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2019 Maryland Turfgrass Conference
The 2019 Maryland Turfgrass Conference, held on December 10th at Turf Valley Resort and Conference Center was a huge success. About 415 attendees spent the day in educational seminars with tracks focused on Lawn and Landscape Turf Management, Sports Turf Management, Golf Turf Management, and Turf Equipment Management. After 3 years of combining with Virginia for the Mid-Atlantic Turfgrass Expo, this was the second year of the reinvigorated 1-day MTC conference held at Turf Valley Resort.

Dr. Travis Gannon (NC State University) speaks about Pesticide Use on Athletic Fields
A January conference is often subject to unpredictable winter weather and is in close proximity to other national conferences, but holding the conference in early December is early enough to avoid most winter storms and not conflict with the national sports turf managers and golf industry shows after the new year. The Turf Valley location provides a venue that is appropriately sized to accommodate several hundred attendees and is conveniently located for those attending from the I-95 and I-70 corridors, while offering reasonably priced lodging for those travelling from farther away.

Dr. Joseph Roberts (Clemson University) speaks at the MTC Golf Session
As usual, it is the enthusiasm of the attendees, the quality of the speakers, and the generous support of the vendors who contribute to the success of the conference. Special thanks goes to Dr. Joseph Roberts for organizing the speaker program and returning to Maryland to speak and help organize after moving to Clemson University this summer and to retired Dr. Kevin Mathias for returning from Virginia to present about controlling insects in turf and landscapes. The program also featured several researchers from other states. This year the MTC was happy to welcome Dr. John Kaminski from Penn State, Dr. Jim Brosnan from the University of Tennessee, and Dr. Travis Gannon of North Carolina State University. Presentation topics covered a broad range of subjects important to turfgrass managers ranging from communication tips and practices for turf managers (Dr. Kaminski) to research related to pesticide residue duration (Dr. Gannon), and optimizing weed management programs (Dr. Brosnan).

Dr. Jim Brosnan (University of Tennessee) speaks in the Sports Turf session about weed control programs.
Additional highlights included the 2019 Year in Review presented by the USGA’s Elliott Dowling, an update on the developing best management practices for sports turf managers by Dr. Roberts, and the latest in disease bio-control research at the University of Maryland by graduate student Joe Doherty.
Mid-day at the show provided ample time for a brief Maryland Turfgrass Council annual meeting, lunch on the trade show floor, and the opportunity for participants to engage in face-to-face conversations with vendors from all segments of the turfgrass industry during the tradeshow.

MTC Lunch and Trade Show

MTC Lunch and Trade Show
With a wide variety of speakers and a separate track for mechanics focused on equipment maintenance, the conference provided a great respite after a busy season. Turfgrass managers from around the state and all facets of the industry were able to attend informative educational seminars, visit with colleagues, learn about the latest techniques and products, and earn re-certification credits.
Be sure to watch for dates and locations of Maryland Turfgrass Council-sponsored re-certification events through the year and mark your calendars for December 8, 2020 for this year’s Maryland Turfgrass Conference!

These are the Sponsors and Vendors that have helped and supported the MTC and University Turfgrass Programs throughout 2019.
Please remember them for your supplies, materials, equipment and services. Educational Sponsors assist throughout the year with all our activities. Conference Vendors commit to bringing their goods and services to our Annual Turfgrass Conference to provide you a fabulous Trade Show. And lastly the Conference Sponsors are those who donated cash to help keep the cost of the conference as low as we possibly can and still provide support to the University of Maryland Programs.
Aquarius Supply: Single Booth Conference Vendor
BASF: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Bayer: Single Booth Conference Vendor & Conference Lunch Sponsor
Bloom: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Central Sod Farm: Backer / Educational Sponsor & Single Booth Conference Vendor & Friends of Univ. of MD Conference Sponsor
Chesapeake Valley Seeds: Advocate / Educational Sponsor & Advocate Booth Conference Vendor & Lunch Conference Sponsor
Cover Sports: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Davidson Golf, Inc.: Single Booth Conference Vendor
DuraEdge Products: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Fisher & Son: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Finch Services: Single Booth & Outside Conference Vendor
Genesis Turfgrass: Advocate / Educational Sponsor & Advocate Booth Conference Vendor
Goodwin, D. – Harford Co. Parks & Rec.: Patron / Educational Sponsor
Harrells, LLC: Backer / Educational Sponsor & Coffee and Sweets Conference Sponsor
Hummer Turfgrass Systems: Single Booth Conference Vendor
K&C Grounds: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Kohler Equipment: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Landmark Turf & Native Seed: Supporter / Educational Sponsor
Landscape Supply, VA: Advocate / Educational Sponsor & Advocate Booth Conference Vendor & Coffee and Sweets Conference Sponsor
Landzie Industries: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Lis, Zenon – Burlingham Seed: Patron / Educational Sponsor
Luck Ecosystems: Single Booth Conference Vendor
MASTMA: Single Booth Conference Vendor
MTA (MD Sod Growers Assoc.): Patron / Educational Sponsor
McKenzie, Dan: Patron / Educational Sponsor
Neudorff USA: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Newsom Seed: Advocate / Educational Sponsor & Advocate Booth Conference Vendor & Coffee and Sweets Conference Sponsor
Nutrien Solutions: Single Booth Conference Vendor & Break Out Room Conference Sponsor
Oakwood Sod Farm: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Oliver, J. – Kenwood Golf & Country Club: Patron / Educational Sponsor
Outdoor Creations Landscape Service: Backer / Educational Sponsor
PNC Bank: Single Booth Conference Vendor
Rain Bird Landscaping: Single Booth Conference Vendor
SiteOne Landscape Supply: Benefactor / Educational Sponsor & Single Booth Conference Vendor & Lunch Conference Sponsor
Spectrum Analytic Inc.: Single Booth / Conference Vendor
Syngenta: Supporter / Educational Sponsor
Turf Center, Inc.: Friend of Univ. of MD Conference Sponsor
Turf Equipment & Supply: Triple Booth & Outside Conference Vendor