2 minute read

President's Message

AS we move forward into the fall, the MTC Board of Directors hope everyone had a decent year with what was a milder season than we have had in years past. Looking back at the year, we have seen some improvements in the Maryland turfgrass industry. Some of the supporting areas were educational classes, a successful field day, and joining meetings with the Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Kevin Atticks and his support staff. The MTC and The Sports Field Managers Association also came together to work with lobbyist Richard Rhinehart to help support legislation that involves everyone in the turfgrass industry.

Coming up over the next few months we have some very special events that you do not want to miss. The 22023 MTC Winter Educational Conference and Trade Show will once again be held at Turf Valley Resort on December 12. Whether you are a landscape professional, sports field manager, sod farmer, golf course superintendent or any of the supporting staff this is a must attend conference. Pesticide and Fertilizer credits are going to be offered as well as a limited virtual program for anyone who cannot attend in person.

Finally, the Chesapeake Conservation Landscape Council who serve the landscape professionals to implement sustainable landscape infrastructure for a healthy bay watershed is hosting their biennial conference at Kent Island, MD on December 6 – 8, 2023. More information can be found at www.chesapeakelandscape.org/new-leaf

We hope everyone the best during the “off season” and we are looking forward to seeing everyone at the conference in December. As also, if you ever have questions or need something from the Maryland Turfgrass Council Board, please reach out. We are here for you.

Ben Ellis

Immediate Past President

Brandon Sands


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