1852 rick127928@
MTC Turf News
Bill Patton Sr. Turf Center Lawns Spencerville, MD Office: 301-384-9300 Cell: 301-980-3094 turfcenterlawns@ Kevin Monaco Turf Equipment & Supply Jessup, MD 20794 Office: 410-799-5575 Cell: 443-250-1182 kevinmonaco@turf
TWO-YEAR DIRECTORS Doug Lechlider Laytonsville Landscaping Laytonsville, MD Office: 301-253-1481 Cell: 301-253-0546 doug@laytonsville Les Phelps Phelps Lawn Care Pasadena, MD Office: 443-623-5472 phelpslawncare@ Jamie Roell Anne Arundel Co. Rec. & Parks Millersville, MD Office: 410-222-6250 Cell: 443-370-2582
THREE-YEAR DIRECTORS Brian Gietka Fountain Head C.C. Hagerstown, MD Office: 301-739-4286 Cell: 410-218-0131 Mark Leahy Blades of Green Harwood, MD Office: 410-867-8873 Rick Williams Pennington Seed Locust Grove, VA Cell: 804-396-5659 rwilliams@pennington
MTC Membership Application _____________________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address (where you want MTC Turf News delivered) _____________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code _____________________________________________________________________ Company Name
___ Individual Member.......................................................$50 ___ Student/Educator/Retiree..............................................$15 ___ Master Gardener/ Non-Profit Volunteer Member........$25 ___ Public Agency (all employees per county or location)...............................................*$75 ___ Business (circle one): (1 to 5 employees)*..................................... $175 (Bronze) (6 to 10 employees)*......................................$350 (Silver) (10 to 15 employees)*.................................... $500 (Gold) (15+ employees)*.................................... $1000 (Platinum)
_____________________________________________________________________ Company Address (if different from above)
* Submit employee names for membership cards to the MTC Executive Director.
_____________________________________________________________________ Company City, State, Zip Code
Amount Included $______________________________________ ___ Check made to MTC ___ Credit Card (MC or Visa)
_____________________________________________________________________ Email Address _____________________________________________________________________ Business Phone Cell Phone Additional Company Members: Please attach a listing of additional members. Detach and Send to: Maryland Turfgrass Council P.O. Box 389 • St. Michaels, MD 21663
______________________________________________________ Name as it appears on credit card ______________________________________________________ Address where card is billed ______________________________________________________ Card Number ______________________________________________________ Exp. Date 3-Digit Security Code (on back)
Winter 2014
from the mtc executive director
MTC Membership Has Never Been
More Valuable A
nother year has almost passed, and as we all prepare to start what is sure to be an even better 2015, it is also time to either join the Maryland Turfgrass Council (MTC) or renew your current membership. But, you may ask, “Why should I belong to the MTC?” As an MTC member, you are helping support the nationally renowned University of Maryland turfgrass programs. In return: • You receive discounts to the MTC Annual Turfgrass Conference
for education and recertification. •Y ou receive discounts to our Annual Angie Cammarota Memorial Golf Tournament. • You help MTC continue to offer free attendance to the Bi-Annual Summer and Fall Field Days. • You receive the improved quarterly MTC Turf News magazine and annual MTC Membership Directory. • You have the opportunity for increased networking business contacts.
•Y ou have representation to state legislators, university deans and local politicians. • You have unlimited access to the new MTC website due to debut in spring 2015. • You have access to the latest University of Maryland Turfgrass Technical Update (TT) publications. • You have the use of the MTC logo on any and all of your advertising. • You have the opportunity for the MD Pesticide Applicator License recertification. • And you have the opportunity for the MD Fertilizer Applicator License certification/recertification. As membership in the MTC continues to grow, new and improved benefits will also grow. But these activities will happen only with your support and membership. MTC membership dues are payable February 1, 2015. However, dues paid before or at the conference will also entitle those members to discounts at this January’s conference (January 5–6, 2015). You can complete the membership application on page 7 or the form on the MTC website, and return it as soon as possible with your choice of payment. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me at, or call me at 410-745-8867 (office), 410-745-9643 (home) or 443-742-6618 (cell). Thanks for supporting the MTC!
Vernon W. Cooper
MTC Executive Director, MTC Immediate Past President 8
MTC Turf News
Note to our supporters
Note to Our
Supporters, Vendors and Friends of the MTC B
ased upon your responses to our recent survey concerning changes to the tradeshow, the MTC board of directors has decided not to have a conventional tradeshow at Turfgrass 2015.
