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Executive Director’s Corner
A Busy Season Ahead
Well, it looks like much of winter has passed and spring has certainly sprung into action. The MTC also has been busy preparing activities, functions, and recertifications that will benefit you and your business.
I am a little late getting dues notices out this year and I apologize. I fell midJanuary, which resulted in several weeks of lying flat with a leg elevated, making it next to impossible to get to my office. Then my trip to the doctor to get clearance to resume activities resulted in catching Covid, which knocked me down for a number of more weeks. I’m glad to report all is mended and I am back to work, but dues renewals are running late. If you have not yet paid your dues, you may do so with the form found on page 11, or I will be sending out dues notifications very soon. We want everyone to enjoy their membership discount.
We have lots of activities coming your way so MARK YOUR CALENDAR TODAY!
• FRIDAY MAY 12 is the 42nd Annual Shields Memorial Golf Tournament being held at the University of Maryland Golf Course. This continues to be a major fund raiser for the IAA Scholarships and activity Funds. Go to https:// bit.ly/3ZTsJsy to sign up to play and to become a hole sponsor.
• FRIDAY, JUNE 23 will be the PROCRASTINATORS Virtual Pesticide/Fertilizer Recertification Class. This will be your LAST opportunity to get you required CEU’s for your Pesticide License and to complete a couple CEU’s for the 6 you are required to have every three years to renew your Fertilizer Applicator License. Application can be found on page 12 in this magazine or by contacting the MTC Office. The cost to Members is Free. Non-Members is $75.00.
• TUESDAY, JULY 18 is the next University of Maryland Turfgrass Research Field Day. Dr. Fereshteh Shahoveisi promises a great day of sharing information as we all visit her new test plots this year as well as hearing from Dr. Carroll and others on their continuing research to help us all do better in this transition zone. Watch for more information coming.
• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16 will be the EARLY BIRD In-Person Pesticide/Fertilizer Recertification Class. This will be the first class of the 2023/24 year to get your CEU’s for your Pesticide Applicators License as well as the 2 CEU credits required for your Fertilizer Applicator License for the calendar year. This class is held in Easton at the Talbot Agriculture and Education Center for those who prefer not to go to the Western Shore. Forms and more information are forthcoming. The cost to Members is Free. Non-Members is $75.00.
• TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 is the date to reserve for the 48th Annual Winter Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show at the Turf Valley Resort and Spa. Watch for plenty of information and forms, as well as Member discounts, to arrive in the future.
As always, feel free to contact the MTC office anytime for additional information, forms or concerns.
Vernon Cooper
MTC Executive Director