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Annual Meeting Highlights

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Collective Wisdom

Collective Wisdom

More than 120 members gathered on March 6, 2019 for NESTMA’s annual meeting and lunch held in conjunction with the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference in Providence, Rhode Island. The meeting provided a great opportunity for members — old and new — to connect, look back on the year that was, and plan for the coming season. Highlights included a “state of the association” update from NESTMA president Ben Polimer, a recap of the many ways the New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation supports local research from NERTF representative Mike Buras, association award and scholarship presentations, and a lively exchange of “great ideas” moderated by Ed Olsen. Many thanks to our friends at Tom Irwin for their generous support of this annual event.


NESTMA Presents Awards at Annual Meeting

Sport Turf Manager of the Year

NESTMA’s Sports Turf Manager of the Year is the highest honor NESTMA bestows upon one of its members. It recognizes a Sports Turf Manager who has made significant contributions to our industry.

Best management and maintenance practices, creative staffing and budgeting strategies, successful partnerships, technical research and improvements, and environmental stewardship — Roth Schmidgall has long been a respected member of our association and a valued resource for many of us. He’s always willing to share his knowledge and we got to see the results of his collaborative research and integration of sustainable practices last August when he hosted NESTMA’s Summer Field Day at Wellesley College. Congratulations Roth Schmidgall, Assistant Head of Grounds & Athletic Fields at Wellesley College — NESTMA’s Sport Turf Manager of the Year!

Roth’s father, Jack Schmidgall, was not able to attend but sent his best wishes via an email that was read during the awards ceremony. An excerpt follows:

“It is quite unique for a group of employees to share such undivided camaraderie amongst each other and perform at an outstanding level of facility management as you all do at Wellesley College. Your entire staff sets a great example of a successful operation. You’re a valuable asset to the group and help lead the team to top performance with refined detail. True attributes of a professional grounds and sports turf manager. As one of NESTMA’s founders, long term board director, past president and honorary member, [you have my] sincere admiration. While moving forward, openly share your knowledge, listen with respect, stay humble, lead with dignity and retain your passion for our great industry.”

NESTMA President Ben Polimer (Left) with NESTMA Sport Turf Manager of the Year Roth Schmidgall (Right)

Commercial Partner of the Year

NESMTA’s Commercial Partner of the Year recognizes an industry supplier who has gone above and beyond to help support the Sports Turf Management industry.

This year’s recipient is a successful businessperson and an involved member of the turf and irrigation communities. Kyle McNerney is the founder and owner of Smart Water Management, based in Hopkinton, MA. He is past president of the Irrigation Association of New England, is an EPA WaterSense Partner, and a member of the U.S. Green Building Council. He has been an active member of NESTMA and often shares his turf and water management knowledge by speaking at industry events. Kyle is certified in LEED AP O&M, in addition to having earned Irrigation Association certifications. Congratulations Kyle!

NESTMA President Ben Polimer (Left) with NESTMA Commercial Partner of the Year Kyle McNerney (Right)

Charles Mruk Student Scholarship

Garrett Maxey is this year’s recipient of the $1500 Charles Mruk Scholarship. He is a graduate student of Dr. Jason Henderson of the University of Connecticut. Garrick completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Missouri and was chosen as one of the five interns from across the country for the Boston Red Sox in 2013. His current research is focused on management of sports fields using pesticide-free approaches. He tells us he wants, “to become a leader in this industry by exhibiting the best management practices that produce the safest and highest quality playing surfaces for athletes.” Congratulations Garrett!

NESTMA President Ben Polimer (Left) with Charles Mruk Student Scholarship recipient Garrett Maxey (Right)

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