However, to continue to help support the University of Maryland turfgrass programs, this year we are offering opportunities for Vendors, Supporters and Friends to become “Supporters of Education” with a donation of $250 as a Silver Sponsor or $500 as a Gold Sponsor. As a Sponsor, your company name will be posted as a “Sponsor” on posters located in prime view in every educational room. Additionally, all Gold Sponsors may place a tabletop display in the Prince Georges room where the evening reception will also occur. Sponsors may also attend the educational conference, just as exhibitors have done in the past. Lastly, if you would like to become a Platinum Sponsor for $1,000, you will be given acknowledgement as a “Supporter of Education,” as well as acknowledged as a “Sponsor for the Happy Hour Reception,” which will also be held in the Prince Georges room on Monday evening. Additionally, Platinum Sponsors will be listed as such on all MTC emails, MTC USPS mailings and the MTC website for the entire 2015 year. Please be generous and help continue supporting the University of Maryland turfgrass program for 2015. •
Supporter of Education Form If you or your company would like to be a
Supporter of Education for Turfgrass 2015, please scan and complete the form below and email it to Or, you may photocopy and complete the form below, and mail it to: Vernon Cooper, MTC Executive Director Maryland Turfgrass Council P.O. Box 389 St. Michaels, MD 21663 Company Name: _____ $250 Silver Sponsor _____ $500 Gold Sponsor _____ $1000 Platinum Sponsor _____ Check (Made payable to MTC) _____ Credit Card # Exp. Date
Security Code
Address where credit card billing is sent:
Thank you for supporting the MTC and the University of Maryland!!!
Upcoming Event
Join Us for the
2015 MTC Turfgrass
Educational Conference!
January 5 – 6 Registration: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. in hallway inside Main Entrance. Visit for directions, campus map, parking information and off-campus dining options.
0.70 GCSAA Approved Educational Points
CONCURRENT MORNING SESSIONS 1.0 State of MD CEU Credit for Professional Fertilizer Applicator Recertification (for attendance at either morning program)
8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Back to Basics Workshop Grand Ballroom, Room 1206 1 CEU MD Professional Fertilizer Applicator Turfgrass Fertilizer Use, Terminology and Application Dr. Tom Turner and Mr. Kenneth Ingram, University of Maryland This session will focus on answering the basic questions: “When should I fertilize?” “What should I fertilize with?” “What is the right amount?” A hands-on broadcast spreader calibration exercise will be included. 10
MTC Turf News
University of Maryland, Stamp Student Union College Park, MD
8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Stormwater Symposium Atrium, Room 1107 Moderator: Mr. Jamie Roell, Anne Arundel Co. Rec. & Parks 1 CEU MD Professional Fertilizer Applicator How Stormwater and Nutrient Management Regulations Are Impacting Turfgrass Use and Management within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Dr. Mark Carroll, University of Maryland Ecological Engineering and Regenerative Design as Novel Solutions to Conveying Stormwater Mr. Joe Berg, Biohabits, Inc. Ecology of Stormwater Ponds and Other Aquatic Features in the Built Landscape Ms. Jacqueline Takacs, University of Maryland Microclover and Compost to Reduce Runoff from Lawn Turf Ms. Xiayun Xiao, University of Maryland
11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. LUNCH On your own, in the Food Court.
CONCURRENT MID-DAY SESSIONS 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Golf Track Atrium, Room 1107 Moderator: Mr. Brian Gietka, Fountain Head Country Club What’s in Your Water, and Does It Matter? Dr. Peter Landschoot, Penn State University Life in the Rough — It’s More Work than You Think! Mr. Darin Bevard, USGA Growing “Grass Roots” — The National Arboretum Turfgrass Exhibit Mr. Geoffery Rinehart, U.S. National Arboretum
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lawn Care Workshop Grand Ballroom, Room 1206 Twenty Tenacious Weeds Dr. Kevin Mathias, University of Maryland Attendees will learn how to identify and control 20 of the most troublesome weeds found in lawns through the Mid-Atlantic region. This session will highlight the identification of several newly emerging lawn weeds and discuss why these weeds are now a problem in our region.
