Cover Story
Coming to an Athletic Field Near You
Mike Goatley, Jr., Ph.D., Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist David McCall, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Extension Turfgrass Pathologist Shawn Askew, Ph.D., Professor and Extension Turfgrass Weed Scientist
e’re not forecasting catastrophic weather events (although given the way 2020 has gone, what might happen?) Instead, this article is intended to help you avoid disaster as it relates to the pending storm of what is about to play out on your sports fields. Sports field managers are realizing what is on the horizon regarding the demands for use of their sports fields in 2021 with many fall sports now delayed until the spring. The sports field manager will once again face the reality that every sport is the most important in that particular coach’s, player’s, or parent’s mind and the perception (hopefully not expectation) that field access is unlimited. It was fascinating watching the progression of the ‘MLS is Back’ tournament at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex where they hosted
18 North Carolina Turf gr a ss
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51 matches on 3 fields over 35 days – and the natural grass fields performed marvelously well thanks to an excellent team of sports field managers and consultants. Most of you are facing budget and labor cuts etc. and are quite limited in physical acreage that can be utilized for a greatly expanded spring sports schedule. While there is no guarantee for success, planning and managing for the onslaught of field use in 2021 begins NOW! There are no quick and easy fixes to limitations in soil, a properly crowned field, and an effective irrigation system. So, if those limitations describe your facility, accept that you are somewhat handicapped from the start. However, there are basic cultural, chemical, and communication management concepts that you can employ to help you provide the safest, best playing surfaces under extreme traffic conditions in 2021.
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