2 minute read
Essential? Yes, we are Essential!
When did any of us believe that we would need to argue that we are essential? The Covid-19 Pandemic has created a new set of rules and new way of approaching government and business. Fortunately, we have people in Tennessee that advocate for our industry and through members of this association, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, and the Governor’s office they saw to it that we can and will remain open. Had there not been swift action and “general” farm data provided that reflect the impact of agriculture on Tennessee, then perhaps our voices may not have been heard. In brief, I implore each of you to fill out the economic survey sent out last month because without real data on the economic impact of nursery production in this state, we may not get a seat at the table. We saw firsthand how critical data and particular dollar amounts matter when legislative decisions are being made when we faced a challenge to Pyrus calleryana last fall. If we are to continue to be considered essential, then fill out the survey. The survey will close June 5th.
To get a paper copy or a link to complete the survey electronically, contact Susan Schexnayder schexnayder@utk.edu 865.974.5495 or Amy Fulcher afulcher@utk.edu 865.974.7152.
CONTINGENCY PLANS 2020 Green Industry Day
June 16th, 2020
In order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 TNLA and UT will host a virtual field day. Stay Tuned!
At this point, the TNGIE trade show is still on for September 10–11, 2020 at the Wilson County Expo Center in Lebanon. Many new ideas are afoot and the trade show committee has been working diligently to modify and improve the registration process, education schedule, vendor representation, and an opening night reception. By the way, this is yet another reminder: We need you to help us recruit new members and sell booth space at the trade show. More foot traffic is needed to keep this event going and that is where you, the members, come in. Let everyone know about the date, the location, remind them of how nice the facility is, creative and unique education opportunities, multiple hotel choices, a reception and gala to attend, golf tournament, clay shoot, and the best selection of quality growers anywhere in the nation. We have a lot to be proud of and I hope you can help us market this unique event. Stay tuned to upcoming details which can be found by following our two social media channels on both Facebook www.facebook.com/TNLAMcminnvilleTN and Instagram www.instagram.com/ tnla1905.
It is evident that we are a resourceful and brave bunch of independent horticulturists and farmers, and one of the most impressive aspects of this 100 year old industry is that even though we are competitors, we support each other and through this solidarity, we too shall prevail. Even in these strange times, the nursery industry in Tennessee continues to thrive. If you will stick with the nursery business, it will stick with you.
“To cause worthwhile things to happen which might not have happened without us is one of the major satisfactions of life.” – Harold Butten
Respectfully submitted,
Bert Driver