Penn State News
A Passing of the Baton
The 2023 Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council George Hamilton Distinguished Service Award goes to:
ust as Emeritus Professor Al Turgeon named Andy McNitt his successor before retiring nearly ten years ago, Emeritus Professor Andy McNitt has named Dr. Ben McGraw as his successor to head all accredited degree programs in turfgrass at the Pennsylvania State University: • The Master of Professional Studies in Turfgrass Management (MPS-TM) degree program • The Bachelor of Science in Turfgrass Science (TURF) degree program • The Associate of Science in Turfgrass Science and Management (2TSM) degree program Congratulations on your appointment, Ben!
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14 Pennsylvania Turfgrass • Winter 2024
Mr. Jeff ‘Vern’ Borger (right), Senior Instructor Emeritus in Turfgrass Weed Management
ack at the end of the 20th Century, Jeff was working as a contractor when his dear friend and neighbor, Dr. George Hamilton, convinced him to begin a career in turf while supporting Dr. Tom Watschke’s Turfgrass Culture and Weed Management field research. Of course, it was also the late George Hamilton who gave Jeff the nickname ‘Vern.’ During the time serving as Dr. Watschke’s Turfgrass Weed Management Research Technician, Jeff pursued and earned a BS degree in Turfgrass Science and a master’s degree in Agronomy. Upon Tom Watschke’s retirement, Jeff took over his position. Over the next 18 years, Jeff aptly taught TURF 230, TURF 238, and TURF 425 to our BS degree students, and Turfgrass 923A and 925A to students in the two-year Golf Course Turfgrass Management Certificate Program. Jeff remains highly respected and recognized for his contributions to turfgrass weed management research and instruction. Moreover, Jeff did a great job planning the Educational Programs of the Western PA and Northeastern PA Turf Conferences for many years. Jeff also served as Chair of Educational Programming for the Eastern PA Conference in 2017 and 2018. Faculty and industry stakeholders across the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will long remember Jeff’s no-nonsense approach and dependable willingness to contribute when asked. Jeff is very honored to receive the PA Turfgrass Council George Hamilton Distinguished Service Award, especially considering it’s named after the man who got him started in the turfgrass industry. Please join the Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council in sincerely thanking Jeff for all his contributions. We wish Jeff, his wife Kathy, and his family the very best as he begins his retirement.