2 minute read

President's Message

NCGIC Works for You!

NCGIC Works for You!On July 26th, the Turfgrass Council of North Carolina was proud to help out and be a part of the 12th Annual NC Green Industry Council’s (NCGIC) Water Symposium held at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh.

The event was a great success with excellent topics and presenters, and we were so happy to see several TCNC members in attendance as well. This is an event that we hope even more members will attend next year. So, with that, I wanted to take this opportunity to make sure that as a TCNC member, you understand what an incredible resource the NCGIC is and why TCNC is committed to being a part of the NCGIC.

A portion of your membership dues provides membership (and a voice) to the NCGIC, so as a TCNC member, you are also part of the NCGIC.

The NCGIC has made a profound impact on our field and this profession. Over the last few years, it has specifically:

• Enabled the consistent recognition of our green industry professionals by the Department of Agriculture. During COVID 19, this recognition allowed many of our industry members to continue working as an essential business.

• Continued to focus on legislative laws that support the employment of quality, dependable, and diverse individuals.

• Served as a catalyst for the ability of irrigation specialists to install backflow systems.

• Partnered with NCDA and NCSU to conduct an Economic Impact Study (2005) that informed public policy and supported efforts by industry stakeholders to communicate the importance of the green industry for the North Carolina economy.

• Increased awareness and support of the irrigation profession through the establishment of certification.

So, if you are not yet taking full advantage of this part of your TCNC membership, I encourage you to do so. Please add next year’s NCGIC Water Symposium as a mustattend event. It will be sometime in the Spring/Summer, so keep an eye out for more information from us. We look forward to seeing you there.

Kevin Herrmann

TCNC President

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