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2024 UConn Turf Field Day
By Victoria Wallace, University of Connecticut
U Conn turfgrass faculty shared updates about new or ongoing research projects with industry professionals at the 2024 Turfgrass Field Day on Thursday, July 25, 2024, at the UConn Plant Science Research Facility in Storrs, CT. More than 260 turfgrass professionals were welcomed to the biennial field day event by turfgrass faculty who led tour stops to highlight turfgrass research that supports interests across all turfgrass industry sectors. Attendees throughout New England represented industry professionals from all sectors of the turfgrass industry, including sports field managers, golf course superintendents, municipal and school grounds managers, landscape and lawn care professionals, teachers, and students.
The popular field day format allows UConn faculty to share research with turfgrass professionals. Research showcased sustainable maintenance practices that reduce inputs of water, fertilizer, and pesticides, which directly enhances and improves the health of the environment. Tour stops included updates about cultural management and fertility practices used to reduce disease; fungicide and biofungicide evaluations; the impact of sprayer travel speed on fungicide efficacy; low maintenance, native lawn alternatives; the effect of mower type and mowing height on mowing quality, turfgrass quality, and stress tolerance of turfgrass species; autonomous and conventional mowing strategies; NTEP and Alist cultivar evaluations of bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, and fine fescues; and plant health products and nitrogen source effects on sustainable turfgrass in landscapes. There were also several selfguided stops, which allowed visits to additional projects that were not included in the circuit of designated tour stops. Three afternoon educational sessions provided an opportunity for attendees to learn about or refresh their knowledge of calibration techniques, turfgrass and weed identification, and invasive plant management strategies. Commercial industry representatives also had space at the event to showcase their products or new technology.
“The day allows for easy interaction between turfgrass faculty and industry stakeholders. Attendees leave with information they can immediately use, and we hear more about the challenges and issues important to them. It’s a day-long, exciting extension and outreach activity where we get to directly share our research with stakeholders,” said John Inguagiato, associate professor of turfgrass science.
Alumni of the UConn turfgrass program had the opportunity to network with fellow turfgrass professionals and commercial business partners. Attendees also enjoyed the opportunity to take a brief break from day-to-day challenges of the season.