2 minute read
On Alert
On Alert
California’s ban on gasoline engines up to 25 hp by 2024 should put every state that offers lawn care services of any kind on alert. This legislative move is going to be very harmful to the financial health of many LCO’s in that state.
The Turfgrass Council of North Carolina values the health of our environment and encourages manufacturers to find alternative ways to reduce harmful emissions wherever possible. However, this is a very expensive and potentially crippling change for many LCO’s and I feel there should have been a better compromise for all.
Buying new electric mowers and blowers is not an inexpensive venture. Not to mention the logistics needed for this new equipment. Electric lawn care tools have come a long way and appear to be improving. However, there are still hurdles to overcome to remain profitable when converting to all electric.
I am not going to go into the details of the legislative move since it is easy to find details online. However, this is a strong reminder as to why we need to stay informed and involved with decisions North Carolina government and local legislators are making that can affect the way our industry operates.
One way to do this is to continue supporting your professional associations. One of the benefits of being a member of TCNC is you also become a member of the Green Industry Council (GIC). GIC is the governing association legislative body for our industry. You can only be a member of GIC through a supporting association like TCNC.
The Green Industry Council, along with our industry's lobbyist, Dick Carlton, keep a close eye on any legislation moving through that could have an impact on our industry and livelihoods.
Kevin Herrmann
TCNC President