From the President Jon Flanders
The Real Green Industry Is Made Up of Men and Women Like You TNLA Would like to
the following companies for being
Membership Sponsors Gold Membership Sponsors Barky Beaver Mulch & Soil Mix, Inc. Blankenship Farms and Nursery Botanico, Inc. Flower City Nurseries Living Earth Nashville Living Earth Knoxville Nashville Landscape Systems, Inc. Putnals Premium Pine Straw, Inc. Randall Walker Farms Samara Farms Swafford Nursery, Inc. Tennessee 811 Warren County Nursery, Inc.
Silver Membership Sponsors Carpe Diem Farms Dayton Bag & Burlap Co. Lee-Smith Isuzu Nufarm Americas, Inc. Southern Ag Scenic Hills Nursery Turf Mountain Sod 6
tennessee greentimes Summer 2019
I mentioned in my Spring message, your TNLA board is adapting to change in many ways but there is still work to be done. I believe our board and committees are still underrepresented in a few key demographics. We would like to see more women and minorities volunteer to serve on the board and committees. We know you are out there doing a lot of the work from the front office, to sales and service, to field production, to shipping. In order to help shape our agenda and get the recognition you deserve, we need to hear from you. Please step forward and tell us that you are willing and ready to serve. We’ve only had one female TNLA President, yet most companies have key female employees or owners. Good News — we are going to make this easy for you. New officers are formally nominated at the annual business meeting (but let us hear from you before then) held during the TNGIE Trade Show on September 12th–13th (please visit for all the details, dates, times, and location). Speaking of the trade show, if you need a booth or would like to be a sponsor please contact our Executive Director, Louree Walker at (931) 473-3951 or Another important event coming up soon is the Tennessee Green Industry Field Day which will be held at the UT Gardens on June 25, 2019 – for more information on the program, exhibitors, and sponsorships please contact Louree or visit our Events Leaf page on our website at Your TNLA board is genuinely committed to our mission statement, “hard working people representing hard working people in the green industry.” We are always looking for your input, feedback, and participation. Please do not forget to nominate deserving people for awards and scholarships, as well as to serve on the board and in committees. We need your help and your input to achieve our goals and move our industry forward. As always, I look forward to meeting the challenges of 2019 and continuing the proud legacy of your Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association, established 1905. Jon Flanders TNLA President