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Spring Time and Sunshine
Leave it to good ole Tennessee weather to throw us a curve ball and give us the wettest February most of us have ever experienced, just in time for spring sports to begin. Nevertheless, as we try to dry out and move into spring, the work keeps coming with finishing up spring maintenance along with the busy spring sports schedules. I hope that everyone found enough breaks in the weather to get their early spring preemerge applications out and are set to have a successful 2019 growing season.
As the spring showers clear and the warm temps and sunshine roll in, let us be mindful of the upcoming TVSTMA events. Our next event is the annual field day on July 31st. This year’s field day will be at Wears Farm City Park in Pigeon Forge, TN. This is a great opportunity to see and demo all the latest equipment the sports turf industry has to offer. This includes mowers, aerifiers, fraze mowers, painters and more. Basically, anything you could imagine, so be sure to put it on your calendar and attend.
Last, I want to thank everyone who attended the spring meeting at Jim Warren Park in Franklin on March 6th. Also want to give a special thanks to Paige Cruise, John Wagnon, and the rest of the staff at the City of Franklin for hosting. It was a fantastic meeting packed full of great speakers and a wealth of knowledge.
Ben Hutton 2019
TVSTMA President