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The Heat is On!
What a year it has been already with the changes in temperature and this recordbreaking rainfall. We as turf professionals have certainly had our challenges so far this year. Warm season grasses have been a challenge getting them to green up so that we can sprig and do renovations to our courses, ball fields or commercial projects. Cool season grass has also had its issues with brown patches the first week of May.
Hats off to you and your crews for making sure your projects come out the way you intended them to. I have been on many golf courses and athletic renovations already this year. What you guys go through keeping them up and moving forward is impressive. We have to do some of the same things here at the sod farm so that we can be ready for your next project because we want to make sure that we have the best grass that we can provide to you.
I feel I learn from the best, you! I go to all the classes and winter conferences and listen to everybody and their problems, so we can hopefully not run into the same problems. And speaking of learning opportunities, UT Field Day is August 29. If you haven’t planned to come, you need to be there and bring your crew. You will be surprised at what they will learn just by listening and talking to their peers and what they can apply to your next project!
Hope to see you there…
Jason Pooler
TTA President