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Certified Fertilizer Applicator Grand Ballroom Lounge, Room 1209 Review for the Certified Maryland Fertilizer Applicator Examination Dr. Gary Felton, University of Maryland
CONCURRENT AFTERNOON SESSIONS 1 CEU MD Professional Fertilizer Applicator
2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Microclover to Minimize Fertilizer Use Symposium Atrium, Room 1107 Moderator: Mr. David Funk, University of Maryland Clover — Let’s Start with the Basics Dr. Lester Vough, University of Maryland Integrating Microclover with Turfgrass to Produce a More Environmentally Sustainable Turfgrass Ecosystem Dr. David Gardner, Ohio State University Establishment and Overseeding of Bermudagrass Lawns with Microclover Dr. Jeff Derr, Virginia Tech University Herbicide Use and Tolerance in CoolSeason Turf Containing Microclover Dr. Peter Landschoot, Penn State University Aesthetic Appeal of MicrocloverBased Lawns: Survey Results Dr. Mark Carroll, University of Maryland
2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. State of Maryland Professional Fertilizer Applicator Certification Exam Grand Ballroom Lounge, Room 1209 Dr. Jo Mercer, Maryland Dept. of Agriculture Preregistration with MDA is required to take the exam.
4:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. HAPPY HOUR RECEPTION Prince Georges Room.
Winter 2014
2015 MTC Turfgrass Conference
Registration Form
To qualify for the Pre-Registration rate, all forms and payment must be received by 12/31/2014.
Tuesday, January 5
_____________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME (as it should appear on badge) _____________________________________________________________________ COMPANY _____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS (where you want your mail to come) _____________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE _____________________________________________________________________ EMAIL (Include a current email address. Email confirmation will be sent.) _____________________________________________________________________ PHONE
Members Pre-registration
Non-Members Pre-registration
Full Conference
1 Day (Mon/Tues)
At the door
At the door
Full Conference
1 Day (Mon/Tues)
I would like to become a MTC member. I would like to pay my 2015 MTC membership dues with my registration.
Business Members Individual Member.................................... $50 1–5 employees (Bronze)........ $175 Student/Educator Member........................ $15 6–10 employees (Silver)........ $350 Master Gardener/Non-Profit Volunteer...... $25 10–15 employees (Gold)........ $500 Public Agency........................................... $75 15+ employees (Platinum).. $1,000
Additional Registrants from the same group: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Total Registration/Membership Fee:___________________________________________ Enclosed is my check for: $__________ made payable to: MTC Turfgrass 2015 Mail check to: P.O. Box 389, St. Michaels, MD 21663 Please charge my:
Fax Credit Card Registration to: (410) 745-8867 Card#_________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date:__________________________________ Security Code:_ _______________ Name as it appears on credit card:____________________________________________ Billing address for credit card:_______________________________________________ City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________________
0.50 GCSAA Approved Educational Points Pesticide Recertification: Attendance at both a morning session and an afternoon session is required. Registration: 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Hallway inside Main Entrance
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. PESTICIDE RECERTIFICATION DAY For Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and District of Columbia applicators. Attendance is required at both morning and afternoon sessions for certification.
CONCURRENT MORNING SESSIONS 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Golf Track Atrium, Room 1107 Moderator: Mr. Brian Gietka, Fountain Head Country Club Using “New Genetics” to Develop Lower Fungicide-Use Bentgrass Cultivars Dr. Leah Briliman, DFL-Pickseed Fungicide Efficacy and Movement on Golf Course Greens Dr. Richard Latin, Purdue University Wetting Agents: Disease Suppression to Increasing Playability Dr. Kevin Mathias, University of Maryland Will the EPA’s New Definition of the Waters of the U.S. Affect Your Golf Course? Dr. Stuart Cohen, Environmental and Turf Services Recent Epidemiology Studies on the Adverse Effects of Pesticides Dr. Stuart Cohen, Environmental and Turf Services
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Ornamentals Charles Carroll, Room 2203K Moderator: Mr. Mark Leahy, Blades of Green, Inc.
continued • upcoming event
Controlling the Major Annual and Perennial Weeds in Landscape Beds Dr. Jeff Derr, Virginia Tech University Update on Emerald Ash Borer Dr. David Jennings, University of Maryland What Happened in 2014 and What to Anticipate for 2015? Dr. David Clement, University of Maryland Invasive Insects and How to Report Them Dr. Mary Kay Malinoski, University of Maryland
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Lawn Care Colony Ballroom, Room 2203 Moderator: Mr. John Vickers, Anne Arundel Co. Rec. & Parks New Developments in Natural and Synthetic Herbicides for Turfgrass Dr. David Gardner, Ohio State University
Pesticide-Free, Organic Lawn Care: Results Three Years After Making the Transition Ms. Siqi Chen, University of Maryland Turf Management for Large-Scale, Multi-Property Communities Mr. Brad Park, Rutgers University Breeding New Cultivars for Mid-Atlantic Pest and Stress Dr. Leah Briliman, DFL-Pickseed
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. LUNCH On your own, in the Food Court.
