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From the President

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Do you want to be part of a select group of turfgrass professionals? Consider becoming a North Carolina Certified Turfgrass Professional.

TCNC is the only association that facilitates the North Carolina Certified Turfgrass Profession certification (NCCTP). The NCCTP designation is the only certification program dedicated to turfgrass professionals in North Carolina.



• Technical competency in turfgrass management professionals.

• Professional credibility as a turfgrass industry leader.

• Confirms your expertise in turfgrass management to customers and employers.

• Receive support when needed from other NCCTPs within the association.

• Can be used for better visibility to the public and peers.

• Access to tools and resources for marketability.

There are currently 57 active North Carolina Certified Turfgrass Professionals in this state. However, we have several hundred turfgrass professionals in NC that we would like to add to this esteemed certification.

The North Carolina Certified Turfgrass Professional certification is excellent for individuals that did not get formally educated in turfgrass management and want to excel in the industry. This designation affirms you have the knowledge to manage turf in the most scientific way. Even if you did receive a turfgrass degree, NCCTP is an excellent addition to your credentials

You will need to maintain and be a current TCNC member and pay for the certification annually. You will also need to maintain your NCDA Pesticide License. Study material is purchased at the time you register for the certification. You will schedule a time to take the exam within a year of receiving the study material. The exam will be open book. The goal of the test is to demonstrate you know how to find the correct answer.

NC State’s Short Course has all of the information needed to take the NCCTP exam. Taking the exam right after participating in the NC State Short Course makes the exam much easier since the knowledge is fresh.

Clifford Ruth, Area Agent and Regional Certification Program Coordinator, Agriculture Buncombe County Center executes the exam in the western part of the state. He offers a course with study material that makes the exam easier to manage.

Please visit ncturfgrass.org or contact us at 919-459-270 or info@ncturfgrass.org to receive additional information about this certification or sign up to receive your North Carolina Certified Turfgrass Professional.

Kevin Herrmann

2021 TCNC President

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