MTC Turf News - Winter 2021

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first introduction to the MTC was back in 1975. It was a fairly new organization created by the joining of the MTA (Sod Farmers) and MAGCSA (Golf Course Superintendents), to increase Turfgrass Education and support of Quality Turfgrass plus utilization of MD Certified Turfgrass Sod and Seed Mixtures. I was asked to accompany my boss, Gus Day, to attend the monthly MTC meeting as an advisor from MDA as the MTC was planning their first Annual Winter Turfgrass Conference. In January 1976, we had our first MTC Conference at the Sheraton Hotel in Lanham with the first Trade Show happening in their Parking Garage (IN JANUARY!!) Thank goodness we have come a long way from those days. Shortly after that, one of our first Presidents, John Strickland (Egypt Farms) brought a young lady (his stepdaughter) to take minutes at the MTC meetings. On that day, Cheryl Gualtney and I started a commitment to the Council that has lasted over 46 years and continues today. You may ask why anyone would be part of a volunteer association for so long? Isn’t it boring doing the same thing?

Well first, rest assured it is far from boring serving on the MTC Board. Over the years we have opened membership up to any professional dealing with turfgrass and suppliers in MD and the surrounding areas. We are a significant voice of just over 1200 members which is critical when it comes to supporting one of the finest Turfgrass Research Facilities in the United States; or some may remember when we needed to go to bat for our

members when the Governor restricted water so that any plant material or seed planted was sure to die from lack of watering. Because of the MTC we were able to work out a reasonable compromise with the Governor; we have been instrumental working with the University in increasing from our original single Turfgrass Specialist to a team of four researchers, a job we are currently doing again. We have met with and had input in regulations and policies with the MDA and the legislature. With 1200 members we are a significant stakeholder. So, if you have a desire to serve on the Board, please feel free to contact me or President Brandon Sands and we will ensure your desires get to the Nominating Committee. The time commitment involves monthly meetings, the Annual Conference, 3–4 recertification classes and Field Days when possible. However, something everyone can do without a time commitment is renew your membership and or join the MTC. You should be receiving a dues renewal or application to join form in the mail very shortly. Take a moment to complete the form and send your dues immediately. In fact, help all of us, including yourself, by making a copy or two of the form and pass it to a friend, client, or even competitor to help us get our membership over 1500. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the MTC Office anytime.

Vernon W. Cooper

Maryland Turfgrass Council, Exec. Dir.

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MTC Turf News is the Maryland Turfgrass Council magazine. Subscriptions are complimentary to MTC members. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, its board of directors, MTC Turf News, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as MTC members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in any issue of MTC Turf News. Copyright © 2021 by the Maryland Turfgrass Council. MTC Turf News is published quarterly. Presorted standard postage is paid at Jefferson City, MO. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: MTC allows reprinting of material published here. Permission requests should be directed to MTC. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information. Advertising: For advertising rates and insertions, please contact Leading Edge Communications, LLC, 206 Bridge Street, Franklin, TN 37064, (615) 790-3718, Fax (615) 794-4524.



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