11:30 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. IAA – UMD Alumni Luncheon Meeting Prince Georges Room, Room 1120 This is a separate event from the educational sessions, and pre-registration is required. For more information, contact Dr. Kevin Mathias at 301-405-4692. Ticket reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations are required from Dr. Mathias.
AFTERNOON SESSION 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Colony Ballroom, Room 2203 General Meeting of the Maryland Turfgrass Council Mr. Lester Dubs, MTC President Communicating with Your Customers about Turfgrass Pesticides Dr. David Gardner, Ohio State University Scheduling Fungicides for Turf Disease Control Dr. Richard Latin, Purdue University Pesticide Use in Montgomery County: What Happened and What Lies Ahead for the Rest of the State Mr. Mark Schlossberg, Pro Lawn Plus Pesticide Regulatory Update Mr. Dennis Howard, Maryland Dept. of Agriculture •
Winter 2014
Cover Story
Encroachment of Annual Grass into Turf —
Basic Turf Management Is Still the Key By Tom Turner, Ph.D., University of Maryland
Table 1. Annual grass encroachment into University of Maryland recommended turfgrass mixtures* vs. commercially sold non-recommended mixtures. Seed Mixture Name
Annual Grass Encroachment % of seed mixture
% cover
25% 25% 25% 25%
Univ. of MD Recommended Tall Fescue
Turf-type tall fescue
Davinci* Picasso* Rembrandt* Masterpiece*
Univ. of MD Recommended Tall Fescue
Turf-type tall fescue
Justice* Rebel Exeda* Penn 1901*
49% 29% 20%
Sunny Mix
Turf-type tall fescue Turf-type tall fescue Red fescue
Reserve Starfire Boreal
53% 34% 10%
Contractor’s All Purpose
Italian ryegrass Red fescue Perennial ryegrass Kentucky bluegrass
Panterra Bargena III Prelude IV Clearwater
40% 29% 18% 9%
Kentucky 31 Fescue
Tall fescue
Kentucky 31
Sun and Shade
Perennial ryegrass Perennial ryegrass Red fescue Kentucky bluegrass
Majesty* Splendid Crossbow Abbey
30% 20% 25% 25%
* Cultivars with an asterisk were on the Maryland recommended list at the time these plots were established in fall 2008.
MTC Turf News
nnual grass encroachment into turfgrass continues to be one of the major problems affecting turfgrass managers in the Mid-Atlantic region. In the last 30 years, much research has been conducted to investigate the efficacy of pre- and post-emergence herbicidal control programs for crabgrass, goosegrass and foxtails. Excellent control (95% or better) has been achieved through proper use of annual grass herbicides, and they continue to be an important, and often necessary, tool for professional turfgrass managers. However, attention to basic turfgrass management can often greatly minimize potential annual grass problems and thus reduce the need for and the frequency of herbicide applications. Annual grass encroachment into turfgrass is primarily a function of turfgrass density. The denser the turf, the more difficult it is for germinating annual grass plants to survive. Any practice that maximizes turfgrass density will greatly diminish the degree of annual grass encroachment. It should be noted that the encroachment of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds is not just an aesthetic issue: as these weeds die back after
Table 2. Effect of N source on annual grass and total weed coverage in turf-type tall fescue.
the first frost of the year, substantial soil is exposed that is more prone to water runoff and soil erosion. Following are some recent trials at the University of Maryland Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Facility that demonstrate the importance of basic turfgrassmanagement practices in reducing annual grass problems.
