2 minute read
Position Changes to MTC Board
At the MTC Annual Meeting during the Annual Winter Conference at Turf Valley Resort in December, David Coble (Anne Arundel County Turf), Geoffrey Rinehart (IAA), and Shaun Meredith (Calvert County Rec & Parks) were voted onto the Board as three-year Directors. Amanda Stillwagon (Anne Arundel County Horticulturalist) was elected to a two-year Director position, filling a vacancy, and Doug Lechlider (Laytonsville Landscaping) filling a one-year vacancy. This fully filled the 14-member Board.
As we began the new year, two of our new Board Members had employment opportunities arise which changed their ability to serve on the Board. David Coble and Geoffrey Rinehart resigned their positions on the Board with David totally leaving and Geoff moving into an advisor position representing the University of Maryland and the IAA.
We were fortunate to find excellent, qualified replacements for both Board positions. Keith Bowman of McHale Landscape Design and Matt Coates of the Washington Nationals Baseball facility have agreed to serve and have been officially appointed to fill the vacant three-year positions, bringing the Board back to full strength once again.
Another positive change was made regarding our payment processing. Due to increased fees and other difficulties with PayPal, the Board has investigated, studied and researched other secure applications and has chosen to utilize Payeeze from PNC Bank. The costs are reduced by nearly 50% and the process is much quicker, simpler and better meets our needs.
Ben Ellis, our Web Master, is working with our Web Provider to allow you to enter your credit card on the site. Meanwhile, you may either download the forms from our website or contact Vernon (410-745-9643 office, 443-742-6618 cell, 410-745-8867 fax, or ExecDir@MDTurfCouncil.com) for blank forms which you can complete and e-mail, fax, or mail to Vernon with either your check made out to MTC or your credit card information to process. You will receive an e-mailed receipt as soon as the credit card is processed.
MD Pesticide & MD Fertilizer Applicator Licenses Expire June 30
Just as every year, your MD Pesticide and MD Fertilizer Applicator License EXPIRE at midnight on June 30.
The MTC is once again offering a combined PROCRASTINATORS MD Pesticide and MD Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Class on Friday, June 21 at the University of MD Turf Research Farm in College Park. The space limits the class to 30 and if you wish to also get credits for surrounding states, please register as early as you can.
The application for June 21 class is included in this magazine on page 8 for your convenience.
Cost is FREE for MTC members and $65 for non-members. Lunch is provided for $15. Return forms and any questions to Vernon, our Executive Director.
See you at the Field Day,
Jamie Roell
MTC President

Jamie Roell, MTC President