2 minute read
From the TTA President
Looking Ahead
With fall definitely in the air and turf management details on a slightly different perspective many of us shift our focus to seasonal housework and projects, while ultimately looking ahead to next year’s agenda.
Likewise, the months ahead typically afford us the time to take advantage of educational opportunities provided by various industry associates and product manufacturers.
Certainly, our own TTA Conference and Show is one of the best values to be taken advantage of. As mentioned in our last issue, several exciting tweaks and improvements have been crafted into this year’s event.
With the fact that we will be returning to our traditional “in person” format for 2022, I am confident that everyone will be provided with a fresh and rewarding educational experience and professional gathering.
So please, make it a priority to put this event on your calendar and make plans to take advantage of everything this year’s program has to offer.
Lastly, I would like to close with two words of encouragement:
• We are always glad to hear from members that are willing to serve on our Board of Directors. If you or anyone you know is interested in serving our association, please bring that to the attention of our Executive Secretary, Melissa Martin, or one of our Board Members. It is a great way to give back to our association.
• As your plans are formed for this year’s TTA Conference, I would like to encourage everyone to register as soon as possible to assist our staff with logistics and conference services. It’s a small thing, but it will help in a big way!!!
Wishing everyone a pleasant fall season and hope to see you in January.
Doug Ward
TTA President