Improving Turfgrass Sustainability WITH
hen it comes time to reseed or renovate an area in the fall or spring, selecting the most suitable grass variety can be a challenging task. Over the years, plant breeders and seed companies have made significant advancements in enhancing their grasses through plant breeding. These improvements include developing grasses with resistance or increased tolerance to specific diseases, better drought tolerance, and an enhanced ability to withstand extreme climatic conditions. However, verifying these claims is crucial. To address this, various research programs conduct tests on new turfgrass varieties under different conditions, comparing them with standard grasses that have been used for many years. Research programs are essential in identifying new varieties of turfgrasses that stand out as premium performers and discovering how much they have improved. For instance, Kentucky 31 tall fescue, which was identified in Kentucky in 1931, is still available for purchase at most stores that sell grass seed today. The improvements in technology have increased efficiency and overall performance of turfgrasses, just like how cars have evolved from 1931 to today. Plant breeders make major improvements every year, with many of these new varieties being more efficient with fewer inputs and more adapted to difficult environments. Breeders look at several variables such as plant density, color, leaf thickness, disease resistance, drought tolerance, and traffic tolerance to improve turfgrasses.
By Kyley Dickson, Ph.D.
26 North Carolina Turf gr a ss
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