2 minute read
Behind the Scenes at NESTMA
The summer of heat, humidity and crabgrass is over! The good news is most of us used much less water than is normal for this time of year. Welltimed rain helps us do our job!
Your Board of Directors and management team have been working hard to make our association even stronger. Here’s a quick behind-the-scenes look:
• We continue to cultivate partnerships with allied organizations. Right now, we are collaborating with the New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, New England Preparatory School Athletic Association, New Hampshire Recreation and Parks Association, Vermont Parks Association, Massachusetts Association of Lawncare Professionals, and the New England Golf Course Superintendents Association. These organizations recognize NESTMA as a key provider of sports turf education in the region. Partnering with them allows us to share our expertise with other industry segments and expand our association’s reach across New England.
• The Board and the Trustees have authorized a generous donation to the UMASS Alumni Turf Group in honor of one of our founders and current Special Advisor, Mary Owen. We all know the impact that Mary has had on our industry and we want to give back. ATG will be honoring Mary at their annual golf tournament on September 3, 2019 and we hope to see many of you there.
• We are offering a great new way for members to get together and learn this winter. On December 3, 2019, we’ll hold our first ever Dinner Meeting featuring industry expert, Jim Brosnan, Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee. Jim will share his thoughts on how to effectively communicate about pesticide use. Join us for a relaxed evening where we can network, learning something new, and enjoy a delicious steak dinner. (Details on page 8). You’ll read more about the exciting things that are happening at NESTMA in this issue of The Blade. Want to lend a hand? We are always looking for volunteers to serve on committees, help with programs, host events at their facility, or serve on the Board of Directors.
NESTMA’s full-service headquarters and management team stand ready to help. Please reach out to them, or any Board member, with suggestions on ways we can continue to grow this great organization.
May your infields be playable and your turf green,
Ben Polimer
NESTMA President
Fields and Grounds Coordinator,
Town of Weston, MA
Ben Polimer, NESTMA President Fields and Grounds Coordinator, Town of Weston, MA