Turfgrass species and cultivar selection Selecting the proper turfgrass species for a specific use and choosing cultivars of the desired species that are adapted to the difficult climatic conditions in the Mid-Atlantic region are crucial for obtaining the long-term turfgrass density that will minimize annual grass encroachment. Extensive cultivar testing has been an important part of the Maryland research program for the last 25 years. Cultivar trials for turf-type tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fine fescues, bentgrasses, zoysiagrass and bermudagrass are currently ongoing. These include National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Trials (NTEP), joint trials with Va. Tech and trials for individual seed companies and turfgrass breeders. Currently, approximately a total of 675 cultivars of these species are being evaluated at the University of Maryland. The results from these trials are used to develop recommended cultivar lists that are published annually as University of Maryland Turfgrass Technical Update #77. In addition, trials are conducted periodically comparing recommended University of Maryland turfgrass mixtures with mixtures being sold commercially at the retail level for homeowners. The degree of annual grass encroachment as a percentage of plot area covered by some of these mixtures is shown in Table 1. No annual grass herbicides had been applied for two years prior to the data collection. Plots were maintained at a mowing height of 3 inches and received 2.5 lbs. N/1,000 ft2 annually. It is clear that using recommended mixtures can greatly reduce the encroachment of annual grasses into existing turf.
N Source
N Rate
Annual Grass Coverage+
Total Weed Coverage*
% Coverage Lbs. N/1,000 Annually
Sulfur-coated urea
* Combination of annual grass and broadleaf weed coverage. + No annual grass herbicides applied since 2010. Turf-type tall fescue fertilized with urea at 3.0 lbs. N/1,000 ft2 (photo taken October 2014).
Unfertilized turf-type tall fescue (October 2014).
Nitrogen fertility Proper nitrogen (N) fertility is crucial in maintaining the turfgrass density required to minimize annual grass encroachment. In 2010, a fertility study was initiated to compare N fertilizer sources and N rates on turf-type tall
fescue performance. The plots have been maintained at a mowing height of 3 inches, and no annual grass herbicides have been applied since 2010. Applying no N fertilizer resulted in almost total dominance of weeds (Table 2 and 3). Very little weed encroachment
Winter 2014
cover story • continued
Turf-type tall fescue mowed at 4 inches (October 2014).
Turf-type tall fescue mowed at 1 inch (October 2014).
Table 3. Effect of N rate and N source on annual grass and total weed coverage. N Source
N Rate
Annual Grass Coverage+
Total Weed Coverage*
% Coverage
Control Urea Sulfur-coated urea
Lbs. N/1,000 ft2 Annually 0 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Table 4. The effect of mowing height on annual grass encroachment in turf-type tall fescue (no annual grass herbicides applied). Mowing Height
39% 0% 10% 3% 1% 18% 14% 1%
78% 1% 33% 12% 3% 32% 19% 12%
60% 1% 45% 34% 15% 48% 37% 28%
88% 4% 61% 43% 20% 66% 47% 34%
Annual Grass Coverage % coverage (July 23, 2014)
1 inch
2 inch
3 inch
4 inch
* Combination of annual grass and broadleaf weed coverage. + No annual grass herbicides applied since 2010.
occurred on urea treated plots at the 3 lbs. N/1,000 ft2 annual rate. While a rate of 2 lbs. N/1,000 ft2 annual rate reduced annual grass encroachment significantly the first 3 years, encroachment became substantial in 2014. On this site, the 1.0 lb. N/1,000 ft2 annual rate resulted in insufficient density to compete against annual grasses as early as 2012. The annual grass pressure was exceptionally high at this site. On sites with better soils and less intense weed pressure, results for sulfur-coated urea, Milorganite and the organic fertilizer would be expected to be substantially better. Also, it is likely that the 2.0 lbs. N/1,000 ft2 annual rate would have been sufficient to successfully compete against annual grasses. The key to N fertilization is obtaining the proper balance of N rates and appli-
MTC Turf News
cation timing that promote adequate turfgrass density (which helps minimize annual grass encroachment and enhances water infiltration into soil), without resulting in excess N that can leach. The vast majority of research indicates that this balance can be reached following current fertilizer recommendations.
Mowing height Mowing height has a critical impact on the ability of turf to compete against weed encroachment. In a demonstration study initiated in late spring 2013, four mowing height treatments were started on an established stand of turf-type tall fescue, where annual grass pressure was very intense. By fall 2013, the effects of mowing height on annual grass encroachment were dramatic, with substantial increases of annual grasses as the mowing
height decreased. By late summer 2014, plots mowed at 1 inch were exhibiting 85% coverage by annual grasses versus only about 1% on plots mowed at 4 inches (Table 4). Mowing turf-type tall fescue lawns at a height of 3 to 4 inches can have dramatic impacts on weed encroachment and should also help minimize water runoff and maximize water infiltration.
