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500 Attended the Eastern PA Turf Conference in January

The 2020 Eastern Pennsylvania Golf, Lawn, Landscape and Sports Turf Conference and Trade Show was presented by the Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council and featured speakers from the University of Tennessee, Rutgers, Penn State Extension, the Baltimore Orioles, the United States Golf Association, and the United States Department of Agriculture.

The event will return to the Shady Maple Conference Center on Friday, January 22, 2021.


Elliott Dowling of the USGA

Nicole Sherry of the Baltimore Orioles

Tom Samples of the University of Tennessee

Trade Show

Special thanks to the following companies that sponsored the conference:

Helena Agri

Lawn and Golf Supply

Deer Country Farm & Lawn

Aqua-Aid Solutions


The Professional Grounds Management Society

PBI Gordon

Fisher and Son

Hummer Turfgrass

Turf Equipment and Supply Company


Plant Food Company

The event was offered in association with:

Lawn Care Association of PA

Central PA GCSAA

Professional Grounds Management Society

Keystone Athletic Field Managers Organization

Philadelphia Association GCS

Keystone Association GCS

Pennsylvania Recreation & Parks Society


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