3 minute read

Executive Director’s Corner

See you at the Conference!

As always, things are moving and changing in the Turfgrass Industry and the period since the Spring MTC Turf News is no exception.


First and certainly the most exciting is that This Year’s Annual Winter Turfgrass Conference is once again LIVE and returning to the Turf Valley Resort in Ellicott City on Tuesday, December 14, 2021. Mark the date to attend one of the three excellent educational tracks being prepared for golf, sports turf, and lawncare. A limited virtual live stream option is available for those not feeling well or concerns of crowds. Have you ever thought of being an exhibitor at the Trade Show to show off your company’s wares with a tabletop display and/or display equipment outside? If you prefer to help support the Council and the University turfgrass programs but don’t want to do a display, then sign up to be a conference sponsor and be recognized with banners showing your support for everyone to see. Of course, you can do both if you would like to do that too.

On a more solemn note, I also want to advise you of the loss of three industry icons since our last issue. On April 16, 2021, MTC Past President and Golf Course Superintendent Ben Stagg (age 86) of Easton, MD passed on to join his beloved wife, Hilda. On August 16th, 2021, MTC Past President Nick Gammill (age 73) of Capitol Sports Fields in Hyattsville left this world from his home in Nicaragua in Central America. Lastly, on August 22, 2021, Steve Iles (age 66) of Green Way Lawns in Westminster passed due to injuries sustained on the job. These men have been leaders and good friends to our industry. They are gone and will be greatly missed but their leadership continues in the rest of us in the Turfgrass Industry.

Keep them and their families in your prayers.

Ben Stagg

Nick Gammill

Steve Iles

Speaking of future leaders, the TPM (Turfgrass Producers of Maryland) would like to announce that Camron J. Wayland (Cam) has been awarded the “Jim Claxton Scholarship” for the 2021/2022 school year. Cam just graduated from Rappahannock County High School, where he maintained a 4.0273 grade point average while being a Volunteer Athletic Student Assistant for four years, a Sports journalist for the last two years, and Class President for the last three years. Presently, Cam is starting his college career at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. His goal is to get his degree in Sport and Recreation Management in hopes of becoming a high school Athletic Director. In fact, he has his eyes on Rappahannock County High School. He has already formed ideas of what needs to be done to improve both the fields and programs at his alma mater.

Camron J. Wayland (Cam)

If any high school senior or full time two-year or four-year college student interested in some form of education and work in production, sports turf, golf, lawn care, or other occupations dealing with turfgrass would like to apply, applications are being taken now and the full requirements are included later in this issue.

See you at the Conference!

Vernon W. Cooper

Maryland Turfgrass Council, Exec. Dir.

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