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A Challenging and Rewarding Career — Getting the Word Out
As I meet and speak with people in the turfgrass industry, one issue seems to be the most concerning. When I benchmark with other turfgrass professionals around the country, they have the same concerns which are finding and hiring quality new employees.
The turfgrass industry needs to do a much better job of educating young people about the opportunities that are available in our industry. A career as a turfgrass professional is both challenging and rewarding and most of our youth are unaware that these careers are available. I have met with high school guidance counselors in the hope that educating them about career opportunities in turfgrass would result in more young people being encouraged to pursue a career in turfgrass. Most of these guidance counselors were completely unaware of the size of the turfgrass industry and the personal and financial rewards it offers.
Our challenge is to get the word out. We work in a wonderful industry that produces a product which cleans the air, cools the atmosphere and helps keep sediment out of our water systems. AND the world is a more aesthetically pleasing place because of our work. To all turf professionals, thank you for all you do!
Best Regards,
Gene Queen, TCNC President