1 minute read
In The Green Industry, Times They Are A Changin’
(with regards to Bob Dylan)
Heraclitus of Ephesus told us that “the one constant is change.” This is also true of today’s Green Industry. Your TNLA board is adapting to that change in many ways from our partnership with MTNA to bring you the annual TNGIE show (please visit www.TNGIE.com) to the youthful composition of our current board to our improved web efforts (visit us at www.TNLA.com). We also interact and collaborate with TDA, Farm Bureau, Tennessee Secondary Schools, Tennessee State’s Otis Floyd Nursery Research Center and many other partners. We also host various events — educational (field days and classroom forums), social (dinner and entertainment during the TNGIE show), and fun (the HRI Classic). We hope you’ll join us in helping our industry adapt to meet 21st century challenges.
Please participate on boards and committees when you can, and if you want to serve on the board, please let us know. You can also nominate deserving individuals and companies for awards. Please be looking for the call to do that soon. Also, there are scholarships for young people who are continuing their education in the green industry that students can apply for. Contact TNLA Director Louree Walker for more information on how to apply.
There is always more work to be done and areas to improve upon in order for us to meet our mission statement of “hard working people representing hard working people in the green industry.” We need your help and your input to achieve our goals. I look forward to meeting the challenges of 2019 and continuing the proud legacy of your Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association, established 1905.
Jon Flanders
TNLA President

Jon Flanders, TNLA President