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Standing Strong
First of all, I sincerely hope this message finds everyone safe and healthy. Thus far, I would have to say, our industry has stood strong during these uncertain times with most all facets of turf related businesses operating in a challenged but productive manner. Since our last issue, many things have changed with nationally and locally issued guidelines on how to best manage our way through the COVID-19 pandemic.
With such dynamic shifts in policy and unpredictable restrictions, seemingly on a daily basis, it has been determined that it is in the best interest of our association and members to hold this year’s conference and show in a virtual format.
While the luxury of directly networking with peers not being possible this year, our committees are working hard to put together a top-flight educational program that will closely follow the format of our last several conferences. CEU’s and pesticide applicator certification points will likewise be available for attending online educational sessions. All of the above will be possible to take advantage of in the safety of your home or office.
As we continue into these uncertain times, it is important that we all take a special interest in our association. We work with a relatively limited budget that relies on conference income to fund most of its activities and to remain solvent. With fewer dollars generated without an onsite conference and trade show we will, more than ever, be relying on member participation in this year’s event. With travel costs not being part of the equation, I encourage members to ask others that would normally not attend to consider taking advantage of this year’s online educational offerings.
Please stay tuned for final program information to be published in upcoming issues and at
– in the meantime, wishing all members safe and healthy times ahead.
Douglas Ward
TTA President