2 minute read
Mowing BMPs
Mowing Best Management Practices
• Mow natural turfgrass fields frequently to ensure a dense, uniform playing surface. If a sports field requires a change in height of cut (HOC), the height should be gradually adjusted until desired HOC is achieved by following the one-third rule of leaf removal.
• Consider using a plant growth regulator (PGR) as a regular management tool to reduce mowing frequency, clipping volume, and to improve mowing quality, turfgrass density, and overall plant health.
• Increase HOC prior to times of stress (such as drought or anticipated temperature extremes) staying within the tolerance range to increase photosynthetic capacity and rooting depth of plants.
• Increase mowing frequency during periods of rapid turfgrass growth and decrease during periods of slow growth.
• Vary mowing patterns.
• Properly maintain mowing equipment to maximize quality of cut.
• Use reel mowers whenever possible for maintaining turfgrass that requires HOC below 2”.
• Keep blades of reel and rotary mowers sharp and properly adjusted.
• Return clippings to canopy whenever possible to recycle nutrients and reduce the need for fertilizer inputs.
• Remove or disperse clippings when the clipping amount is excessive and could smother the underlying turfgrasses.
• Dispose of collected clippings properly. Options include composting or dispersing clippings evenly in natural areas.
Excerpted from SFMA’s National BMP guide, Best Management Practices for the Sports Field Manager: A Professional Guide for Sports Field Management. The full guide is available at https://www.sportsfield management.org/knowledge_center/bmps/