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President's Message
Advancing Professionalism
When I look at NESTMA’s membership ranks, I see an impressive group of professionals at the top of their game. From world-class stadiums to renowned institutions of higher learning, from prestigious prep schools to beloved community fields and recreational parks, our members are stewards of significant athletic fields and green spaces in communities across New England.
NESTMA members are well-educated, successful individuals with skill sets that demonstrate a high level of expertise, environmental sensitivity, and leadership. As an association, our ongoing objective is to offer programs and services instrumental to the growth and success of these professionals.
Publication of the new BMPs for New England and its companion webinar; sharing practical advice on managing operational budgets and decision-maker expectations through our “Budget Talk” webinar; and honoring top professionals at our Awards Meeting earlier this year are all great examples of how NESTMA is helping to advance professionalism.
NESTMA members are industry leaders who are constantly engaged in learning and improving themselves, their crews, and their facilities. Many have earned valued credentials such as Certified Sports Field Manager and Certified Ground Manager, as well as recognition for their facilities like SFMA’s Environmental Facility Certification. All these members are happy to share their experiences and help you do the same, all you need to do is ask.
“All boats rise with the tide,” and NESTMA stands ready to provide the leadership, content, and support you need to continue to advance in the sports turf profession.
Chris McGinty
NESTMA President