Summary While the need for annual grass herbicides for lawn management in the MidAtlantic region may never be entirely eliminated, the proper selection of turfgrass species and cultivars, proper N fertility and good mowing practices can go a long way in reducing their overall use. Basic turfgrass management is the key. •
Recent event
October 1, 2014
MTC Angie Cammarota Golf Tournament for Turfgrass Research Queenstown Harbor • Queenstown, MD Congratulations to Our Winners!
1st Place Team: Todd Cowing, Tom Tippton and John Anderes. (All photos by Lauren Dubs.)
MTC Turf News
2nd Place Team: Andrew Harrison, Ed Gasper, Jeff Shudi and Gordy Caldwell; Jeff Shudi shown.
Closest to the Pin: Andy Ninnemann, superintendent at the Peninsula Golf & Country Club.
Longest Drive: Gordon Kretser, manager at Chesapeake Valley Seed.
continued • SECTION NAME
Thanks to Our Tournament Sponsors! AQUA-AID Cammarota Family Central Sod Chesapeake Valley Seed Landmark Turf and Native Seed Direct Solutions Eastern Shore Assn. of Golf Course Superintendents Frederick Area Landscape Contractors and Nurserymen Assn. Fisher & Son Co. Glenn Dale Golf Club John Deere Landscapes Maryland Turfgrass Assn. McDonald and Sons Mid-Atlantic Assn. of Golf Course Superintendents Mid-Atlantic DryJect & Turf Mid-Atlantic Assn. of Turfgrass Equipment Managers Newsom Seed Plant Food Company Pocono Turf Summit Hall Turf Farm Turf Equipment and Supply Company Turf Trade Winter 2014
University of Maryland Turfgrass Team
Digital Marketplace
Download your favorite QR reader to your phone and scan the code to learn more about these companies.
Pete Dernoeden, Ph.D.
Kevin Mathias, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-405-1337
Institute of Applied Ag. University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-405-4692
Tom Turner, Ph.D.
Dave Funk
Dept. of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-403-4431
Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Facility University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-403-8195
Mark Carroll, Ph.D. Dept. of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture University of Maryland College Park, MD 301-405-1339 MTC Turf News is the Maryland Turfgrass Council magazine. Subscriptions are complimentary to MTC members. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, its board of directors, MTC Turf News, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as MTC members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in any issue of MTC Turf News. Copyright Š 2014 by the Maryland Turfgrass Council. MTC Turf News is published quarterly. Presorted standard postage is paid at Nashville, TN. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: MTC allows reprinting of material published here. Permission requests should be directed to MTC. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information. Advertising: For display and classified advertising rates and insertions, please contact Leading Edge Communications, LLC, 206 Bridge Street, Franklin, TN 37064, (615) 790-3718, Fax (615) 794-4524.
Index of Advertisers
All States Turfgrass Consultants, LLC.............. 11 American Lawn and Tree Specialists, Inc........ 19
Buy Sod................................... Inside Back Cover
Central Sod Farms of Maryland, Inc................... 7
Collins Wharf Sod Farm................................... 11
Coombs Sod Farms......................................... 22
Ernst Conservation Seeds................................ 13
Fisher & Son Company, Inc........ Inside Front Cover
Green Forever Landscaping and Design, Inc.......11
King Sports Construction................................. 22
Maryland Seed & Environmental Association... 13 Maryland Turfgrass Assocation........................ 19 Mid Atlantic Association of Turf Equipment Managers (MAATEM)...................... 22 Shady Oaks Turf Farm..................................... 21
Smith Seed Services........................................ 21
Kesmac/Brouwer............................................. 17
Leading Edge Communications........................ 20
CoverSports USA............................................... 8
Lebanon Turf..................................................... 5
Summit Hall Turf Farm, Inc................ Back Cover The Turfgrass Group.......................................... 3
Winter 2014
Calendar of Events
January 5–6 37th Annual MTC Turfgrass Educational Conference Adele H. Stamp Student Union University of Maryland College Park, MD
January 14–16 Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (MANTS) Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore, MD
January 13–16 STMA Conference and Exhibition Denver, CO
January 26–29 VTC 55th Annual Turf & Landscape Conference and Trade Show Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center Fredericksburg, VA
February 16–19 TPI International Education Conference and Field Day Omni La Costa Resort & Spa Carlsbad, CA
February 21–26 Golf Industry Show Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center San Antonio, TX
January 2016 (week of January 25) Mid-Atlantic Turfgrass Conference & Trade Show (A new mega Maryland/ Virginia joint event!) Fredericksburg Expo & Convention Center Fredericksburg, VA
MTC Turf News