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Change is the Only Constant
One year ago, our best laid plans for the coming season were perfectly clear. Well thought out agronomic programs required a little discretionary tweaking, our crews were polished and rested, and years of experience had us prepared for any weather or agronomic challenges that surely lay ahead.
Following a period of great uncertainty, Spring of 2020 blossomed into a renaissance of public utilization of our golf courses and parks with great zeal and veracity. Many of our properties were inundated with near record numbers of patrons as the public’s yearning for normalcy was found in the green spaces we so expertly tend to. Conversely, an unfortunate pall of silence fell over shuttered sports facilities, as entire seasons were repeatedly postponed, or even worse, cancelled. For all of us, this was hopefully a seamless exhibition of our best laid agronomic plans, polished staffing, and years of experience. Regardless of your circumstance, the mantra “Growing Grass is the Easy Part” rang loud and true early and often.
While great homage should be paid to our healthcare and public service workers, a sincere debt of gratitude is owed to those of you who confidently went about your business to provide and maintain these wonderful green spaces. Our recreational areas provided an outlet for exercise and safe socialization when so few destinations existed; truly an oasis in a desert of options. Whether or not we personally acknowledge it, our Yeoman’s work will echo far beyond the 2020 season. Untold stories of peaceful refuge sought by somebody struggling, a family enjoying time together on your grounds, or a child taking up a sport are woven into the fabric of the past year.
As we embark upon the 2021 season, we once again take what we learned yesterday and apply it to today; but just like every season, change is the only constant. Many of us took our lumps in 2020, whether it be running a Member/Guest on a skeleton crew, dragging a hose for what seemed like an eternity, or simply prevailing through the normal rigors of a season magnified by the turbulent world around us. Challenges like those make us better Turf Managers and hopefully better people. May the lessons learned and the wisdom obtained in the past 12 months benefit us all in the 2021 season and beyond.
Tom Fisher
2021 PTC President